Page 7 of Redemption

  Unable to resist anymore, her eyes slid toward Jack as he stepped away from the rack. It didn't make her feel any better that she gulped while a smile tugged at the corners of his thick upper lip. Heat crept through her body everywhere that his eyes touched upon. She'd never thought it was possible to feel this excited and uncertain of someone as his gaze came back to hers.

  "Here you go." She almost jumped out of her skin when Kara thrust her shoes at her. She'd been so focused on him that she hadn't realized Kara had returned.

  Her fingers were stiff as she took hold of the shoes. "Thank you. How much do I owe you?"

  "I'll take a dinner tonight for me and mom."

  Hannah smiled and nodded. "That can certainly be done."

  She rigidly turned away from Jack and hurried toward the front door. She was eager to escape the suddenly cramped store. The crisp air was refreshing against her overheated skin as she stepped onto the sidewalk and hurried away. Things were going to start picking up at the tavern soon and she would be needed to help, but she still had one more stop to make before she returned.

  A jolt, like the one she got from rubbing her feet on a carpet and then touching something metal, went through her as a warm hand slid around her elbow. She didn't have to see him to know who was touching her. Her body instinctively reacted to his and though she'd had no thoughts of doing so she found herself swaying toward him.

  He gave her a crooked grin that revealed an endearing dimple in his right cheek as she tilted her head back to look at him. "I thought I'd walk back with you."

  The words were spoken in a gravelly tone of voice that made her belly feel as if it had a dozen hummingbirds flitting around in it. What was wrong with her? She'd been around plenty of men in her life; she'd grown up in a tavern for crying out loud. She'd even seen men as good looking as he was, or almost as good looking anyway. Calvin was exceptionally handsome too in a prettier kind of way, but none of them had ever had this kind of an effect on her.

  "I'm not going back right now," she informed him.

  "I'll keep you company then, if you don't mind."

  How could anyone mind when he had his head cocked in that playful way? "No, not at all. Thank you for your help this morning."

  "I'm in town to make sure things are being run the way they should be now that Braith is in charge," he replied as if it was completely normal to drop the king's given name like that, but she supposed to him it was.

  He didn't release her elbow as he stepped off the sidewalk with her. In fact, his fingers slid over her flesh and caressed her in a way that made the cool air suddenly feel as if it was fire against her skin. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at him to see if he felt anywhere near as unsettled by her as she felt by him. He remained focused on the large brick building with the dome top that she was heading for. She'd been told that at one time the dome had been the color of gold, and gleamed even at night, but age and the weather had turned it a dingy color that was somewhere between brown and a mossy green.

  Ever since she was a little girl, she'd had the urge to climb up there and clean the dome to reveal what was underneath, but she'd grown to realize that just like with other things in life, sometimes what was underneath wasn't worth revealing. She wondered if that was true about him as she watched the prince at her side. His outside was flawless but what was inside? Had power twisted and corrupted him in the same way that it had twisted and corrupted Calvin? Or had Calvin always been twisted on the inside?

  She was embarrassed to be caught staring when he glanced at her but she didn't look away. She searched his gaze but she didn't see anything malicious or suspicious there, not like what she saw within Calvin's eyes when he looked at her or at anyone. No, looking into Jack's eyes she saw only warmth and compassion and a place where she could get lost for hours.


  She didn't know what he was talking about until her foot hit something; he grabbed hold of her and stopped her from face planting onto the steps. Heat spread up her cheeks as she straightened her dress and focused on the brick building they had always used for humans and vampires to meet and feed. Though donation centers were now established throughout the land, thanks to the reign of the new king, the town of Chippman had always had something similar to them. The vampires here knew what it was like to be shunned and abused so most of them had never owned a blood slave. Some though, like Calvin, had enjoyed participating in the now abolished practice.

  "Thank you," she murmured as she climbed the rest of the steps with him.

  There was no line outside the door, the one good thing about coming at night to visit the blood bank. The corded muscles in Jack's forearm bunched beneath her hand as he stepped onto the landing with her. "How do you like having the donation center?" he asked.

  "We've always had the blood bank," she told him. "The humans in this town were never as oppressed as they were in other towns."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because when you know what it feels like to be hunted and persecuted you don't often like to return the favor on other living creatures."

  He frowned at her as he stopped before the large wooden door of the bank. His hand rested on the brass handle, keeping it closed on her. "And you know what it feels like to be persecuted?"

  "No, not me. I'm too young for that and I was born here."

  "And just how old are you?" he asked.

  "Twenty three." He quirked an eyebrow at her answer. "You?"

  "Much older," he confirmed.

  "How much older?"

  "Nine hundred and nine years older than you to be exact."

  She couldn't stop her mouth from dropping as he continued to give her that roguish grin that she was certain had melted a lot of hearts over nine hundred and thirty two years of living. He chuckled as he placed his finger under her chin and nudged her mouth closed. "You haven't heard a lot about my family?" he asked.

  "I've heard some. I know that you are of the most ancient line and it's rumored the new king married a human."

  "He did, but she's not human anymore."

