Page 109 of The Gathering Storm

Page 109

  Then he gritted his teeth, eyes opening wide, lips parted as if he were under great pressure. The light flashed once, then immediately vanished. All became dark. Min blinked in the sudden darkness, trying to get her eyes to adjust. The powerful image of Rand seemed burned into her vision. Had he really done what she thought he had? Had he burned away an entire fortress with balefire?

  All those people. Men returning from the hunt . . . women carrying water . . . soldiers on the walls . . . the grooms outside . . .

  They were gone. Burned from the Pattern. Killed. Dead forever. The horror of it made Min stumble back, and she pressed her back against a tree to keep herself upright.

  So many lives, ended in an instant. Dead. Destroyed. By Rand.

  A light appeared from Nynaeve, and Min turned, seeing the Aes Sedai illuminated by the warm, soft glow of a globe above her hand. Her eyes seemed almost afire with a light of their own. "You are out of control, Rand alThor," she declared.

  "I do what must be done," he said, speaking now from the shadows. He sounded exhausted. "Test him, Nynaeve. "


  "The fool," Rand said. "Is her Compulsion still there? Is Graendals touch gone?"

  "I hate what you just did, Rand," Nynaeve snarled. "No. Hate isnt strong enough. I loathe what youve done. What has happened to you?"

  "Test him!" Rand whispered, voice dangerous. "Before condemning me, let us first determine if my sins have achieved anything beyond my own damnation. "

  Nynaeve breathed in deeply, then glanced at Ramshalan, who was still held in the grip of several Aiel Maidens. Nynaeve reached out and touched his forehead, concentrating. "Its gone," she said. "Erased. "

  "Then she is dead," Rand said from the darkness.

  Light! Min thought, realizing what hed done. He didnt use Ramshalan as a courier, or as bait. He used the man as a way of proving to himself that Graendal was dead. Balefire burned someone out of the Pattern completely, making it so that their most recent actions never occurred. Ramshalan would remember visiting Graendal, but her Compulsion no longer existed. In a way, shed been killed before Ramshalan had visited her.

  Min felt at her neck, where the bruises of Rands hand on her neck hadnt yet faded.

  "I dont understand," Ramshalan said, his voice nearly a squeak.

  "How do you fight someone smarter than yourself?" Rand whispered. "The answer is simple. You make her think that you are sitting down across the table from her, ready to play her game. Then you punch her in the face as hard as you can. You have served me well, Ramshalan. I will forgive you for boasting to Lords Vivian and Callswell that you could manipulate me however you wished. "

  Ramshalan slumped in shock, and the Maidens let him fall to his knees. "My Lord!" he said. "I had too much wine that night, and—"

  "Hush," Rand said. "As I said, you have served me well this day. I will not execute you. You will find a village two days walk to the south. "

  With that, Rand turned; to Mins eyes, he was just a shadow rustling in the forest. He walked to the gateway and stepped through. Min hurried to follow him, and Nynaeve did likewise. The Maidens came last, leaving Ramshalan kneeling stupefied in the forest. When the last Maiden was through the gateway, the portal slid closed, cutting off the sounds of Ramshalan whimpering in the dark.

  "What you have done is an abomination, Rand alThor," Nynaeve said as soon as the gateway was closed. "There looked to have been dozens, maybe hundreds, of people living in that palace!"

  "Each one made into an idiot by Graendals Compulsion," Rand replied. "She never lets anyone close to her without destroying their mind first. The boy she sent to work the jail barely knew a fraction of the torture most of her pets receive. She leaves them without ability to think or act—all they can do is kneel and adore her, perhaps run errands at her command. I did them a favor. "

  "A favor?" Nynaeve asked. "Rand, you used balefire! They were burned out of existence!. "

  "As I said," Rand replied softly. "A favor. Sometimes, I wish the same blessing for myself. Good night, Nynaeve. Sleep as well you can, for our time in Arad Doman is at an end. "

  Min watched him go, wishing to sprint after him, but holding herself back. Once he was gone from the room, Nynaeve slumped into one of the rooms maroon chairs, sighing and leaning her head against her hand.

  Min felt like doing the same. Until that moment, she hadnt realized just how drained she was. Being around Rand lately did that to her, even when he wasnt engaged in activities as terrible as the ones this night.

  "I wish Moiraine were here," Nynaeve muttered softly, then froze, as if surprised to have heard herself say that.

  "We have to do something, Nynaeve," Min said, looking at the Aes Sedai.

  Nynaeve nodded absently. "Maybe. "

  "What do you mean by that?"

  "Well, what if hes right?" Nynaeve asked. "Wool-headed fool though he is, what if he really does have to be like this to win? The old Rand could never have destroyed an entire fortress full of people to kill one of the Forsaken. "

  "Of course he couldnt have," Min said. "He still cared about killing then! Nynaeve, all those lives . . . "

  "And how many people would still be alive now if hed been this ruthless from the start?" Nynaeve asked, looking away. "If hed been capable of sending his followers into danger as he did Ramshalan? If hed been able to strike without worrying about whom he would have to kill? If hed ordered his troops into Graendals fortress, her followers would have resisted fanatically, and they would have ended up dead anyway. And she would have escaped.

