Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Well, if you have your reasons…” he sighed again.

  “Come on.” I gently tugged on his arm. “Let’s just go to school.”

  I was very grateful that Sam didn’t badger me the rest of the way to Morgana High. The truth was I was deeply unnerved. That man…Thomas spoke as if humans were a different species other than his own. I nearly came to a halt at the realization. Maybe Thomas wasn’t human. He definitely had an exotic quality to him that was different than a vampire’s, but most definitely not human.

  It was barely a month ago that I discovered vampires existed, and even less time passed since I fell deeply in love with one. If vampires existed, was it possible other mythical creatures did? I wanted to lie to myself, but I knew what the answer was.

  Most definitely.

  I kept an attentive, cheerful outward appearance as classes wore on, but inwardly I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched. If this Thomas guy was stalking me, then I needed to alert someone of authority. For a moment, I considered telling Shadow, but that was only for a last resort. I knew Shadow would run off and rip Thomas’s throat out before I even finished telling him what had happened. As much as Thomas scared me, I definitely didn’t want to see him dead.



  “The royal family hasn’t summoned you yet?” Brandon asked.

  “No,” I replied, taking a sip of blood alcohol. I didn’t bother to keep my voice down. The rowdiness of the bar would ensure that we wouldn’t be overheard.

  “I don’t know how I should feel about that, to tell you the truth,” Brandon said after a while.

  “Neither do I,” I said grimly. “Are the priests continuing to meditate? Has Lord Chaos or Lord Order contacted them? Mercedes’ life depends on their will.”

  “I don’t think it’s her life or her welfare that you need to be worried about,” Brandon said. “She’s the reason a priest’s death was avenged. If the Brothers of Duality favor her, then her life as she knows it could be over forever.”

  I froze. That had not occurred to me. I had been so worried that the royal family would harm Mercedes if the gods commanded it, but if she were favored, then it was very possible that the royal family would tear her away from her happy human life and force her to live in the vampire world forever.

  If possible, the thought enraged me even more than the prospect of Mercedes being hurt or killed. In payment for avenging Abraham, Mercedes asked that Brandon, his lover Morgan, and I would be granted full protection from any sadistic elite who wished to torment us for their own pleasure. But the memories of being treated like a…thing with no dignity to speak of would haunt me for the rest of my life. Even if the royal family saw to it that Mercedes had every comfort imaginable, they would force their way of life on her. They would treat her like a being without free will. Perhaps they would even force her to become a vampire.

  That was unthinkable to me. I loved her humanity as much as I loved her. I loved that she could walk in the sun, enjoy the pleasures of youth, and not have her emotions tainted by the terrible hungers and bloodlust that vampires constantly had to battle with.


  “They could force her to become a vampire,” I hissed. Saying it out loud only fed the fire in my blood.

  Brandon’s eyes widened. Then he nodded grimly. “I wouldn’t put it past them. But you must never provoke them or they’ll never let you see Mercedes again.”

  A memory flashed in my mind. Me lying paralyzed and injured on the icy floor of a cell in Xavier’s dungeon. His soldiers dragging Mercedes away to be thrown in the Lazarus Pit where infant Evanescence would devour her. And my greatest torment was not knowing what was truly happening to her after she was taken away. Was Xavier adding his own personal torments? Was she screaming? Was she begging?

  “No one will take her from me and live,” I said in a low voice.

  Brandon sighed. “Well, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t say things like that. But I can see that you’ll keep your temper in check. For Mercedes’ sake.”

  I forced myself to calm down. Even though we did not always see eye to eye, Brandon was anything but self-righteous. Morgan, his lover, was gang-raped several weeks ago by Xavier’s henchmen, all because of his connection to me. But instead of seeking direct vengeance, he assisted Mercedes in uploading the incriminating evidence against Xavier on the vampire Internet. In the process, he got his revenge and became inspired to fight against his status as an Untouchable.

  “How is Morgan?” I asked.

  “She’s fine. Both of us are keeping a low profile. We may have the royal family’s protection, but the stupidest thing we can do is flaunt it.”

  I nodded. The royal family could retract a favor as quickly as they could grant it if they felt the recipient was no longer worthy of it.

  The bar suddenly went silent. A horrible premonition swept over me when I heard my name being called.

  “Harijan Shadow.”

  I turned around. Sure enough, there were ten soldiers all bearing the insignia of the royal family.

  “You have been summoned.”



  Are you angry, king of the dragons?

  I was, and the voice of Necoc Yaotl only deepened my rage.

  Why did you not kill that pathetic human child? He dared to cross you. You could have crushed him like an insect.

  “Killing a human boy could have caused unnecessary attention,” I insisted.

  Is that the reason why you spared him? Or was it because you knew you would have had to kill that girl along with him?

  I didn’t answer.

  Does she fascinate you?

  I remained silent.

  You love the idea of a mystery, Your Majesty. It is one of the reasons why you desired to visit other worlds. You see so much, you hear so much, and yet so many secrets remain. And deep down you know it. You thought you knew what humans are, and one human has just shown you how misplaced your judgments were.

