to be out-of-doors and away from their watchful eyes.

  Even though Joffrey was head of housekeeping, things

  seemed to be a little more finely tuned when Price was in

  attendance. Stacy couldn't help but wonder if Joffrey was

  rather remiss in his duties. It didn't seem possible, since even

  when in good humor Tanner was a demanding lord. But as Stacy thought about her weeks at Winslow, she realized the

  staff was not lax when he was present but only with her.

  The thought caused her to frown, and she sat back on her

  heels. She didn't know what to do about the situation. Stacy

  knew that if it came to an out-and-out battle, she would wash

  her own clothes and get her own meals before she would

  confront anyone. Just the thought of confrontation made her

  stomach ache.

  Stacy went back to her weeding, but her stomachache did

  not go away. It was then that she realized the sun had dropped

  low in the sky. It was dinnertime, and she was famished

  Pushing herself off the ground, she moved toward the house.

  Rayna was there to meet her, and Stacy, hungry as she was,

  enjoyed a leisurely bath. She knew the evening was going to

  drag with Tanner away, and a long soak in a tub filled with

  scented salts was just what she needed

  Supper was delicious, but by the time Stacy finished, she

  missed Tanner so much she didn't know how she would pass

  the evening. She opted for a book from the library and was

  headed that way when he came in the front door. Not caring in

  the least if the servants were watching, Stacy flew into his



  "I missed you," she told him as he bent so she could put

  her arms around his neck, pressing her soft cheek to his. It

  took Stacy a moment to realize she was not being hugged in

  return. He dropped a kiss on her nose before she moved back

  in order to stare up at him. She stood back and looked at her

  husband, whose arms were behind his back.

  "I miSsed you too," Tanner told her as he straightened, but

  Stacy's mind was now on his arms.

  "You're hiding something."

  "Indeed I am."

  Stacy tried to move around him, but Tanner simply moved

  with her and kept his secret concealed. Stacy finally stood s till

  again and faced him.

  "Is it for me?" she asked with a smile.

  "Quite possibly," Tanner answered and Stacy saw how

  much he was enjoying this. She put her own hands behind her

  back and simply stared at him.

  "Did you stay busy today?" Tanner asked.

  "Yes," Stacy said simply, but couldn't stand the .suspense

  any longer. "Do I get to see what it is?"

  "Are your hands clean?" Tanner asked, sounding much

  like a parent. He ruined the effect, however, when his eyes lit

  with suppressed laughter.

  Stacy, like an obedient child, brought her hands forward

  for his inspection.

  "You've been digging in the dirt, haven't you?"

  "Guilty as charged," she told him and joined his inspection

  of her chipped nails.

  Tanner gave a deep, mock sigh and brought a large box out

  from behind his back

  "I'm not sure this is fitting for an urchin like yourself, but

  here it is."

  Stacy's eyes widened in a way that Tanner loved, and he

  held the bottom of the parcel while she removed the lid and

  drew forth an exquisite gown.

  "Oh, Tanner," Stacy breathed. "It's lovely."

  "This is to replace the one you don't like."


  Stacy held the dress out in front of her and stared The

  ss was a very pale pink silk with snow-white lace. The skirt

  multiple gathers at the waist before falling straight to the

  )r without ruffle or layer. The bodice and sleeves were

  jjboth of bertha styling, and Stacy did not have another dress

  j Jlke it in her wardrobe. It was the most wonderful gown she'd

  i ever seen.

  Gently hugging it to her, she spoke. "I'm going to save this I for something very special."

  "Anything you wish," Tanner told her, feeling inordinately

  pleased at her response. He really had thought about her way

  too much, but she was obviously worth every reflection.

  The evening turned out to be a wonderful surprise for

  Stacy since Tanner was home early and wanted to eat in the

  privacy of his sitting room. Stacy sat with him through the

  meal, and they talked of their day apart. When Tanner finished

  his meal, he dismissed the servants early and they were

  left alone until morning.


  : trip the next morning. In fact, we'll take the day off. We'll

  fsleep late and be very lazy all day and do anything you want."

  Tanner kissed her cheek and moved toward the door,

  I telling her over his shoulder that he had some work to do in

  his study. Stacy lifted her coffee cup very slowly to her lips. She

  simply didn't know how to tell her husband that his business

  trip was going to keep him away for her birthday, October 3.

  september was drawing to a close when Tanner told Stacy

  he was going to have to be away for a few days. Stacy listened

  in silent dismay as he told her casually that he would have to

  leave on the second of October and would not return until late

  on the third

  "Edmond insists that we go and see some breeding stock. I

  don't know why he doesn't want to part with his own brass for

  such nonsense, but he assures me this is an investment I can't

  pass up."

  "Did you want me to come with you?" Stacy offered,

  hoping her voice sounded normal.

