Chapter Seventeen


  MaTTHEW WaS SHOCKED at his first sight of the magistrate, just before two o'clock. Woodward, who entered the gaol supported between Hannibal Green and Nicholas Paine, wore a long gray overcoat and a rust-colored scarf wrapped about his throat. His face - which glistened with sweat and was a few shades lighter than his coat - was cast downward, mindful of his walking. He took feeble steps, as if he'd aged twenty years since Matthew had seen him yesterday afternoon.

  When Green had brought the midday meal, he'd explained to Matthew that the course of the trial had been delayed because the magistrate had fallen very ill during the night, but what he heard from Paine was that Elias Garrick was scheduled to appear at two o'clock. Therefore Matthew had expected to see the magistrate under the weather, but not become a near invalid. He realized at once that Woodward should be in bed - or possibly even at Dr. Shields's infirmary.

  "What are you bringing him in here fori" Matthew protested, standing at the bars. "The magistrate's not healthy enough to sit at court today!"

  "I'm following Mr. Bidwell's orders," Paine replied, as he steadied Woodward while Green unlocked the cell. "He said to bring the magistrate here. "

  "This is an outrage! The magistrate shouldn't be forced to work when he's hardly strong enough to stand!"

  "I see no one forcing him," Paine answered. Green got the door open and then helped Paine walk Woodward through. a strong, bitter medicinal odor also entered.

  "I demand to see Bidwell!" Matthew had almost shouted it, his cheeks reddening as his temper rose. "Bring him here this minute!"

  "Hush," the magistrate whispered. "That hurts my ears. "

  "Sir, why did you allow yourself to be brought herei You're in no condition to - "

  "The work must be done," Woodward interrupted. "The sooner the trial is ended . . . the sooner we may leave this wretched town. " He eased himself down into his chair. "Hot tea," he said to Paine, his face pinched with the effort of speech.

  "Yes sir, I'll get you some directly. "

  "But not from Mrs. Vaughan," Woodward said. "I'll drink any tea but hers. "

  "Yes sir. "

  "Mr. Paine!" Matthew said as he and Green started to leave the cell. "You know the magistrate has no business being here!"

  "Matthew, settle yourself," Woodward cautioned, in his raw whisper. "I may be somewhat ill . . . but I have my responsibilities. You have your own. Be seated and prepare for our witness. " He glanced through the bars into the next cage. "Good afternoon, madam. " Rachel nodded at him from her seat on the bench, her face grim but well composed. Paine and Green left the cell and made their way out of the gaol.

  "Sit and prepare," Woodward repeated to his clerk. "Mr. Garrick will soon be here. "

  Matthew knew there was no point in further argument. He put the Bible in front of Woodward, then opened the desk drawer into which he'd placed the box of writing supplies and placed it atop his own desk. He sat down, lifted the boxlid, and removed the quill, inkwell, and paper, after he began to massage his right hand to warm it for the exertion that was to follow. The noise of Woodward's husky, labored breathing was going to be a considerable distraction. In fact, he didn't know how he could concentrate at all today. He said, "Sir, tell me this: how are you going to ask questions of Mr. Garrick when you can hardly speaki"

  "Mr. Garrick will do most of the speaking. " Woodward paused, securing a breath. His eyes closed for a few seconds; he felt so weak he feared he might have to lay his head down upon the desk. The pungent fumes of the liniment that even now heated his chest, back, and throat rose around his face and up his swollen nostrils. He opened his eyes, his vision blurred. "I will do my task," he vowed. "Just do yours. "

  In a few minutes Edward Winston entered the gaol with Elias Garrick, who wore a dark brown suit that appeared two sizes too small and bore fresh patches on the elbows and knees. His gray hair had been combed back against his scalp with glistening pomade. Garrick looked fearfully into the cell at Rachel Howarth, prompting Winston to say, "She can't harm you, Elias. Come along. "

  Garrick was motioned toward the stool that had been positioned before Woodward's desk. He sat down upon it, his gaunt-cheeked face cast toward the floor. His sinewy hands clasped together, as if in silent supplication.

  "You're going to be fine. " Winston placed his hand on Gar-rick's shoulder. "Magistrate, you can understand that Elias is a bit nervous, with the witch in such close proximity. "

  "He won't be kept long," was Woodward's rasped reply.

