Chapter 31

  From the minute Jacque woke up things were a blur. Fane kissed her sweetly and held her close and then finally let her go and watched her walk across the street to the Henry’s house. She showered and put on the new clothes that her mom had bought and they actually weren’t too bad. A pair of cute jeans and a simple green, fitted, vee-neck top. She was proud of her mom for not taking the opportunity to put her in a ridiculous outfit that made her look 12. Points to you mom,she thought.

  By the time she got downstairs Jen and Sally had arrived and that put a big smile on Jacque’s face.

  “What are you two doing here?” she asked them and before she could give them a chance to answer she added, “And don’t ya’ll smell like the wolves?”

  “Nope, we went home, showered and put on clothes that had not been at your house. So we are werewolf-smell free,” Jen told her.

  “Awesome, so instead of fretting by myself, I get to make ya’ll miserable by fretting with you,” Jacque said sounding very forlorn.

  “Shut up! Do you honestly think we would let you spend this day, of all days, alone? Sorry, chica no such luck,” Sally told her.

  Jacque was so thankful that she wasn’t going to be left to her own thoughts. Already they were beginning to feel overwhelming, but Jen took charge and before she knew it, it was 8:00 p.m. Jacque went to the Henry’s front window and looked across the street at her house. Sure enough she saw Sorin and Fane coming out the front door. Her heart beat sped when he turned and looked back at her. It reminded her of the night he arrived, which had only been 5 days ago. Could it really be possible that it had been a mere 5 days since she first laid eyes on him? She felt like she had known him all her life, like he had always been there with her. He grinned at her and winked.

  “I love you Luna, more than I ever thought possible, I love you.” Jacque heard him tell her through his thoughts. A single tear ran down her face and she hastily wiped it away; she was not going to be weak. Jen and Sally had moved beside her and were looking out the window as well.

  “That is one fine meat specimen,” Jen said with a sly grin plastered on her face.

  “Why am I not surprised that that is what you would be thinking about at a time like this?” Sally asked her.

  “Hey there is never a time to not appreciate a fine looking man. Am I right Jacque? You know I am.”

  “Well, when it’s one as fine as Fane, then yes you are right,” Jacque said with a smile. She knew that Jen was just trying to lighten the mood and she was grateful.

  The next hour seem to drag. Jacque spent most of it pacing the Henry’s living room and mumbling things under her breath. She so desperately wanted to seek out Fane’s thoughts, or hear him in her mind, but his father had made it very clear that Fane needed to concentrate on the challenge only, so Jacque refrained from sending him any thoughts.

  Jacque jumped when she heard a knock on the Henry’s front door. Jen went and looked out the front window to check if it was friend or foe.

  “It’s Fane’s mom, guess it’s that time,” Jen told them.

  Jen opened the door and Alina stepped in. She was dressed in black cargo, military-style pants, a black tee-shirt, black boots, and her long hair was pulled back in a pony tail. She looked so bad ass.

  “You look like you are planning on doing more than just watching,” Sally told her.

  “It’s always best to be prepared. I’m trained in all sorts of fighting styles, so if a full-out battle ensues someone will have to stay in human form to take care of Jacque, and I am able to protect her even though I will not be in my wolf form,” Alina explained.

  “Is there any way that we could maybe take a vehicle and just be parked close to the field as back-up, like if ya’ll need a quick get away? What do ya think?” Sally was the one who asked this and it took everyone by surprise.

  “Who are you and where is my little safe Sally who won’t even go over the speed limit?” Jacque teased her.

  Alina hadn’t said anything yet and when Jacque looked at her she could tell she was actually considering Sally’s plan.

  “You do realize that if I allow this I will be disobeying my husband’s orders?” Alina asked them.

  “Don’t you have to do what he orders, like the other wolves? When he gives them an order sometimes they have to obey whether they want to or not” Jen asked her.

  “No, I am Alpha female and I am his mate. He cannot really give me orders. I like to think of them as firm suggestions,” Alina told them with a wink.

  “Nice.” Jen said giving Sally and Jacque fist bumps. “So what do you say?” Jen asked Alina.

