Page 26 of Everwild

Page 26


  "I want it before sunset," Pugsy demanded. "Or else!"

  The boy obediently ran off, took the entire day, and returned just as the day settled into twilight. He presented Pugsy with a list and a competent graph, and he cowered until Pugsy nodded his acceptance.

  Then Mary asked the same of one of her own children--a boy known as Bedhair--to graph the demise of all ninety-three in her care. The boy took only two hours, and he returned with a list, and not just one graph, but three: a coordinate graph, a bar graph, and a pie chart.

  "You cheated!" Pugsy insisted. "He already knew the answers. "

  "Do you really believe that?" Mary asked in a calm and condescending way. "My children obey my requests because they want to, not because they fear what will happen if they fail. Consequently, they perform their tasks better. "

  It didnt occur to Pugsy that Mary never actually denied that Bedhair already knew the answers.

  Mary also discovered that Pugsy did not personally attend to the transitioning Interlights that Jill continued to bring to the agricultural building. He found it beneath him, and left their assimilation to his flunkies. This provided Mary with a great opportunity.

  She marked her personal calendar with the date that every sleeping Interlight would awaken, and made sure she was there to greet them when they did.

  "Welcome to Everlost," she would tell the confused, and often frightened, children. "My name is Miss Mary, and you are among friends. " Then she would present each of them with a volume of Tipsfor Taps, her definitive book for new arrivals to Everlost--each book painstakingly handwritten by her children on paper scavenged from Pugsys troves. Grateful for her kindness, these new children would imprint on her like ducklings, ensuring their allegiance, while Pugsy became little more than a distant figure in their minds, a footnote in their world at best.

  From Pugsys point of view, high atop his regal Ferris wheel, nothing had really changed. His subjects still feared him and obeyed his every whim. But now it was merely because Mary allowed it. Only when Mary made it clear that her ambitions stretched beyond Chicago, did he begin to worry about her intentions.

  "Tell me what you know about the west," she asked Pugsy one day. "Not what youve heard, but what you know. "

  "There is no west," he answered curtly. "Everlost ends at the Mississippi River. "

  "Have you been there?"

  "Whats it to you?"

  "I just assumed that a leader of your stature would want to see it with his own eyes. "

  Pugsy took the flattery at face value and said, "I did. Once. Theres a wind that blows from the other side. A crazy wind. I ordered a dozen Afterlights, one after the other, to cross the Centennial Bridge, but the wind wouldnt let them, and each one of them sunk right through the bridge, into the river. "

  The thought that hed order so many Afterlights to their doom didnt sit well with Mary, but she tried not to show it. "Perhaps if you found a bridge that had crossed into Everlost . . . "

  "There are no Everlost bridges that cross the Mississippi, because theres no Everlost there to cross into, so stop asking stupid questions. " He eyed her with suspicion, and Mary realized she had pushed too far.

  "Perhaps my next book should be a collaboration," Mary suggested. "Im sure there are other things you know that I dont. "

  "And itll stay that way," said Pugsy, closing the door to further conversation. But, as they say, when God closes a door he opens a window, and in Marys mind, it was a window facing west.

  Jackin Jill took a close interest in the gradual shift of power. Pugsy was far too busy luxuriating in extravagance to notice it, and although Jill could have sown the seeds of his suspicion, she didnt. Pugsys life before Marys arrival had been one of decadent excess, but Marys superior administrative abilities had made life better for all the Afterlights of Chicago--especially Pugsy. Even the leather armchair that served as his throne was gone, replaced by a gold embroidered settee that a pharaoh might have once used. It was a gift presented to him by Mary as a show of her loyalty to their partnership. Mary had traded the finest baubles of her own collection for the settee, and yet she had given it away to Pugsy, claiming his armchair for herself. Jill found this very impressive, because she knew exactly what Mary was doing. Pugsys comfort was worth any cost, because the more comfortable he was, the less hed be looking in Marys direction. Jill dreamed that the next partnership would be between her and Mary--that together they would become the most powerful force in Everlost.

  On this particular day, Jill carried two fresh sleeping Interlights to the incubator, both thrown over her shoulder like a hunters kills. The incubator wasnt kept under tight guard anymore. Mary had declared that all Afterlights should be able to see this glorious place, as if it were a hospital nursery. After depositing the sleeping Interlights, Jill went to tell Mary that the incubator was now brimming with almost a hundred and seventy hibernating souls. She found Mary in the Hindenburgs Starboard Promenade, talking to another Afterlight--but not just any Afterlight. This one was a handsome skinjacker. A skinjacker by the name of Milos.

  Jill tried to hide her shock, but couldnt. She had left Milos and his two miserable cohorts at the hands of an angry mob, and had assumed the mob had sent them on a long, slow trip to the center of the earth. She should have realized that Milos would have found a way out of it. He was so smooth--too smooth. Even now he looked at Jill with the suave hint of a gloat, and a grin that hid what must have been hatred, for how could he not hate her after what she had done to him? "Jill!" said Mary. "Im glad youre here. " She was either oblivious or pretending to be. She was smooth too.

