Page 7 of Mexico City Blues

Vendors of Take a Giant Step

  Say Hailé

  In back se malleys

  Selling drunks

  136th Chorus

  I always did say

  Aunt Semonila

  The Amapola Champeen

  Of Yon Yucatan

  will never find

  her potatoes

  Till she sticks in her hands

  Potatoes of paternity

  Grow deep,


  Nut went Crazy

  Fife Faces of Man

  In One Cell

  Ow are you?


  137th Chorus


  “A kek Horrac”

  I hear in the Aztec Night

  Of Mystery

  Where the Plateau Moon

  With Moon Citlapol

  Over the dobe roofs

  Of Heroé Mexico.

  “Screeaa-ra- sarat”

  The Scraping of Chair,

  Followed by Toot & Boom.

  Punk! says Iron Pot Lid.

  Tup! says finger toilet.

  Tuck! says dime on Ice.

  Ferwutl says Beard Bird.

  Howl of Moondogs in Monterrey

  When dry is Riverbottom

  Baseball Rock

  Nothing nada like this scene

  Of Apish majesty

  In April’s hide of hair

  138th Chorus

  It’s really a Brooklyn Night

  the Aztec Night

  the Mix Toltec Night

  the Saragossa Night

  the Tarasco Night

  Jaqui Keracky

  Grow Opium

  In Ole Culiacan

  (BLANK, the singer

  sings nothing)

  139th Chorus

  I said Well

  Bad time of month for me –

  So last I saw or heard a

  him –

  Matter of fact, he even –

  But he never hardly

  gave me the 10 pesos

  So I was figuring it was

  worthwhile to keep

  the bum outa my hair,

  ten pesos

  Only one guy I ever known

  He always paid me back

  Angel Gabriel

  Bright on High

  140th Chorus

  Fifty pesos

  3 Cheers Forever

  It’s beautiful to be comfortable

  Nirvana here I am

  When I was born Tathagatas

  Assembled from all universes

  And chanted in my ear

  The gray song of Nirvana

  Saying “Dont Come Back”

  Then my Angel Gerard

  Protected & comforted me

  In the Rainy Misery

  And my mother smiled

  And my father was dark

  And my sister

  And I sat on the floor

  And I Void Listened

  To the Eternal Return

  With no Expression

  141st Chorus


  S t a r

  o f H o l y

  I n d i a n

  N I G H T

  The Tathata





  The Clear Sight

  of Varied Crystal

  Shining Mountains

  shifting in the Air

  Exploding Snow

  is Transcendental

  Brilliant Shattered

  Hammered Smithy

  Emerald Green

  Rubioso Mostofo

  Be spark snaked

  142nd Chorus

  Muck Ruby

  Crystal Set



  Bean –

  A la Pieté –

  Truss in dental

  Pop Oly Ruby

  Tobby Tun w d 1


  Gainesville Georgia – Sleeping in the

  grass on a July night –

  Dream of climbing night bank

  behind the Joe Louis signatures

  We die with same

  unconcern we live

  143rd Chorus



  Should be practical nurses

  And be given permits

  To get 3 to 5 grains a day

  Every day,

  The older addicts need more.

  Drug Addicts

  Are human beings

  Less dangerous

  Than alcoholics

  And alcoholics arent so bad

  Look at the speed drivers

  Look at the sex fiends

  144th Chorus

  Look at the sex fiends

  Speeding thru their suicide!


  Guns & jumps in the river!

  Lilly saved the man’s life!

  Flying with legs

  out the window

  to crash the locomotive

  at the X Crossing


  I been in crashes,

  I been in many a bad night,

  I been in Nova Scotia

  Investigating the Blight.

  And Bright the Vast

  Atlantic Greenland

  Mountain cap

  Of Old Atombomb


  145th Chorus


  A razor mountain –

  An Empire State Building

  needle Hypo –

  A boiling cauldron

  cucharra –

  A sneeze, a wheeze –

  A Cough

  A cotton sucking –

  A Bang of M

  Anticommunism is an

  arbitrary distinction

  Depending on Communism

  A shoot-in

  Pull out needle

  James Huneker

  Alfred Knopf

  H L Mencken

  Edgar Lee Masters

  146th Chorus

  The Big Engines

  In the night –

  The Diesel on the Pass,

  The Airplane in the Pan

  American night –

  Night –

  The Blazing Silence in the Night,

  the Pan Canadian Night –

  The Eagle on the Pass,

  the Wire on the Rail,

  the High Hot Iron

  of my heart.

