Page 19 of Deriks Bane

Page 19


  "Well, I was thinking about jumping your bones and then taking a nap. "

  "Excellent! Oh, wait a minute, I'm not that easy. " Heck, two nights ago she'd been fervently . . . well, a little bit. . . opposed to making love with a perfect stranger. Although Derik was far from perfect. "What the hell. " She sighed as he bent and nibbled on her throat. "Yes, I am. By the way, I'm on the Pill. And I assume you're disease-free, being a genetically superior irritating being and all. "

  "The Pill?" He paused in mid-nibble. "Oh. Okay. That's good. "

  It didn't sound like he thought it was good. In fact, it sounded like he thought it was the opposite of good. "What, you wanted me to get pregnant?" she joked.

  "No, no. "

  Weird. Because he sounded . . . disappointed? Maybe it was. a cultural thing. She'd figure it out later.

  She slapped a mosquito and kissed him back, delighting in the feel of his hard stomach beneath her fingers, the way his taut muscles rippled under—

  "Ouch, damn it!"

  "What? What?"

  "I'm getting eaten alive, here. "

  "Yeah, I know," he murmured into her ear. "And if you give me another minute, I'll—"

  "I meant by bugs, idiot. "

  "Oh. "

  "Where's the Off?"

  "Poison in a can? No. No, Sara. Please," he begged as she got up in search of relief. "Don't put that stuff all over you. Please!"

  "Derik," she said, exasperated. "I'm going to be one big mosquito bite tomorrow. I'm sorry you don't like the smell, but—"

  "Let's go in the truck," he suggested.

  She paused and slapped another flying vampire. "Good idea. "

  In another minute, they were groping and moaning on the front seat.

  "Oh, God. . . "

  "Urn. . . "

  "Oh, that's nice . . . here . . . move over here. "

  "Ah. . . oooh. "

  "Yeah, like that. . . oh, God. "

  "Ooooh, baby. "



  "The gearshift is sticking into my neck . . . there. Um. Okay, that's better. Move your hand an inch to the . . . yeah. Oooh. "

  "Mmm. "



  "Your foot is caught in my shirt. "

  "Sorry. . . "

  "That's better . . . yeah . . . um . . . here, raise up . . . a little more. "

  "Oh, Christ. "

  "Yeah. "

  "Do not stop. "

  "Well, I don't—ow!"

  He sighed. "What?"

  "What, what? My head is on the floor mat, and you're confused?" She puffed hair out of her eyes, but due to her upside-down position, it just flopped back. "It's a mystery why I'm protesting?"

  "Sorry. How's that?"

  "Derik, this isn't working. "

  ''What are you talking about?" He was panting, disheveled, bottomless. She would have laughed if she hadn't been so uncomfortable. "It's fine. "

  "What are you, high? You are, aren't you? And you aren't even sharing the good drugs. "

  "You're the one with a prescription pad. Besides, you're just not giving it a chance. "

  "Yourfoot was in myshirt. And now I have Raisinettes in my hair. "

  He burst out laughing. "Okay, okay. You win. Go put the fucking poison on. "

  "Forget it. Let's just bag it for tonight. "

  "Aw, man. . . " He indicated his dick, which was happy to see her. "I'm kind of in an awkward situation, here. "

  "So? Your erection will go away. " She grinned. "You know, eventually. "

  "Aw, Sara . . . you're killing me. I mean, sincerely killing me. I think your luck is going to make my balls blow up. "

  "Yeah, yeah, cry me a river. " She paused. He really did look pathetic. "Maybe I could help you out. "

  "Please?" he begged.

  She wriggled and squirmed around and finally found herself in a position that didn't make her want to scream with pain. She gripped him by the root, pumped up and down, then bent and licked the pearly drop off his tip.

  "Oh my God," Derik gasped, his hips thrusting toward her. "Oh, Christ, donot stop. "

  She licked and pumped and licked some more, and then his hand was on the back of her neck and she had a sense of his crushing power, power held in fierce check, heard him moan, "Don't stop . . . don't. . . don't. . . " Then he was pulsing into her mouth.

  "Yech!" she said a minute later, while he lay gasping and limp as a noodle—all over. "What have you been eating?"

  He rolled his eyes until he was looking at-her. "Can't you just let me bask in the moment, here?" he sighed.

  "Go jump in the lake," she replied. "Literally. "


  Sara kept looking at him out of the corner of her eye, but she did it once too often, because finally Derik said, exasperated, "What?"