  "Uh . . . well sir, I was wondering, then. " Winston raised his eyebrows. "What time should I bring Violet adamsi"


  "Violet adams," Winston said. "The child. Mr. Bidwell told me to fetch her later this afternoon. What time would be agreeablei"

  "One moment!" It was all Matthew could do to keep his seat. "The magistrate's only seeing one witness today!"

  "Well. . . Mr. Bidwell seems to think otherwise. On the way to get Elias, I stopped at the adams house and informed the family that Violet was expected to testify this afternoon. It was Mr. Bidwell's wish that the trial be concluded today. "

  "I don't care whose wish it was! Magistrate Woodward is too ill to - "

  Woodward suddenly reached our and grasped Matthew's arm, squeezing it to command silence. "Very well," he whispered. "Bring the child . . . at four o'clock. "

  "I shall. "

  Matthew looked incredulously at the magistrate, who paid him no attention.

  "Thank you, Mr. Winston," Woodward said. "You may go. "

  "Yes sir. " Winston gave Garrick a reassuring pat on the shoulder and took his leave.

  Before Matthew could say anything more, Woodward picked up the Bible and offered it to Garrick. "Hold this. Matthew, swear him to truth. "

  Matthew obeyed. When the ritual was done and Matthew reached out to take the Good Book, Garrick pressed it against his chest. "Pleasei Might I keep a'hold of iti"

  "You may," Woodward answered. "Go ahead and tell your story. "

  "You mean what I already done told youi"

  "This time for the record. " Woodward motioned toward Matthew, who sat with his quill freshly dipped and poised over the paper.

  "Where do you want me to starti"

  "From the beginning. "

  "all right, then. " Garrick continued to stare at the floor, then licked his lips and said, "Well . . . like I done told you, my land's right next to the Howarth farm. That night I was feelin' poorly, and I waked up to go outside and spew what was makin' me ill. It was silent. Everythin' was silent, like the whole world was afeared to breathe. "

  "Siri" Matthew said to the farmer. "What time would you make this to bei"

  "What timei Oh . . . two or three, maybe. I don't recall. " He looked at Woodward. "Want me to go oni" Woodward nodded. "anyways, I went out. That's when I seen somebody crossin' the Howarth cornfield. Wasn't no stalks that time of year, y'see. I seen this person walkin' in the field, without no lantern. I thought it was awful strange, so I went over the fence, and I followed 'em behind the barn. That's when . . . " He stared at the floor again, a pulse beating at his temple. "That's when I seen the witch naked and on her knees, tendin' to her master. "

  "By 'the witch,' do you mean Rachel Howarthi" Woodward's frail whisper had just about vanished.

  "Yes sir. "

  Woodward started to ask another question, but now his voice would not respond. He had reached the end of his questioning. He looked at Matthew, his face stricken. "Matthewi" he was able to say. "aski"

  Matthew realized the magistrate was giving over to him the reins of this interview. He redipped his quill, a dark anger simmering in him that Bidwell had either forced or persuaded the magistrate to imperil his health in such a fashion. But now that the interview had begun, it should be finished. Matthew cleared his throat. "Mr. Garrick," he said, "what do you mean by 'master'i"

  "Well. . . Satan, I reckon. "

  "and this figure was wearing exactly whati"

  "a black cloak and a cowl, like I done told you. There was gold buttons on the front. I seen 'em shine in the moonlight. "

  "You couldn't see this figure's facei"

  "No sir, but I seen . . . that thing the witch was suckin' on. That black cock covered with thorns. Couldn't be nobody but Satan hisself, owned somethin' like that.

  "and you say Rachel Howarth was completely nakedi"

  "Yes sir, she was. "

  "What were you wearingi"

  "Siri" Garrick frowned.

  "Your clothes," Matthew said. "What were you wearingi" Garrick paused, thinking about it. "Well sir, I had on . . . I mean to say. I . . . " His frown deepened. "That's might odd," he said at last. "I can't recall. "

  "a coat, I presumei" Matthew prodded. "Since it was cold outi"

  Garrick slowly blinked. "a coat," he said. "Must've had on my coat, but. . . I don't remember puttin' it on. "

  "and shoesi Or bootsi"

  "Shoes," he said. "No, wait. My boots. Yes sir, I believe I had on my boots. "

  "Did you get a good look at Rachel Howarth's face, there behind the barni"

  "Well. . . not her face, sir," Garrick admitted. "Just her backside. She was kneelin' away from me. But I seen her hair. and she was a dark-skinned woman. It was her, all right. " He glanced uneasily at the magistrate and then back to Matthew. "It had to be her. It was Daniel's land. "

  Matthew nodded, scribing down what Garrick had just said. "Did you spewi" he asked suddenly.


