Page 9 of Tried & True

  adult, he’d been unable to help Tony. God only knew where Tony was and what they were doing to him.

  Sloane held Dex close, rubbing his cheek against Dex’s hair. All he could do was be there for Dex and make sure Dex didn’t burn down the city trying to get Tony back, because there was no doubt in Sloane’s mind that was exactly what Dex would do.

  Dex was about to unleash hell on earth to save his father, and Sloane would be there to make sure the man he loved came back to him when it was done. Dex looked exhausted, as expected after what he’d just been through. Everything inside Sloane screamed in agony. His body, his mind, his heart. Yet somehow he was still numb. Like his brain couldn’t quite grasp the truth of what had happened. Like it was a horrible nightmare he had trouble waking up from. Tony always seemed untouchable.

  They were supposed to be getting married in a few days. It was meant to be the happiest day of their lives. They’d be surrounded by family and friends. They’d dance, eat cake, and laugh. Tony was supposed to make a toast on their wedding day. Dex had teased him, and Tony surprised them both by admitting he was nervous about it, saying he was just going to talk from his heart because index cards never worked for him and what happened to plain white index cards? Who the hell needed them to be pink, purple, or blue? And what genius created neon index cards? Were they trying to blind him? Sloane shut his eyes tight at the memory. Fucking index cards. It was just another quirk that reminded Sloane of Dex. Tony and Dex shared more quirks than either admitted.

  Sloane kissed the side of Dex’s head, and Dex opened his eyes.


  “Oh, baby. He doesn’t know. I only just found out.”

  Dex nodded. “Is he here?”

  “Yeah, he’s with Ash in one of the other rooms.”

  “Could you…?” Dex didn’t finish his sentence, but he didn’t have to.

  “Of course.”

  Dex didn’t move from where he was; he just leaned away, as if he didn’t have the strength to do anything. Sloane made to get up, but Dex’s soft voice stopped him. He was staring at the floor, and Sloane wondered if Dex was talking to Sloane or himself.

  “Everything’s hazy and foggy, a blur of colors and emotions, so jumbled that nothing makes sense. Like I’m drowning. I can feel the fire inside me fading, and I know I need to do something about it, but all I can feel is pain. What if I can’t do anything? What if I don’t get to Dad in time? What if instead of a wedding, I’m arranging a funeral? I can’t lose Tony. What the hell am I supposed to do without him?”

  Sloane cupped Dex’s face and turned his head so Sloane could meet his gaze. “We’re going to find him, sweetheart, but you need to be strong. Cael’s going to need you to be strong.”

  “Cael.” Dex nodded, but the words didn’t seem to sink in.

  “I’ll be right back.” He kissed Dex’s brow and got up. Thankfully he didn’t have to go far. When he walked out, Austen, Cael, and Ash were standing at the end of the hall. When Cael spotted Sloane, Sloane motioned for him to come over. Cael took off at top speed and was at his side in a heartbeat. Sloane didn’t say a word. He walked in after Cael and closed the door behind him. Normally he would have left the brothers alone, but not this time. Not when they might need him.


  All at once, Dex jolted. He sucked in a sharp breath and blinked, as if he were blinking away the haze. He met Cael’s tear-filled eyes, and Dex wiped away his own, his voice breaking when he spoke.

  “I’m so sorry, Chirpy.”

  Cael kneeled in front of Dex. He looked around the room before turning his attention back to his brother. “It’s okay. I’m sure TIN won’t care about a little equipment….”

  Sloane braced himself. His heart broke for them, and he stood by the door, quiet and still, watching as Dex swallowed hard and met Cael’s gaze.

  “Not about that,” Dex said. “They took him, Cael. They took Dad.”

  Cael stared at him. “What… what do you mean they took him? Who took him?”

  “The Makhai.”

  Cael opened his mouth but nothing came out.

  “After the tux fitting. They got the drop on him. I heard him scream, and when I turned around, they were putting him in a van. I chased after them, but I couldn’t….”

