Page 20 of Jilted

  "Yes," she says as she blinks hard one last time and focuses in on me. Her voice is loud, clear, and confident. "The answer is yes."

  "That was more romantic, right?" I ask with a grin as I step in closer to her.

  "That was so totally romantic," she says dreamily.

  "So...we're getting married," I murmur as I lower my forehead to touch hers.

  "We're getting married," she whispers back, and my eyes close over the wonder and joy in her voice.

  "You know...the town is going to go apeshit when they hear we just got engaged," I say as I lift my head and take her hand to walk her toward my truck.

  "It will be a vicious piece of gossip circulating if it's not done right," she adds.

  "Which is why we need to go eat lunch at the Pit Stop right now and tell Bonnie." I stop at the passenger door and open it for Eden. She climbs in, stepping up onto the running board first and accepting a hand from me for stability.

  "It will be all over town by dinnertime," she says as she plops down in her seat and grins at me.

  "Or," I say mischievously, "we could just go get married."

  "Married?" she asks with surprise. "Right now?"

  "County courthouse is just fifteen miles away," I point out. "There's no waiting period."

  She cocks an eyebrow at me.

  "I may have checked it out online recently," I admit to her.

  Eden tosses her head back and laughs, her eyes sparkling when she looks back to me. "You're crazy, Cooper Mayfield."

  "For you," I say as I lean in and press my mouth to hers.

  "And I for you," she mumbles against my lips. "Let's go get crazy together."


  Yes...forever and ever...



  "Hurry," I call into the kitchen. "It's about to come back on."

  "I swear if you tell me to hurry one more time," Eden says as she enters the living room, "I'm going to cut your balls off."

  I wince. "Babe, that's harsh."

  Eden glares at me as she walks--no, waddles--around the couch carrying a bowl of popcorn. She sits down beside me, causing the cushions to indent enough that I roll slightly toward her.

  She blows up a breath of air that lifts her bangs from her forehead and leans back with a hefty sigh. "I'm miserable."

  "I know, honey," I say soothingly and with complete sympathy. While I think she's cute as hell with her rounded tummy and grouchy attitude because she's so big, I don't like my woman feeling any sort of discomfort. Unfortunately, being six months pregnant with twins has brought about a lot of discomfort for Eden.

  "Want to lie down and put your head on my lap?" I suggest.

  "I'm not giving you a blow job," she snorts.

  Laughing, I flick my finger lightly at her earlobe, assuredly one of the places on her body that feels normal. "I don't want a blow job. I just want you to be comfortable."

  "That won't be comfortable," she grumbles. "Heartburn is worse if I lie down."

  "Lean forward and I'll rub your back," I offer.

  She glares at me. "Lean forward how? My stomach is the size of a beach ball."

  "Want me to rub your tummy?" I ask, running out of options to make her feel better.

  Eden shakes her head glumly as she picks a piece of popcorn out of the bowl and eats it.

  "I've got it," I say as I'm struck with inspiration. I lean forward, push the coffee table away from the couch, and then drop down to the carpet on my butt near her feet. I pick up her leg closest to me, turn my body slightly so it's resting over my thigh, and I start to massage her foot.

  Eden groans in relief as her head flops back against the couch. I grin, happy I'm making her feel good.

  "That feels amazing," she mutters, but then her head pops up to look at me. "But I hate my feet. They're swollen and look awful and I don't want you to see them."

  "Eden," I say. "You are more beautiful than I've ever known you to be, and that's because you're pregnant with our kids. It's your round belly, and the way you waddle, and your swollen feet that I find un-fucking-believably attractive. In fact, I've got a hard-on right now just thinking about you that way."

  She snorts, but I'm not sure why. I totally have a hard-on. I've never been hornier for my wife since we found out she was pregnant. I'll be fucking her tonight, gently, of course. The great thing about her being pregnant is that she's turned on all the time too from the hormones. It's fucking awesome.

  "It's on," Eden says as she nods toward the TV, and I turn my head that way as I continue to massage her foot.

  We watch the Oscars ceremony as the nominees for best actress are named. Eden is number four on that list for her role in Farewell, Gemma, which was the period piece she filmed in Ireland and London. I've got a soft spot for that movie, since it was a catalyst for me to get my head out of my ass.

  We're watching the live ceremony from the comfort of Goodnight House for two reasons. First and foremost, Eden's six months pregnant with twins and we don't want her traveling. Second, and probably just as important, Eden didn't want to go. It's not that she's ungrateful for the nomination, or that she's too good to attend. It's just that she wanted to spend such an important night with only me, so she could experience it through my reactions. No spotlight, no one watching...just her and me on the edge of our seats, dying to know if she won. Doesn't mean we won't go to the next one, because there's no doubt my wife will get nominated again. She's that fucking good, and I know that because I've seen all of her movies multiple times.

  An actress who I know but can't place her name reads from the podium. "And the winner is..." She gives a long pause as she opens the envelope. "Eden Goodnight, for Farewell, Gemma."

  "Holy fucking shit," I yell out at the top of my lungs as I explode off the floor.