  Matthew lifted his face and stared directly into Garrick's dull eyes. "Did you spewi You left your bed to go outside for that purpose. Did you do soi"

  again, Garrick had to think about it. "I . . . don't recall if I did," he said. "No, I think I seen that figure crossin' the Howarth cornfield, and I . . . must've forgot 'bout feelin' poorly. "

  "Let's go back a bit, please," Matthew instructed. "What time had you gone to bed that nighti"

  "Usual time. 'Bout half past eight, I reckon. "

  "Both you and your wife went to bed at the same timei"

  "Thereabouts, yes sir. "

  "Were you feeling poorly when you went to bedi"

  "No sir. I don't think I was. " He licked his lips again, a nervous gesture. "Pardon me for askin', but . . . what's all this got to do with the witchi"

  Matthew looked at the magistrate. Woodward's chin had drooped, but his eyes were open and he gave no sign of wishing to interfere - even if that were possible - with Matthew's line of inquiry. Matthew returned his attention to Garrick. "I'm trying to clear up a point of confusion I have," he explained. "So you did not go to bed feeling ill, but you awakened perhaps six hours later sick to your stomachi"

  "Yes sir. "

  "You got out of bed carefully, so as not to awaken your wifei"

  "Yes sir, that's right. "

  "and theni"

  "Then I went outside to spew," Garrick said. "But before that didn't you pause to put on your coat and bootsi"

  "I . . . well. . . yes sir, I must've, but I can't rightly recall it. "

  "How many gold buttons," Matthew said, "were on the front of Satan's cloaki"

  "Six," Garrick answered.

  "Sixi Of that number you're positivei"

  "Yes sir. " He nodded vigorously. "I seen 'em shine in the moonlight. "

  "It was a full moon, theni"


  "a full moon," Matthew repeated. "Was it a full mooni"

  "Reckon it had to be. But I don't recall ever lookin' up at it. "

  "and even with this bright moonlight - which enabled you to see a figure crossing a distant field without a lantern - you were unable to see Satan's facei"

  "Well sir . . . the Devil was wearin' a cowl over his head. "

  "That may be so, but were not the buttons on the front of his cloaki If the bright moonlight made those six gold buttons so memorable, could you not see a portion of his facei"

  "No sir. " Garrick shifted uneasily on the stool. "It weren't his face that caught my sight. It was . . . that terrible big thing the witch was suckin' on. "

  "Covered with thorns, I think you've already told usi"

  "Yes sir, it was. "

  "Satan spoke to you, did he noti In fact, he called you by namei" Garrick nodded. "Did you not look at Satan's face when he spoke to youi"

  "I believe I did. But . . . there weren't nothin' there but dark. "

  "Did Rachel Howarth ever turn her face toward youi"

  "No sir, she didn't. "

  Matthew paused to lay aside his quill and massage his hand again. He glanced once more at Woodward, and saw that the magistrate was still motionless but his eyes were open and his breathing was steady, if very labored.

  "Mr. Garrick!" Rachel suddenly said, standing at the bars. "What have I ever done to you, to cause you to make up these liesi"

  "They ain't lies!" Garrick hugged the Bible for protection. "You know I seen you, out there givin' service to your master!"

  "I was never behind that barn, doing such a sin! and I never consorted with such a creature! If you're not lying, your mind has invented a fantasy!"

  Woodward loudly slapped his hand upon the table for order, and immediately Matthew said, "Silence, please! Madam Howarth, I speak for the magistrate when I say it's in your best interest not to disrupt the testimony. "

  "Her best interesti" Garrick sounded amazed. "Have you taken the witch's sidei"

  "No, Mr. Garrick, I have not. I'm only pointing out to Madam Howarth that it is your right to speak without interruption. " Matthew started to pick up the quill again when Nicholas Paine entered the gaol bearing a basket.

