I stopped in my tracks and glared furiously at Brandon. “You mean you believe she would have confided in her friends and family but not me?”

  Brandon smiled. “Don’t take this the wrong way Shadow, but you’re not exactly the most stable of creatures. Perhaps Mercedes was afraid you would act rashly if you found out she was interacting with another man who was not a family member.”

  I nearly snarled at him. But that was because he was correct.

  “But you’re right. Our focus is to find her,” Brandon continued. “Just show us where she was taken. And Shadow?”


  “Be very gentle with her friends. You will find that humans will give quite coherent answers if they are not terrified out of their minds.”



  Despite my knowledge of Greek mythology, I quickly discovered that real-life sirens were somewhat different from the ones in the stories. For one thing, when I asked Eulathrin if she ever heard of a human man named Odysseus, she made it quite clear that I was the only human she had ever interacted with thus far, and there was no record of an Odysseus in the ancient siren scrolls. I also discovered that these sirens possessed a business relationship with the dragons. Both species were capable of powerful magic, but their secrets were guarded so jealously, nothing could be accomplished by waging war.

  “We would have only ended up destroying one another,” Eulathrin told me. “Dragons covet wealth and power, and perhaps we would have waged war thousands of years ago if the dragon king’s greed was greater than his sense. Instead, we established a treaty where we would exchange tribute.”

  “Wealth and power?” I asked rather unnecessarily.


  Eulathrin herself was a warrior and a sorceress, and also served as ambassador to the dragon kingdom. She was also responsible for delivering siren tribute once a month.

  “Our relationship is not bound by affection, but there is respect. If either species requests a favor of the other, we will often honor the request free of charge if it is within reason.”

  “I take it watching over me is within reason?” I asked bitterly.

  “For the time being.” Eulathrin’s eyes narrowed. “I intend to take care of you, but heed my warning: if you intentionally cause trouble, I can make things much less comfortable for you without causing you physical harm.”

  I didn’t have to reply to convey that I believed her. In truth, she was quite kind and courteous, and I found myself liking her against my will. Also, I much preferred her company to that of Tarasque’s. A shiver of dread went up my spine as I thought of him. I had only been here for half a day, but I didn’t know how long it would be until he would visit me. I could only brace myself as best I could.

  I sat on the bed and gave a wary glance to the meal Eulathrin had prepared for me. Some kind of blue fruit, orange meat, and a green bread-like substance. She assured me that the food was enchanted to prevent allergic reactions, but somehow, that didn’t make me feel any better. Moreover, I wasn’t even hungry. I was angry, confused, and worried as hell. Lulu could only cover for me for so long. Soon enough, everyone would realize I was missing, and I shuddered to think of the inevitable uproar. My parents would spare no expense to find me, and my friends would start websites in the hopes someone would recognize me.

  And Shadow.

  Shadow. My love, who was not at all ignorant of my fate. I tried to reassure myself. Though he was always loath to admit it, he was a man who never gave up hope, even in the darkest times of his life. I had to have faith that he wouldn’t let go now.

  Don’t let go, my love. I promised you everything would be all right. Please, please don’t give up hope.

  His face flashed in my mind: so breathtakingly beautiful, but so filled with terror and grief as Tarasque took me away. Like with Xavier, I knew I needed to be strong for him. And I would. I hastily wiped away two tears and forced myself to think of a plan. Escape on my own was no option, but maybe…

  I perked up when I heard a low purring noise coming from the washroom. A very familiar low, purring noise.

  “Blackhole?” I breathed. Not daring to believe it, I jumped out of the bed and ran toward the washing area. I threw back the golden curtains and there he was, dark, alien, and so very, very real.

  With a cry of relief and elation, I dropped to my knees and embraced him, uncaring of his hard, armored body. In turn, he nuzzled me and continued to purr.

  “God, I can’t believe it,” I whispered, wiping fresh tears from my cheeks. “How did you get here? Oh, never mind that. Can you get us both out of here?”

  He shrunk away from me, his purr becoming low and piteous. Before I could react, I heard the door to my room open, and the footsteps that rang off the walls were most definitely not Eulathrin’s. Panic surged through me and I jumped to my feet, desperately trying to regain control of myself. I turned on the golden faucet of the sink to make it look as if I was just cleaning up. I had the sense to close the curtains at least. When I peered around, I breathed a sigh of relief to see that Blackhole was gone.

  “I sincerely hope you aren’t trying to hide from me.”

  My hands clenched into fists. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I dried my hands off and looked in the mirror. Washing my face erased all traces of crying, and my hair looked fairly presentable. I had to be calm, respectful. If I wanted to get out of here, I had to know what Tarasque really wanted from me. Taking another deep breath, I pulled back the curtains and stepped into the living room.

  He was in his human form and dressed in the same human clothes. His two copies followed obediently behind him. If I wasn’t so angry and afraid, I probably would have been awed at the way the golden furniture reflected highlights off his blonde hair and pale skin. He truly was an incredibly handsome sight.

  But he didn’t hold a candle to Shadow.

  Swallowing my pride, I gave a low bow. “Your Highness.”