  “I think it is a good idea. However, you must be surreptitious. If the other wolves smell you, there will be an all-out war. Do you understand?” Alina asked sternly.

  “We hear you loud and clear. We are good at sneaking. We aren’t going to go into how we got so good at it, but rest assured it’s almost a specialty of ours,” Jen told her.

  Jacque was shaking her head, clearly not in agreement with the things that were transpiring.

  “Wait just one darn minute! I can’t let you guys do this, don’t you realize how dangerous this is? If anything happened to ya’ll because of me I would never be able to live with myself.” Jacque was on the verge of having one of her two-year-old-moments.

  Sally and Jen both wrapped their arms around her and squeezed her tight.

  “I hate to break it to you Watson, but Jen and I tend to do what we want even when you tell us not to. Usually we just agree with you and then do what we want; surely you know this?” Sally told her in a sweet tone of voice.

  “You two drive me crazy,” Jacque exclaimed.

  “Whoa, back up wolf chick, what would you do if you were in our shoes? You cannot tell me for a minute you would sit at home and wait on us. So you just take your little safety speech and shove it,” Jen said as she let go of Jacque and backed up, putting her hands on her hips.

  “Well, Jen, how bout you tell me how you really feel?” Jacque said sarcastically.

  Jacque knew they were right. There was no way she would let them go off to something so dangerous and sit at home. How could she possibly ask them to do the same?

  “You’re right, I wouldn’t sit at home. Please promise me you will be so careful!”

  “Sweet!” Jen said giving Sally a high five, “we are so going on a stakeout, this so rocks.”

  Jacque took a deep breath and tried not give into the panic that was threatening to overtake her.

  “Jacque, it’s time,” Alina told her gently.

  Alina turned and once more told Jen and Sally to make sure they were not seen and to stay down wind so their scent would not reach the wolves. She then turned and walked out the front door without a glance back. Jacque knew that Alina trusted she would follow, but she was also giving her a moment in private with her friends.

  “I love you two, please be careful,” Jacque told them as she hugged them both.

  “Don’t worry ‘bout us Sherlock, you focus on your task, and we will focus on ours,” Sally told her.

  Jacque didn’t linger, she didn’t want to turn on the water works and she knew they would come if she didn’t leave quickly. She waved one last time and rushed out the front door. She saw that Alina had pulled the rental car to the curb. She climbed into the passenger seat and they started off on what proved to be the longest ride of her life, even though the field of dreams was only 15 minutes from her house. They were both silent on the way there, both absorbed in their thoughts, coming to the realization that the man they both loved was going to be in the fight of his life tonight and they both would be watching, whatever the outcome.

  Once again Jacque was trying to reconcile the fact that no one could help Fane, not even his own Alpha and father. “How crappy is that?” she thought. Alina reached over and touched Jacque’s hand startling her out of her thoughts.

  “We are here. There are some things I need to explain quickly. Firs
t, I know you’ve already been warned, but I will warn you again. Do not seek out Fane’s thoughts. The images you will see there while he is in battle are images you would never forget. Also it would distract him. Second, we don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to you so stay close to me and keep quiet. Lastly, should the worst happen you will turn tail and run as hard as you can to the rendezvous point where the girls are. You will go straight to the airport and board the jet we have chartered, you will not wait for us, do you understand? We have wolves in position to pick you up at the necessary places. Your friends and mother are to accompany you. There will be no argument.”

  Jacque’s brain was in overdrive. This just couldn’t be happening, seriously she thought, how had it all come to this? Jacque shook her head to clear it of the negative thoughts, she needed to be focused. “Just accept it Jacque,” she told herself, “this is the way it is and you are just going to have to suck it up and deal. Ok, deep breath.” “I understand,” Jacque told Alina looking her straight in the eyes. Alina simply nodded her head, accepting Jacque’s answer. Jacque looked up for the first time, looking out at the field of dreams, seeing it in a whole new light. It was nothing special, although because no one was coming here anymore, the grass had grown tall. There was a path that had been made by a vehicle driving over the tall grass, flattening all in its way. She couldn’t see very far because the path took a sudden sharp curve to the right, and the grass that was left standing was blocking her sight. She decided that was a good thing, just in case someone came by, they wouldn’t see anything.

