Page 4 of Mexico City Blues

  You gotta read the Sutras,

  The Sutras of the Ancients, India

  Long ago, when campfires at night

  Across the Rahuan River

  Showed lines of assembled bo’s

  With bare feet bare the naked

  Right shoulders of passing houris,

  Sravasti late at night, tinkle

  Goes the Indian Dancinggerl –

  There’s One Thousand

  Two hundred and fifty


  Sitting around a grove

  of trees

  Outsida town

  right now

  With Buddha

  Is their leader

  Discoursing in the middle,

  Sitting lotus posture,

  Hands to the sky,

  Explaining the Dharma

  In a Sutra so high

  66th Chorus

  Dharma law


  All things is made

  of the same thing

  which is a nothing

  All nothings are the same

  as somethings

  the somethings

  are no-nothings,

  equally blank



  is the whole scene

  when you let your eyes

  wander beyond the mules

  and the fields and carpets

  and bottles on the floor

  and clean mahogany radios,

  dont be afraid

  the raid hasnt started

  panic you not

  day the better

  arriveth soon

  And the gist of it Nothingness


  67th Chorus


  Is Tathata, the name,


  to mean, Essence,

  all things is made

  of the same thing


  The thing is pure nature,

  not Mother Nature

  The thing is to express

  the very substance of your thoughts

  as you read this

  is the same as the emptiness

  of space

  right now

  and the same as the silence you hear

  inside the emptiness

  that’s there


  so nothing in the way

  but ignorant sofas

  and phantoms & chairs,

  nothing there but the picture

  in the movie in your mind

  68th Chorus

  My disciples of the modern world.

  Christ was born in a barn because

  the inn was full. Egyptian,

  Babylonian, African. They

  met in the desert and saw

  the star and God was

  s’posed to have spoken to em

  – picked up.

  Like wild.

  A hayloft in a barn.

  All will appeal

  to Slaves

  Every saint of Christ

  was the guilt of slaves

  Inherit the Earth, O

  Camel thru the eye

  of a needle

  Rich man full of heaven

  follow me


  Never die.

  69th Chorus


  Who’s my mother?

  Goes back to Isis

  Who is my mother?

  Christ said – You are

  all my mothers.

  All my brothers

  and sisters.


  The faith

  and belief

  in him


  through their faith

  eyes of God –

  But the Catholic Church

  S hw vass iss?

  70th Chorus

  Who is my father?

  Who is my mother?

  Who is my brother?

  Who is my sister?

  I say you’re all my father

  all my mother

  all my sister

  all my brother

  “Rather a good thing”

  – that we’re all

  brothers & sisters

  Men Of Good Will

  is Something we Need

  in the World Today

  Men of Philosophy

  that Cannot be of Good


  Are the Communists

  & Fanatical Jews

  71st Chorus

  Fanatical spews

  Fanatical mews

  It is magic

  That men have anything

  to do with birth

  Say the Primitives.

  “I never objected to the word


  The crazy sex

  the Protestant has

  They’re Brigham Me Young

  God hid some tablets

  full of Gold Heroin

  In the Mormon Bible

  And flew pigeons & cocks

  Welcome Home

  72nd Chorus

  The higher criticism

  If you know what I mean

  “Literary Criticism?”

  “No –Bible.”

  Every chapter & phase

  Historical, anthropological,

  Archaeological, Logical,


  There’s not after they

  get thru with the Bible

  Much of it Left

  Mo the Span

  Pure Boy

  I must naw



  73rd Chorus

  The Book of Pluviums

  “You want some coffee

  before I get it too good?”

  A O Kay,

  Straighten me out.


  (The Bus outdoors)

  and he-hey the

  Nay Neigh

  of the Heaven


  Nice clean Cup

  Mert o Vik lu

  Nut – upanu.





  74th Chorus


  Red hot.

  That kind of camping

  I dont object to

  unless it’s kept

  within reason.

  “The coffee is delicious.”