  Cael looked around the room again, really looking this time. Sloane had no idea what was going on in Cael’s head, but he could imagine Cael putting it all together, why the room was in pieces. Cael turned back to Dex, a tear rolling down his cheek before he threw his arms around his brother and squeezed him tight. Dex wrapped his arms around Cael, his eyes closed, and his lips pressed together, most likely in an attempt not to lose it. Dex would do anything for his little brother, and Sloane could see how desperate Dex was to keep it together. Cael needed him, and Dex would push aside his own grief and despair for Cael. Sloane had watched him do it before.

  “We’re going to get him back,” Cael said, his voice quiet and uncertain.

  “We are,” Dex promised, running a hand over Cael’s head. “And then I’m going to make those sons of bitches pay.”

  The promise of retribution in Dex’s voice sent an icy chill through Sloane. Most people who looked at Dex saw a cheeky, happy-go-lucky guy. The life of the party, the sweet guy who helped old ladies cross the street. They saw the jokester, the sexy guy with the million-watt smile. Few got to see the darkness lurking beneath the surface. The side Sloane knew existed, because he’d seen glimpses of it over the years. There would be nowhere the kidnappers could hide from Dex.

  They’d taken Tony for a reason, and Sloane was certain they’d be hearing from the Makhai soon. Dex stood, pulling Cael along with him. He placed his hands on Cael’s shoulders and met his gaze, determination burning through his bright blue eyes. “I swear I am going to do everything in my power to bring him home. You with me?”

  Cael nodded, and Dex patted his brother’s cheek.

  “Good.” Dex headed for the door, ignoring the fact he only had on one shoe. Sloane and Cael followed him outside, where a team of TIN medical staff and operatives were gathered. Dex turned to face them. “Tell Sparks I’m going to be at THIRDS HQ. I’ll see her there.” He turned to go, then paused. “Any of you guys wear size eleven shoes?”

  The operatives exchanged glances before one hesitantly held a finger up.

  “I need your shoes,” Dex said.

  The wolf Therian was about Dex’s height and weight. He dropped his gaze to Dex’s feet, then let out a heavy sigh. With perfect balance, he bent one leg, took off his black shoe, then repeated the action to take off the other. He handed them to Dex in exchange for Dex’s beat-up Chuck.

  “Thanks. Make sure your boss reimburses you.”

  Oddly enough, Dex took the shoes but didn’t put them on.

  “HQ?” Sloane asked as they headed toward Ash, who was talking to Austen. The second they saw him, they hurried over. Dex stopped and looked up at Sloane.

  “We’re not TIN yet. Get everyone suited up and ready to roll out the moment you give the word. I need you to lead Destructive Delta one more time.”

  The words filled Sloane with pride. Not just because he’d be leading his team again, but because Dex was doing what he’d promised Sloane long ago. No more lone gunman. They were doing this together. Sloane nodded and removed his phone from his pocket as Dex turned to Austen.

  “You too. You’re still part of Destructive Delta. I want you to give Cael access to all the camera footage you have of the abduction.” He turned to Ash. “That van is going to be smashed to shit. I want it found.”

  “You got it.”

  Sloane put in a quick call to HQ and was put through to Calvin.

  “Hey, Sloane.”

  “I need everyone suited up and ready to go by the time we get there.”

  “Will do,” Calvin said, no questions asked, no hesitation.

  Sloane thanked him and hung up before turning back to Dex. “Done.”

  “Good.” The
y headed for the garage where a black SUV waited for them. Dex told the driver where they were going and got in. He put on his newly acquired shoes as Sloane leaned in to talk to him. It was probably time for him to tell Dex about what happened at the Boathouse.

  “The Makhai tried to kidnap Hudson.”

  “What?” Dex stared at him.

  “We went to eat at the Boathouse and were ambushed. They managed to get the drop on us and tranqed Hudson. They sent a whole army of mercenaries for him. They must have been watching us, all of us. They knew we hadn’t recovered from Postshift.”

