Page 17 of Redemption

  "That's nothing new," William said as he slapped Timber on the shoulder. "Not with that ugly mug of his."

  Jack turned his glare on William but his exceptionally brave friend only smiled pleasantly in return. Jack's attention was diverted from him when Hannah slipped from the kitchen with two plates of food in her hands. She placed them in front of two women just outside the kitchen door. He recognized one of the women from the store down the road but his attention remained riveted on Hannah.

  The smile that spread over her mouth was warm as it lit her beautiful features and caused her green eyes to sparkle as brightly as a piece of jade held up to the sun. Her eyes slid to him, her smile slipped away as she ducked her head. She turned her attention back to the humans.

  "I think he's got his prey in sight," Timber said.

  Jack waited for William's wise ass retort but for once he seemed to have no words. That was something Jack hadn't even thought was possible. He forced his attention away from Hannah and back to his friends. William's hands were now the ones clenched around his cards, his mouth hung ajar. All the color had drained from his face to expose the faint freckles that he had mainly outgrown over the years, and were usually unnoticeable beneath his tan.

  The look on his face caused Jack to brace himself for the stake he was certain was about to be plunged into his heart. He'd been so focused on Hannah that he'd dropped his guard, and he was certain he was now going to pay for that with his life.

  Then, he heard the voice behind him and he thought he almost would have preferred to be staked. "So this is what you would rather do than spend your upcoming birthday with your siblings?"

  William remained tongue-tied and unmoving but Jack finally forced himself to turn and face his extremely disapproving looking sister-in-law. The bloodlust and discomfort he had just been feeling was doused by the shock and joy that filled him at the sight of her. He hadn't realized just how much he'd missed the family he'd left behind until that instant.

  Aria folded her arms over her chest; her crystalline blue eyes were narrowed upon her brother. She was wearing a pair of lightweight, beige pants and a thin green shirt like the kind he'd often seen her sporting in the woods. Her dark auburn hair hung in a braid over her shoulder to the middle of her chest. The bow that had been her constant companion in the woods was slung over her back. She may be a queen now but she would never shake her forest heritage and hoydenish ways.

  "Aria?" Jack asked in disbelief.

  Her eyes slid to his as she glowered at him. "Well it's certainly not my ghost."

  He'd walked right into that one, he realized with an inward groan. His gaze slid past her as he searched for his brother, but he didn't see Braith amongst the patrons in the establishment. He had to be around somewhere, Aria was more than capable of taking care of herself but Braith would never allowed her to travel this far on her own.

  Then, the door opened and Braith stepped through it with Daniel on his heels. Braith's eyes searched quickly over the occupants of the tavern before settling upon his wife. The scowl that spread over his face wasn't quite as fierce as the one Aria was still bestowing on them.

  Daniel followed behind him as Braith turned his large frame sideways to maneuver through the tables and chairs. The clothing he wore wouldn't have distinguished him as the king as they were also the same loose fitting garb that the rebels had worn, and that he and William still sported. Jack still found it odd to see his brother without the black glasses that had shadowed his gray eyes for a hundred years before he'd met Aria. As Braith got closer, Jack saw that the faint scars encircling his eyes had faded even more since Jack had last seen him.

  "I told you to stay close," Braith growled at Aria when he stepped up to the table.

  "I'm perfectly fine." She waved her hand absently at him before her attention shifted back to her twin. "Are you going to hug me or not?" she demanded.

  The color was finally returning to William's face as he focused on the bow and arrows on her back. "Are you going to shoot me?"

  "It's a possibility," she confirmed.

  "It's a definite possibility," Braith assured him. "Jack," he greeted with a smile and extended his hand.

  Jack eyed Aria, half afraid she might shoot him too, as he rose to his feet and took hold of his brother's hand. "Braith, it's good to see you," he said honestly. "How are you?"

  "I was better when I was spending the night in my own bed, instead of traipsing across the countryside looking for the two of you."