  "She survived the transformation?" Hannah blurted.

  His finger stroked her chin before he dropped it away. She missed the contact with him immediately. "She did."


  She'd never witnessed a transformation herself but she'd heard they were vicious and that most humans didn't survive it. "It's believed that Aria and her brothers have vampire DNA within them. I know the three of them were always a little faster, more attuned to their surroundings, and more graceful than most humans. William might be the fastest human I've ever seen when he's running."

  He just kept the bombshells rolling. "William is the queen's brother?"

  "Twin actually."

  She shook her head. "I really wish I'd known you guys were going to be staying at our place," she muttered. They'd always kept a clean establishment but it could use a fresh coat of paint.

  He let out a low laugh. "Your tavern is very pleasant and the bed was comfy. Believe me we've stayed in far worse before."

  It wasn't overly comforting but it was something. "Do you plan on returning to the palace soon?"

  The smile slid from his face. "Maybe one day, but not anytime soon."

  He didn't belong here, she was certain of that much, but there was something that completely fascinated her about him. "Do you plan to stay here for awhile?"

  He shrugged. "For as long as I think we're needed." It wasn't the response she'd been hoping to hear, but then she didn't know what response she'd been expecting from him. "So why were the older vampires here persecuted?" he inquired.

  Her hand fluttered to her forehead as she realized that he didn't know the history behind this town. For a minute she contemplated not telling him about the residents of Chippman. She wanted so badly to continue to seem normal to him, if only for another night. Lying about it would accomplish nothing though, it would only make him distrust her when he found out the truth, and it was only a matter of time
before he did.

  "Most vampires here are Undesirables," she informed him.

  His forehead furrowed over the bridge of his nose as he stared at her. "Undesirables?"

  "They have flawed DNA. There's something wrong with almost every vampire here."

  "Like Saul," he muttered. "But Saul was never persecuted."

  "I don't know who Saul is but if he managed to escape being persecuted then he's a lucky man."

  Jack's fingers briefly stroked her arm. She didn't think he even realized that he was doing it as he looked around the town. "Saul was an aristocrat before they all relinquished their titles and became The Council. He didn't stop aging until he was in his fifties. I didn't realize that there were so many vampires with the same DNA fault."

  "Not everyone here has the same fault as this Saul or my Uncle Abe; there are other changes that have occurred within the vampires here. Normal vampires didn't like the oddities amongst them and made this point known. My father and Uncle Abe were siblings. Their parents, who were also Undesirables, had heard about a town established as a safe haven for vampires like them and came here. My mother and Lucas's mother were also siblings and were both born here. Saul was apparently lucky enough to have a powerful family to protect him."

  His gaze sharpened on her, her stomach began to twist as she braced herself for what she knew was the inevitable next question. Thankfully Ellen came strolling down the sidewalk and bounded up the steps. "You're still here!" Ellen said eagerly. "I thought I was going to miss you."

  Ellen's deep brown eyes flitted between the two of them before focusing on his hand lying on Hannah's arm. She shot Hannah a look that clearly asked 'what the...?' Hannah didn't have an answer for her though. "Are you going in?" Ellen inquired.

  "Of course," Hannah gushed out, unbelievably grateful for the distraction that Ellen's appearance had offered from Jack's line of questioning.

  Jack pulled open the door and stepped into the candlelit main foyer of the blood bank. The lanterns hanging within the dome illuminated the mural of mountains and rivers painted within the curved top. A forty foot long red carpet stretched across the gleaming hardwood floor toward the massive reception desk. The desk was set in between two halls that stretched into the shadows beyond, one hall led to the rooms full of humans that were offering their blood. She'd heard rumors about what went on in those rooms but she'd never been in one and she never would go in them. The other hall led to a large room that had been set up with bags of blood.

  The woman sitting behind the desk looked up at them and waved in greeting. She was starting to look down again when her eyes shot up and focused on Jack. Hannah could smell the lust that rolled off the woman as she broke into an inviting smile that set Hannah's teeth on edge. Something menacing slithered through her and it took her a moment to realize that the green eyed monster was rearing its ugly head. It was a feeling she'd never experienced before.

  The woman rose from her seat as they approached. "Hannah, Ellen," she greeted but she never once looked at them.

  "Louise," she grated out. She'd never disliked the woman before, in fact they'd always been friendly, but there was nothing she would like more than to drive her fist into Louise's pretty face right now.

  Ellen's head bobbed between Hannah, Louise, and finally Jack. "Who's your friend?" Louise inquired.

  Hannah was pretty sure that Jack wasn't wearing any clothes in Louise's mind as she settled herself onto the corner of the desk. "Louise, this is Jack," she forced out from between her clenched teeth.

  "Hello Jack." There were cats that didn't purr as loudly as Louise just did.

  "Louise," he greeted with a small bow of his head.

  Louise's crossed top leg began to sway back and forth as she leaned closer to Jack and pushed her cleavage forward. There was plenty of cleavage to emphasize too as she pursed her lips and batted her lashes. Ellen rolled her eyes. "Oh puh lease," she muttered as she shook her head. "I'll be in the back room Hannah."