  “What happened?”

  “Wolf showed up, driving the BearCat. Our BearCat.”

  Dex opened his mouth to reply, closed it, and paused before speaking. “I don’t even know how to respond to that. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but lately I find that where Wolf is concerned, there’s just no telling what you’re going to find yourself dealing with. Wait, how did Wolf know?”

  “Apparently he’s been monitoring the Makhai’s chatter—whatever that means—and managed to decipher one of their encrypted messages.”

  “I’m guessing he didn’t take the news well.”

  Sloane shook his head somberly. “He killed as many of them as he could before they retreated. He disappeared after them.”

  “Can’t say I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m kinda glad he’s on our side. Sort of.”

  Sloane frowned at Ash. “Wolf’s not on anyone’s side but his own. The guy will smile at you, tell you how much he likes you, and then put a bullet in your head.”

  “You’re both right,” Dex said, causing everyone to turn their focus on him. “Hudson’s one of us, and unfortunately the Makhai have set their sights on him, which means Wolf’s going to stick around until he knows his brother’s safe from them. We can’t afford to turn down his help, no matter how fucked-up that may be. Whether we like it or not, he has connections and skills none of us have. Yet.”

  Dex had told Sloane his plan of making sure someday soon he could hold his own against Wolf, and even surpass him, but he still had a long way to go and a hell of a lot of training to do. As much as Sloane hated to admit it, because of Wolf, the Makhai didn’t get their hands on Hudson. The guy might be a psychopath, but it was obvious he cared about his brother and would do whatever it took to protect him. It almost made Sloane not completely hate him. Almost.

  A few minutes later, they were being dropped off in HQ’s parking garage. Sloane followed Dex straight to the armory. There would be no going home. No shower. No fucking around. Not until they had some answers. The TIN medical team had cleaned Dex up as best they could while they tended to his wounds without removing his clothes, but according to Austen, Dex had wanted everyone gone from the room as soon as possible, most likely to keep strangers from witnessing his inevitable meltdown.

  When they arrived at the Destructive Delta armory, Sloane couldn’t help his pride. Their team was there, suited up in full tactical gear sans helmets. They had no idea why they’d been gathered, but it didn’t matter. Sloane had made the call, and there they were, ready to move out. Rosa, Letty, Calvin, and Hobbs lined up, waiting, concern etched on their faces as they took in Dex’s state. Dex glanced over at Sloane, who nodded and stepped forward. Right now, Dex needed him to deal with anything that had the potential to become too emotional. All his focus and energy was reserved for finding Tony.

  “Okay, team. I know you’re all wondering what the hell is going on. What’s happening is we’re preparing for war. Earlier today the Makhai tried to kidnap Hudson. What we didn’t know was that at the same time, they were kidnapping Maddock.”

  Gasps and curses were heard all around. The team stood stunned before they all turned their gazes to Dex, who shook his head at them, his lips pressed together in a thin line. By the state of him, it didn’t take much to leap to the conclusion he’d somehow been involved. Sloane was certain Dex appreciated their love and support, but right now he didn’t need a shoulder to cry on. He needed someone willing to march into battle with him.

  Hobbs rounded his shoulders and took a step forward, head held high as he put his right fist to his heart. Calvin nodded in agreement and did the same, followed by Rosa and Letty.

  “Whatever you need,” Rosa said. “You know we’ll be right there with you.”

  Letty nodded. “We’re going to find those assholes, and we’re going to bring the Sarge home.” She walked over to Dex’s locker, and he put his thumb to the security pad. It unlocked, and she opened the door. She grabbed his tac vest and handed it to him. “Time to suit up, Daley. One last hurrah.”

  Dex took the vest from her with a soft laugh. “Yeah.”

