Page 11 of Tried & True

  “Thank you.”

  Dex hung up and returned his cell phone to his pocket. Next to him, Hudson let out a weary sigh, not at all dissimilar to the kind Dex often heard from Cael when Dex was being a pest. Good to know Alfie and Hudson’s relationship was much like any other siblings’, except for the whole trained killer part.

  “What did he say?” Hudson grumbled.

  “He said you were a little shite.”

  “Lovely.” Hudson turned to Cael, his expression deadpan. “Want to trade brothers?”

  Cael pretended to think about it. “Hm, deadly assassin or Dex. Deadly assassin or Dex.”

  Ash opened his mouth, and Dex put a hand to his face. “No one asked for your opinion, Keeler.”

  Everyone chuckled, and the sense of normalcy it gave Dex was welcome. It helped him remain focused. He had to detach himself from his emotions, or he wouldn’t be of any use to his dad. Sloane walked beside him, his presence alone soothing Dex, making him feel like he could get through anything. Whatever happened, he wasn’t alone. He was surrounded by people who loved and supported him.

  In the sublevel basement beneath the THIRDS garage, away from everyone and everything, the old cellblock was locked behind a huge steel door. Back in the nineties when the THIRDS first opened its doors, it had been one of the most solid holding cells in the state, with thick concrete walls and iron bars. It had been more secure than some prisons, considering most places weren’t equipped to hold some of the more dangerous Therians. Soon the prison system caught up, and “Zoos” were opened to contain the most lethal of Therian prisoners. Everything moved to the age of the internet, and new high-tech holding cells were built upstairs, connected to Themis. Unfortunately, Themis wasn’t to be trusted, and Sparks had been on the ball putting this guy down here.

  Hobbs and Calvin stood to one side of the huge steel door, while Wolf stood to the other, Hobbs’s toolbox in one gloved hand. He looked bored. As if he’d been waiting hours for them. Wolf and Hudson glared at each other but remained quiet as Dex unlocked the door to the cellblock. Inside, a small sitting area lay empty along with the guard’s station. The lights flickered, and Ash frowned up at them.

  “I think I saw this place in a horror movie. Why is everything washed in green?”

  Dex followed Ash’s gaze up to the ceiling and identified the culprit. The light fixture was growing some funky green stuff. When the hell was the last time anyone was down here besides Sparks?

  “I feel like I’m going to contract something just breathing the air down here,” Calvin grumbled.

  “All right, you bunch of divas, let’s get this over with,” Wolf said, walking past them to the set of iron bars at the end. He motioned for Dex to approach. “Come on, love. I haven’t got all day.”

  Dex unlocked the door and opened it wide.

  “There should be an interrogation room somewhere around here,” Sloane said, stepping up to the map on the wall. The place was huge, divided into four sections. “Here.” Sloane pointed to the top right section. “Here’s solitary confinement, and at the end of the hall, there’s a row of interrogation rooms. We’ll take him to room 4B.” Sloane motioned for Ash, Seb, and Hobbs to follow him. “We’ll get him moved, and then Dex and Wolf can go in.” Sloane looked over at Dex. “I’ll let you know when we’re ready.”

  Dex nodded and handed the keys to Sloane. He stayed where he was while Sloane and the others went off in search of their guy to move him. Cael came to stand by Dex, even though he didn’t say anything. Everyone remained quiet, lost in their own thoughts, and Dex leaned against the wall, observing. Calvin gravitated over to the girls, while Hudson went over to one of the chairs. He leaned over to peer at it distrustfully. Meanwhile Wolf dropped down onto the one next to it and smacked the cushion of the one Hudson was peering at. A cloud of dust puffed up and hit Hudson in the face.

  Hudson coughed and gagged while Wolf cackled.

  “You wanker,” Hudson wheezed. “That was horrid.”

  Wolf continued to laugh, his eyes lit up with amusement. It transformed his whole face, made him look like any other guy.

  As Dex watched the brothers being brothers, he was struck by a sense of sadness for Hudson. This couldn’t be easy for him. It was bad enough having lost Alfie and mourning his death, only to have him back, yet not. Alfie was no longer the beloved brother Hudson had grown up with. There were times, like now, where Dex could see Alfie, and it was hard to believe he was who Wolf had once been.

  Realizing Dex was watching him, Alfie was gone in the blink of an eye, and Wolf was back. There was an unspoken challenge in his gaze. As if he were waiting for Dex to try and use the knowledge against him, just like the Makhai had done. Dex couldn’t imagine living such a solitary life with no one to trust.

  Wolf stood, dusted himself off, and joined Dex. He looked down at Cael, his voice oddly… kind when he spoke. “Go join your friends. I need a word with your brother.”