  "Pardon the intrusion, but I have your tea. " Paine came into the cell, placed the basket before Woodward, and opened it. Inside was a simple white clay pot and a single cup. "Compliments of Mrs. Zeborah Crawford. "

  "My thanks," Woodward whispered.

  "Will you be needing anything elsei"

  Woodward thought about it. He patted the desk in front of him. "Poppets," he said.

  "The poppetsi You wish to see themi" Woodward nodded. "Now. "

  "They're at my house. I'll go directly and fetch them. " Paine cast a quick glance in the direction of Rachel and then hurried out.

  Matthew had his quill in hand once more, and a fresh sheet of paper before him. "May I continue, siri" he asked Woodward, who was pouring himself a cup of dark brown brew, and he received a slight nod as a signal to proceed. "Mr. Garricki" Matthew said. "Think hard on this next question, if you will. Put the image of Satan's six gold buttons in your mind, and tell me if they were fixed on the cloak six in a straight line or three side by sidei"

  There was a sharp clatter of crockery. Matthew looked to his left to see that Woodward had spilled his tea. The magistrate was staring at him as if the clerk had taken leave of his senses.

  "It is a pertinent question, sir," Matthew said. "I do think it deserves an answer. "

  "It's foolish," Woodward whispered, his gray face stern as a rock.

  "Might you reserve your opinion until after the question is answeredi"

  "What kind of question is iti" Garrick asked, visibly agitated. "I thought I was brung here to tell you 'bout the witch, not about buttons!"

  "You were brought here to tell us whatever is necessary for the magistrate to weigh his judgment," Matthew countered. "Remember, sir, that you hold a Holy Bible, and that you've vowed to speak only the truth. Remember that God is listening to your answer. " He paused a few seconds to let Garrick reflect on that pronouncement. "Now: were the six buttons arranged in a single line, or were they three side by sidei"

  "They were . . . " Garrick suddenly stopped. His tongue flicked out again, wetting his lips. His fingers tightened on the Bible, his knuckles whitening. "They were . . . " again he faltered. His face seemed threatened by conflicting currents that moved
beneath the skin. He took a long breath, in preparation to make his decision. "Six gold buttons," he said. "On the black cloak. I seen 'em. Shine in the moonlight. "

  "Yes, sir," Matthew said. "But what arrangement were they ini" Garrick frowned; his mouth worked, but no sound emerged. His right hand began to rub in small circles on the Bible. He stared blankly at nothing, his eyes glazed and the pulse beating harder at his temple. Matthew realized that Woodward had leaned slightly forward and his expression had become keen.

  "It was a silent town," Garrick said, in what was almost a whisper. a glaze of sweat glistened on his forehead. "Silent. The whole world, afeared to breathe. "

  Matthew had been taking down every word that the man uttered. He redipped his quill and held it ready. "It's a simple question, sir. Do you not have an answeri" Garrick slowly blinked, his jaw slack. "Siri" Matthew prompted. "an answer, pleasei"

  "The six gold buttons were . . . they . . . " He stared into nothingness for a moment longer, and then he shook his head. "I don't know. "

  "They caught your attention and were clearly defined by the moonlight, yesi"

  "Yes. "

  "But you don't recall how they were arranged on the cloaki"

  "No," Garrick said, his voice thick. "I . . . can see them buttons in my head. I see 'em shinin' in the moonlight, but . . . I don't know if they was straight down or three by three. "

  "all right, then. Tell us what happened after Satan spoke to you. "

  "Yes sir. " Garrick lifted a hand from the Good Book and wiped his damp forehead. "He . . . asked me if I liked what I was a'lookin' at. I didn't want to speak, but he made me say 'yes. ' He made me. Then he laughed, and I was ashamed. He let me go. I ran home, and I got in bed beside my 'Becca. That next mornin' I went to see Mr. Paine and I told him the whole story. "

  "When you say he let you go, do you mean he held you spellboundi"

  "Yes sir, I believe he did. I wanted to run, but I couldn't move. "

  "Did he release you with a word or a gesturei"

  again, Garrick frowned as he tried to assemble his thoughts. "I can't say. all I know is, he let me go. "

  "and your wife was still sleeping when you teturned to bedi"

  "Yes sir, she was. She never waked up at all. I closed my eyes tight as I could, and next thing I knew I heard the cock crow and it was mornin'. "

