Chapter 29

  “Should we wake them up?” Sally asked Jen.

  “Yeah, but first we should draw on their faces. We could put paw prints on Jacque’s face and claw marks on Fane’s,” Jen said laughing. “Get it, paws, ya know ‘cause he’s a wolf.”

  Sally was looking at her like she had grown an ear on her forehead.

  “Oh never mind” Jen said batting her hand at Sally.

  “You are one disturbed little girl, you know that right?” Sally asked her sarcastically.

  Jen gave Sally a “go to hell” look and then said, “Just wake them up already. Fane’s dad said he needed to talk to all of us and I’m guessing that means the prince and princess here.”

  “There’s no need to wake us up you dip, nobody could possibly sleep with Thelma and Louise standing over them gabbing. And if you had drawn anything on our faces I would personally make sure the entire school knew you had a third nipple,” Jacque told her crankily.

  “Who has a third nipple?” Fane perked up.

  “Oh, bring up the word nipple and you’re all ears fur ball. And you,” Jen said pointing her finger at Jacque, “know I don’t have a third nipple so how can you possibly tell people that?”

  “I know that, but do they? And how exactly would you disprove me, flash the school at a pep rally?” Jacque asked, sounding victorious.

  Sally burst out with a loud laugh and Fane was grinning.

  “Man, she so got you pinned, sista, ha!” Sally laughed pointing at Jen and giving Jacque a fist bump.

  “Ok, fine, whatever, both of you get your royal arses up. Fane your dad wants to talk to everyone down in the living room,” Jen told them both. Then she grabbed Sally by the arm and pulled her out the door muttering as they went, “What the hell, you’re suppose to be on my side now that Jacque has to side with her fur ball all the time.”

  “Hey I side with the victor, Thelma, so next time; win and I will be in your corner,” Sally told her with a wink.

  “Why do I have to be Thelma, I’m really more of a Louise personality,” Jen whined.

  “Seriously, do you really want to argue about what movie characters we are going to be?” Sally asked her in amazement.

  “I’m just saying,” Jen retorted holding her hands up in surrender.

  Jacque stood up and lifted her arms in the air, stretching. She looked down and saw that Fane was watching her intently.

  “What are you looking at, oh prince of wolves?” Jacque asked him.

  “I’m looking at my beautiful mate and are the nicknames ever going to stop?” Fane asked her.

  “Hmmm, well I guess I could…nope, sorry there are just too many possibilities and I like to explore my creative side,” Jacque said in mock seriousness.

  Fane stood up and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair. Jacque leaned into him loving the way he felt against her and the way he smelled. She noticed the clock on her dresser said 6:30 p.m. and her stomach tightened. They had slept the day away and every minute that went by brought them closer to the challenge. She closed her eyes and squeezed Fane tighter wishing she could just whisk them away to somewhere safe with just a thought. “Geez,” she thought, “you would think with all this werewolf stuff there would be some way to teleport or something, but nooooo, that would be too weird, not like werewolves weren’t weird or anything.”

  “Guess we better head downstairs,” Jacque heard Fane say.

  She pulled away from him and put on her best smile and nodded her head. Fane took her hand and led her out of the room, down the stairs and into the living room. Everyone was seated there already, and oddly enough they were all in the exact spots they had been that morning. The other Grey’s were already sitting on the floor so Jacque noticed Fane didn’t hesitate to sit down on the couch.

  “What did you need to talk with us about Tata?” Fane asked his father.

  “Just some finalizations of the plans for tomorrow; first I want Jacquelyn to shower over at the Henry’s in the morning.”

  Fane put his hand on Jacque’s knee before she could protest. “It’s so you won’t have my scent on you. It will provoke Lucas and his wolves much more if you smell like me,” Fane explained.

  “Oh, alright then,” Jacque said out loud. Everyone looked at her. “Dang, I always do that, and then I look like a crazy person talking to myself.”

  “I take it you explained why I am wanting her to do that?” Vasile asked Fane.

  “Yes, I explained that she didn’t need to have my scent on her. What about clothes?” Fane asked.