  "Thank you for offering, my sweet, but I can assure you

  this trip will be dry-as-dust--strictly business. It's also going

  to be rather rushed because I want to be back home as soon as

  I can."

  "I'll ask cook to prepare something special," Stacy said, a

  sudden idea springing to mind, "and we'll dine together when

  you return."

  Tanner stood from his place at the breakfast table and

  came toward her.

  "I love the idea, sweetheart," he told her as he stood by her

  place, "but I'll be very late that night. Hopefully I can slip into

  bed without disturbing you, and then I can tell you all about

  "He's planning a surprise party," Stacy spoke out loud,

  causing Rayna to come back into the dressing room.

  "Did you call me, my lady?"

  "No, Rayna," Stacy told her with a smile. "I was just talking

  to myself."

  Rayna nodded and Stacy settled back in the tub, a huge

  smile of contentment covering her face.

  Two slow days had passed since Tanner had announced

  his plans to be gone. He had been busy and didn't notice

  anything out of the usual in his wife, but Stacy had agonized

  over whether or not to tell him.

  Now there was no need. It was all a ploy to throw her off

  guard. Tanner was simply pretending not to be aware of her

  birthday so he could come home early and surprise her. Stacy

  lay back in the tub until her water grew cold. All she could

  think about was the wonderful man she had m

  "If I didn't know better, I would think you're glad to see

  me go," Tanner commented the morning he was scheduled to



  Stacy chuckled softly. "Don't be silly," she told him, straightening

  his cravat. "I even offered to go with you, remember?"

  Tanner studied her soft, mischievous eyes and felt fear

  spiral through him. Leslie had never been sorry to see him

  leave. It took years before he learned that it was because she

  had never been without other men. The last one was his


  "Tanner, is something wrong?"

  Tanner shook his head to dispel the images that had leapt

  into his mind.

  "No," he forced the word as he turned toward the door.

  "I'd best be on my way."

  "All right," Stacy's voice was uncertain now. He hadn't

  even kissed her goodbye. She followed him all the way downstairs

  and out the door, finally coming to a standstill on the

  porch to watch him stride away. When Tanner stopped just

  short of boarding the coach and turned back to her, Stacy

  spoke, her voice not able to mask her confusion.

  "Take care of yourself, Tanner. Tell Edmond I said hello."

  Tanner said something too softly to be heard and was back

  in front of her in six strides. He pulled her almost fiercely into

  his arms, Stacy was breathless when he released her, but she

  managed a few more words.

  "I love you, Tanner."

  He didn't speak, but his gaze softened and the back of his

  hand came up to stroke her cheek before he turned, strode to

  the carriage, and was driven away.

  Stacy didn't stand on the steps for very long. She was too

  excited about her coming birthday. With her own long-legged

  steps she mounted the stairs to make certain her dress was

  perfectly pressed for the following night.

  It was close to midnight before Tanner made his way up

  the stairs on the night of the third. Price, who had not traveled


  with him this time, was in attendance, and without a word

  Tanner undressed and moved soft-footedly into the bedroom

  and toward the bed He was nearly on top of it before he

  realized that the covers had been turned down but the bed

  was empty.

  With a feeling of dread, one that had hung with him since

  he'd left, he walked toward Stacy's dressing room. Finding it

  empty, he moved to the sitting room.

  Stacy, dressed in her new gown, was seated by the fire, and

  sitting very upright in a chair. As he approached, Tanner saw

  that she was awake and staring at him. Upon seeing the new

  dress, anger rose within him so swiftly he thought he would

  explode. She had known he would not be home until late. For whom had she dressed?

  "Why are you up and dressed like that?" Tanner was

  amazed that in his anger his voice sounded so normal.

  When Stacy answered she did not sound guilty, only

  unhappy. "I thought you were giving me a surprise party."

  A stunned silence followed this announcement as the

  anger drained out of Tanner.

  "I am giving you a surprise party," he admitted after

  several heartbeats. "On your birthday, the thirtieth,"

  Tanner heard her sigh.

  "Whom did you ask about the date of my birthday?"

  "Lucinda," Tanner answered, feeling more confused than


  Stacy actually managed a small laugh. "Lucinda has never

  been able to get dates straight. My grandfather's birthday is

  the thirtieth, not mine."

  The room was silent for a full 30 seconds.

  "Anastasia," Tanner finally said, his voice deep and intense,

  "are you trying to tell me that today is your birthday?"

  The question was no more out of his mouth than the clock

  on the mantel chimed 12 times. When it ended, Stacy answered


  "It was yesterday, actually. I thought you knew, Tanner, and


  that your trip was a cover for a surprise party. That's why I didn't tell you."

  Tanner's relief over the fact that she'd not been with

  another man was short-lived. He'd missed his wife's birthday.