  The blazing chickaball


  Extry special Super

  High Job

  Ole 169 be


  Down to Kill Roy

  147th Chorus

  The Sock

  Wock Williby


  In the shitfence

  The Angels

  in Heaven

  I knew

  The Angel in Heaven

  Gabriel Toot Boy

  Horn n All

  Blows Awful

  Blues When

  Toy Doy

  Done Bo Moy

  From China mo Moy

  To Ole Penoy,


  Y gerta

  was gordo

  148th Chorus



  Whichever way you look

  you’re looking East

  Same with West

  Whichever etc. way you look,

  you’re looking West

  Thus Spake Tathagata

  In the Eastern Heavens I knew

  Blue Auroras of the new

  Most of David ever knew

  Find the Bible Desert,


  Ti Jean Picotée



  the razor in-cut

  of void meat

  149th Chorus

  I keep falling in love

  with my mother,

  I dont want to hurt her

  – Of a
ll people to hurt.

  Every time I see her

  she’s grown older

  But her uniform always

  amazes me

  For its Dutch simplicity

  And the Doll she is,

  The doll-like way

  she stands

  Bowlegged in my dreams,

  Waiting to serve me.

  And I am only an Apache

  Smoking Hashi

  In old Cabashy

  By the Lamp

  150th Chorus

  Appeasement is Hypnotism

  When the Houri Indian

  snakecharmer gets under way

  swaying his crock toilet

  picoloette clarinoot

  at the snake’s bony


  he is leading a band

  like Sammy Kaye

  that could erupt

  and kill him

  The Weasels Wait

  If Buddha appeased

  the Likhavi Tribesmen

  It means he must have hypnotized

  and pleased

  Their appeasable hearts

  with talk

  Of Grand Nirvana’s

  Holy Paradise

  151st Chorus


  A candle dripped all its


  To the bottom of a strawberry


  Mexican Beer tray –

  A single edge razorblade,

  Partially underneath

  The blade of a butter knife

  Abstracted from old


  packs –

  And a tin cup.

  This is the Matisse Story

  Of a simple arrangement

  Of natural objects

  In a room on a Sunday

  Afternoon –

  bits of dry dust,

  black ashes

  152nd Chorus

  The edge of the tray

  is bright red –

  The strawberries are crimson

  dull painted

  juicy dimensional

  indefinable silver lights

  on the knife & blade

  brass dark death

  and the tragic gloom

  inside the lull

  of the tumbled wax

  Attican and Shapely

  The rim sadness aluminum

  ALCO Shipwave

  cup –

  Then, in real life not

  still life – comes

  the filthy dry gray

  ash tray of butts

  and matchlet tips

  153rd Chorus

  Sir Garver is cleaning

  His Attic and Castle,

  Sniffing & snappin

  The Bardic Be

  Garters –

  Wearing the huge shroud

  sorcerer’s head

  Picking up deadbeats

  Offa his bed.

  Tucking the sheets in

  of no consequence;

  Turning and struggling

  to kneel to a stand

  Off the bed of dimensions

  & middles

  And spans,

  that wont let him lie


  In the South American


  154th Chorus

  Pan mattress, pan spang,

  pan bang,

  Perdoneme, pardon


  He’s got a rich cover

  Lines made of wine

  To cover his bed with

  And pull in the line

  And unties his bow strings

  Of bathrobe & gore,

  His plue pajamas


  around all that


  His feet clean & shiny

  Like askin for more

  155th Chorus

  And as he keeps washing

  & blowing his poor nose

  And waiting for death

  to make V-repose

  Out of hands he now rubs with

  the towel of More.