  "Hes a liar!" Jill blurted out. "Dont listen to a word Milos says. If you have any sense youll get him off your ship right now!"

  Mary showed no signs of heeding her. "What an odd thing to say--I thought you two were friends. At least thats what Milos said. "

  Jill looked to Milos. The grin never left his face. "We parted under . . . uncertain circumstances," he said. "But Jill, I must say, I am surprised by your . . . how do you say it? Unprovoked hostility. "

  "Whatever happened between you and Milos, Im sure youre sensible and mature enough to put it behind you," Mary said. "Just as Ive been able to admit how wrong Ive been in my assessment of skinjackers, you should be able to resolve your differences. After all, were all working for the greater good. "

  Jill was truly speechless, but she tried to salvage the moment. She turned to Milos. "Milos, Im sorry, lets start fresh. " She reached out to shake Miloss hand and he took it, clasping it a bit too hard, making it clear that bygones were not bygones, and that he would have his revenge. Jill squeezed his hand just as hard. Let him try to get back at her. Let him try!

  "I really have missed you, Milos. Howve you been?"

  "Oh, Moose, Squirrel, and I have had some fine adventures, but now were here. We must spend some time catching up. "

  Jill glanced to Mary. If she picked up the tension between Jill and Milos, she didnt care. Or perhaps the tension suited her needs.

  "Now, then," said Mary, "Ive been bringing Milos up to speed on your amulet, and how youve been using it to rescue children from the light. We now have four skinjackers instead of just one--isnt that splendid? Its been amazing all the things youve been able to accomplish all by yourself, Jill--think of how much more effective youll be as a team!"

  "I can only imagine," said Milos.

  If Jill had a stomach, she would have been sick to it.

  For Milos, finding Jackin Jill was nothing compared to finding Mary Hightower. The fact that Jill was unable to ruin things for him was a good sign, and boded well for his future. If success was the best revenge, then his success with Mary would be sweet indeed--and a very bitter pill for Jackin Jill, who had used him and discarded him.

  Moose and Squirrel were still off paying tribute to Pugsy Capone, giving Milos time to follow Jill to the incubator, once his first audience with Mary was done. "I wanted to see your new scam wi
th my own eyes," he told her the moment he knew they were alone. He looked out over the sleeping Interlights. "Youve been busy. "

  "This is no scam," said Jill, practically spewing venom. "And whatever you think youre doing here, its not going to happen. Youd better leave now if you know whats good for you. "

  Milos was not troubled in the least. Her threat was empty. He sauntered closer to her, then suddenly thrust his hand forward, grabbing the amulet, pulling it toward him. The chain didnt break, and instead it pulled Jill right to him, by the neck.

  "Let go of me!" demanded Jill.

  "I remember when I gave you this necklace," he said. "I traded a whole box of Twinkies for it. Do you know what those Twinkies were worth?"

  "I said let go!"

  This time Milos did, and Jill took a healthy step back from him.

  "Does Mary know that your magical amulet is nothing more than blue glass on a fake gold chain?"

  Now Jill began to look scared. "Are you going to tell her?"

  Milos chose to ignore the question. "What I want to know is how you do it. You obviously cannot see the future, so then how do you know when these deadly accidents will occur?"

  Jill looked at him with fuming hatred. "Figure it out for yourself. "

  "Oh," said Milos, "but I already have. "

  The hatred in Jills eyes peaked into desperation, and finally faded to defeat. "What do you want, Milos?"

  Good, thought Milos. Now for the bargain. Few things were more rewarding than blackmailing a criminal. "I will keep your secret," Milos told her, "and in return, you will step back, and allow me to take first position among Marys skinjackers. "

  "Mary chooses who she puts in charge. "

  "Mary will choose me," Milos said with confidence. "And when she does, you will support it, and accept my leadership. " Then he smiled. "Just like old times. "

  "And if I dont?"

  "Then I will tell Mary exactly how you find all these new arrivals. "

  Jill looked away, her lips pursing into an angry slit. "Fine. But dont expect me to follow your orders," she said, but Milos knew she would.

  Milos left Jill to stew in her own afterglow, returning immediately to Mary, who wanted to brief him on the state of affairs in Chicago. At first she was guarded, but Milos could sense she needed someone to talk to--a new and sympathetic ear. And so he listened, and found everything she had to say fascinating. Perhaps she sensed that, because soon she opened up, sharing things beyond her dealings in Chicago. As stiff as she was, she seemed to relax just the slightest bit.

  "Its good to have someone to talk to about these things," she said. "Someone with whom I can see eye to eye. "

  Milos looked around the Promenade. It said so much about Mary. It was pristine, and spotless. It was full of works of art and furniture that were clearly added by her. The place was as elegant and evolved as Mary herself. There was also a sizeable collection of books in the Promenade. Not just the ones Mary had written, but dozens of others that Mary had acquired. One of those books was out, and sitting on Marys chair. Milos picked it up, curious. It featured a picture of a suspension bridge under construction. The title was A History of Civil Engineering. "A hobby of yours?" he asked.