Page 125 of The Gathering Storm

Page 125

  Curse those Borderlanders! Rand thought. / will have to do something about them. Soon. Reaching the square, he reined in Taidaishar and nodded to Flinn and Naeff.

  At his signal, they each opened a large gateway in the city square. Rand had wanted to leave directly from Lady Chadmars mansion grounds, but that would have been to vanish like a thief, there one day and gone the next. He would at least let the people see that he was leaving and know that they had been left to themselves.

  They lined the boardwalks, much as they had when Rand had first entered the city. If possible, they were more quiet now than they had been. Women in their sleek gowns, men in colorful coats and ruffled sleeves beneath. There were many without the coppery skin of the Domani. Rand had lured so many to the city with promises of food.

  Time to go. He approached one of the gateways, but a voice called out. "Lord Dragon!"

  The voice was easy to hear, since the crowds were so silent. Rand turned in his saddle, seeking out the source of the voice. A willowy man in a red Domani coat—buttoned at the waist, open in a "V" up the front, with a ruffled shirt beneath. His golden earrings sparkled as he elbowed his way through the crowd. The Aiel intercepted him, but Rand recognized him as one of the dockmasters. Rand nodded for the Aiel to let the man—Iralin was his name—approach.

  Iralin hurried up to Taidaishar. He was uncharacteristically clean shaven for a Domani man, and his eyes were shadowed from lack of sleep.

  "My Lord Dragon," the man said in a hushed voice, standing beside Rands horse, "The food! It has spoiled. "

  "What food?" Rand asked.

  "All of it," the man said, voice taut. "Every barrel, every sack, every bit in our stores and in the Sea Folk ships. My Lord! Its not just full of weevils. Its grown black and bitter, and it makes men sick to eat it!"

  "All of it?" he repeated, shocked.

  "Everything," Iralin said softly. "Hundreds upon hundreds of barrels. It happened suddenly, in the blink of an eye. One moment, it was good, the next moment. . . . My Lord, so many people have come to the city because they heard we had food! Now we have nothing. What will we do?"

  Rand closed his eyes.

  "My Lord?" Iralin asked.

  Rand opened his eyes and kicked Taidaishar into motion. He left the dockmaster behind, mouth open, and passed through the gateway. There was nothing more Rand could do. Nothing more he would do.

  He put the coming starvation out of his mind. It was shocking how easy that was.

  Bandar Eban vanished, those too-silent people vanished. The moment he passed through the gateway, cheers exploded from the waiting crowds.

  It was so shocking, such a contrast, that Rand pulled Taidaishar up short, stunned.

  Tear spread before him. This was one of the great cities, massive and sprawling, and the gateways opened directly into Feasters Run, one of the main city squares. A short rank of Ashaman saluted with fists to chests. Rand had sent them on earlier in the morning to prepare the city for his arrival and clear the square for gateways.

  The people continued their cheers. Thousands had gathered, and Banners of Light flapped atop dozens of poles held aloft by the crowd. The adulation hit Rand like a wave of reproach. He didnt deserve such praise. Not after what he had done in Arad Doman.

  Must keep moving, he thought, kicking Taidaishar into motion again. The horses hooves fell on flagstones here, rather than rain-dampened dirt. Bandar Eban was a large city, but Tear was something else entirely. Streets snaked across the landscape, lined with buildings that most country folk would have called cramped, but that were ordinary to the Tairens. Many of the peaked slate or tile roofs had men or boys perched on their edges, hoping for a better view of the Lord Dragon. The building stones were a lighter hue here than they had been in Bandar Eban, and they were the preferred building material. Perhaps that was because of the fortress that loomed above the city. The Stone of Tear, it was called. A relic of a previous age, still impressive.

  Rand trotted forward, Min and Bashere still riding nearby. Those crowds roared. So loud. Nearby, two flapping pendants got caught in the wind, and inexplicably entangled. The men holding them aloft, near the front of the crowd, lowered them and tried to pull them apart, but they were knotted tight, somehow twisted that way by the wind. Rand passed them with barely any notice. Hed stopped feeling surprise at what his taveren nature could do.

  Rand was surprised, however, to see so many foreigners in the crowd. That wasnt so unusual; Tear always saw a lot of outlanders—it welcomed those who would trade spices and silks from the east, porcelain from the seas, grains or tabac from the north, and stories from anywhere they could be gleaned. However, Rand had found that outlanders—no matter what the city—paid him less heed when he visited. This was true even when those outlanders were from another country he had conquered. When he was in Cairhien, the Cairhienin would fawn over him—but if he were in Illian, the Cairhienin would avoid him. Perhaps they didnt like being reminded that their lord and their enemys lord were the same man.

  Here, however, he had no trouble counting foreigners: Sea Folk with their dark skin and their loose, bright clothing; Murandians, in their long coats and waxed mustaches; bearded Illianers with upturned collars; pale-faced Cairhienin with stripes on their clothing. There were also men and women who wore simple Andoran wool. Fewer of the foreigners cheered than locals, but they were there, watchful.

  Bashere scanned the crowd.

  "The people seem surprised," Rand found himself saying.