  “I’ve got that taken care of,” Lilly said. “I bought her brand new things and took them to the Henry’s.”

  “Oooh, did you get her a shirt that says “Team Fane” on it, ‘cause that would so rock,” Jen said grinning.

  All eyes turned to Jen, Sally slapped her on the arm, Jacque just rolled her eyes. Vasile cleared his throat which brought everyone’s attention back to him.

  “Second, the challenge starts at 10:00 p.m. Fane I want you and the rest of the pack there at 8:30 p.m. I want you to know your battle field, so to speak. You need to look at the ground, check for and soft spots, any holes, or sharp objects. Knowing your battle field can give you an advantage over your opponent. I want you to check it in both forms, wolf and man, understand?” his father asked.

  “As you say,” Fane responded.

  “Lastly, Mina and Lilly I need you to prepare for the bonding ceremony. I thought about waiting to bond them until we get to Romania, but after seeing Fane’s reactions, and especially after the challenge I think it would be best for all involved if they are bonded. So the evening after the challenge Fane and Jacquelyn will be bonded,” he announced.

  Jacque had started having difficulty breathing as soon as she heard Vasile say for her mother and Alina to prepare for the bonding ceremony. Now she was coughing and trying to suck in air through her closing wind pipe. Jen jumped up and began pounding on Jacque’s back hollering, “Cough it up.”

  “She wasn’t eating anything you dip weed, quit hitting her,” Sally told Jen as she jerked her arm and pulled her back down to sit.

  Finally Jacque was able to get enough air to speak. “Don’t I get a say in when the bonding thingy happens?”

  Vasile looked at her like she had grown horns out of her head. “No” was all he answered.

  “NO? What do you mean no? I mean cripes, I’m the one bonding my life to a wolf for all eternity, I’m the one getting bitten, I’m the one being hauled off to a third world country, so NO is not good enough!” Jacque was standing now and had actually stomped her foot.

  “Nu-i doar stomp piciorul? (did she just stomp her foot?),” Jacque heard Decebal say although she had no idea what the words meant.

  Fane growled at him and that caused the wolf to lower his head in submission. Then Fane turned to Jacque, “It’s not a real good idea to yell at an Alpha, Luna,” he said as gently as he could; he realized a little too late he should have just kept his mouth shut.

  “Oh, this is fixin’ to get good,” Jen whispered to Sally, who promptly shushed her.

  Before Jacque could completely blow her top Vasile spoke, and there was a push to his words that made everyone, including Jacque shut up and listen.

  “I am Alpha. I know what is best for my pack. Fane is a ticking bomb right now and I will not have him kill one opponent who is in competition for you to only face five more. If you do not want to bond with him then I will not have him risk his life tomorrow. We will just move you and your mother somewhere out of Lucas’ reach. If you do want to bond with him, then you will do it when I tell you to. I’m not asking you to jump in bed with him.” Jacque flushed at his words. All the while Fane was growling and trying not to glare at his Alpha. “I am asking you to calm the beast that is raging in Fane, you are his other half Jacquelyn, you and only you can complete him. Are we clear?” Vasile asked after his speech.

  Jacque had tears streaming down her cheeks. Good grief whe
n did she become such a cry baby? The thought of Fane gone, not with her, took her breath away. She did want to bond with him; it was just a shock that’s all. She felt so ashamed at her outburst realizing it had come across that she was rejecting Fane. She turned to look at him; he stared back at her, stark honesty written all over his face. Fane wanted her, he wanted her for however long they had together, how could anyone turn that down, unconditional love?

  “I’m sorry,” she began. Fane surged to his feet and roared storming out of the front door, the other wolves whined and cowerd and Alina hung her head, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Jacque was a little confused, then the light bulb hit, and naturally Jen was ahead of her.

  “He thought you were saying you were sorry that you didn’t want him, genius,” Jen told her, sounding very put out.

  Jacque jumped up and ran after Fane. She made it out the front door and saw he was nearly across the street striding toward the Henry’s.

