“Maybe. Maybe not.”

  “Surely this gives me brownie points. I came last night too, but you weren’t working.”

  “Was the intention to turn up every night until I appeared?”


  I raised an eyebrow.

  He chuckled. “Why do that when it’s easier to ask one of your colleagues what nights you work?”

  “Right.” I shot a look at Penny, throwing Braden and I curious looks. She was working last night. “They’re not supposed to give you those details.”

  “I was very charming. Penny didn’t stand a chance.”

  “Oh my God.” I hit him with a dish towel. “You are so full of yourself.”

  The bastard laughed.

  “You need to leave.”

  “You don’t want me to leave. And I’m not. Not until you agree to go on a date with me.”

  I stared at him, my emotions at war. The truth was when I was in that elevator with him, feeling the fear of the connection that had sprung almost immediately between us, I didn’t want anything to do with it.

  And then I got home. Alone. And the minutes turned to hours turned to days in my small, empty apartment, and I started to wonder all over again about what I really wanted.

  If I kept letting the old fear win, I might always regret it.

  But if I tried to push past that fear and give a date with Braden a go, then surely more time with him would give me the answers I was looking for. I would know for certain what I wanted.

  To be alone or not to be alone, that was the question.

  He waited patiently.



  “I’ll go out on a date with you if you stop calling me that,” I bartered.

  He shook his head, all sexy and serious. “No go.”

  I wrinkled my nose in surprise. “Why?”

  “Because when I picture us in bed together, it’s Jocelyn I hear myself saying when I come inside you. Not Joss.”

  My lips parted in shock, while my whole body reacted to his words. I wondered how he’d sound as he climaxed, how he’d look, more importantly how he’d feel. I swallowed hard. “I can’t believe you said that to me.”

  “I always—”

  “And who said we’re sleeping together?” I cut him off, annoyed at how turned on he made me talking dirty to me. It was highly inappropriate to talk to a woman you hardly knew like that. “I said I’d go on a date with you, not sleep with you. And do you speak like that to all the women you’ve just met?” The thought angered me.

  Braden shrugged. “No. I don’t. But you don’t feel like a woman I’ve just met. And I didn’t say we’d sleep together on the first date.”

  “I didn’t agree to a second date. In fact, I don’t think I really agreed to a first date.”

  He sighed, and the sudden seriousness in his expression made me still.

  Our eyes locked in that way that made it impossible to look away. “Stop pretending to be offended, Jocelyn.”

  “Stop being arrogant. Stop acting like you know me.”

  “Stop denying this.”

  “Fine.” I jutted my chin in haughty determination. “I’ll go out with you. But you have to stop the dirty talk and be a complete gentleman the whole night.”

  He seemed surprised. “You really don’t like the dirty talk?”

  I like the dirty talk too much. “No, I don’t.”

  Braden studied me. And then he leaned over the bar to whisper in my ear. “Liar.”

  I sucked in a breath as the scent of his deep, woodsy cologne and the heat from his body, his delicious voice so close to me, overwhelmed me. My nipples tightened and a pulse started between my legs.

  Crappity shit fuck.

  He pulled back a little, our faces close, our lips merely inches from each other. Staring soulfully into my eyes, he murmured, “I’ll be a complete gentleman, I promise. Just say yes.”

  The blood whooshed in my ears, my heart was pounding so fast.

  I nodded. “One date.”

  Satisfaction flared in his eyes and I wondered, even hoped, if he’d kiss me.

  But apparently he was taking his promise seriously because he pulled back, leaving me feeling somewhat bereft. He slid a card over the bar to me. “Write your number on the back.”

  “Ever heard of the word ‘please’?”

  He shook his head, grinning. “This whole being-a-gentleman thing is going to be hard when you keep handing me openings like that.”

  I laughed and his eyes brightened with something like triumph. “Fine.” I pulled the pencil from behind my ear and wrote my number on the back of his business card.

  “You know if you keep acting this excited about it, you might scare me off,” he teased and took the card back.

  “I agreed to a date. You didn’t say I had to be enthusiastic about it.”

  Amused, he sighed. “Jocelyn Butler, you’re going to be a hard nut to crack.”

  “Hey,” I pointed my pencil at him, “there will be no cracking of this nut. Ever.”

  “Now whose mind is in the gutter,” he taunted. And with a wink and a deep, sexy laugh that made me want to throttle him and at the same time kiss the life out of him, Braden walked away.

  As I watched him leave the club with that confident swagger, I felt a rising panic.

  “My God, you are such a lucky bitch,” Penny said.

  I glanced at her. At some point she’s sidled up to me and was staring after Braden. When I returned my gaze to him, he was already gone. “You shouldn’t tell strangers what shifts I work. Or anybody else’s shifts, either.”

  “What? You would have preferred me to ignore that delicious piece of male property? Did you see his suit? His watch? Joss … you’ve landed the dream with that one.”

  I frowned. “He’s got more to him than his money.”

  “Yeah. Charm, sex appeal, and I bet a beautifully sculpted arse.”