  For the first time in a couple of days he didn't feel like killing something or someone as he released a small laugh. He owed his brother an apology for what he had put him and Aria through, and he had a feeling Braith would get a good laugh over what Hannah was doing to him now. "I bet you were."

  William finally rose to his feet. He continued to eye Aria as if she might make him start singing soprano at any minute but he made his way around the table toward her. Aria finally dropped the scowl and broke into a wide smile as she threw her arms around her brother. William lifted her off the ground as he hugged her tightly and dropped her back to the floor.

  "Our birthday's not for a couple of weeks, what are you doing here?" William asked her.

  "Daniel and I missed you," she told him.

  "A lot," Braith muttered but though he was trying to look displeased with William, Jack saw the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he watched his wife.

  "We wanted to see you," Aria continued.

  "She was determined to see you," Daniel said as he stepped forward and embraced his brother. "So was I."

  William hugged them both again. "I'm glad you were."

  "What's with the beard?" Aria inquired as she tugged at the hair along his chin.

  He grinned as he rubbed at the trimmed beard. "Just trying something new."

  She frowned at him before giving a brief nod. "I like it."

  She extricated herself from her siblings and held her arms out as she turned to Jack. "Don't shoot me either," he told her.

  She laughed as she hugged him. "Never. It's good to see you Jack, thank you for keeping him alive."

  "I'd be terrified not too," he replied honestly as he released her. "How did you manage to get away?" Jack asked Braith.

  Braith rolled his broad shoulders back as he shrugged. "Ashby, Max, and Gideon can handle things for a little while."

  The door opened again and much to Jack's astonishment, Xavier stepped inside. The dark skinned, stocky vampire's black eyes landed upon them immediately. The tribal tattoos and flames licking against his chin and neck made more than a few heads turn in his direction as he walked across the room. "Xavier volunteered to travel through the woods with you?" Jack asked in disbelief.

  "He still watches over Aria, even though she doesn't need it as much," Braith answered.

  "She always needs it," William retorted.

  Aria returned to glaring at him as she folded her arms over her chest. "And just what have you been up to?" she demanded.

  "Well that's a long story, sit down and I'll tell you some of it," William offered.

  "I still can't believe you were able to get away," Jack said to Braith.

  "Like he had a choice once Aria decided that this was what she was going to do," William said.

  He was going to sit down when Braith yanked the chair out from under him. William landed on the floor with an inelegant hmmph. The patrons closest to them turned to look, a few of them snickered, and a few others looked like they were ready to jump into what they were certain was about to become a brawl. Jack's attention was brought back to Hannah as she took a step toward them. Jack gave her a reassuring wave though. Her forehead furrowed as she studied the new arrivals and then turned toward William.

  "I didn't miss you," Braith told him as he turned the chair around and held it out for Aria to sit down.

  "Be nice," she said as she slid onto the seat.

  "I am being nice," Braith replied as he eased her chair into the table.

  "Just as testy as ever," William muttered. He grabbed hold of the table and pulled himself to his feet. "I only meant that she would have come on her own if you didn't agree to go with her."

  Braith continued to shoot daggers at him with his eyes for a minute before turning away. Jack sat in his seat again while Xavier, Daniel, Braith, and William hunted down more chairs and pulled them up to the table. "Timber," Aria greeted. "Long time no see."

  "Aria," he said with a tilt of his mug to her. "Glad to see that becoming an undead queen didn't change you much."

  She flashed a smile as she pulled the bow and arrows from her back and rested them against the table next to Jack's. Hannah's eyes were questioning as she walked toward the table. Jack held her gaze, uncertain of how she would react to the newest patrons in her bar. She was touchy enough about his royalty status, never mind Braith and Aria's.

  "Can I get you something?" she inquired as she stepped next to Braith's side.