  In just a few strides he was before Stacy's chair, taking her

  hands and pulling her into his embrace. Tanner's heart pounded

  with dread as he held her tightly against him.

  "You're crushing my new dress," Stacy told him, but her

  concern was halfhearted.

  "I'll buy you a new one--I'll buy a closet full of new.

  dresses." The words came from above her as Tanner rested his

  chin on her head and continued to hold her close.

  "I'm all right, Tanner," Stacy told him. "I wasn't all right

  before you came home, but I am now."

  Tanner's eyes slid shut with pain. He hated the thought

  that she must have urged Rayna to do her best, and then sat in

  her room, looking beautiful and waiting for a party that never


  "I'll make this up to you." Tanner now held her by the arms

  and tried to study her face in the small glow of the fire.

  "There is no need," Stacy assured him. "I understand, and

  it wasn't your fault."

  He ignored her words. "Would you like your present


  "You have my present?" Stacy was indescribably pleased.

  She told herself that it wasn't the day itself that mattered, but

  the celebration. At the moment it suited her fine that her

  birthday "party" was going to be just her and Tanner, sitting

  together while she opened her gift.

  "Wait here," Tanner urged, and Stacy stood still for the

  minutes he was gone. It took a little time, but when he returned

  he was carrying a jeweler's box and a lighted lantern.

  He lit the other two on the mantel before presenting the box

  to Stacy.

  "Happy birthday, sweetheart."

  Stacy opened the top and gasped. Inside lay a necklace.


  There didn't seem to be any more to it than gold and diamonds,

  seemingly hundreds of them.

  "Oh, Tanner. It's simply breathtaking."

  "I take it you like it?"

  "I love it, but--"

  "But what?" Tanner prompted her when she stopped and

  looked at him in horror.

  "What if I lose it?"

  Tanner made a low sound in his throat, one of complete


  "I'll buy you another." This said he lifted the priceless

  object from its bed of satin and hooked it around his wife's

  neck. Stacy was trembling as she looked in the mirror that

  hung over the mantel.

  "Oh, Tanner." Stacy didn't seem capable of other words.

  Without warning she turned and threw her arms around his

  neck. She tried to thank him then, but was interrupted by a

  huge yawn that she simply couldn't suppress.

  "We'd better get to bed." Tanner's voice was amused

  Stacy yawned again. "Would you mind if I didn't come

  right now, Tanner?"

  The change in him was instantaneous. "No." His voice was

  cold, belying the word. "What is it you need to do?"

  "It's nothing," Stacy assured him quickly, startled by the

  change in him and the note
of intolerance in his tone. "If you'll

  unbutton me, I'll get ready for bed"

  It was as if a bucket of ice had been thrown on their

  celebration. Tanner knew he'd caused it with the tone of his

  voice, but her reluctance to join him in bed disturbed him no


  In silence he unbuttoned Stacy. She reached for the back

  of her neck and unhooked the necklace. Standing still, necklace

  grasped in her hand, she watched her husband stalk from

  the sitting room. By the time she gained the bedroom, Tanner

  was in bed. For the first time there seemed to be a wall

  between them. Tanner told her goodnight but did not touch


  "Thank you for the necklace," Stacy said from her side of

  the bed.

  "You're welcome," Tanner answered briefly, leaving Stacy

  in the dark as to what she had done or how she was supposed

  to fix it.

  An hour later Stacy lay listening to Tanner's even breathing

  and knew she was going to have to get up. It had all been so

  innocent. If only she had told him right away that she needed

  something to eat, he might not have grown angry. Stacy silently

  sighed at her own lack of courage, her own inability to

  stand up for herself.

  With very subtle and quiet movements, she slipped from

  the covers. She didn't light a lantern until she'd reached her

  sitting room and then carried it out into the hall. If Tanner had

  been hungry, he'd have rung for a meal, but Stacy couldn't

  bring herself to wake someone just to wait on her.

  She had just entered the kitchen and set the lantern down

  when her husband's voice sounded behind her. He was coldly


  "What are you doing down here?"

  "Oh, Tanner," Stacy's hand flew to her throat. "You startled


  "Answer my question." He ignored her fear. "What are you

  doing down here?"

  "I'm sorry I woke you. I tried to go to sleep, I really did, but

  I'm hungry and I thought if I ate something, I could sleep. I'll

  come back up now so you won't be disturbed."

  Stacy picked up the lantern, but Tanner didn't move. Stacy,

  afraid of angering him more, simply held her place.

  "Why didn't you tell me?" Tanner was calming.

  "I wanted to, but you seemed so upset. I thought I could

  wait until morning,"


  "Why didn't you ring for something?"

  Stacy shrugged, feeling miserably inadequate to be a

  [duchess. But that was not all. Things had not been completely