  I grinned at her description despite myself. I bet everything about him was sculpted and beautiful. Oh to find out. “I have no intention of finding that out.”

  She whipped me with her dish towel and laughed, “Liar!”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that?”


  The next day I was out at the supermarket getting groceries when my phone rang in my purse. My heart raced. What if it’s him?

  I fumbled for my phone and sure enough, it was an unknown number. A wicked little flutter awakened butterflies in my belly.

  “Hello,” I said, glad I sounded casual and not breathless.


  The sound of Braden’s deep rumble in my ear made the butterflies go nuts. “Well, aren’t you eager?” I teased, grinning like an idiot as I walked through the cereal aisle.

  “I waited twelve hours. I thought that showed restraint.”

  I chuckled. “I guess.”

  “I want to take you out tomorrow night,” he said, no bullshit, straight to the point.

  I had to admit I liked that side of him. “Okay.”

  “I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear something nice. A dress, perhaps.”

  Hmm. I didn’t like that side of him so much. “I’ll wear what I want.”

  He gave a huff of laughter. “We’re going somewhere formal.”

  My interest was piqued. “Formal?”

  “Yes. I’ll be wearing a suit.”

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “It’s a surprise, Jocelyn. Now give me your address.”

  Shaking my head at his bossiness, I sighed. “You really haven’t heard of the word please.”

  He was silent and I’d wondered if he’d gotten cut off. “Braden?”

  “You told me to be a gentleman at all times with you.”

/>   “And?”

  “You keep giving me openings to be otherwise.”

  I laughed. “It’s not my fault everything I say makes you think of sex.”

  “Yes it is. You have the sexiest, huskiest fucking voice of any woman I’ve met.”

  Tingles rushed through all my womanly bits at the compliment. “Let’s steer this conversation back on track because I’m in a grocery store where there are too many ears.”

  “Of course,” he said, being all gentlemanly. “So. Your address?”

  “Shouldn’t we meet at the place, wherever it is, instead? In case you’re planning to abduct me.”

  “I’m picking you up in a taxi. I think you’ll be safe.”

  I rattled off my address.

  “I’ll see you at seven,” he said.

  “See you then.”

  “Looking forward to it, Jocelyn.” His voice had gone low, a little throaty, and definitely full of sex. But I didn’t have time to respond because he hung up.

  And I was left dazed in the supermarket, wondering what the hell I’d let myself in for by accepting a date from someone who made me feel things I’d never felt before.

  Things that scared the shit out of me.


  Formal wear wasn’t something I owned so I had to go shopping. Not my most favorite thing in the world.

  By the time Braden pulled up in a taxi outside my building, I was ready to go. I’d given myself plenty of time to prepare as I didn’t want to be a hot, sweaty mess when he showed up.

  My phone rang as I was grabbing my wrap. Braden. “Hey, on my way down.”

  “I’ll come up. What’s your flat number?”

  Ah, no way was he getting in my apartment yet.

  Ever. No way was he getting in my apartment ever.

  “I’ll be right down.” I hung up.

  When I opened the main door to the building, Braden was standing right there, waiting for me. The breath whooshed out of me at the sight of him again.

  I kept forgetting how goddamn sexy he was.

  He was wearing a black three-piece suit that fitted him to utter perfection. My eyes traveled over his broad shoulders, down his tapered waist and long legs. An involuntary, very sexual shiver rippled down my spine.

  I was so busy staring at him, it took me a minute to realize he was devouring me with his eyes. During my shopping expedition, I’d found the perfect black dress. Knee-length with a fitted silhouette, a square neckline that hinted at my cleavage, spaghetti straps, and a sexy open back. I’d paired it with black strappy stiletto sandals.

  The outfit was classy with a hint of sex.

  Apparently, Braden agreed.

  The heat, the undisguised lust in his pale blue gaze, made me want to run back into my apartment as much as it made me want to jump him.

  Braden leaned into me and I startled. But he was only leaning in to brush a kiss across my cheek.

  I smiled at my idiocy.

  “You look beautiful, Jocelyn,” he said as he pulled back. His eyes narrowed and he gave me that arrogant, hot-as-fuck smirk. “Why so jumpy, though?”

  “I’m not jumpy.” I skirted around him, striding toward the taxi. “I’m not very good with surprises.”

  Braden moved past me, pulling the taxi door open. “I think you’ll like this one.” He took my hand and like a perfect gentleman, helped me into the cab.

  When he settled in beside me, he gave me no room, even though there was plenty. His strong thigh pressed against mine. My chest felt a little tight as his huge presence overwhelmed me all over again.

  I wondered if I’d ever get used to the magnitude of my attraction to this man.

  Part of me wanted to tell him to take me up to my apartment so we could get the sex over with, so I could get him out of my system.

  Instead I held strong, staying quiet, staying put as the taxi pulled into traffic. Obviously Braden had told the driver where we were going before they collected me.

  “You’re really not going to tell me?”