  Braith shook his head but Daniel ordered some food and Xavier ordered a drink. Jack watched as she glanced back at them before disappearing into the kitchen. "How did you find us?" William asked.

  "Asked around and followed your trail through the towns," Aria replied.

  "The last town informed us that you had pulled some of the guards that had been stationed there," Braith said.

  "What's going on?" Aria demanded.

  Jack glanced around the crowded bar and at the group of Calvin's men still sitting at the table nearby. "We can discuss that later. For now, let's just catch up."

  Braith's eyes were astute as they met his but he seemed willing to let it go as he settled in his chair and folded his arms over his chest.


  The sun was beginning to rise as Hannah closed the last shutter over the window and took a step back. She glanced at the large group still gathered around one of the tables. There had been a lot of laughter and cheers from the group over the last few hours, but now the talk had become subdued as night gave way to day. The redheaded woman had curled up within the large man's lap, her hand rested against his chest as her eyelids drooped.

  Jack had tried to speak with her a couple of times over the night but the tavern had been busier than usual and she hadn't been able to get away. Plus, she was a little uncertain about the newest arrivals and she was especially uncertain as to where she and Jack stood after the other night. Maybe he had decided that he was wrong about the whole bloodlink thing after all.

  Her attention was brought back to the table as William began to tap the handle of his knife on the wooden surface. The new group seemed to know Jack and William extremely well, and if the hair color was any indication she would assume that William and the woman were related. It couldn't be his sister though, it simply couldn't, there was no way the queen would be wearing that outfit and sitting here in her tavern.

  Jack glanced up at her and rose. Hannah hesitated as he waved his hand for her to join them. She was hesitant to join the group and even less unsure if she should join him. There was something about them that was a little disconcerting. Straightening her shoulders, she wiped her hands on her apron before walking over to them.

  "Hannah," Jack said as she stepped in between him and the handsome blond haired man that had arrived with the group. "I'd like for you to meet my brother Braith, his wife Aria, Aria and William's older brother Daniel, and our friend Xavier."

  Hannah hadn't heard much of the introductions as a strange ringing had begun in her ears after he had announced that the large man with black hair, holding the woman in his lap, was the king. He was an exceptionally handsome man and as she looked between him and Jack, she could see the resemblance, but she didn't find him as handsome as Jack. Her mouth was unreasonably dry as Aria, the queen, lifted her head and nodded toward her in greeting. Somehow she managed to remember her manners enough to finally find her voice again.

  "Your Majesties," she greeted and attempted to curtsey.

  "There's no need for that," Aria stated as she sat up in her husband's lap and swung her legs down. "Especially if you're Jack's friend."

  She wasn't sure what she was to Jack, but she supposed she could almost be considered a friend. She didn't know how to respond to Aria either; thankfully Jack saved her from having to do so by grabbing a chair from the table next to them and placing it beside his. "I was just telling them a little about this town," he said as he waited for her to sit. Hannah's temper prickled as she glanced up at him. Just how much had he told them about this town, and her? "And how Calvin had been running it until quite recently."

  She couldn't stop herself from continuing to stare at him as he settled into the chair next to her. "What about it?" her voice was far tenser than she had expected but she couldn't shake the sense of betrayal that was growing within her.

  "I was simply telling Braith that there had been issues with Calvin but none that were punishable, at least none that I've seen since arriving here."

  "Is that all?" she asked pointedly.

  His forehead furrowed and then cleared. "Yes, that is all," he assured her as he took hold of her hand. The gesture startled her so much that she almost jerked her hand back, but the connection that came with his touch helped to ease the tension within her. "Have there been things that could be used against him?"

  "There have been numerous things," Uncle Abe chimed in as he entered the room from the kitchen. "But they were all under your father's rule, when such things were still allowed. He rules by fear and intimidation now, his laws are strict, but Calvin has been careful not to do anything outright illegal since the laws were changed." Heath peeked out from behind uncle Abe's back but the young boy didn't come any closer. Lucas remained leaning against the doorway of the kitchen, his foot tapping against the ground as he watched them. "That vampire is a psychopath, but he's an extremely intelligent psychopath."