  This is for Vidal

  Didnt know I was

  a Come-Onner, did you?


  I am one of the world’s

  Great Bullshitters,


  Very High Cantos

  75th Chorus

  But cantos oughta sing



  The hand of death

  Wrote itself

  Jumping over the moon

  With a Cow and Jesus

  Now Onions, chickens,

  Noodle end of it


  Not too many hands

  of death

  In slave Arabia

  the post hot

  Top town



  76th Chorus


  It’s better not to wake them up

  So they wont know

  They’re dreaming?

  It’s better to wake them up


  they’re dreaming.

  It’s not better to wake them up

  because they dont know

  that they’re dreaming?

  Who, no, who said I

  was dreaming?

  You said, who said, I say

  You’re dreaming?

  Lise is a fl dreamy


  “Go on, you’re having one big dream,

  That would be my answer.” (Bill)

  77th Chorus

  “Dreery my dear”

  The time we c
rossed Madrid

  in a car

  and Kelly pointed out

  the dreary Spanish

  Ar chitecture

  As they OO’ed

  And aa’ed

  In a hired

  Li mousine

  Of the Zara


  smiling to be bold

  in foretold of old

  And they stopped

  At a balcony

  78th Chorus

  A Porte Corrière

  Of Spanish



  By guitars

  Like Spanish Cows

  Ortega y gassa

  Monte de eleor

  De manta



  Ta caror

  Ta fucka

  Erv old


  79th Chorus

  Story About What?

  (Story About Babyhood)

  While walking down

  the boulevard

  Contemplating suicide

  I sat down at a table

  And much to my surprise

  My friend was goofing

  at a table

  And he was goofing out loud

  And this is the result

  Of what he Said.

  Take your pick

  Winds up in such

  A predicament

  You won’t know

  What to do with yourself

  Live or die

  80th Chorus


  “You just dont know.”

  “What dont I know?”

  “How good this ham n eggs


  “If you had any idea


  How good this is

  Then you would stop

  writing poetry

  And dig in.”

  “It’s been so long

  since I been hungry

  it’s like a miracle.”

  Ah boy but them bacon

  And them egg –

  Where the hell

  is the scissor?

  SINGING:– “You’ll never know

  just how much I love you.”

  81st Chorus

  Mr Beggar & Mrs Davy –

  Looney and CRUNEY,

  I made a pome out of it,

  Havent smoked Luney

  & Cruney

  In a Long Time.

  Dem eggs & dem dem

  Dere bacons, baby,

  If you only lay that

  down on a trumpet,

  ‘Lay that down

  solid brother

  ‘Bout all dem

  bacon & eggs

  Ya gotta be able

  to lay it down

  solid –

  All that luney

  & fruney

  82nd Chorus

  Fracons, aeons, & beggs,

  Lay, it, all that

  be bobby

  be buddy

  I didnt took

  I could think




  Luney & Juney


  that’s the way

  they get

  kinda hysterical

  Looney & Boony

  Juner and Mooner

  Moon, Spoon, and June

  83rd Chorus

  Dont they call them

  cat men

  That lay it down

  with the trumpet

  The orgasm

  Of the moon

  And the June

  I call em

  them cat things

  “That’s really cute,

  that un”




  84th Chorus


  By the light

  Of the silvery moon

  I like to spoon

  To my honey



  Love’s Dream

  By the light

  Of the silvery moon

  We’ll O that’s the

  part I dont remember

  ho ney moon –

  Croon –

  Love –

  June –

  O I dont know

  You can get it out of a book

  If the right words are


  85th Chorus

  Do you really need

  the right word

  Do you really need

  Of course it’s all asinine

  Forms of asininity

  Once & for all

  Mr. William Carlos



  An asinine form

  which will end

  all asininity

  from now on

  That’s a poem

  The poem

  Will end


  86th Chorus

  Take your pick,

  If you wanta commit suicide.

  So that we’ll know

  What it woulda been

  like without life.

  Woulda been like

  Peaceful and Golden.