  He chuckled beside me. “No point. We’ll be there soon enough.”

  Wherever we were going was in the city?

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look?” he said.

  I glanced up at him, feeling breathless all over again at how close we were. It would take no distance at all for our lips to meet. Our eyes locked, and yes, they were full of desire, but his expression, his words, were filled with sincerity, too.

  “Yes. Thank you,” I said, feeling goosebumps along the rise of my breasts. “You look great, too.”

  He gave me a nod in thanks and continued to stare into my eyes.

  The heat started to build between my legs. I wanted him to touch me. I’d never wanted anything so much in my life.

  “Up here, then?” the cab driver called, breaking the spell.

  We jerked back from one another, and I realized that Braden’s mouth had almost been upon mine before the driver interrupted us.

  Braden frowned and looked outside. His expression cleared. “Yes, thank you.”

  I peered out the window, surprise of the very best kind moving through me as I stared up at the theater building and the signage for Tosca across its glass front.

  Speechless, I allowed Braden to pay the driver and then help me out of the cab. He didn’t let go of my hand, instead threading my arm through his as we walked up the steps toward the building.

  “How?” I finally managed.

  He smiled down at me. “I know people.”

  I stared up at him in wonder at his thoughtfulness. “Thank you.”

  He squeezed my arm. “You’re very welcome.”

  And as it turned out, Braden hadn’t only managed to get tickets to an apparently sold-out performance, he’d managed to get us front row, first-level seats, right in the middle, giving us the best possible view of the stage.

  As we settled into our seats, I was very much aware of how intimate the seating was. Or maybe it was because Braden was such a big man. His arm brushed mine, his knee touched my leg, even our feet touched.

  Theater seats weren’t the most comfortable for a guy his size, which made me appreciate this gesture all the more.

  “Did I say thank you?” I said, staring straight ahead so he couldn’t read how much he was affecting me.

  However, I should have known Braden wouldn’t let me get away with that.

  I felt his fingers touch my chin gently, turning my face toward him. I shivered at the touch, and the arrogant bastard smiled.

  This time it was the sound of the orchestra that broke our gazes.

  For a while, even as excited as I was to see Tosca, all I could think about, all I could feel, was the heat of Braden’s presence next to me. My breathing felt sharp, shallow, and I was painfully aware of every little movement he made.

  Eventually, I was drawn into the opera.

  Then I recognized the first strains of “E Lucevan Le Stelle” and I felt a moment’s panic. It tapped into my emotions. It made me cry, when I wasn’t really much of a crier.

  I tensed, hoping my tension would stop me from falling into the moment. But I did. I forgot about Braden, I forgot about everything but the way the music and the tenor’s voice made me feel. Though I couldn’t relate to the tenor’s words, the pain in his voice while he sang … I didn’t need to understand the words to understand that kind of pain. Like always, the tears fell down my cheeks before I could stop them.

  When the moment was over, I felt the gentle touch of Braden’s lips on my wet cheek. I closed my eyes as his kiss lingered, and more tears spilled beneath my lids. He felt the new tears and in response, his fingers lightly caressed my naked arm in comfort.

  When he slowly pulled away, I stared at my lap, unable to meet his eyes.

  This time he didn’t push me. Instead
he laced his fingers through mine and refused to let go of my hand for the rest of the opera.


  As we were leaving, I was silent due to my emotional response to the opera. Braden put his hand on my back and it was like being touched by electricity.

  My nipples tightened and the soft fabric of my dress felt like a caress, I was so sexually aware of him. But it was mingled with something more than mere physical attraction now.

  That connection I’d felt to him in the elevator was back with a vengeance. It did not want to be ignored, and as Braden guided me out of the theater, I wondered how I could possibly try to pretend it didn’t exist.

  “I’ll get us a taxi,” he said, pulling me closer into his side as I shivered in the cool night air. “Take you home.”

  I tensed in surprise because I hadn’t expected the night to end after the opera. Usually these kinds of dates were followed by drinks at a bar or something, right?

  Or in bed.

  I glanced up at him and as if he read the confusion in my eyes, he smirked, obviously pleased. “I promised to be a gentleman, Jocelyn. If I don’t take you home now, I don’t think I can hold to that promise.”

  “You say that as if I would let you not be a gentleman? I do have a choice, you know.” It came out sharp, a little snotty even, because he had me frazzled. He had me backed against an emotional wall, and my defenses were up.

  In answer, he trailed the back of his knuckles along my naked spine and I shivered. Visibly.

  I glowered at his smug reaction.

  Braden threw his head back in laughter.

  And I wanted to laugh with him too. I wanted to curl into his body and feel the vibration of his joy against me.

  But all of that terrified me.

  I was glad when Braden called for a taxi and it appeared minutes later.

  Needing to be away from him, I slid to the farthest side of the bench in the cab and stared out the opposite window.

  I almost breathed a sigh of relief when he didn’t breach the distance between us. As the cab pulled away, I heard his soft exhalation and turned to frown at him.

  His brows creased together as he stared at me.