Page 18 of Shadow Keeper

  "She wasn't turned into Child Protective Services? No one knew?" Sasha asked. She put down her coffee cup and looked around the table at their faces. "This is for real? And you still have dealings with her?"

  It was obvious to Giovanni that she would have tried to kick his mother's ass had she been in the room. He loved that Sasha was outraged. She was all about family, and he could see she'd take care of their children, not palm them off on someone else. In a weird way, Eloisa felt the same. Family came first with her, and he knew, once she calmed down, his mother would respect Sasha for standing up to her and for the way she felt about supporting her brother.

  "She's our mother," Stefano said. "The weird thing was, even as children, we knew no one else could ever touch us or she'd eat them alive. She was fierce in her protection of us. Even from our father. Only she could 'discipline' us. She doesn't come around that often, just enough to stir up trouble and then disappear again."

  "She doesn't like me," Francesca said.

  Giovanni was happy there wasn't hurt in her voice. He took the chair beside Sasha, moving it just a few inches as he did, so they were close. He wasn't certain why he liked being near her all the time, but he did.

  "She doesn't like anyone," Stefano said. "I know you try to see the good in her, but, baby, it isn't there often enough to make the effort."

  "That's not true," Francesca protested. "You know, with her, she's all about family. She was harsh, but you said she didn't allow anyone else to punish you. It's clear she doesn't realize Sasha has shadow blood in her."

  Sasha held up her hand and both men stiffened, going alert immediately. Francesca looked horrified and put her hand over her mouth, shifting her weight toward her husband, her gaze meeting his.

  "I don't know what 'shadow blood' means. I do know that both my brother and I have this weird thing where we can feel other people when our shadows touch theirs. We talked about it all the time. We could hear lies, and sometimes, I could persuade people to tell me things I wanted to know. Sandlin could do it all the time. His ability seems to have amplified since the accident and the brain injury, almost as if it magnified the capacity." She looked at Giovanni. "Is that why you're interested in me? Because of my strange abilities with shadows?"

  He shook his head, reached for her hand and pressed her palm over his heart. "I saw you in the club, in the dark. Then, the colored lights were flashing and we were moving through crowds. No shadows, remember? I couldn't take my eyes off you and was mortified when you overheard our conversation."

  "Why is having 'shadow blood' so important to your mother?"

  Giovanni took a breath and let it out. This was one of those moments he hadn't wanted to get to until he knew Sasha was as much in love with him as he was with her. His eyes met Stefano's. He detested that he would either have to put her off or risk losing her.

  "Baby, I'm going to ask you to wait for me to answer that. I swear to you I will, but I fell in love with you because of who you are, not what. I'm hoping you did the same with me. Can you wait on that answer? Trust me that much?"

  She was silent, studying his face. Her gaze went to Francesca and then Stefano. The clock seemed overly loud. Time stretched. Giovanni didn't realize he was holding his breath until his lungs began to burn.

  Sasha nodded slowly. "I won't stop thinking about it, and just to let you know, I'm very good at solving puzzles. For instance, I know whoever broke into my apartment is someone who was in the club that night. I know it. Nothing else makes sense."

  "Babe, someone can be across the street and see you and begin to fantasize," Giovanni said gently. "It could be anyone."

  She nodded. "You're right of course, it could be, but it isn't. It's someone in Aaron Anderson's or John Darby's party. Or one of those cameramen who were close to them."

  "Tell me why you're so certain."

  "Because when someone's shadow meets mine, I feel them. Sandlin felt you immediately and he could tell certain things about you. He practiced more than I did and he's very good at reading people. I just get feelings, like dread." She pulled her hand away and pressed it to her stomach. "I feel slightly sick if the person's intentions aren't very nice. I felt that in the club. The camera light and cell phones threw shadows all over that upper tier, and in particular, those two tables. That feeling was there and it was the same when I was in my home and also in the parking garage."