  “Fane! Wait,” Jacque called after him still running, “I wasn’t,” huff, huff, pant, pant, “saying I didn’t want you,” Jacque told him breathlessly. “Please, how,” Jacque took another deep breath, “crap hold on I can’t breathe,” she told him. Once she caught her breath she continued, “How could you possibly think I don’t want you?”

  Fane had his back to her, his head bent, shoulders slumped in defeat, he didn’t answer.

  “Dammit, answer me!” Jacque yelled at him as she grabbed his arm and jerked to turn him towards her. She saw that tears had filled his eyes but hadn’t spilled over yet. It hurt her to know she was the cause of those tears.

  “Do you want me?” Fane asked her.

  “Yes,” Jacque answered without hesitation.

  Fane stepped forward towering over her, she took an involuntary step back.

  “Then why do you have a problem bonding with me in two days?”

  “It’s not that I have a problem with it Fane, I was just taken by surprise. You were raised knowing that one day you would bond with someone in a way that is so far beyond what humans do. I was not; it’s just a lot to swallow. But I’m good, I’m okay, I had my little fit and yes, I stomped my foot, but I’m ready to move forward,” Jacque told him, hope filling her eyes.

  Fane took her hand and brought it to his lips; he didn’t take his eyes off her as he kissed her hand. Jacque’s breathing sped just a bit, noting the predatory gleam in his eyes.

  “So we are good, yes?” Fane asked her.

  “Nope, babe, we are great,” she answered and stood on her tip toes to kiss his lips. Fane growled and pulled her close. Jacque giggled and batted her hand at him.

  “Stop that wolf man, we’ve gotta go explain to the others that I wasn’t rejecting you. Your mother was having a break down.” Jacque told him. Fane took her hand and pulled her quickly back towards her house. As they entered the living room Jacque saw that Alina hadn’t moved, but Vasile was now sitting next to her with his arm around her. At the sight of Fane, Vasile stood and stepped away from Alina. Jacque rushed to Alina and knelt down in front of her.

  “Alina, please, I wasn’t rejecting Fane, I didn’t get to finish what I was saying before he jumped up and took off. I was saying sorry for the little two-year-old fit I threw, apparently I didn’t get them all out of my system as a child. I want to bond with Fane, I will bond with him right now,” Jacque started to say but then Alina’s head snapped up and she put her hands on either side of Jacque’s face.

  “You can’t bond with him yet child, once you are bonded, your fates are tied to one another. If Fane is killed in the challenge you will die as well,” Alina explained.

  “Hells, bells, I forgot about that. Well, I intend to mate with him,” Jacque paused when Alina tried to cover a laugh with a cough and Fane rumbled low in his chest. “What did I say?”

  “Well, Sherlock, you sort of threw out there that you were planning on doing the horizontal mamba with fur ball here,” Jen said pointing her thumb at Fane.

  “The horiz..,” Jacque started to say, sounding confused, then it hit her, she had said mate not bond. Crap, she thought blushing so badly her face was hot.

  “I wasn’t talking, I mean I wasn’t, that is to say I,” Jacque was trying really hard to correct her mistake but she was thoroughly embarrassed at this point. Fane walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist pulling her against him, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “And here I thought you were so shy,” he teased her.

  Jacque pulled away quickly and put her hand on his chest as if to hold him back. “Uh, uh buddy, you back up and keep those paws to yourself. I meant to say I will bond with you once the challenge is over, bond as in b-o-n-d. Clear?” she asked him.

  And repeating what she had said to his father he answered with a very sly, very suggestive grin, “Crystal.” Then to seal it he winked at her.

  “Holy crap is it hot in here or is it just the freaking fine, Romanian prince? Cuz I am so, so burning up! I mean did anybody else see that wink and that smile, he wasn’t even doing it to me and I’m all hot and bothered, I mean geeze man!” Jen said fanning herself.

  The three wolves on the floor were trying very hard not to laugh but it just wasn’t working. Vasile wasn’t even trying to disguise his laughter and Alina was beaming, even Lilly was laughing. Well great, Jacque thought, everyone saw her man make a pass at her and she couldn’t even enjoy it with all these butt heads laughing. Then because she saw the grin on Fane’s face that could only mean he was listening to her thoughts, she began laughing too.