  Matthew's eyes narrowed. "You mean after that experience you had no trouble falling asleepi"

  "I don't know if I did or not. The cock crowed, and I waked up. "

  Matthew glanced quickly at the magistrate before he posed the following question: "Mr. Garrick, sir, is it possible - just possible - that you were never awake at alli"

  "I don't know what you mean, sir. "

  "I'm asking if what you thought was real may have been a dream. Is there any possibility of thati"

  "No sir!" Garrick clutched the Bible tightly once more. "It all happened like I said! I woke up with stomach trouble and had to spew, and I went outside! I seen that devil and the witch there behind that barn sure as I'm lookin' at you! I swear before the Lord God I did!"

  Matthew said quietly, "There's no need for such swearing. You hold the Bible and you've already vowed your story is the truth. You are a God-fearing man, aren't youi"

  "Yes sir, I am. If I was lyin' to you, I'd be struck dead in an instant!"

  "I'm sure you believe so. I have only one last question for you, and then - with the magistrate's approval, of course - you may go. My question is: how many buttons are on the coat you wore that nighti"

  "Siri" Garrick tilted his head to one side, as if his ears hadn't quite caught the inquiry.

  "You seem to be a highly observant individual," Matthew said. "Can you tell me how many buttons adorn the coat you put on before you went outside to spewi"

  "Well. . . like I said, I don't recall puttin' my coat on. "

  "But you must know how many buttons it has. I presume you wear it quite a lot in cold weather. How manyi Fouri Fivei Six, perhapsi"

  "Five," Garrick answered. "No . . . I think one of 'em broke off. It must be four. "

  "Thank you," Matthew said, and he put his quill aside. "Magistrate, I would suggest that Mr. Garrick be freed to go home. "

  "are you surei" Woodward whispered, not without some sarcasm.

  "I'm sure Mr. Garrick has told us the truth, as far as he knows the truth to be. I don't think there's any use in keeping him here. "

  Woodward took a drink of tea and put the cup aside. "Good day," he told the farmer. "The court thanks you. "

  "I'm free to go, theni" Garrick stood up. He reluctantly relinquished his grip on the Bible and laid it back before the magistrate. "May I be bold to say, sir . . . I hope I've helped send that witch to the fire. Reverend Grove was a right good man, and what I knew of Daniel he was a Christian too. But when Satan slips into a town, there ain't nothin' that follows but wickedness and tears. "

  "Mr. Garricki" Matthew said as the man started to leave the cell. "In your opinion, was it Rachel Howarth or Satan who committed those murdersi"

  "Had to be Satan, I'd say. I seen Grove's body laid out in the church, and I seen Daniel's a'layin' in the field. a throat cut like those were . . . couldn't been a woman's hand that done it. "

  "In your opinion, as a God-fearing soul, would you believe that Satan could freely enter a church and murder a man of the Lordi"

  "I would never have thought it. But it happened, didn't iti"

  "Thank you," Matthew said. "You may go. "

  as soon as Garrick left the gaol Rachel said, "You understand it now, don't youi He was dreaming the whole thing!"

  "That is a distinct possibility. " Matthew looked at the magistrate, who was stroking his unshaven chin with his fingers. "Would you agree, siri"

  Woodward took his time in offering a reply It seemed to him that Matthew was awfully quick in his attempts to deflect Garrick's testimony The boy was very intelligent, yes; but it appeared to Woodward that Matthew was sharper and quicker now rhat he'd ever seen him to be. Of course, never before had Matthew been put into the position of commanding an interrogation, and perhaps his abilities had simply risen to the challenge, but . . . there was something a bit frightening in his desire to destroy Garrick's Bible-sworn sratements.

  It was a fervor, Woodward decided, that bore careful watching. He sipped the bitter tea and whispered, "This court is not yet adjourned. Let us keep our opinions in rein. "

  "It seems to me, sir," Matthew plowed on, "that Mr. Garrick's testimony bears all the signs of being a dream. Some things he can recall quite vividly, while others - things he ought to be able to know - are lost to his memory. "

  "Though my voice is weak," Woodward said, "my ears are still in order. I heard exactly what you did. "

  "Yes, sir. " Matthew decided he should retreat on this subject. "Pardon my manners. "

  "Pardon accepted. Now be quiet. " Matthew took the time to clean his quill. Woodward poured himself a fresh cup and Rachel paced back and forth in her cage.