  "Youve been away for a time. " Bashere knuckled his mustaches in thought. "No doubt the rumors have flown swifter than arrows, and many an innkeeper has spun tales of your death or disappearance to encourage another round of drinks. "

  "Light! I seem to spend half of my life trampling down one rumor or another. When will it end?"

  Bashere laughed. "When you can stop rumor itself, Ill get off my horse and ride a goat! Ha! And become one of the Sea Folk as well. "

  Rand fell silent. His followers continued to pile through the gateways. As the Saldaeans entered Tear, nearly to a man they held their lances up straighter, their horses prancing. The Aes Sedai wouldnt be caught preening, but they did look less wilted, their ageless faces regarding the crowd with a sagacious manner. And the Aiel—their prowling steps a little less wary, their expressions less guarded—seemed more comfortable with the cheering than they had with those quiet, accusing Domani eyes.

  Bashere and Rand moved over to the side, Min following silently. She looked distracted. Nynaeve and Cadsuane had not been in the mansion when Rand had announced his departure. What could they be up to? He doubted they were together; those women barely tolerated being in the same room. Anyway, they would hear where he had gone, and they would find him. From this point on, Rand would be easy to locate. No more hiding in wooded manors. No more traveling alone. Not with Lan and his Malkieri riding to the Gap. There wasnt enough time left.

  Bashere watched the open gateways, the Aiel passing through on silent feet. This method of voyaging was becoming familiar to them.

  "Are you going to tell Ituralde?" Bashere finally asked. "About your withdrawal?"

  "He will hear," Rand said. "His messengers were ordered to bring reports to Bandar Eban. They will soon discover Im no longer there. "

  "And if he leaves the Borderlands to resume his war against the Sean-chan?"

  "Then hell slow the Seanchan down," Rand said. "And keep them from nipping at my heels. That will be as good a use for him as any. "

  Bashere eyed him.

  "What do you expect me to do, Bashere?" Rand asked quietly. That look was a challenge, if a subtle one, but Rand would not rise to it. His anger remained frozen.

  Bashere sighed. "I dont know," he said. "This whole thing is a mess, and I dont see any way out of it, man. Going to war with the Seanchan at our backs, thats as bad a position as I can think of. "

  "I know," Rand said, lo
oking over the city. "Tear will be theirs by the time this is through, probably Illian as well. Burn me, but well be lucky if they dont conquer all the way up to Andor while our backs are turned. "


  "We have to assume that Ituralde will abandon his post once news of my failure reaches him. That means our next move has to be toward the Borderlander army. Whatever complaint your kinsmen have with me, it must be settled quickly. I have little patience for men who abandon their duties. "

  Have we done that? Lews Therin asked. Who have we abandoned?

  Quiet! Rand growled. Go back to your tears, madman, and leave me be!

  Bashere leaned back thoughtfully in his saddle. If he was thinking of Rand abandoning the Domani, he said nothing. Finally, he shook his head. "I dont know what Tenobia is about. Could be as simple as her anger at me for leaving to follow you; could be as difficult as a demand that you submit to the will of the Borderlander monarchs. I cant imagine what would draw her and the others away from the Blight at a time like this. "

  "We will soon find out," Rand said. "I want you to take a couple of the Ashaman and find out where Tenobia and the others are camped. Maybe well discover theyve given up this fools parade and turned back toward where they belong. "

  "All right, then," Bashere said. "Let me see my men settled and Ill be off. "

  Rand nodded sharply, then turned his mount and began to trot down the street. The people were lined up on either side, ushering him onward. The last time he had visited Tear, he had tried to come in disguise, for all the good it had done him. Anyone who knew the signs would have known he was in the city. Unusual events—banners tying themselves together, men falling from buildings and landing unharmed—were only the beginning. His taveren effect seemed to be growing more powerful, causing increasingly greater distortions. And more dangerous ones.

  During his last visit, Tear had been besieged by rebels, but the city hadnt suffered. Tear had too much trade to be bothered by something as simple as a siege. Most people had lived as usual, barely acknowledging the rebels. Nobles could play their games, as long as they didnt disrupt more honest folks.

  Besides, everyone had known that the Stone would hold, as it almost always had. It might have been rendered obsolete by Traveling, but for invaders who didnt have access to the One Power, the Stone was virtually impossible to take. In and of itself, it was more massive than many cities—a gargantuan sprawl of walls, towers and sheer fortifications without a single seam in its rock. It included forges, warehouses, thousands of defenders, and its own fortified dock.

  None of that would be much use against an army of Seanchan with damane and raken.

  Crowds lined the street up to the Stone Verge, the large open space that surrounded the Stone on three sides. Its a killing field, Lews Therin said.

  Here, another crowd cheered Rand. The gates to the Stone were open, and a welcoming delegation awaited him. Darlin—once a High Lord, now King of Tear—sat astride a brilliant white stallion. Shorter than Rand by at least a head, the Tairen had a short black beard and close-cropped hair. His prominent nose kept him from being handsome, but Rand had found him very keen of mind and of honor. After all, Darlin had opposed Rand from the start, rather than joining those who had hastened to worship him. A man whose allegiance was hard to win was often one whose allegiance would also be secure when he was out of your sight.