  The camera briefly pans the audience while a male announcer says in the background, "This is Miss Goodnight's second nomination and second award for best actress," then goes back to the actress on stage. "Eden is at home in Georgia waiting on the arrival of her twins, so I'm happy to accept this award on her behalf."

  She holds up the shiny gold Oscar and smiles at the camera.

  I jump up and down, knowing I look like a lunatic, and then turn toward Eden, who is grinning at me.

  "Holy fucking shit," I repeat in amazement, then lean down to kiss Eden hard. "You fucking won."

  "I heard," she says with a laugh.

  "You're amazing," I tell her as I squat down between her legs, crossing my arms on her lap. "Simply amazing."

  "You're sweet and I love you for saying that," she says as she reaches out to run her fingers through my hair.

  Leaning forward, I lay my cheek gently against her stomach. Sometimes I can feel one or both of the twins kick against me, but they're silent now. Sleeping, I guess.

  "Are you excited?" I ask her as she continues to stroke my head. Granted, she couldn't jump up and down like me, but she seems silently stoic right now.

  "I'm happy," she says after a brief pause. "But honestly, I'd be happy if I didn't win either."

  I lift my head up to look at her.

  "I've got everything I need right here," she tells me as her fingers skim down my cheek. "That Oscar was just icing on a very awesome cake I already have. Cake will be just as yummy without it, though."

  "You want cake don't you?" I tease her. She's always hungry, but hell...she's eating for three.

  "Actually," she says with a heated sizzle in her gaze, "I'd like you to make love to me."

  That I can get on board with. I push up from the floor and extend a hand to Eden. She lets me pull her up off the couch, and I continue to pull her right into my arms. Her stomach keeps some distance between us, but I easily rectify that by leaning down to kiss her.

  "My beautiful, sexy, pregnant wife," I murmur against her mouth. "I think I'm going to fuck you from behind."

  She purrs into my mouth and wiggles her body against me. She'd be rotating her pussy to
grind it against my dick if it could reach me, and she knows I'm fucking her from behind because, well...that's the easiest way with how large she's gotten. But her pregnancy has been smooth and she's been in excellent health, so the doctor has given her the all clear for continued sex so far.

  It's I'm very gentle. I do not want to do anything that will cause those munchkins to pop out early.

  I lead Eden up the stairs slowly and she chatters about winning the Oscar. I listen the entire way.

  We've made a wonderful life together. After setting the town on its ear by getting married at the courthouse that day she returned from Ireland, we managed to both have full and active careers and still spend the majority of our time together. That meant I traveled with Eden when she was filming, but that also meant that Eden cut way back on her responsibilities. Our home is in Newberry and whatever hotel we are staying at while she's traveling.

  So far, it's been pretty easy, especially since I'm doing just design work.

  But things are about to get a little crazy with twins on the way. Eden's going to take a year off from work, and we've talked about hiring a traveling nanny when she starts filming again. Of course, I'll be right alongside her when she's working, or she'll be back in Newberry raising our children in Goodnight House when she's not.

  It was a long road we traveled to get here, but I wouldn't change a thing. Our life is perfect and we got here in the time frame we were supposed to.

  We seized our second chance and were granted the ultimate reward.



  Cold Fury Hockey Series








  Lucas (coming soon)

  Sugar Bowl Series

  Sugar Daddy

  Sugar Rush

  Sugar Free

  Love Hurts Series

  Sex in the Sticks


  Wicked Horse Series

  Wicked Fall

  Wicked Lust

  Wicked Need

  Wicked Ride

  Wicked Bond

  Off Series

  Off Sides

  Off Limits

  Off the Record

  Off Course

  Off Chance

  Off Season

  Off Duty

  Last Call Series

  On the Rocks

  Make It a Double

  Sugar on the Edge

  With a Twist

  Shaken Not Stirred

  Legal Affairs Series

  Legal Affairs

  Confessions of a Litigation God





  Standalone books

  If I Return


  Love: Uncivilized

  Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll

  Finding Kyle

  The Hard Truth About Sunshine


  Since the release of her debut contemporary romance novel, Off Sides, SAWYER BENNETT has written more than thirty books and has been featured on both the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists on multiple occasions. A reformed trial lawyer from North Carolina, Sawyer uses real-life experience to create relatable, sexy stories that appeal to a wide array of readers. From new adult to contemporary romance, Sawyer writes something for just about everyone. Sawyer likes her Bloody Marys strong, her martinis dirty, and her heroes a combination of the two. When not bringing fictional romance to life, Sawyer is a chauffeur, stylist, chef, maid, and personal assistant to a very active toddler, as well as full-time servant to two adorably naughty dogs. She believes in the goodness of others, and that a bad day can be cured with a great workout, cake, or a combination of the two. bennettbooks

  Twitter: @BennettBooks

  Read on for an excerpt from


  A Cold Fury Hockey Novel

  by Sawyer Bennett

  Available from Loveswept



  This is not the first charity event I've attended, but it is the first being held underneath a thirty-eight-foot Acrocanthosaurus fossilized skeleton. I have to say, it makes this event so much better just because of the location.