  "Sorry. "

  "I can tell you that when I Change, you'll definitely notice. How 'bout that? So stop sneaking looks at me; it's creeping me right the hell out. "

  "Give me a break," she said, slightly defensively. "It's been a weird week. I can't help being a little nervous. "

  "Well, don't be. I'd never hurt you. "

  "No, just kill me. "

  "Yeah, but it wouldn't have hurt," he said easily.

  She could actually feel her eyes bulge in her head as her blood pressure zoomed. "Oh my God, you're serious!" He just looked at her.

  "Okay, well, you can go run off in the woods now," she said. "I'm pissed again. "

  "In a few minutes. " The sky was a gorgeous blaze of pinks and reds—atruly staggering sunset. And she was too annoyed and freaked out to appreciate it. "You okay?"

  "Sure. Sure I am. " She sneaked a glance at her wristwatch. It had been a long day—she'd spent it staring out the window, at the moon. Last night—heck, the night at Jon's—seemed a thousand years ago.

  "Look, you're all set here, right? Just stay with the truck. I'll probably stick close, anyway. Stop looking at your watch, it's making me nuts. "

  "Sorry," she said, and like a bad dream, her gaze snuck to her watch again. "So, is it, like,Farmer's Almanac sunset that you change? Or actual full dark? Because it's a full moon right now, you know. "

  "I know," he said, and did his voice sound . . . thick? She snuck another glance at him and noted he was staring dreamily at the sky. "Sunset to sunrise. That's when we run with Her. "

  "Oookay. I'll be cringing in my sleeping bag if you need me. " She started toward the truck, and quick as thought, he had her by the arm, gently restraining her. His nails, she noticed with a detachment that was almost like being drugged, were quite long, and curving under.

  Sure, it was like being drugged. She was scared, and her brain was trying to help her deal with that fear by going into analyze overload.

  Oh, for God's sake, Sara!This was Derik, and bad first impressions aside, he'd chew off his left hand before hurting her.

  That was true, and she felt better, even if the sight of those nails—claws, really—was a bit upsetting. "What? What is it?"

  "Stay with the truck," he said again, and itwasn't her imagination; hewas speaking with difficulty.

  "Okay," she said. "You told me that already, but okay. "

  Then he was kissing her, almost devouring her, his tongue was in her mouth, and he'd picked her up off her feet, his arms were tight around her back. And he seemed—bigger? Was that possible? Or maybe he just seemed more there, because he was so close to his change.

  His mouth moved to her throat. . . and then he abruptly pulled back.

  "Well," she said, almost panted. "That was. . . urn, interesting. Could you let go of my arm now?"

  He did, and was rapidly shedding his clothes, in fact, the only time she saw him undress quicker was when they were about to have sex that first time. Was it only the day before yesterday?

  "Easy," she said as th
e button fly on his Levis went flying. She could hear something—was he grinding his teeth?

  No; he was Changing. If she had blinked she would have missed it. He fell to his hands and knees, and his blonde hair grew out, and his fingernails were digging into the dirt of the campsite, and then an enormous wolf was looking up at her, a wolf with fur the exact color of Derik's hair, a wolf with green eyes like lamps in the dark.

  The wolf leaned forward, and she bent to it— to him—and he nuzzled her, a quick snuffly kiss, and then she heard the growl ripping out of him and turned so quickly she nearly lost her balance.

  There was a smaller wolf at the edge of their camp, hesitating as if sensing the borders of their territory. This one was coal black, with the yellow-gold eyes of a calico cat. And quite small, really very small; Derik quit growling and loped over, and it was shocking how much bigger he was than the other one.

  They sniffed each other, and she noticed Derik was at ease with his enormous size, and was trying to put the other one at ease, too. The other one was almost timid, backing off but not running away.

  Then she realized: The other one was female. And they were . . . they were going off together! Without so much as a backward look, that fuzzy slut went and nabbed her would-be assassin/ boyfriend/fake fiance.

  "Well, shit," she said, and kicked one of the truck's tires.

  Derik bounded up to their campsite the next morning, lured by the smell of frying bacon. He was so relaxed, and in such a good mood, it took him a while to realize something was wrong.

  He supposed he should have expected it. Shewas human, even if she was an extraordinary one. And he did turn into a wolf in front of her. That was probably pretty weird for her. He'd thought about going off into the woods a good half hour before the sun set to spare her the admittedly odd sight, and in the end he'd shit-canned the idea. Because this was who he was, and if she didn't like it, tough.