Page 119 of The Gathering Storm

Page 119

  Even as she stopped at young Gawyns tent, Bryne stepped up beside her, hand resting on the hilt of his sword. He eyed her with dissatisfaction. Well. She wouldnt let him be the judge of her honor! She would do what she pleased.

  Although it was likely to make Egwene very, very annoyed with her. Shell be thankful in the end, Siuan thought. "Gawyn!" she barked.

  The handsome youth burst out of his tent, hopping as he stomped on his left boot. He had his sheathed sword in hand, sword belt half on around his waist. "What?" he asked, scanning the camp. "I heard shouts. Are we being attacked?"

  "No," Siuan said, glancing at Bryne. "But Tar Valon might be. "

  "Egwene!" Gawyn cried, hurriedly doing the last loops on his belt. Light, but the boy was single-minded.

  "Boy," Siuan said, folding her arms. "I owe you a debt for getting me out of Tar Valon. Will you take my help getting you in to Tar Valon as repayment?"

  "Gladly!" Gawyn said eagerly, sliding his sword in place. "Repayment and then some!"

  She nodded. "Go get us some horses, then. It might just be the two of us. "

  "Ill risk it," Gawyn said. "Finally!"

  "You wont be taking my horses for this fools errand," Bryne said sternly.

  "There are mounts in his stables owned by the Aes Sedai, Gawyn," Siuan said, ignoring Bryne. "Get one of them for me. A mild one, mind you. Very, very mild. "

  Gawyn nodded and ran away into the night. Siuan followed him at a more careful pace, plotting. This would all be so much easier if she could create a gateway, but she didnt have enough strength in the Power for that. She had before her stilling, but wishing for things to be different was about as useful as wishing the silverpike youd caught was a fangfish instead. You sold what you had and were happy for any kind of catch at all.

  "Siuan," Bryne said softly, walking beside her. Couldnt he just let her be! "Listen to me. This is insanity! How are you going to get in?"

  Siuan glanced at him. "Shemerin got out. "

  "That was before there was a siege, Siuan. " Bryne sounded exasperated. "The place is much tighter now. "

  Siuan shook her head. "Shemerin was being watched closely. She got out through a Watergate; its unwatched Ill bet, even now. Id never heard of it, and I was Amyrlin. I have a map to its location. "

  Bryne hesitated. Then his face hardened. "It doesnt matter. The two of you still have no chance on your own. "

  "Then come with us," Siuan said.

  "I will not be party to you breaking your oath again. "

  "Egwene said we could do something if it looked like she was in danger of execution," Siuan said. "She told me shed let us rescue her then! Well, the way she vanished from the meeting with me tonight, Im inclined to think shes in danger. "

  "It isnt Elaida who put her there, but the Seanchan!"

  "We dont know for certain. "

  "Ignorance is not an excuse," Bryne said sternly, stepping closer to her. "You have made oathbreaking far too convenient, Siuan, and I dont want it to become a habit for you. Aes Sedai or not, former Amyrlin or not, people must have rules and boundaries. To say nothing of the fact that youre likely to get yourself killed attempting this!"

  "And will you stop me?" She was still holding the source. "Do you think you could manage it?"

  He ground his teeth. But he said nothing. Siuan turned and walked away from him, straight toward the fires at the palisade gate.

  "Blasted woman," Bryne said from behind. "Youll be the death of me. "

  She turned, raising an eyebrow.

  "Ill come," he said, hand gripping the hilt of his sheathed sword. He cut an imposing figure in the night, the straight lines of his coat matching the set cast of his face. "But there are two conditions. "

  "Name them," she said.

  "The first is that you bond me as your Warder. "

  Siuan started. He wanted. . . . Light! Bryne wanted to be her Warder? She felt a surge of excitement.

  But she hadnt considered taking a Warder, not since Alrics death. Losing him had been a terrible experience. Did she want to risk that again?

  Did she dare pass the opportunity to have this man bonded to her, to feel his emotions, have him by her side? After all that she had dreamed and all that she had wished?

  Feeling reverent, she stepped back up to Bryne, then laid a hand against his chest and wove the required weaves of Spirit and laid them over him. He breathed in sharply as new awareness blossomed inside of both of them, a new connection. She could feel his emotions, could sense his concern for her, which was shockingly powerful. It was ahead of his worry for Egwene and concern for his soldiers! Oh, Gareth, she thought, feeling herself smile at the sweetness of his love for her.

  "I always wondered what that would feel like," Bryne said, raising his hand and making a fist a few times in the torchlight. He sounded amazed. "Would that I could give this to each man in my army!"

  Siuan sniffed. "I highly doubt that their wives and families would approve of that. "

  "They would if it kept the soldiers alive," Bryne said. "I could run a thousand leagues and never want for breath. I could stand against a hundred foes at once and laugh at them all. "

  She rolled her eyes. Men! She had given him a deeply personal and emotional connection to another person—the likes of which even husbands and wives would never know—and all he could think about was how much better he might have become at swordplay!

  "Siuan!" a voice called. "Siuan Sanche!"