  Nicholas Paine returned carrying a bundle wrapped with white cloth. Instantly Rachel stopped her pacing and came to the bars to watch. Paine placed the bundle on the desk before Woodward and started to open the cloth.

  "a moment," Matthew said. "Was that how you originally found the objectsi"

  "The cloth is original, yes. "

  "It was not bound upi"

  "It was just as you see it. and here are the poppets, just as they were. " He opened the cloth and there were four small figures formed of straw, sticks, and what appeared to be red clay. The poppets were human-shaped, but bore no attempt at facial features; the red clay of their heads was smooth and unmarked. Two of the figures, however, had thin black ribbons tied around the sticks that would represent the human throat. On closer inspection, Woodward saw that the stick-throats had been gashed with a blade.

  "I assume those two were meant to be Reverend Grove and Daniel H
owarth," Paine said. "The others must have been victims of enchantment, or maybe people who would've been murdered had we not captured the witch. " Rachel made a sound of disgust, but was wise enough to hold her tongue.

  "You can deny it all you please!" Paine turned toward her. "But I myself found these under a floorboard in your kitchen, madam! Under the very boards that your husband walked upon! Why did you murder himi Because he found you doing witchcrafti Or did he catch you servicing your masteri"

  "If they were hidden in my house, someone else put them there!" Rachel replied, with considerable heat. "Maybe you did! Maybe you murdered my husband, too!"

  "I'm sure he had nothing I wanted!"

  "But he did!" she said. "He had me. "

  Paine's face froze with the last vestige of a mocking smile on his mouth.

  "I can think of a reason you might have fashioned those poppets and hidden them in my house," Rachel went on, her face pressed against the bars and her eyes afire. "Do you not think I noticed the way you looked at me, when you thought Daniel didn't seei Do you not think I felt you devouring mei Well, Daniel saw it too! He told me, less than a week before he was murdered, to beware of you because you had a hungry stare and you were not to be trusted! Daniel may have been a stern and quiet man, but he was a very good judge of character!"

  "Obviously he was," Paine said. "He married a witch. "

  "Look at the magistrate," Rachel commanded, "and tell him about your affair with Lucretia Vaughan! Oh, everyone in Fount Royal knows it but Mr. Vaughan, and he knows it too in his heart but he's too much a mouse to make a squeak! Tell him about your affair with Blessed Pearson, and your dalliance with Mary Summers! Go on, look him in the face and admit it like the man you wish to be!"

  Paine did not look at the magistrate. He continued to stare at Rachel even as he let out a laugh that - to Matthew's ears - sounded a bit strangled. "You're not only a damnable witch," he said, "but you're raving insane as well!"

  "Tell us all why a handsome, healthy man like yourself has never married! Isn't it because you're only pleased to possess what belongs to other meni"

  "Now I know you're insane! I've never married because I've spent my life in travelling! I also prize freedom, and a man's freedom is destroyed when he gives it up to a wife!"

  "and while you have no wife, you are free to turn wives into wenches!" Rachel said. "Mary Summers was a respectable woman before you got your hands on her, and now where is shei after you killed her husband in that duel, she perished of sorrow within a month!"

  "That duel," he answered coldly, "concerned a point of honor. Quentin Summers splashed wine in my face at the tavern and called me a card cheat. I had no choice but to call him out. "

  "He knew you were having your way with his wife, but he couldn't catch you! He was a farmer, not a duellist!"

  "Farmer or not, he was given the first shot. He missed. If you'll recall, I only wounded him in the shoulder. "

  "a bullet wound in this town is a death sentence! He just took longer to die than if you'd shot him through the heart!"

  "The subject of my visit here, I believe, is to display the poppets. " Paine turned his gaze toward the magistrate. "Which I have done. Do you wish to keep them, siri"

  Even if Woodward's voice hadn't been so diminished, it would have been altogether stolen by the accusations and statements that had just flown like wild birds in a storm. It was going to take him a while to absorb all of this, but one thing stood out in clear relief in his mind.

  He remembered Dr. Shields saying in regards to Paine: He was married, when he was a younger man. His wife perished from an illness that caused her to suffer fits until she died. Why, then, did Paine contend he had never been marriedi

  "Magistratei Do you wish to keep the poppetsi" Paine repeated.