  Cael glanced over at Dex, who nodded. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” Cael went off to join Rosa and the others, and Dex waited for Wolf to say whatever it was he needed to say.

  “I can’t afford to get close to him.”

  Dex shrugged. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “You didn’t have to,” Wolf grumbled. “It’s in those big blue eyes of yours. Whatever you may think of me, I’m not trying to hurt him. I just want him to be safe.”

  “And you think if you stop being an asshole to him, he’ll be less safe?”

  Wolf’s expression hardened. “If I let my guard down, he will be.”

  “So the Makhai found out who he is to you because you let your guard down?”

  “I believe whoever the Chairman has inside TIN unearthed that tidbit of information.” Wolf narrowed his eyes at Dex. “You know, you’re a bit of a smartarse.”

  Dex chuckled, and Sloane’s voice came through on his earpiece.


  “Copy that.” Dex turned his attention to his brother and the others. “You guys stay here and keep an eye out. If anyone shows up, make sure you send them on their way, and if they don’t want to go, take care of it. We’re the only ones with clearance to be down here. Hudson, you come with us. I want you to stick close to Seb.”

  Hudson nodded and followed them, though he remained lost in thought. Dex and Wolf headed toward the wing where Sloane and the others waited. Wolf was quiet for a moment, his sharp eyes missing nothing.

  “Just so you know, you’ll be able to do this yourself someday very soon.”

  The change in conversation threw Dex off. “What are you talking about?”

  “Who do you think trained me to do what I did to you?”

  TIN had trained Wolf to torture, and they’d soon be training Dex and Sloane. Before his dad had been taken, Dex would have been horrified, most likely believing there was another way, but now…. A thought struck him. “Why couldn’t TIN break the Makhai guys they have in custody?” It was possible they just didn’t have any more information, but Dex couldn’t imagine members of the Makhai not being prepared for an interrogation. If they were willing to go as far as to kill themselves, why were the other two still alive? It didn’t make sense.

  “We are no longer in the good old days of barbaric torture,” Wolf said with a heavy sigh. “Even TIN has set parameters they must work within or they’ll be getting a good old slap on the wrist from Uncle Sam. After all, even terrorists have rights.”

  Wolf’s snide tone told Dex all he needed to know about how Wolf felt on the subject. That, however, was a debate for another day.

  “But you don’t operate within those parameters,” Dex clarified.

  Wolf’s smile was evil. “Correct.” He headed for the door. “Come along, Dexter. Let’s get you some intel and me some satisfaction. If you have the stomach for it.”

  “Whatever it takes.”

  They reached Sloane, who turned to Seb. “You and Hobbs stay with Hudson while Ash and I stand
guard here.” Sloane took hold of Dex’s arm and pulled him to one side, speaking quietly.

  “Babe, are you sure this is a good idea? We haven’t even been sworn in, and you’re going to watch someone get tortured by the guy who tortured you.”

  “I know. It’s fucked-up. But if this is the only way to get a lead on my dad, I’m going to take it. I lost my parents to these assholes, Sloane. I’m not going to lose Tony. I can’t.”

  Sloane’s voice was gentle, his amber eyes filled with love and concern. “I know, sweetheart.”

  “You don’t think I should do this?”

  “I think you should do whatever you need to do. Just remember to come home to me, okay? To us.”

  Dex smiled at him and cupped his cheek. “Thank you.” Knowing Sloane would be there when this was done gave Dex the strength he needed. “Do you think I can leave you two out here without you trying to kill each other?” Dex asked, motioning to Wolf.

  “I’ll behave,” Sloane promised.

  Dex arched an eyebrow at Wolf, who released a long-suffering sigh.

  “Fine. I’ll not goad your sensitive boyfriend.”

  Well, it was something. He’d take it. With that settled, Dex breathed in deep and took hold of the handle to the interrogation room door. It was time to get some answers.

  “Dex,” Sloane called out, and Dex turned his face, his heart squeezing in his chest at Sloane’s nod of encouragement. “Whatever it takes.”

  He could do this. He would do this.


  IT WAS now or never.

  Dex entered the room and closed the door behind him. The room was twenty-by-twenty, with exposed cinderblock walls, a concrete floor that had seen better days, a steel table bolted to the floor, and a metal chair, presently occupied by a tiger Therian whose face was a testament to what happened when you tranqed a Therian’s mate in front of him.

  “Are you kidding me? This is who they send?”

  Dex stood in front of the table, his hands clasped behind his back to keep him from reaching out and beating the ever-loving fuck out of the guy. “I’m Agent Dexter Daley.”

  “I know who you are, half-breed.”