  She turned. Gawyn, riding a black gelding, approached. Another horse trotted behind him—a shaggy brown mare. "Bela!" Siuan exclaimed.

  "Is she suitable?" Gawyn said, sounding slightly out of breath. "Bela was once Egwenes horse, I recall, and the stablemaster said she was the most placid he had. "

  "Shell do just fine," Siuan said, turning back to Bryne. "You said you had two requirements?"

  "Ill tell you the second at a later time. " Bryne still sounded a little breathless.

  "Thats rather ambiguous. " Siuan folded her arms. "I dont like giving an open promise. "

  "Well, youll have to do it anyway," Bryne said, meeting her eyes.

  "Fine, but it had better not be indecent, Gareth Bryne. "

  He frowned.


  "Its odd," he said, smiling. "I can sense your emotions now. For instance I could tell. . . . " He cut off, and she could sense him growing just faintly embarrassed.

  He can tell that I half want him to demand something indecent of me! Siuan realized, aghast. Bloody ashes! She felt herself blushing. This was going to be very inconvenient. "Oh, for the Blessed Light. . . . I agree to your terms, you lout. Get moving! We have to go. "

  He nodded. "Let me prepare my captains to take charge in case the fight spills out of the city. Ill bring a guard of my best hundred with us. That should be small enough to get in, assuming this gate really is passable. "

  "It will be," she said. "Go!"

  He actually saluted her, his face straight, but she could sense his inward grin—and he likely knew it. Insufferable man! She turned to Gawyn, who sat his gelding, looking confused.

  "Whats happening?" Gawyn asked.

  "We dont have to go in alone. " Siuan took a deep breath, then steeled herself as she climbed up into Belas saddle. Horses couldnt be trusted, not even Bela, though she was better than most. "That means our chances of surviving long enough to take Egwene just improved. Which is fortunate, since after what were about to do, shell undoubtedly want the privilege of killing us personally. "

  Adelorna Bastine ran through the hallways of the White Tower. For once, she rued the enhanced senses that holding the Power offered. Scents seemed more crisp to her, but all she could smell were burning wood and dying flesh. Colors were more vibrant, and all she could see were the ashen scars of broken stone where lashes or balls of flame had fallen. Sounds were more crisp,
but all she heard were screams, curses, and the raucous calls of those horrible beasts in the air.

  She scrambled down a darkened hallway, her breath coming in gasps, until she reached an intersection. She pulled to a stop, putting a hand to her breast. She had to find resistance. Light, they couldnt all have fallen, could they? A pocket of Greens had stood with her and fought. She had seen Josaine die as a weave of Earth had destroyed the wall beside her and had seen Marthera captured with some kind of metal leash around her neck. Adelorna didnt know where her Warders were. One was wounded. Another lived. The last . . . the last she didnt want to think about. Light send that she could at least reach the wounded Talric soon.

  She pulled herself to her feet, wiping blood from her forehead where a chip of stone had grazed her. There were just so many of the invaders, with their strange helmets and women used as weapons. And they were so skilled with those deadly weaves! Adelorna felt ashamed. The Battle Ajah indeed! The Greens with her had stood only minutes before being defeated.

  Breathing heavily, she continued down the hallway. She stayed away from the outer edge of the Tower, where the invaders were most likely to be found. Had she lost the ones who had been chasing her? Where was she? The twenty-second level? Shed lost count of the stairwells shed fled through.

  She froze; she sensed channeling coming from her right. That could mean invaders, or it could mean sisters. She hesitated, but gritted her teeth. She was the Captain-General of the Green Ajah! She couldnt just run and hide.

  Torchlight sprang from the hallway in question, light accompanied by ominous shadows of men with strange armor. A squad of invaders burst around the corner, and they had a pair of women with them, the ones connected by a leash. Adelorna yelped despite herself, dashing away as fast as her feet could carry her. She felt a shield push at her, but she held to saidar too firmly, and it didnt get into place before she rounded a corner. She continued to flee, gasping, dazed.

  She rounded another corner and nearly stumbled out of a rift in the side of the Tower. She teetered on the exposed ledge, looking out upon a sky filled with terrible monsters and lines of fire. She stumbled back with a cry, turning away from the hole. There was rubble to her right. She scrambled over the rocks. The hallway continued there! She had to—

  A shield shoved between her and the Source, this time locking into place. She gasped, stumbling to the ground. She wouldnt be caught! She couldnt be caught! Not that!

  She tried to continue forward, but a flow of Air tightened around her ankle and dragged her back across the broken-tiled floor. No! She was pulled directly up to the squad of soldiers, now accompanied by two sets of women connected by the leashes. In each pair there was a woman wearing a gray dress and another in red and blue, with the lightning-bolt pattern.

  Another woman approached, wearing the red and blue. She held something silvery in her hands. Adelorna screamed in denial, pushing at the shield. The third woman calmly knelt and snapped a silver collar on Adelornas neck.

  This wasnt happening. It couldnt be happening.

  "Ah, very nice," the third woman said in a slow drawl. "My name is Gregana, and you shall be Sivi. Sivi will be a good damane. I can see it. I have waited long for this moment, Sivi. "