  Coffee cup’s a-covered

  Friend does the Sneeze

  Death’ll overcome him

  in Some Fleece of Sleep

  Nirvana is Snowing

  Right down on his head

  Everything’s all right

  In Heaven in High

  Inside this blue bottle

  us flies rage & wait

  But outside is the Rosy

  of Purple O Gate

  O J O

  156th Chorus

  I know we’re all straight

  I knew from a tree

  I leaned on a tree

  And the tree told me

  Tree told me Haby

  The Maybe is Abey,

  The Kapey is Correcty,

  You’ll be allarighty

  Trees dont talk good

  No they don’t talk good

  This tree just told me

  See Eternity

  Is the other side

  Of the other part

  Of your mind

  That you ignore

  Because you want to

  157th Chorus

  The Art of Kindness

  Is a dream

  That was foretold by prophets

  Of Old, wd. be continuous

  With no broken lines

  Buddha after Buddha

  Crashing in from Heavens

  Farther than expressioning,

  Bringing the Single Teaching:

  Love Everywhere.

  Bring on the single teaching,

  It’s all indeed in Love;

  Love not of Loved Object

  Cause no object exists,

  Love of Objectlessness,

  When nothing exists

  Save yourself and your not-self

  Hung in a Moon

  Of Perfect O Canopy

  Sorrowing Starborrowing

  Happiness Parade

  158th Chorus

  It wont happen is what

  it is –

  It’ll lose touch –

  It was the same in past


  It will be with the bees


  the feeling of in and out

  your feeling of being alive

  is the feeling of in & out

  your feeling of being dead


  When it comes you wont

  sneeze no more, Gesundheit.

  It wont happen, is what

  is –


  it aint happenin now

  Smile & think deeply

  159th Chorus

  Blook Bleak.

  Bleak was Blook,

  an Onionchaser Hen

  necked Glutinous

  Huge Food monster

  that you ate

  with FLAN & Syrup

  in a sticky universe

  Blook on the Mountaintop,


  Blake by the Mountainside,

  Baah! –

  Boom went the Crasher

  Mountain Heidi

  Kerplunk Archagelan

  Swiss Funnel

  Top of Funny Ships

  Singing & sinking

  In a Glutinous Sea

  (of Lese Majesty.)

  160th Chorus

  Poppa told me a perfect pome.

  It’s simple

  The smiles of hungry sexy


  Looking to lock you in

  lock joint and all

  And those eyes of Italian

  deep scenery

  In Riviera’s of Caviar


  And Mulberry Bee


  Sun Ahmenides



  That’s your rosy


  another word

  for future –

  That’s your come itself

  161st Chorus

  It’s a starry disaster

  Wobbling many times

  Like Sick-to-my-Stomach

  The All Slop of Brothers,

  Every word that Pegler utters,


  Shout children on street –

  (“Luz!” is her call name)

  Horn of Sunday car, yar

  Of yak-pass mufflerless

  Cars – “You writing that down?

  “Not necessarily in agreement

  With general trend against

  The labor movement” – but here’s

  his takeoff on Eleanor

  Roosevelt ‘This is My Day,’

  It’s a funny statement –

  Pegler took out My Day

  And rolled into thought

  Tortilla & puts it on one

  article –

  (con salsa –)

  162nd Chorus


  Slim girls in thin kimonos

  Of blue silk, thin gossamer,

  Long, that you could see thru,

  Lying down, half-sitting,

  Smoking through long tubes

  In which every once in a while

  An attendant places drug,

  In a central bowl,

  And as they smoke on

  An attendant sprinkles

  their eyes with talcum


  And they flutter their eyes

  To the joy of it.

  Then, back in the Tombs,

  He’s smoking in his cell

  And the smoke became

  Singing people fading

  And coming with smoke

  and a guy passing bread

  Passes him up –

  163rd Chorus

  Left the Tombs to go

  and look at the

  Millions of cut glass –

  – a guy clocking them,

  as you look you swallow,

  you get so fat

  you can’t leave the building,

  – stand straight,

  dont tip over, breathe

  in such a way yr fatness

  deflates, go back to

  the Tombs,

  ride the elevator –

  he tips over again,

  gazes on the Lights,

  eats them, is clocked,

  gets so fat

  he cant leave elevator,

  has to stand straight

  and breathe out the fat –

  – hurry back to the Tombs

  164th Chorus

  Grand Central Station,

  side entrance

  where they unload produce

  – He & friends get scraps