  Giovanni couldn't deny that she was right. He'd felt dread as well. Even inside the Hendrick Center, he'd had the feeling that something wasn't right, that they were in danger. Or he was. Or Sandlin was.

  "That's pretty damning evidence," Stefano said. "If you felt that and recognized it, Sasha, why didn't you say something to Giovanni?"

  "Umm, maybe because we barely knew each other and I would have sounded like a loon?" The smile faded and Sasha shrugged and speared eggs Benedict onto her plate from the warmer. "I don't ever talk about how my shadow connects with someone's shadow and I can tell if they're lying. Or that I can feel what they feel. It doesn't matter that Sandlin talks about it all the time, no one believes what he's saying because he has a brain injury. If I said it, they'd lock me up."

  Stefano nodded. "There are a few people in the world who can do that--feel emotions and intent when shadows touch. It's exhilarating to say the least and nice when others have that ability so you don't feel like you're slightly crazy."

  "I definitely would have felt that way without Sandlin. When he first talked to me about it, I was really young. I'd been to the doctor's office and they said I probably wouldn't have to get a shot, but they all knew I would. I was upset that they'd lied to me and it didn't make sense when I knew they'd been lying. Of course, I went to my big brother for answers because that's what I always did. He told me that sometimes when my shadow touched another's I would feel things about that other person. He said when I did, I needed to believe it. That I had it right. Then he explained that he had noticed it when he was very young as well."

  "Did you look at your shadow?" Giovanni asked. Francesca buttered toast fresh from the toaster and handed it to him. He took a bite and chewed, waiting for her answer.

  "Of course. My shadow is different from others. It isn't as solid. Well, that's not the right way to put it. It's got little shadows reaching out like arms or something, so my shadow can touch multiple shadows at once." She reached for the pot of coffee.

  Stefano got there first and poured the hot liquid into her mug. Francesca nudged the cream and sugar closer. "Did your mother or father have that same kind of shadow?"

  Sasha's gaze jumped to his face. His voice had been casual, but it was clear they were all waiting for her answer. "Both, as a matter of fact. They were extremely close and doted on Sandlin and me."

  "From what country did your family originate?" Again, Stefano sounded extremely casual. Too much so for someone like Sasha not to understand what he was asking was important.

  Sasha sighed. "You know, if you just tell me what shadow blood means, I would understand what you were looking for and just give you the information. I don't have anything to hide."

  "Shadow blood is a term we made up," Giovanni said. "We didn't have anything else to call those who have shadows like ours, so when we were children, we referred to anyone with shadows that had those feeler tubes as someone with shadow blood."

  She nodded. "My grandparents on my father's side immigrated from Russia to the United States, but his great-grandparents had gone from Sicily to Russia. Of course, our name changed from Spataro to Petrov and then to Provis when my father's family came here. My mother's family also came from Sicily, and her great-grandparents changed their name as well. My father said his great-great-grandfather had to change the name because it was too dangerous at that time to keep their original name, Spataro."

  Stefano and Giovanni both sat back in their chairs and regarded her with more care. Clearly, her father had been from a shadow riding family. Of course, the riders had escaped when the Saldis had attempted to wipe ou
t every member, no matter how little blood in their veins; they wanted anyone related to the Ferraros stamped out. Only the riders escaped because they were able to slip into the shadows unseen. Most were gone when the massacre took place, and they took care to save the remaining family members before trying to avenge the deaths of their loved ones.

  The mafia had risen to power, nearly taking the place of the government. Any other family who opposed them eventually came under attack. Most relocated. The Spataro family had been riders--at least her great-grandfather had been one. Giovanni leaned toward her. "Did your mother's family settle in the same region of Russia as your father's family?"

  She shook her head. "No, according to the family history, the family immigrating from Sicily to Russia split up and hid in various regions. Whoever was hunting them would be looking for a concentrated amount of families from Sicily living close to one another. By splitting up, they were able to be safe."