  While everyone turned to discuss tactics, Sloane and Dex quickly changed into their uniforms. As Sloane buttoned up his shirt, it hit home. This was the last time he’d be putting on his uniform, and it would be to save his sergeant. He absently laid a hand over the Destructive Delta patch on his arm. This team had been his from its inception. He’d never led any other team, and no other Team Leader had led Destructive Delta but him. Together he and Ash had handpicked every member of this team until Dex. They’d all been through so much together, had so many firsts. When this was done, he’d be hanging up his uniform for the last time.

  Pushing back the emotions that threatened to bubble up, he straightened, grabbed his thigh rig, and continued to layer on pieces of his kit. There was no time for him to reflect on the swirling thunderstorm of sentiment coursing through him.

  Once every weapon was secured, every piece of equipment strapped, tucked, and clicked into place, he was ready. He grabbed his helmet, now scuffed and dirty, the Destructive Delta sticker faded and distressed. Dex joined him, looking handsome as ever in his full uniform. It’d been a while since they’d been sent out on a call, what with all the changes happening around them. He wished they were heading out under different circumstances.


  Sloane nodded. He turned to Dex, who stepped in front of him and straightened the strap of his MP5. They put their heads together, and Sloane placed his gloved hand to Dex’s cheek.

  “I’m right here with you, okay?”

  “Thank you.”

  Sloane straightened and motioned for the door. “Destructive Delta, move out.”

  They all waited for Sloane to walk ahead, and Dex fell in behind him. They took formation, following him like they always had to the elevator and then rode it up to Unit Alpha. They headed down the hall and then walked through the doors leading to their unit. When they reached the bull pen, everyone stood. Agents and officers came out from their offices, all to watch them walk through the bull pen, most likely wondering if the apocalypse was upon them to have Destructive Delta ready to head out in full tactical gear. Sloane had no intention of keeping his sergeant’s abduction a secret. It would be unfair to the agents who worked with him, respected him, and looked up to him. They had a right to know. They had a right to join in the fight. And he knew Dex would agree with him. Tony was Dex and Cael’s father, but he was also a founding member of the THIRDS. He watched this place grow. He celebrated and suffered along with every agent in this bull pen. Tony was more than a THIRDS officer. He was family.

  Bringing down the Makhai might have been TIN’s problem, but that changed when Sloane and Dex discovered they’d had Dex’s parents murdered, when they paid to have Dex tortured and killed, and now they had the fucking balls to take Tony away from his family. Sloane didn’t care if he had to hunt down every one of those bastards and put them in the ground. He was going to help Dex get Tony back and end this.


  “IS THIS room secure?” Dex stood to one side as Sparks placed her hand on the security panel by the door. After the initial handprint scan, she entered a code, then walked to the front of the room.

  Dex pretended not to notice how red her eyes were. She hadn’t been at the facility, which was unusual for her. Had she even
left her office at HQ until now? How long after his dad was taken had she found out? Despite her reddened eyes, there was no mistaking the promise of unholy retribution in them. She looked very much like how Dex felt.

  “The room is secure,” Sparks replied, taking a seat at the end of the large conference room table. Everyone took a seat except for Dex and Cael, who remained standing near Sparks. “Austen has updated me on everything that’s happened today. Hudson is resting in one of the sleeper bays. Seb is looking after him. While the Makhai is out there looking for Hudson, it’s best we keep him close. He’s being rather stubborn and refuses to allow us to place him in a safe house.” Sparks’s expression turned grave. “We were wrong about why the Makhai want Hudson.”

  Dex took a seat in the chair closest to her. “What are you talking about?”

  “We thought their doggedness to get their hands on Hudson was due to them actually wanting to get their hands on you.” Sparks shook her head. “They want Hudson to get to Wolf.”

  The silence in the room intensified as Sparks’s words sank in.

  “They know who Wolf is,” Dex said.

  “More importantly, they know who Hudson is and what he means to Wolf. When Wolf was recruited, he was given a whole new identity, a new life with no family. Alfie Colbourn is, technically, still dead. He’s buried in the family plot in England. That helped ensure Hudson’s safety. It’s one of the many reasons our operatives lead double lives. Not only to protect the operations, but the operatives and their families.”