  Several emotions flitted across his golden features: surprise, disappointment, respect.

  “That must have taken a considerable effort to say,” he commented.

  “It did,” I said in a low voice, knowing there was no point in lying.

  “Honesty in a human,” he noted while walking towards me. “It’s not unheard of, but quite rare, especially given your situation.”

  I couldn’t take it any longer. “What do you want from me?”

  He stopped in front of me, just barely respecting my personal space. “Dragons take what they want. It is our way. And I am the dragon king.”

  Eulathrin’s words echoed in my mind. I forced down yet another wave of despair and focused on Tarasque.

  “But my first duty is to my people,” he continued. “There are questions that I need answered. In return, I will answer yours.”

  “How do I know you’ll answer my questions truthfully?”

  “You’ll need to trust me, as I will trust you.”

  “I have no hold over you, though. I have nothing to ensure you’ll be honest. And you…you have Shadow’s life.”

  He considered my response, and to my dismay, I saw the fascination in his emerald eyes deepen.

  “The deal was that you would do whatever I wished, and I would not harm your lover. So far, you have fulfilled your end, and I will fulfill mine. You have no choice but to trust me.”

  He was right, and I hated him for it.

  “As a token of good will, I will answer your first question.” His face darkened. “You are here because I was blackmailed. A god-like entity threatened to defile the sacred grounds of my forefathers if I did not take you.”

  I was stunned. “God-like entity? What’s his name?”

  “I believe it’s my turn to ask a question.”

  Calming my frustration, I nodded.

  “Your lover. The creature with the blue eyes and pointed teeth that you call Shadow. What is he?”

  My guard instantly went up. “I’m no
t going to give you information on him.”

  “I will find out eventually,” Tarasque said. “But if you refuse, you renounce your side of the bargain. Have you forgotten so easily that I am more than capable of harming your lover whenever I want?”

  I deflated. He was right. Knowing what Shadow was would not change the balance of power.

  I need to placate this creature, I thought. It’s the only way I can keep us both safe.

  “He’s a vampire,” I said. “What’s the name of the god who’s blackmailing you?”

  “He calls himself Necoc Yaotl. Do these vampires dwell in your world?”

  “No. They live in another dimension. How did you get to my dimension?”

  “I used the Mirror. It is an ancient artifact that enables me to travel to whatever world I wish. Do vampires possess magical abilities?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “That isn’t good enough.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “You believe your lover would keep such secrets from you?”

  I had to stop myself from snapping that the details of my relationship with Shadow were none of his business. “Yes, but he would never do it to hurt me. He would tell me eventually. Now I get to ask two questions. Why would a god-like entity want the king of the dragons to kidnap me? I’m not anyone special!”

  “All Necoc Yaotl said was that you are a key to dragon victory.”

  My blood ran cold. “Victory? Against who?”

  “The vampires.”

  My eyes widened and I took a step back. “You’re going to wage war against the vampires?”

  “It’s my turn—”

  “NO!” I screamed. “Why would you wage war against the vampires? What have they done to you!?”

  He grimaced, but gave in. “Nothing. I never knew they existed until I visited your world. But Necoc Yaotl possesses the power to destroy the sacred grounds of my forefathers. I must protect them at all costs. In order to placate him, I must destroy the vampires. Do not fear. I will try to spare your lover to honor our bargain, but if Necoc Yaotl demands he die as well, I must obey.”

  My heart hammered in my chest. Tarasque was going to wipe out the vampires. I wasn’t at all eased by the fact that he would spare Shadow if he could. The thought of an entire race of people destroyed forever sickened me so much I felt like vomiting right then and there.

  “You are greatly distressed,” Tarasque commented. He was frowning. “Why?”

  Outrage swept through me. “Why? You’re going to commit genocide against an entire species and you’re asking me why I’m distressed!?”

  “They are vampires. They are not humans.”

  “They’re people!” I screamed. “It doesn’t matter if they’re not human. They’re living, thinking, sentient creatures with hopes, dreams, fears, loves…they have as much as a right to live as I do!”

  As with our previous meetings, he seemed to grow more and more frustrated with every word I spoke. “You do not profit from the vampire’s existence?”

  “I didn’t know vampires existed until over a month ago,” I said. “I fell in love with one…so I guess you can say I profit from their existence. It’s because of a vampire that I’ve found a love more precious and meaningful than I can say.”

  I gasped when Tarasque grabbed my arms. His eyes furiously searched mine. I knew what he was doing. He was hunting for deception. Lies. He wasn’t finding any and it was causing him a great deal of confusion.

  “What are you?” he hissed.

  I smiled grimly at him. “I’m human, King Tarasque. Just face it: you don’t know anything about us. You thought you did, and you’ve been proven wrong.”

  He all but shoved me away from him, but my smile didn’t fade. I was glad I was able to keep it. In truth, it was all bravado. This creature was deadly. He could destroy me and everything I loved. But I couldn’t show that fear. I had to be brave.

  “We’ll see who is wrong in the end, human,” he whispered and walked out of the room.

  When he was gone, I staggered to the bed and sat down, burying my face in my hands. After several deep breaths, I remembered something and ran to the washroom. Blackhole wasn’t there.