  "Oh! Uh . . . yes, I do," Woodward answered, in his tortured whisper. "They shall become the court's property. "

  "Very well, then. " He fired a look at Rachel that, were it a can-nonshot, might have cleaved through the hull of a warship. "I'd beware that one and her nasty tongue, sir! She holds such a grudge against me I'm surprised my murder wasn't on her list of crimes!"

  "Face the magistrate and deny that what I've said is the truth!" Rachel all but shouted.

  Woodward had endured enough of this discord. For want of a better instrument, he picked up the Bible and slapped it down against the desk's edge. "Hush!" he said, as loudly as he could; instantly he paid the price in pain, and tears welled up.

  "Madam Howarthi" Matthew said. "I think it wise to be silent. "

  Paine added, "I think it wise to begin cutting the stake for her execution!"

  This sarcastic remark bruised Matthew's sense of propriety, especially following on the heels of such heated wranglings. His voice tightened. "Mr. Paine, it would interest me to know if what Madam Howarth claims about you is true. "

  "Would it, nowi" Paine put his hands on his hips. "You're overstepping your bounds, aren't you, clerki"

  "May I speak for you, siri" Matthew asked Woodward, and the magistrate didn't hesitate to nod his assent. "There, Mr. Paine. My bounds are more clearly defined. Now: are these claims true or falsei"

  "I didn't know I was to be a witness today. I might've worn a better suit. "

  "Your delay in answering," Matthew said, "delays the outcome of this trial. Shall you be instructed to sit down and swear truth on the Biblei"

  "You might instruct it, but I doubt you could enforce it. "

  "Yes, I'm sure you're correct. I'm no duellist, either. "

  Paine's face had taken on a reddish cast. "Listen to me! I didn't want to fight that man, and if he'd insulted me in private I would have let it go! But he had to test me in public, right there at Van Gundy's! What could I do but call him outi He had the choice of weapons, and the fool chose pistols instead of blades! I would've given him a single cut and called it done!" He shook his head, his expression taking on a hint of regret. "But no, Summers wanted heart's blood. Well, his pistol misfired and the ball hardly rolled out of the muzzle! Still, that was his shot. Then it was mine. I aimed for the meat of his shoulder, which I squarely hit. How would I know he was such a bleederi"

  "You might have fired at the earth," Matthew said. "Isn't that acceptable when the first shot misfiresi"

  "Not by my rules," came the chill reply. "If a man aims a weapon at me, whether it's a pistol or a dagger, he must account for it. I've been stabbed between the ribs before and shot through my leg; so I hold no sympathy for anyone who tries to do me harm! No matter if he is a farmer!"

  "You suffered these wounds during your career at seai" Matthew asked.

  "The stab, yes. The shot . . . was a later incident. " He stared at the clerk with fresh interest. "What do you know of my career at seai"

  "Just that you were a seaman aboard a brigantine. Mr. Bid-well told me. a brigantine is a fast ship, isn't iti In fact, brigantines are the vessels of choice by pirates, are they noti"

  "They are. and they are also the vessels of choice by those who would hunt pirates in service of the trading companies. "

  "That was your profession, theni"

  "Hardly a profession. I was sixteen years old, hot-tempered and eager to fight. I served one year and four months on a coastal patrol before a black-flagger's rapier laid me low. That was the end of my saltwater adventures. "

  "Oh," Matthew said quietly. "I see. "

  "Whati Did you think me a piratei"

  "I wondered. " Now that the subject had been opened, he had to ask the next question as well: "Might I inquire . . . who taught you to roll your tobacco in the Spanish fashioni"

  "a Spaniard, of course," Paine said. "a prisoner aboard ship. He had no teeth, but he dearly loved his cigars. I think he was hanged with one in his mouth. "

  "Oh," Matthew repeated. His suspicions concerning the Spanish spy had just fallen to pieces like shattered mirrorglass, and he felt an utter fool.

  "all r
ight, I admit it! " Paine lifted his hands. "Yes, I have done the things the witch claims, but they were not all my doing! Lucretia Vaughan came after me like a shewolf! I couldn't walk the street without being near attacked by her! a match can only bear so much friction before it flames, and a single hot blaze is all I gave her! You know how such things happen!"