  “I care NOTHING for the so-called mysteries of humanity,” I snarled. The rage at being blackmailed and toyed with had fully risen to the surface. “Just tell me what I have to do to ensure you will not destroy the House of my Fathers!”

  There was a silence that lasted so long, I feared that I had provoked Necoc Yaotl into doing something that I and my people would regret for all eternity. Instead, a deep chuckle rang through my human ears.

  Very well, then. I believe I’ve had my fun. It’s time to get down to real business. That girl. Mercedes Strand. I want you to take her with you.

  I was stunned. “Take her with me? To my kingdom?”



  Ah, my dear king, that would be telling, would it not?

  “Why would you--?”

  Your Highness, there was now a very dangerous warning in Necoc Yaotl’s tone. You have pushed the boundaries of my patience before, and it has already cost you something very precious. I don’t believe you wish to lose anymore.

  I gritted my weak human teeth. “Very well.”




  I knelt on my knees.

  “You Majesties.”

  “Rise, Harijan Shadow.”

  I obeyed. Queen Ariadna, radiant and beautiful in her red robes, approached me.

  “The priests have meditated extensively,” she informed me. “You will hear what they have to say.”

  I gave a slow nod. Only in the most dire circumstances was a priest’s message from the gods not uttered from their own lips. Queen Ariadna fluidly stepped aside and once again, I knelt on my knees in front of the three divine messengers that approached me. They moved in such perfect synchronization that I could not blame anyone who thought they all shared a single mind. The man and the woman on either end wore feathered capes so brilliantly colored they shimmered like a river of jewels in the light. In contr
ast, The man in the middle wore dark robes, but the sheathed blade on his leather belt was visible for all to see.

  As a vampire, I knew that whenever the priests were together, two always wore those brilliant capes and stood on either side of one who wore that sheathed blade on their belt. As a Harijan, I did not know why.

  “Harijan Shadow.” The cold, wise voice of a male priest drew my full attention. “For days we have meditated. For days we have prayed for the Scared Brothers to share their divine wisdom with us. We have questioned them about you and the human child called Mercedes Strand.”

  It was a good thing my head was bowed. I could not stop myself from scowling when the priest referred to Mercedes as a child. She was young, but she was a woman, and a wise one at that.

  “Mere hours ago, I received a response from Lord Chaos himself. He ordered me to share his divine words with you personally.”

  I did not move a muscle.

  “Lord Chaos commands that you and you alone must protect the child at all costs.”

  Both dread and relief swept through me in long, drawn-out waves. I knew that Lord Chaos was infamous for giving orders and messages that were straightforward, but the reasons behind them were always incredibly vague or nonexistent. But I would have to dwell on it later.

  “I will always do as the gods demand,” I responded.

  “That you will,” Queen Ariadna said gravely. “The human is important because Lord Chaos declares it so.” I did not miss the sneer in the queen’s voice when she said ‘human.’ “You will guard her with your life unless Lord Chaos says otherwise.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  I heard a soft rustle as Queen Ariadna took a step closer.

  “Keep in mind, Harijan Shadow, that service to the gods yields great rewards. If you succeed in your task, then you will be granted the rank of Kshatriya.”

  Perhaps a month ago, such an opportunity would have given me unrivaled satisfaction. To be granted…to be called by the rank I knew I was…

  But that was another life, and another vampire. A vampire who was now dead. For the vampire I was now, only one thing mattered.

  My voice was flat and mechanical when I answered.

  “I am honored, Your Majesty.”


  I obeyed, and the middle priest addressed me.

  “In twelve hours, you will bring the human child before us. It is imperative that we discover if Lord Chaos is willing to speak to her personally.”

  Dread returned, but I kept it from showing on my face.

  “I hear and obey, Your Grace.”



  Price was livid when I sent him my essay, and I couldn’t deny his reaction satisfied me. It greatly satisfied Nadine, too. During lunch, she just wouldn’t shut up about it.

  “Damn, girl,” she laughed through a mouthful of mashed potatoes. “Just when I think you can’t possibly piss Price off more…”

  “He does it to himself,” I said with a sigh. I sighed again when I saw the hopeful and disappointed stares of my surrounding classmates. They always loved it when I took down Price, and several believed they were obligated to buy me lunch afterward. It was sweet and thoughtful of them, but I always politely refused their offers.

  “Hey.” Nadine frowned suddenly. “Did you get a tattoo?”

  I blinked. “What?”

  “On your neck. It looks like a tattoo.”

  I froze suddenly realizing that, yes, my neck did in fact feel ever so slightly warm.

  “I’ve…I need to go to the restroom,” I mumbled and grabbed my backpack as fast as I could. Nadine called after me, but I ignored her.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that the bathroom was empty except for me. I went over to the mirror, brushed my hair back, and looked at my neck.

  There it was: a black X with black and white dragon-like heads filling every space in the large letter. The mark Shadow had carved into my flesh was normally very faint, but always became fully visible whenever he called me.

  I touched the mark. The skin there felt warm, but not nearly as warm as the previous times he had called me.