  I knew he wouldn’t be able to get me out of here, which was convenient because I couldn’t leave yet. I couldn’t afford to break the bargain I had with the king of the dragons. I had to make sure everyone was safe first. That Shadow was safe first. I pictured the beautiful face of my love, my glorious dark angel. And I was still so afraid.



  The human unnerved me.

  I tried not to think about how much. It was incredibly shameful. In terms of strength and power, she was an insect compared to me. And still she unnerved me.

  This is impossible. How could she care so much about a race of people merely because she is in love with one? Humans would do anything to achieve their ends, and I have already offered her the life of her beloved if she cooperates. Why should she care about the race as a whole?

  But she did. I could detect no deception from her. She wanted to protect the vampires. I saw the desire blazing in her eyes like fire, like her skin when I touched her. That burning, uncontrollable heat that radiated off her very form…

  It was unnatural that I should have such thoughts about her. She was cold compared to my searing dragon flesh, even colder than a corpse. But when I was in human form I could feel heat the way a human did.

  Are you afraid, Your Majesty?

  I had been staring at the Mirror when dark smoke filled the glass, and Necoc Yaotl’s wretched voice entered my mind.

  “For the sacred grounds,” I said, cold hatred leaking into my voice.

  And for yourself. That human girl is making you feel things you have never felt before. In fact, it all started when you first met her.

  “Which was your intent, I’m certain.”

  Ah, Your Majesty, that would be telling, would it not?

  I didn’t reply. The monster god continued.

  Why were you seeking guidance from me if you despise me so?

  “I was seeking guidance from the Mirror.”

  But as I have told you, great dragon king, I am the Mirror. Long silence. You are traditional creatures, you dragons. You have relied on the Mirror for guidance for so long, that you cannot bear to part from it, even though you are now fully aware it is part of one who could easily destroy you.

  “You are not threatening to destroy me. You are threatening to destroy—”

  --your precious sacred grounds. Yes. Because you cannot be a worthy king without constantly seeking their guidance. Just like the Mirror.

  Fire rose in my throat. Necoc Yaotl laughed.

  Have no fear, dragon king, you will be free to wallow in the cradle of your fathers and your precious Mirror if you obey me.

  I will obey. And in time, you will pay for your crimes, god or not.

  “Shall I launch a full-scale attack?”

  No. You had the proper idea the first time. Send your warriors to investigate the vampires first. Listen, observe, stir up a little trouble. I will inform you when I am satisfied.



  Brandon was right. I had to question Mercedes’ friends and perhaps family members if I desired information regarding the true identity of her kidnapper. However, I did not know who her friends and family were, what they looked like, their home locations, etc. Such ignorance needed to be rectified right away. I was grateful I at least knew where Mercedes lived.

  When night fell in the mortal world, I made my way to the lavish mansion. There were no police cars, which was fortunate. I knew there would be soon enough. Mercedes’ parents were highly influential and loving. They would spare no expense in finding their daughter. And neither would I.

  It did not take long to review the security system and disable the necessary portions of it. I knew where Mercedes’ room was. After scaling the wall to the fifth floor, I stopped outside
a large glass window and carefully pried it open. Stepping inside, I examined my surroundings.

  It certainly was a room for a girl who had never wanted for anything throughout her entire life, but contemplating the luxuries available to Mercedes was not my goal. I made my way to her computer, praying to Lord Order that I would be able to bypass her security. Just as I was about to sit down, an electronic voice sounded from above.

  “You must be Shadow.”

  I jumped to my feet, blade in hand, fangs bared. “Who’s there?” I demanded.

  “My name is Lulu. I am an AI guardian and have been serving Miss Mercedes throughout her childhood.” Brief pause. “You did an admirable job in disabling certain security systems, but only Mercedes could hope to completely shut me down. If I desired it, you would be forced to flee within seconds or risk being discovered.”

  I gripped my blade. “You cannot. Mercedes has been kidnapped by a powerful creature whose identity I am trying to discover. If you truly do serve her, you will aide me.”

  Another brief pause. “Mercedes has told me a great deal about you, Shadow. And she never hesitates to express how deeply she loves you and trusts you. If she believes you trustworthy, then that is more than good enough for me. I will aide you.”

  I nearly sagged in relief. “I thank you.”

  “Please tell me what happened.”

  I did. When I finished, I could have sworn I heard genuine worry in the AI guardian’s voice.

  “This is deeply troubling. Mercedes did tell me about a mysterious stranger she had met three days ago. Her physical description of him matches the one you gave me. She also specifically said there was something about him that ‘really creeped her out.’”

  I froze, furious and betrayed. “And did not inform me of this!?”

  “She said she knew she had to trust you, but she implied she was afraid you would do something rash.”

  I snarled. “I should have done something rash. She should have told me.”

  “Maybe, but there is little point in dwelling on that.”

  I forced myself to calm down. “On that we agree. Can you tell me anything else?”

  “Unfortunately, no. But perhaps her friends can. I would not be surprised if she confided in them.”

  I pulled a datapad from my belt. “Give me their names and addresses.”