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  He would dote on us like we on him.

  He would listen to everyone but obeyed none

  Just as a mischievous child he would run here and there .

  He was a friend he was a child

  He was a companion

  He was my Sunny...

  My Ambition

  I fly high , to touch the sky

  The discontentment are the wings ... is the fuel.

  I struggle and try harder , my attempts are fiercer...

  The soul is invincible doesn't give up

  The urge to win burns bright

  The feeling stronger than ever I strive patiently.

  I strive with all my might

  Yet the struggle continues the battle does not seize.

  I Love Today

  It seems a beautiful day it isnt the same

  the heart is light the time is right to unwind

  the pain seems less the mind tends to forget forgo past heart breaks....

  so am ready to fly to immerse to absorb new light of this day


  I Miss You

  Little things still disturb me.

  I still wish to catch small portions of you... embedded deep in my memory.

  I can still smell see touch you even when you are not around.

  Your mere presence made me feel elated...

  A soft smile covered my other wise dull countenance... when you were with me.

  Now there is emptiness around still I feel drowned in your presence...

  Pregnant with joy and enchanting ecstasy of your presence.

  What was it was it your smile , or your eyes or the way u spoke or the words with which you praised.... or the adrenaline which rushed through me

  I still try to figure out and I miss you day in and day out.

  I am desperate I am alone I feel let down as you are mute .

  I sweat I seethe I run I scream still no response...

  I wish I could hold on...

  But lonely I walk into the darkness and be devoured in the endless shadows of the past.


  A tiger cub...


  My coffee mug...

  My son's smile...

  And your healing touch .

  My broken heart and dreams ,

  Is beauty in itself .


  My bird's beak and loud chirping...

  The white mountain peak...

  The shining sun in its full glory..

  Or the red one drowning in the sea ,

  And the green mama turtle...

  Struggling in the sand with its little ones...

  Ah what a beauty !


  I hate being told .

  Being bold and always in a new mould is my world...

  Full of mundane and ordinary

  Outgrown and obsolete

  It is without your presence.

  I sigh and cry and hold back the tears which burn my eyes ,

  But you are cold as always

  Just give me a sign ,

  Give me a shoulder...

  Courage and hope ,

  No confusion.

  Fusion of thoughts is what I seek

  Mingle.... I care.


  Together Again

  You and me will be together.

  Gracious will be the days of togetherness.

  Beauty of companionship will prevail.

  Beauty of oneness will reign.

  Stormy have been the days...

  Lonely have been the years.

  Silently the years have passed.

  Patiently I have waited .

  At last the fury of separation will subside.

  May this moment last long.

  Like the light of moon and stars ,

  Like the fire and glory of the sun.


  the heart that aches the soul that stirs and shakes when you smile when you joyously take my name a deep contentment soothes and nourishes the otherwise impoverished mind.. ah the feeling keeps me going .. i let go fear i let go darkness. you free me of fetters of narrow thinking ... you give me wings only you are REAL


  Trembling fingers, sweaty hands, pounding temple.

  The time seems to stop the mind with its thoughts tremble.

  Soon the danger seems impending

  Yet the soul seems unshakeable

  And the body is beaten...

  The pulse races harder; emotions run high,

  The impact is great enough to smother.

  The feeling is as true as me and you .

  But it is hard to gauge how deep wound will it create...

  Thus the mighty and big surrender,

  The rich and powerful also do Fear.


  Trees emit positive energy

  They enliven and beautify

  Our otherwise dull and cheerless

  Everyday surroundings

  Are home to many

  Mother nature endow us are planet with her countless bounties,

  .....on our planet

  By letting us breathe and be alive in a surrounding of its greenery.

  The color the vibrancy the hope the security....

  Are all the different offering of the trees.

  I Love Animals

  As they are a furry delight ..

  They are playful and funny

  Quite innocent and teeming with zeal and life.

  Just need a little care .

  And lots of love

  They shower on us....

  They are cuddly beautiful faithful friends...

  The relationship which begins does never set.

  The bond is strong and they too care for us in every little way.

  They are kind and loving just need to open our inner eye ..

  To appreciate God's most amazing gift for the human race.

  Bird Song

  Bird song

  The early mornin chirping

  The soul soothing melody

  Or a cry of despair

  A flight of tranquil peacefulness in a sky full of hope

  Or a quest of unquenchable thirst

  And a sigh of endless toil and perhaps of dying hope.

  The little birdie cannot communicate

  The song it sings

  Does ring in.

  For us to listen their small voice

  And so the little bird sings along

  Its lonely song.

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Ayesha khan's Novels