  “Now, that’s not very nice,” Dex said with a pout. “I’m going to be honest with you…. What should I call you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’m going to call you Whiskers. Now, Whiskers, I’m feeling a little fragile at the moment, as you can imagine.” Dex walked over to sit on the edge of the table next to the guy. “I mean, your organization tried to kidnap my friend, you and your friends shot at my fiancé, and then you guys kidnapped my father. Did I mention the part where your bosses had my parents killed? Then they contracted a killer to torture me and kill me. I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been rough.”

  “Boo-hoo. Why don’t you go home and cry to Daddy? Oh, wait.” The guy laughed, and Dex joined in the laughter.

  “Oh shit! You’re a funny guy, you know that?” Dex wagged a finger at him. “I didn’t know you Makhai guys had a sense of humor. Why don’t I go home and cry to Daddy? Right. Because you kidnapped my dad, so he’s not there for me to cry to.” Dex wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. “Funny shit.” Dex slammed the guy’s head down against the table, blood splattering across the surface before his head bounced back.

  “You fuck!” He spat out a mouthful of blood and saliva.

  Dex sucked in a sharp breath. “Ooh, that’s gotta hurt. Where were we? Right. My daddy issues.”

  “You’re just going to have to kill me, because I ain’t saying shit.”

  “Everyone’s got a breaking point. Why don’t we find yours?”

  Whiskers laughed. “You think you’re gonna make me talk?”

  Dex shook his head. “Nope.” He walked over to the door and pounded on it. “But I betcha he is.” The door opened, and Dex took satisfaction in the look of “oh fuck” that crossed the guy’s face when Wolf walked in. The guy’s eyes were so wide, they looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?”

  “You can’t just try to kidnap someone’s family and not have to answer to them.” Dex turned to Wolf. “Wolf, may I introduce you to Whiskers?”

  Wolf arched an eyebrow at him. “Well, that’s an unfortunate name for a tiger Therian.” Wolf turned a sympathetic gaze on their friend. “I’m so sorry your parents hated you.”

  “That’s not my name, asshole.”

  “Oh well, good times, then.”

  “But since he won’t give us his name, Whiskers it is,” Dex said cheerfully. He turned back to Whiskers. “Or did you want something more ferocious? Something that’ll strike fear in our hearts?”

  “Fred,” Wolf offered.

  Dex cast Wolf a sideways glance. “Fred?”

  Wolf nodded. “My auntie had this hideous-looking creature I suspect was some form of cat. It used to attack anything that moved within a five-mile radius of it. I swear it was shat by the devil.”

  Dex let out a bark of laughter. “Okay, you win. Fred it is.”

  Fred looked from Dex to Wolf and back to Dex. “You’ve got to be fucking shitting me. Why is he here?” Before Dex could answer, Fred turned his gaze to Wolf. “How much is he paying you? We’ll pay you triple.”

  Wolf laughed. “Oh, you poor bastard. I’m not being paid to do this. You shot my little brother in the chest.” Wolf placed the toolbox in his hand on the table with a thunk. He opened it and removed a hammer, which he then pointed at Fred. “Take a moment for that to sink in, Fred. You shot my sweet, innocent little brother in the chest. Do you know how much that hurts?” Wolf pulled a tranq gun from inside the toolbox and shot Fred in the chest.

  “Motherfuck!” Fred cursed and howled in between wheezing breaths.

  “Dude, you shot him!” Dex threw up his arms. “Really?”

  “They’re blanks, Dexter.”

  “Oh.” Dex put his arms down. “Carry on, then.”

  “You two… are… fucking… crazy,” Fred said, gasping for breath.

  Wolf grinned broadly at Dex. “You see there? He said we make a good team.”

  Dex was not impressed. “That is not what he said.”

  “Are you certain? Because I very clearly heard him say we make a good team.”

  “Can we get back to Fred?”

  “Very well.” Wolf returned his attention to Fred. “As you can see, that was very painful. Of course, you were spared the numbing toxin that was spread through my brother’s neurological system, paralyzing him and knocking him unconscious, leaving him vulnerable. And then your mates shot at the stuffy agent with the stick up his arse who was holding my baby brother.”

  “Sloane is not stuffy, nor does he have a stick up his ass.”

  “Don’t interrupt me, Dexter. I’m making a point.” Wolf reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a gun with a silencer. He shot Fred in the shoulder, then held the gun up so Fred could see it. Fred was a little busy groaning and writhing in pain. “This one does not have blanks.”

  Dex hoped they got something out of Fred before the guy bled to death or died of a fucking heart attack.

  Wolf sat on the edge of the table in front of Fred, hammer in one hand, gun in the other. “Now, Fred, what can you tell me about Dexter’s dear old dad?”

  The chains rattled as Fred held on to his wounded shoulder, his teeth gritted as he spat at them. “Fuck you.”