  "How did your parents meet?" Giovanni knew, for his family, for all riders, and especially his mother, Sasha would be considered gold. A treasure, just like Mariko. When they had babies, those children would be strong in the gifts and abilities of a shadow rider. There were so few that all riders were expected to have children in order to always have protection for their families.

  "Both were born here in the United States. My father's family settled in Wyoming. His father liked the open spaces and the life of a cattle rancher. My mother was actually on vacation, and she happened to go into a bar where there was dancing. My father was there and they just hit it off. From what she said, they were inseparable from the moment they met."

  "Did they talk to you about their shadows?"

  She shook her head. "Cattle ranching is an all-consuming business. We worked hard, from daylight or before until well after sundown. We grew our own food so there was gardening to do. We hunted for meat and fished for the same reason. My parents were loving and sweet, but they worked harder than any two people I've ever seen. At night, my dad would fall asleep in his recliner with Mom sitting on his lap. She'd sometimes talk to us in a hushed voice, but mostly she fell asleep on top of him."

  "Did you meet your cousins? Any aunts or uncles?"

  She shook her head. "There weren't any. As far as I know, my father was an only child, as was his father before him. Same with my mother."

  "Don't worry too much about that picture of you in the tabloids," Stefano said. "We'll get to the bottom of it and find out who sold it."

  "I don't really think it matters, do you?" she asked. "It's out there. There's no getting it back. Everyone's got a good look at what's under my blouse."

  "You're beautiful," Giovanni said. "So, fuck them."

  She flashed him an appreciative smile. It was brief and faded fast. "I guess Darby got his way in the long run." She shrugged. "When I go to work tonight, is West going to be upset with me and relegate me to the bottom tier? He told me the other night if I took the top and did well, he'd keep me there. Nancy wants to drop to part-time. If I can get the top tier, I can make enough money to pay for Sandlin's therapy in that place without working at the deli. I love the job there, because I'm beginning to know the neighborhood people, but I don't get to see Sandlin as often as he needs me to."

  Giovanni exchanged another long look with his brother. Neither thought it was safe for Sasha to work at either job. The news of their engagement was out and that set her up as a target for any kidnapper bent on making money, not to mention the paparazzi. There was no way to tell someone until they experienced the crazy way they had to live in order to guard their privacy.

  "Sasha"--Giovanni kept his voice as gentle as possible--"right now, it will be very difficult for you to work without constant harassment."

  "I can live with harassment, but Sandlin can't live outside that facility." She didn't look at him but continued to eat.

  "It isn't safe," Stefano said. When she continued to chew in silence, he sighed. "Look at me, Sasha." It didn't matter that his tone was pitched low, it was a clear order and no one disobeyed Stefano. When her eyes met his, he continued, "We'll cover the cost of your brother's facility because this wasn't your fault. Our security didn't get to you in time to stop what Darby did. We're responsible for not collecting all the cameras. Aaron Anderson is a friend of ours. We made the mistake of not looking at those at his table when we should have. Stop shaking your head and listen to me."

  "I'm not allowing someone else to pay for my brother's care."

  Giovanni could hear the stubbornness in her voice. Her sapphire eyes practically flashed with fire. He leaned into her, unable to keep the grin off his face. "Obstinate little woman. Are you insane? Stop thinking with your heart, baby. Of course, you want to take care of him yourself. I completely understand that, but--"

  "You can argue all you want to, Giovanni," Sasha said, "but it won't do you any good. If I don't show up for work, people will think that stupid picture sent me running and hiding. Most everyone else will think I'm with you because of your money. I happen to know, because I was told, that some of the waitresses are out to snag one of you. Can you imagine what they're going to think--"

  "Do you think I give a damn what they think?" Giovanni snapped. "The point is to make certain you're safe. People are going to run their mouths no matter what."

  She smirked and picked up her coffee cup. "Exactly."

  "I can see I might want to strangle you a few dozen times a day."

  "Probably. I know I'm going to feel that way about you." She sounded complacent. "What exactly are we going to do about this engagement? I know you had to tell them you were family at the Center in order to get Sandlin some help, but now it's plastered all over the world in every news outlet."

