Page 16 of Forbidden Forest

Kindel sat in the back of the high council chamber, wishing he had a stiff drink. It was a nightmare that had been going on for hours. Kindel kept his opinions to himself and let the rest of them shout. The high council allowed the low council in their beloved chamber, but the real problem, aside from the tantrums, was that the king and queen were there and they had thrown a wooden shoe into the machine. Kindel had considered discreetly recording the whole thing with his phone and sending it on to Forest, but as soon as the queen began speaking, he knew he would never even tell Forest half of what was said that day, as most of it was disparaging towards Forest herself. Kindel forced his mind to hum as things were said against Forest. If he even alluded to what he was thinking, it would cost him his job. And if he lost his job, Forest would lose hers as well.

  “I want this mission aborted,” Queen Christiana said quietly as she addressed the council. “There is no call for this ill-conceived plan to continue any further. An entire platoon will be dispatched as soon as this meeting is adjourned to go and collect Prince Syrus and bring him back to the safety of the Onyx Castle. Scouts can be sent in search of this wizard, although I don’t see why he would be any more successful than Devonte has been in restoring my son’s sight. Syrus is the future king of Regia. He must be kept safe from Philippe, this backward befuddled organization, and social-climbing, bastard Halflings.”

  Kindel watched King Zeren while the queen spoke. It was obvious the King did not agree with his wife, but he made no move to speak against her. The whole mission had been the King’s idea to begin with. Kindel was taken aback by the king’s passive resignation. No, he downright resented it. This was the first time Kindel had thought Zeren weak.

  When Christiana finished and re-seated herself, the finger pointing and arguing began again. Finally, when the vehement council members had exhausted their vocal chords, the call for a full council vote was made. Kindel watched and voted that Forest be allowed to complete the mission with a few others. The majority voted against, and Kindel was forced to send Forest an “abort mission” email.

Tenaya Jayne's Novels