  "Um . . . " Matthew inspected the tip of his quill. "Well . . . yes, such things do happen. "

  "and perhaps - perhaps - my eye does wander. I did, at one point, feel an attraction to the witch. Before she was a witch, I mean. You must admit, she's a handsome piece. Is she noti"

  "My opinion is of no consequence. " Matthew blushed so furiously that his face hurt.

  "You do admit it. You'd have to be blind if you did not. Well,

  I may have looked in her direction once or twice, but I never laid a hand on her. I had respect for her husband. "

  "I'd be amazed if you had respect for anyone!" Rachel said sharply.

  Paine started to fire off another volley at her, but he checked himself. after a pause in which he stared at the floor, he answered in what was almost a saddened tone, "You don't know me very well, madam, even though you imagine you do. I am not the beast you make me out to be. It is my nature to respect only those who respect themselves. as for the others, from them I feel free to take what is offered. Whether that makes me good or bad, I can't say, but that is how I am. " He looked at the magistrate and lifted his chin high. "I did not put those poppets in the witch's house. I found them, according to a dream related to me by Cara Grunewald. It seems she had a vision - God-sent, if you want my opinion - in which a shining figure told her there was something of importance hidden beneath the floor of Rachel Howarth's kitchen. We knew not what we were searching for. But there the poppets were, beneath a loosened board. "

  "This was how long after Madam Howarth had been removed from her housei" Matthew asked.

  "Two weeks, I believe. Not any longer. "

  "I presume her house wasn't guarded or watched in any wayi"

  "No. Why should it have beeni"

  "No reason. But two weeks was time enough for someone else to form the poppets and hide them under the floor, don't you thinki"

  Paine surprised Matthew by giving a short, sharp laugh. "You're jesting, of course!"

  "Two weeks," Matthew repeated. "an empty, unguarded house. The poppets are made of common materials. anyone might have placed them there. "

  "Have you lost your senses, clerki No one put them there but the witch herself! You're forgetting that Madam Grunewald had a divine vision that directed us where to look!"

  "I know nothing of divine visions. I only know two weeks passed and the house was open to all who might want to enter. "

  "No one wanted to enter," Paine argued. "The only reason I and the others who were with me entered is that we had a task to perform. When it was done, we didn't linger there!"

  "Who discovered the loosened boardi You or someone elsei"

  "I did, and if you like I'll vow on the Bible that I hadn't set foot in that house since the morning the witch was taken out of it!"

  Matthew glanced at the magistrate. Woodward, who was looking dourly at him, shook his head. Matthew felt he'd come to the end of this particular road. He believed Paine. Why should the man have made the poppets and placed them therei Perhaps it had been a divine vision sent from God to Cara Grunewald; but then again, if he followed that track, he must come to the conclusion that Rachel was indeed performing witchcraft. He sighed heavily and said, "It's not necessary that you swear on the Bible, sir. Thank you for your candor in this matter. I believe you may go, if the magistrate desires it. "

  "Go," Woodward said.

  Paine hesitated. "are you thinking," he said to Matthew, "that someone other than the prisoner might have murdered Reverend Grove and Daniel Howarthi If so, you'd best take care the witch is not casting a spell on your mind this very minute! She did those crimes, and she did the other sins she's been accused of too. Her ultimate purpose was the destruction of this town, which she nearly did - and still might do, if she's not soon ashes! Why should it be anyone else's purposei"

  To this question, Matthew had no answer. "Good afternoon, sir," Paine said, addressing the magistrate, and then he turned away and stalked out of the gaol.

  Woodward watched through hooded eyes as the militia captain left. The magistrate had recalled something else Dr. Shields had said concerning the subject of Paine's deceased wife: // was a long time ago, and I'm sure Paine wouldn't care to speak about it. In fact, I know he would not. Had it been such a terrible experience that Paine had decided to deny to the people of Fount Royal that he ever had a wifei and if so, why had he confided it to Dr. Shieldsi It was a small thing, to be sure . . . but still, a point of interest.

  On Matthew's mind was the imminent arrival of the final witness, the child Violet adams. He cleaned his quill and prepared a fresh sheet of paper. Rachel returned to her bench and sat down, her head lowered. Woodward closely inspected one of the black-ribboned poppets, after which he closed his eyes and took the opportunity to rest.

  In a short while the gaol's door was opened, and Violet adams had arrived.