  A Crashing Movie

  The world

  Full of beet skins

  And fist stars

  And editorial

  Poon yaks.

  A crashing movie

  The World

  Full of craze


  The Share

  is Merde


  87th Chorus

  These things in a big structure of Confession –

  And “Later” – “Later the Road” –

  Or “On the Road” simply. New

  Haven Railroads of the Night

  Couldnt be Tighter, than Slaw,

  The Riverbottom Rog Man, Screaming

  In the Passaic Rocks ready to throat

  And drown the sodden once-dry dog

  In a multifarious Pool of Pearls

  Containing Amethystine Paradises

  And Worlds a Hundred Million in Number

  Fit for the following Kings:

  Ashapur, Parteriat, Klane,

  Thor, Mordelowr, Power,

  Thwatmalee, Rizottle the Bottle

  The Funny King of the Aisles –

  Ah the insane –

  Make it a great story & confession

  Of all the crazy people you’ve known

  Since early Nineteen Fifty One,

  In the Twat and the Twaddle

  Of the Lovegirl Marriage.

  88th Chorus

  “I wanted to marry a lovegirl,

  A girl-only-interested-in-love girl,”

  that would be the first sentence

  of this masterpiece

  Of golden litteratur –

  Brap. All the crazy people

  I’ve known since I was 4 years old

  – 6 years old I saw the sun red

  on windows of snowy centralville,

  and wondered “Who am I?”

  with truthful little eyes

  turned to the skies of paradise –

  no answer came.

  I was the first crazy person

  I’d known.

  Had bundles and scarves a hundred miles


  Wrapt in my heart of the library,

  I had bottles and barts, & Xmas Trees,

  and every thing known to man,

  including 6 year old ache pains

  in the Poxy back.

  Was afraid of myself simply,

  And afraid a everyone else.

  89th Chorus

  Remembering my birth in infancy, the coughs,

  The swallows, the tear-trees growing

  From your eyeballs of shame; the grey

  Immense morning I was conceived i the womb,

  And the red gory afternoon delivered


; Wow. I could sing you hounds

  make you bell howl packs,

  Zounds, I’d-a lived & lived laughing

  as a child

  If somebody coulda told me

  it was unreal:

  I was scared. The dark

  was full of phantoms

  Come from the other side of death

  to claim the hearts

  Of Sacrificial little children

  laying up in the winter night

  In cribs by howling windows

  of the cold & forlorn

  Earth of Massachussetts February,

  Massachussetts March,

  Wild howl Lupine Cold the Moony

  and Loony nights.

  90th Chorus

  I thought I was a phantom,

  me, myself,

  Suffering. One night I saw

  my older brother Gerard

  Standing over my crib with wild

  hair, as if he had just

  pee-visited the pail

  in the hall of snores

  and headed back for his room

  was investigatin the Grail,

  Nin & Ma’s bedroom,

  Who slept in the same bed

  and in the crib alongside.

  Oily is the moment so

  that phantom was my brother

  only in the sense that cotton

  is soft,

  Only in the sense that

  when you die

  you muffle

  in your sigh

  the thorny hard

  regret of rocks

  of life-belief.

  I knew, I hoped, to go be saved.

  91st Chorus

  If that phantom was real

  And wanted to hurt me, then,

  All I had to do was suffer & die,

  Gritting my teeth awhile

  Till it’s all over.

  If the phantom was unreal

  And was only a friendly shade

  Standing commiserating compassionately

  At my side as I slept and sighed

  In the Shakespearean night,

  Perhaps, may be, it was my brother.

  And my brother didnt seek to hurt me.

  If he did, I crashed,

  I saw stars, marvels,

  My miracle hullabaloo

  Balloon Rainbow

  Turned out to be “Bone

  the Brother-Crash”–

  You get socked on the jaw

  By your best friend –

  You keep thinking

  It’s going to happen

  And it never happens,


  92nd Chorus

  It was all right,

  And I was the strangest creature

  of them all.