  “Not the reply I was hoping for.” Wolf returned his gun to his jacket before grabbing Fred’s hands and bringing the hammer down on one finger.

  Dex cringed as Fred’s howl filled the room.

  “Let’s try that again, Fred. I know you have nine more fingers, but time is of the essence. Where is Sergeant Maddock?”

  “Fuck you.”

  Wolf sighed. “Dexter, I’m afraid I’m going to need your assistance.”

  “Um, sure.” Dex walked over, and Wolf motioned to Fred as he pulled a pair of pliers out of the toolbox.
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  “I need you to hold his head.”

  Fred tried to get up, but Dex pushed him down. Not like he could go anywhere. The guy’s wrists and ankles were shackled and chained to the iron loop bolted to the floor between the chair’s front legs. Dex grabbed hold of Fred’s head and kept him looking forward.

  “Open wide, Fred.”

  “I’ll see you in hell,” Fred spat out, and Dex was stunned by how quick Wolf moved. He jabbed Fred in the throat, and the guy let out a horrible gargling, gasping sound. Wolf stuck the pliers in Fred’s mouth, and with a quick flick of his wrist, a tooth popped out onto the table.

  Wolf picked up the tooth with his gloved hand and held it up to Dex. “L-pill.”


  “Potassium cyanide, Dexter.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Fred? A suicide pill?” Dex smacked Fred on the side of the head. He frowned at Wolf. “Spies still do that shit?”

  “It’s a little more sophisticated these days. Eyeglasses, pens, tie pins, but yes, still widely used.” Wolf turned his attention to Fred. “Of course, the whole point of being a spy, Fred, is to not get caught, but then I suppose you’re more hired muscle with a slight payroll increase.” Wolf patted Fred’s cheek, hard. “Now that we’ve made certain Fred stays with us a little longer, let’s get back to our chat.”

  Dex walked around the table and folded his arms over his chest. Fred glared at him, then at Wolf.

  “Now, Fred,” Wolf said pleasantly. “I’m not about to let you die before you give me something useful. Your organization is not coming for you. I can tell you that with certainty.”

  Fred scoffed. He leaned in to snarl at Wolf. “We can get to anyone.”

  “Now see, that’s where you’re wrong. Those fellows out there, as stuffy as they may be, can’t be bought. I guarantee you that anyone who tries to get to you will be dealt with. Why? Because they only trust one another.”

  “They have family,” Fred said, his grin smug.

  “And you think after this little stunt you’ve pulled with Sergeant Maddock this lot have left their families out there waiting to be plucked by your friends?” Wolf tsked. “All the families have been moved to secure locations.”

  Dex frowned. How the hell did Wolf know that? Dex hadn’t even known. It made perfect sense. It hadn’t occurred to him that his friends’ families would be in danger. Why would they be? The Makhai had wanted Hudson and Tony. Why would anyone else be a target? Now he knew. If the Makhai really wanted Fred back, they’d hit Destructive Delta where it hurt most. Why hadn’t Sparks or anyone else mentioned it? It was possible Wolf was bluffing. He’d done it before and was an expert at concealing the truth. Either way, Dex would be looking into it as soon as they were done here. Speaking of done….

  Dex turned to Wolf. “We need to move this along.”

  Wolf nodded. “You may want to stand back, darling. Don’t want to get blood on that pretty face of yours.” He looked up at Dex. “Why don’t you step outside? I’ll call you when he’s ready to talk.”

  Dex shook his head. “I appreciate it, but I’m not going anywhere.”

  The Makhai were responsible for so much pain and suffering. They’d shattered his childhood, and Dex had been fortunate to end up in a loving home, raised by a man like Anthony Maddock. Dex wasn’t going to let his dad down. Not only was he going to save his father, he was going to have retribution for what the Makhai had done.

  “You two think you’re going to scare me? I’m prepared to die.”

  “Who said anything about letting you die?” Wolf’s grin betrayed the deadness in his eyes. His pupils were blown, leaving only a thin rim of blue. Dex braced himself. He’d brought Wolf in to do this. Not because he didn’t have the balls or the stomach to do it himself, which was quite possible, since he’d never tortured anyone, but he didn’t possess the skill. He didn’t know how to cause Fred the right amount of pain to break him but not kill him. He knew pressure points. Knew where to hit Fred to incapacitate him, and yes, kill him, but not torture.

  Wolf started with Fred’s fingers, then he moved on to his teeth. The room filled with screams, sounds of choking, gagging, and gurgling. Wolf didn’t so much as blink. He focused on his task and went about bringing Fred as much pain as possible. Dex wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his gloved hand. His stomach churned on more than one occasion, but he pushed down the nausea each time. He had to get through this. When the room stank of blood, sweat, and piss and they had no information, Wolf spoke up.