  "We'll have to put the engagement ring on your finger," Giovanni said. He hadn't won the battle about her job, and he clearly wasn't going to, but he gave her his don't-mess-with-me-on-this-one voice. She took the hint, glanced around the table, shrugged and subsided.

  He didn't know if she figured she would argue with him later when they were alone, or if she could tell by his face it wasn't up for discussion--and it wasn't. He wanted to make that very clear. He believed in marriage. Having babies. Sandlin was his family as well as hers. That meant he was just as responsible. They'd have that discussion again. So yeah, he'd concede on the work argument and put about a hundred bodyguards on her--he'd be there as well. That way, she could win that battle and give him the important one, because, first things first. Get the ring on her finger and her promise. They'd work out the rest of it later.

  "You're on the schedule tonight?" Francesca asked.

  Sasha nodded. "Luckily my other uniform is in my locker at work. I know I have to go back to my apartment, sooner or later, but not yet." She gave a little shudder. "Knowing that man was in there, touching my things, using my toothbrush and shower, the things he did in my bedroom, I don't particularly want to be there anymore."

  "Fortunately, we've already worked that out," Giovanni stated.

  She looked at him with her eyebrow raised, but she didn't protest.


  Stefano walked into the club, Francesca on his arm. Taviano and Vittorio followed close behind, Emme in between her two brothers. Ricco and Mariko followed them with Emilio and Enzo bringing up the rear. Their New York cousins were in town and were already at the club, waiting with Giovanni at their reserved table. A celebration was in order, although Giovanni's fiancee had insisted she was working. Even so, the family came out to celebrate, the way they did most things--together.

  Flashes went off all around them. Of course, the paparazzi were there--with the exception of Sid Larsen and Chesney Reynolds. They had been relegated to staying outside the club and hoping for a good shot of the newly engaged couple. The family made it very clear that photographers who cooperated with Ferraro policy were welcome. In fact, Giovanni had promised them a shot of the ring, a photograph that would be worth a tremendous amount.

  The family made t
heir way up to their table where Giovanni waited with all three cousins. Salvatore, Lucca and Geno laughed with Giovanni, clearly giving him a very bad time. Giovanni glanced up as they approached the table and he stood, as did his cousins. Francesca smiled at him as he leaned over to kiss her cheek and then Mariko's. Mariko was new to the family and she wasn't used to their affectionate way with one another, but she smiled and returned the kiss to his cheek.

  He caught Emme around the waist and hugged her. "I got the ring on her finger, Emme, but it wasn't easy."

  "How'd you manage? Stefano said she was giving you trouble."

  He grinned, elated now that he knew his ring was on Sasha's finger. He wished it was a size too small so she couldn't get it off even if she wanted to--which he was sure she did. "I wrestled her to the floor, sat on her and put it on her finger. It was the only way."

  He knew they thought he was joking, but he'd done exactly that. He'd taken her to his home, seduced her, managing to get her naked in under seven minutes, and then, when she was too sated and drowsy after their lovemaking, he slid the ring on her finger. It was a special ring, made by his famous cousin, Damian Ferraro. Out of New York, Damian made custom jewelry for those who could afford his special talents. For the shadow riders, he used a special alloy that could move through the shadows with them.

  Each rider went to him in person, was interviewed and then the ring made up. The interview consisted mainly of conversation and their cousin just asking a few questions. It was almost impersonal, but all of them knew he had a gift. He knew things. He read people. He was a seer in the sense that he "saw" inside each person who came to him.

  Damian didn't take suggestions. The ring was made in advance of the rider ever finding his woman. Somehow, he always chose the exact ring--the one that was perfect. Giovanni had been shocked when he'd gotten the ring from Damian. The engagement ring had no gemstones, which meant it was possible he would find a rider. The alloy could withstand the pull of the shadows, but the gemstones could not. If his partner wasn't a rider, then she was a woman capable of going into the shadows. That, at least, meant he could keep her safe.