  "I'm coming with you," she told her as she dropped the shoes she'd just picked up from the repair shop onto the desk. "I just need to leave these here for a bit."

  "Of course," Louise said but she still wasn't looking at her.

  "Down that hall are where the willing humans are located if you'd prefer that." The annoying knot of jealousy in Hannah's chest made her words terse as she thrust her finger towards the other hall for Jack.

  Hannah kept her chin high as she strode down the hall with Ellen at her side. "What is going on?" Ellen hissed.


  "Well nothing is following us down the hall right now."

  Despite her every intention not to, she chanced a glance back at him. His hands had been shoved into his pockets; his shoulders were thrust back as he examined the hall. Watching him walk was like watching liquid in motion as he appeared to almost flow forward. No man should be that attractive and sure of himself, it should be against the law, she decided.

  She had been so focused on him that she hadn't realized they'd made it into the main room. Hannah opened one of the coolers set up on a bench and pulled out a bag of blood for her and Ellen. Jack's chest brushed against her arm as he stretched around her and pulled out another bag.

  "You wouldn't prefer a more alive sample?" she hated the fact that her voice was still so clipped but she couldn't get it to go back to normal.

  His eyes twinkled when they came up to hers, but instead of finding it charming, she was irritated by the fact he found her entertaining. "I spent years feeding off of animals instead of humans; I much prefer a blood bag to a human."

  She was taken aback by his statement but before she could question him on it, he wrapped his hand around her elbow and led her forward. There were alcoves set into the side of the main room, she could smell at least two other vampires in here but they had retreated to the curtained privacy of the alcoves in order to feed. Ellen disappeared into a different one and Hannah stopped at an empty alcove fifteen feet away from Ellen's.

  She could feel his eyes boring into her back as she pulled the curtain aside. "I'm sure the next one is free."

  "No need," he assured her.

  She watched as he gripped the top of the bag with his teeth and ripped it open. She'd never seen anyone else feed before, it had always been a private matter but she was fascinated by him as he tipped the bag back and began to down it. His tanned skin gleamed in the candlelight flickering around them; he had to have spent a lot of time beneath the sun's rays in order to achieve that golden hue.

  His lips were tinted red when he brought his head back down. She should be feeding; instead she was mesmerized by the eyes that latched onto hers. His body seemed to vibrate with barely leashed power as he took a step closer to her. Hannah tried to move away but her feet were planted to the ground as he pressed against her. She was in over her head here, she knew that, but she found she didn't care as his hand braced against the wall beside her head.

  Her body was completely rigid as he leaned closer to her. His mouth was only inches away from hers, she was certain that he was going to kiss her, and just as uncertain as to how she was going to react if he did. She was tempted to push him away, to prove to him that she wasn't like Louise and probably most of the other females he'd encountered, but she had never craved anything more. She was certain she might just shatter and fall apart if that mouth touched upon hers.

  Instead, he reached around with his other hand and pulled the curtain of the alcove back for her. He bent lower over her as he took the bag from her hand and tore the top off for her. "You're hungry, drink."

  It wasn't what she really wanted, but he was right, she was hungry. She tried to get her feet to take a step into the alcove but she found herself unable to move. "Aren't you going to get inside?"

  She bristled at the challenge she heard beneath the gravelly tone of his voice. She'd never backed down from a challenge before but there was something extremely personal about consuming the bag of blood in front of him. Her fin
gers trembled as she was torn between her habit ever since she was a little girl, and her pride.

  It was the driving need in his gaze that finally made her bring the bag to her lips and tip it back. His eyes never left hers as the blood slid down her throat. That strange inner radiance seemed to emanate from his eyes again as the heady aroma of his scent increased.

  His fingers brushed against hers as he pulled the bag from her suddenly limp fingers and tossed it into the receptacle beside the alcove. Her body felt like a plucked harp string as his fingers trailed up her arm and slid across her cheek. A thousand thoughts crashed through her mind, but all of them were about him and what he was going to do.

  Then he was bending toward her and all doubts about his purpose vanished as his mouth grazed against hers. The non-beating heart in her chest seemed to give a mighty thrust as his heated lips took possession of hers. She'd been kissed before, at least a dozen times by overeager patrons, and a few times by different crushes she'd had over the years. The patrons had meant nothing, her crushes had all moved on, but even still she had enjoyed their kisses.

  But this... well this made all those other kisses fade into oblivion as his fingers cradled the back of her head and he drew her a step closer to him. A gasp escaped her as his muscular arm swept around her waist and he brought her body flush against his. His tongue flickered against her lips, teasing her until she relented to his gentle prodding.

  She'd thought that she'd been on fire before, but now she was consumed by it as her fingers curled into his back. The only thing she could comprehend right now was him and the incredible way he made her feel as if she were the only woman on the planet, the only woman for him.

  For the first time in her life she didn't feel exactly like what she was, Undesirable.


  A startled sound punctured the bubble of peace and solitude she had managed to find in his arms. "I'm so sorry!" Ellen gushed.