  That would be the North Carolina Natural Sciences Museum. I'm here with my Cold Fury teammate Van Turner, my brother Max, and his fiancee, Jules. He proposed to her in a magazine article, and she accepted just two days ago. Van is new to the Cold Fury, just as I am. We've been here less than two full weeks, both of us brought in to beef up the defense, as the Cold Fury is taking a very hard shot at a repeat Stanley Cup victory.

  I want to hoist that cup, so the answer was a big "fuck yes" when my agent contacted me to see if I was interested. Actually, I think it was more like "fuckity fuck fuck yes," because my older brother Max was the starting goalie for the Cold Fury and we'd never played on the same team before once we went professional.

  I'm attending this black-tie gala tonight to help raise money for the museum. It's not a cause that's near and dear to me, but I'm here because Brian Brannon, the team's owner, gave Max four tickets, which cost two hundred dollars each. He couldn't come because his daughter, Lexi, was in a car accident three days ago and landed in the hospital.

  Let me qualify by saying his new daughter, Lexi. Gray Brannon, the league's only female general manager, announced it at a team meeting. Lexi is a long-lost daughter whom Brian purportedly didn't know about and she's recently shown up. More surprising is that she's dating Roman Sykora, because he and Gray Brannon don't get along.

  Gotta love the drama.

  That's not the only thing causing stress within our locker room. We've got the playoffs looming in just a few months, and right now we're at the top of our conference and want to keep that going in. But we have some key players injured, which is a major stressor, and Van and I are new to the team, so we're trying to fit in to their system.

  Add on to that that Gray's pregnant and due in a few months, which sometimes makes for a cranky GM. I wonder if something's in the water, because our team's captain, Alex Crossman, is expecting a baby as well in July with his wife, Sutton. Zack Grantham, our second-line left winger, and his wife, Kate, are expecting a baby in August. He's injured and riding pine, so he's extra cranky, but he's supposedly going to be good for the playoffs.

  I sip my champagne and glance at Max and Jules. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

  "I'd like to be married first," Jules says dryly. "And why would you ask that?"

  I shrug, tucking my free hand into my pocket. "Seems like everyone's getting pregnant lately. Gray, Sutton, Kate. It's like a virus."

  Max chuckles. "Well, when you settle down, little bro, you'll be thinking of babies at some point."

  There's no controlling my visible shudder. Not at the thought of babies, but at the thought of settling down. Did you know it's statistically impossible for a professional hockey player not to get laid if he feels like it? Why would I ever give that up?

  "Just make sure you practice safe sex," Van says with a wink. "Then you've got no worries. At least 99.9 percent of the time, if she's on the pill."

  Jules rolls her eyes and drains her champagne glass. "I'm going to walk around and check out some of this exhibit."

  Max slips his hand around her waist. "I'll come with."

  "Later," Van says as they saunter off, then he and I are standing shoulder to shoulder watching the crowd. There's a silent auction going on right now and people are circulating around the tables to put in their bids. The event is being sponsored by the Carolina Cold Fury and thus some members have to be here tonight to represent the team. I never mind dusting off my tux and rubbing elbows with people, but my interest in these events does wear thin sometimes.

  "How much longer do you think we have to
stay?" I mutter out of the side of my mouth to Van while keeping a pleasant smile in place.

  "Half hour?" he asks back.

  "Done," I agree as my eyes move over the crowd.

  "I'm going to hit up the hors d'oeuvres," Van grumbles to me. "It's the only reason I came."

  He hates these things and bitched and moaned about it the entire time he was driving us here tonight. He's my temporary roommate for now and seems pretty chill, but he can be kind of an asshole at times.

  My eyes move from Van's retreating back to sweep the room, and that's when I see her.

  Going back to that statistical improbability about getting laid, I'll clarify that it applies if the woman is single. I see no ring on her finger, which is the first place I look, then I take a moment to appreciate everything I'm seeing.

  She's tall and lithe, walking gracefully my way, but she's not looking directly at me. She has long, curly fiery-red hair, and her ice-blue eyes are looking a bit distressed.

  I turn my head to look over my shoulder, but the only thing behind me is the Acrocanthosaurus exhibit. That dinosaur isn't going anywhere, so I look back to her. When she's three feet away, her gaze sweeps to me briefly and I get a polite smile.

  Then to my surprise she walks up to the exhibit, which sits raised on a tiled dais, and pulls up the skirt of her black evening gown. It's simple but form fitting with thin straps, exposing light freckles spread across her shoulders. They match the ones over her nose and forehead. I'm not normally a freckle dude, but her skin is like creamy porcelain and her facial features are damn near perfect. She's the type of woman who doesn't need makeup because her face itself is the beauty, the freckles only enhancing it.

  Yes, she pulls her skirt up to her knees, and without any hesitation steps up onto the tiled dais. She sidesteps through some silk foliage that's added to give some idea of the terrain that this dinosaur once roamed and stops in front of the back left leg. With her brows furrowed, she squats with her legs primly angled to the side and reaches a hand out, rubbing her index finger along one of the bones.

  Very interesting.

  She's totally hot and very intriguing. I figure she's supposed to be fondling the dino bones, or she's a nutcase and will be hauled out of here soon.