  "This might be what he has to be. The Last Battle is nearly upon us, Min. The Last Battle! Can we dare send a man to fight the Dark One who wont sacrifice for what needs to be done?"

  Min shook her head. "Dare we send him as he is, with that look in his eyes? Nynaeve, hes stopped caring. Nothing matters to him anymore but defeating the Dark One. "

  "Isnt that what we want him to do?"

  "I. . . . " She stopped. "Winning wont be winning at all if Rand becomes something as bad as the Forsaken . . . We—"

  "I understand," Nynaeve said suddenly. "Light burn me, but I do, and youre right. I just dont like the answers those conclusions are giving me. "

  "What conclusions?"

  Nynaeve sighed. "That Cadsuane was right," she said. Nearly under her breath, she added, "Insufferable woman. " She stood up. "Come on. We need to find her and discover what her plans are. "

  Min stood, joining Nynaeve. "Youre certain she has plans? Rand was harsh with her. Maybe shes just staying with us to watch him flounder and fail without her. "

  "She has plans," Nynaeve said. "If theres one thing we can count on with that woman, its that shes scheming. We just have to convince her to let us in on it. "

  "And if she wont?" Min asked.

  "She will," Nynaeve said, looking at the place where Rands gateway had split the rug. "Once we tell her about tonight, she will. I dislike the woman, and I suspect she returns the emotion, but neither of us can handle Rand alone. " She pursed her lips. "I worry we wont be able to handle him together. Lets go. "

  Min followed. "Handle" Rand? That was another problem. Nynaeve and Cadsuane were both so concerned with handling that they failed to see that it might be best to help him instead. Nynaeve cared for Rand, but she saw him as a problem to be fixed, rather than a man in need.

  And so Min accompanied the Aes Sedai out of the mansion. They walked into the dark courtyard—Nynaeve making a globe of light—and hurried around the back, past the stable and toward the gatekeepers cottage. They passed Alivia on the way; the former damane looked disappointed. Likely, shed been turned away by Cadsuane and the others again—Alivia spent a great deal of time trying to get the Aes Sedai to train her in new weaves.

  They finally reached the gatekeepers cottage—at least, the gatekeepers cottage was what it had been until Cadsuane
prevailed upon him to move out. It was a single-story, thatch-roofed structure of painted yellow wood. Light shone out between the shutters on the windows.

  Nynaeve stepped up to the front and knocked on the sturdy oak door; it was answered shortly by Merise. "Yes, child?" the Green asked, as if intentionally trying to goad Nynaeve.

  "I have to speak with Cadsuane," Nynaeve growled.

  "Cadsuane Sedai, she has no business with you right now," Merise said, moving to close the cottage door. "Return tomorrow, and perhaps she will see you. "

  "Rand alThor just burned an entire palace full of people from existence with balefire," Nynaeve said, loud enough to be heard by those inside the cottage. "I was with him. "

  Merise froze.

  "Let her in," Cadsuanes voice said from inside. Reluctantly, Merise pulled open the door. Inside, Min saw Cadsuane sitting on some cushions on the floor with Amys, Bair, Melaine and Sorilea. The front room—the main room—of the cottage was decorated with a simple brown rug on the floor, mostly obscured by the seated women. A gray stone fireplace burned with a calm flame at the back, the wood nearly consumed, the fire low. A stool sat in the corner, with a pot of tea on it.

  Nynaeve barely gave the Wise Ones a glance. She pushed her way into the cottage, and Min followed more hesitantly.

  "Tell us of this event, child," Sorilea said. "We felt the world warping from here, but did not know what had caused it. We assumed it to be the Dark Ones work. "

  "Ill tell you," Nynaeve said, then took a deep breath, "but I want to be a part of your plans. "

  "We shall see," Cadsuane said. "Relate your experience. "

  Min took a seat on a wooden stool at the side of the room as Nynaeve gave her account of Natrins Barrow. The Wise Ones listened, tight-lipped. Cadsuane just nodded occasionally. Merise, face full of horror, refilled cups of tea from the pot on the stool—by the smell it was Tremalking black—then set it to hang by the fire. Nynaeve finished, still standing.

  Oh, Rand, Min thought. This must be tearing you apart inside. But she could feel him through the bond; his emotions seemed very cold.

  "You were wise to come to us with this, child," Sorilea said to Nynaeve. "You may withdraw. "

  Nynaeves eyes opened wide with anger. "But—"

  "Sorilea," Cadsuane said calmly, cutting Nynaeve off. "This child could be of use to our plans. She is still close to the alThor boy; he trusted her enough to take her with him this evening. "

  Sorilea glanced toward the other Wise Ones. Aged Bair and sun-haired Melaine both nodded. Amys seemed thoughtful, but did not object.

  "Perhaps," Sorilea said. "But can she be obedient?"

  "Well?" Cadsuane asked of Nynaeve. They all seemed to be ignoring Min. "Can you?"

  Nynaeve s eyes were still wide with anger. Light, Min thought. Nynaeve P Obey Cadsuane and the othersP Shes going to explode at them!

  Nynaeve tugged on her braid with a white-knuckled grip. "Yes, Cadsuane Sedai," she said through clenched teeth. "I can. "