  Alina opened her door and Jacque took this as her queue to get out of the car. As they walked down the manmade path at first she did not hear anything, but the further they walked she began to hear growling and deep voices. After going around the sharp right curve they took several more left and right turns, and on the last right turn the area opened up suddenly into a perfect circle. All the grass in the circle had been completely mown. They had set up lights that were attached to chargers, all around the circle. That made Jacque think this must be something they have had to do many times, and she shuddered at the thought.

  As soon as she and Alina stepped into the clearing everyone froze, except for Vasile, he just continued speaking to Sorin who was trying to listen but was watching everyone else as well. Alina grabbed Jacque’s hand and began to walk towards her husband. A man Jacque had never seen stepped in front of them and fell down on one knee. He turned his neck to the side exposing it. Jacque looked to Alina not sure what to do, but Alina was not looking at Jacque she was staring daggers at the man on the ground, and to Jacque’s surprise Alina was growling as well.

  “She is not your Luna,” Alina said in a very calm but very scary voice. “Move out of our way or I will break your neck.” Again Alina sounded so calm, much scarier than if she were yelling.

  The guy or wolf rather, ignored Alina completely, so taking a page from her book Jacque pulled her shoulders back, stood as tall as she could and in the firmest voice she could muster she said, “Go back to your Alpha now.”

  The wolf whined but stood up and with eyes on the ground turned and walked away. Jacque took a deep breath, closed her eyes to regroup and then began walking forward with Alina again. She still had not seen Fane or Lucas for that matter. She saw that Vasile’s other pack members where here and as soon as Alina and Jacque reached Vasile those wolves flanked both Alina and Jacque. Vasile stepped in front of Jacque and looked her in the eyes, and although Jacque was not a full werewolf, she felt the power in that stare and had to drop her eyes.

  “I trust you have been told what to do in any outcome?” Vasile asked her very softly.

  Jacque looked to Alina asking with her eyes if Vasile knew about Sally and Jen. Alina gave the tiniest turn of her head indicating he did not, so Jacque simply nodded, not trusting herself to speak and blurt out their whole plan.

  “Good, now my wolves will stay around you and Alina for the duration. I want you all to back up about 5 paces and do not move.” Vasile said those last three words with his eyes once again locked on Jacque. “Am I really that bad at following orders,” Jacque thought, then she mentally nodded, “yea I most definitely really am that bad.”

  They collectively stepped back 5 paces and stopped. Jacque realized that Alina still had her hand and when she saw Fane step out from a curve in the circle she was really, really glad that Alina still had her hand because Jacque took an involuntary step towards him. Several things happened all at once then; every wolf around her put a hand on her to pull her back. Fane’s head turned and looked straight at her just as all the hands were descending. Fane let out a snarl and his course of direction changed, coming towards Jacque. A huge growl came from Fane’s left causing him to stop.

  “You know prince, that if you so much as speak to her before the challenge begins you will forfeit, and I will be able to kill you without a fight?” Jacque realized that it had been Lucas who let out the huge growl and Lucas who was talking now.

  Fane growled back, then he looked back to Jacque. He did not take another step towards her, nor did he speak to her, instead he looked to the other wolves and his mother.

  “Restrain her if need be for her safety, but there is to be no mark left on her body, not a single scratch or bruise,” Fane told them. The other wolves in turn lowered their eyes and nodded once in recognition Fane’s orders.

  Jacque looked at Alina and whispered, “Sorry, that was so my fault.”

  “It’s alright Luna, the wolves are tense, anything will set them off so let's just be as still as possible,” Alina whispered back.

  Jacque nodded and turned back to look at what was happening in the circle. Vasile was standing in the center and Jacque could feel power coming off of him in waves. All of a sudden every wolf suddenly fell to their knees. Jacque looked all around her and thought to herself with a shrug of her shoulders, “huh, that’s different.”