  He wasn’t calling me right now, I realized. He would call me tonight, but this was probably to prepare me that tonight’s meeting would be important.

  The royal family. They would summon me tonight.

  I leaned against the sink.

  “It is really cool.”

  I gasped. Nadine was standing behind me, staring at my neck.

  “What are you doing here?” I blurted.

  “You were acting weird,” she said in a tone that clearly stated she needed no other justification for her actions. “When did you get that tattoo? Hell, I never knew you were even into tattoos!”

  I touched my neck, this time self-consciously. Maybe I should start wearing a scarf from now on, but with Nadine, it was already too late.

  “I didn’t know either,” I sheepishly lied. “It’s just…I liked the design and I couldn’t resist.”

  “That’s some detail.” Dark eyes scrutinized the mark. “And it’s on your neck. It must have hurt like a bitch.”

  “It did,” I said, relieved that that at least was the truth. “But I thought it was worth it.”

  Unfortunately, Nadine didn’t look satisfied. She was staring at me with a slightly troubled expression.

  “You’ve changed, Mercedes. Don’t think Sam and I haven’t noticed.”

  “I don’t think that,” I said.

  “What’s going on?”

  The quiet, concerned way she asked the question made me want to spill everything to her then and there. But for her sake, I couldn’t. Of course that didn’t mean I didn’t owe her some truth.

  “I can’t tell you,” I said painfully. “I wish to God I could, but I can’t.”

  “Are you in danger? Just please tell me that.”

  “No,” I said, and I made myself believe it. “No, I’m not in any danger.”

  “Then how come I had to hear from Sam that some guy was stalking you?”

  I stared at my friend, once such a lively, bubbly gossip. Now a very concerned and deadly serious person stood in her place.

  “He wasn’t stalking me per se, but…” I shook my head. “He did make me very uncomfortable. I’ll send Officer Trine a message with a description of him just to be on the safe side.”

  “Your parents—”

  “—would put me under twenty-four hour surveillance if they knew. I wouldn’t be able to stand it. Not to mention it would be a complete overreaction.”

  Nadine still didn’t look satisfied, but she eventually sighed in defeat. “If you say so. But if something is really wrong, you know Sam and I are here for you.”

  I nodded, feeling my heart clenching in my chest.

  Not wanting to draw extra attention to my neck, I pushed up the collar of my jacket to keep the mark hidden from view. I also made a mental note to ask Shadow about the symbolic meaning of it.



  I watched her as she exited her human school. Mercedes Strand, the current object of my fascination.

  She was the reason Necoc Yaotl sent me here. I knew in my soul his intention all along was for me to steal her away from her home. I did not blame her. In fact, I felt a great deal of pity for her. She was just a pawn in this sadistic unknown game Necoc Yaotl was playing. But despite my pity, there was nothing I would not sacrifice to preserve the sacred grounds of my fathers. I would have to take her.

  I am sorry, King Tarasque.

  Blackhole. I recognized his voice.

  “Are you a pawn as well?” I asked calmly.

  I cannot answer your questions. But I advise you to do as my master orders.

  “I will and only because I have no choice.”

  My eyes locked on Mercedes. The sun glinted off her hair. She moved remarkably gracefully for a human. Her expression was troubled, but her gaze was alert. I had unnerved her with my
demands and my intrigue. She did not fear me, but she was wary of me.

  Fascinating. So very, very fascinating.

  Surprise ripped through me when I realized something: I wanted her. I wanted the human girl named Mercedes Strand. And what I wanted, I always took if the consequences were not fatal to myself or my people. I would have stolen Mercedes even if Necoc Yaotl had never ordered me to in the first place. I wanted to converse with her. I wanted her to tell me what made her so different from the rest of her people. She embodied my shameful desire to have contact with a race from another world.

  I did not care. What I wanted, I took. It was the way of the dragons.

  A cool breeze blew. The trees surrounding Mercedes swayed in response. Rays of sunlight shone through the branches.

  This was a beautiful world, I would admit. But it was not as beautiful as mine. And it was so very, very small.

  How will you react, human? I wondered as she walked. What emotions will fill your eyes when you see my world? Will you feel wonder? Terror? How about when you see me in my true form? Will you be terrified?

  Mere days ago, I thought I would have known the answers to those questions right away.



  In quick, spare detail, I informed King Tarasque when and where Mercedes would be tonight.

  Forgive me, Shadow.



  When school let out, I went straight home. Usually, I would stop off at Women’s Aid for a few hours, but I had some preparations to make before I met Shadow.

  “Lulu, I don’t want to sound like a paranoid delinquent, but I also want to be prepared for anything. I’m updating the letters that need to be opened at the time of my death.”

  “Of course, Miss Mercedes.” Lulu said. “Might I ask what you are doing now?”

  My fingers paused above the keyboard, and I pursed my lips. “Lulu…” I said slowly as I brushed my hair away from my neck. “Does this mark mean anything to you?”

  I allowed Lulu to run her scanners across Shadow’s mark. It was fainter than before, but not as faint as it once was.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Mercedes. I’m afraid my databanks possess no information on that mark. How did it come to be on your neck?”