  "If there is one thing I've learned it's that someone like that is incapable of completely changing," Braith said as he rested his hand on the table with the palm flat against it.

  "You think he's still doing something he shouldn't?" Jack inquired.

  "I'd stake my life on it."

  "Let's not do that," Aria said as she rested her hand over Braith's.

  Hannah found herself fascinated by them. It was more than just a bloodlink between them, she saw; there was a genuine love that shone from both of their eyes. For the first time in her life she realized that it was something she wanted as she became even more aware of Jack's hand around hers. His thumb sliding over her skin sent delicious shivers down her spine. They'd been staying away from each other for too many days and for the life of her she couldn't remember why right now.

  "But since I'm not my father, and this man has rights, we can't just go barging into his home," Braith continued. "Does he go anywhere else that you know of? Somewhere that he may be doing something illegal?"

  "Just the blood bank as far as I know," Hannah answered honestly.

  "We'll just have to figure something else out then," Jack assured her.

  "I wouldn't mind getting some sleep first though," Braith said. "Is there somewhere we can stay here?"

  "There are only two rooms left above," Ellen answered from where she had been standing on the stage.

  "Daniel can bunk with me," William offered.

  "That will do then," Braith said. He kept hold of Aria, lifting her with him as he rose. A small bubble of laughter escaped her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "I'll show you to the rooms," Lucas volunteered as Xavier rose to his feet.

  Hannah watched most of the group disappear upstairs but though she was exhausted she found herself unwilling to move as Jack's hand remained wrapped around hers. She wasn't ready to let him go yet. "We'll see you tonight Hannah," Uncle Abe said from the doorway.

  She waved to him as he slipped out the door with Ellen and Heath. Hannah was uncertain what to say or do as she turned back to Jack. "Your brother and the others seem very nice," she said.
  "They are."

  "Did you know they were coming?"

  "No, I would have given you notice if I had," he assured her.

  She smiled as she finally met his gaze again. "I'm not entirely sure there is enough notice for that."

  "I didn't tell them anything about you, but Braith isn't stupid, he'll realize that most of the vampires in this town are not normal soon enough. He won't judge any of you because you're different."

  Her gaze drifted to the stairs. "I just never know how someone is going to react to us."

  He gently grasped hold of her chin, drawing her eyes back to him. She couldn't tear her gaze away from his as she found herself entranced by the blue flecks that danced within the gray depths of his eyes. "I understand." His thumb caressed over her chin briefly before slipping away. "I'm going to keep you safe Hannah, no matter what it takes."

  Searching his gaze, she was amazed to realize that she believed him. She didn't know when it had happened but somehow he had managed to break down the walls erected around her heart after years of distrusting strangers. He had wiggled his way into her life and won her trust.

  "You must be tired," he said.

  "Exhausted," she admitted.

  Taking hold of her hand, he helped her to her feet and pushed the chair in. If she hadn't known better she would have thought she'd been holding his hand her entire life as it felt so right within hers. She knew, without a doubt, that she could continue to hold his hand for the eternity that was spread out before her.

  She didn't even notice she was walking until they were standing outside her bedroom door. Reality returned as she looked up and down the hall, they'd never had all seven rooms filled up before she realized. She also knew that she was just trying to distract herself from the man standing at her side by focusing on that fact.

  "I would like to thank you, for helping us. You didn't have to," she finally managed to say.

  "I didn't have a choice really."

  She was forced to look up at him when he placed his hand against the wall beside her head and leaned closer to her. He was by far the most overwhelming, enticing man she'd ever met. Before she knew what she was doing, her fingers were resting against his chest. Though they were slightly cooler than humans, she could feel the heat of his body through the thin fabric of his shirt.