Page 35 of Shadow Keeper

  Francesca put her hands over her face. "I don't know how we're going to be able to do this, but I guess ..." She trailed off, looking at Emmanuelle.

  Emmanuelle groaned, threw her hands into the air and shook her head. "You're so whipped, Sasha. That man is going to walk all over you just the way Stefano walks on Francesca and Ricco walks on Mariko."

  "Do I walk on you?" Stefano asked Francesca, his voice genuinely confused.

  Another round of laughter erupted. Sasha was happy the spotlight was off her and on Francesca and Stefano. She knew if Giovanni said one more word to her she would burst into tears. She was good at keeping her emotions in check, but her eyes burned and her chest hurt so badly she could barely breathe. She needed to be alone to find a way to pull her wild emotions back in check. It was silly to be so emotional, but she'd just seen her man put his love into action, doing it for her. Something huge. The lump in her throat was enormous, so much so that she could barely breathe.

  "If you'll excuse me for a minute?" Immediately the men stood, which always embarrassed her. She gave them a little salute and hurried away.

  Luckily, she knew her way around since spending the night in Stefano's penthouse. She made her way down the hall to the other wing where Giovanni had shared a bedroom with her. She stood for a moment in front of the mirror, staring at her flushed face. Her hair was down. She wore a long skirt and a peasant blouse. The feel of the material was softer than anything she'd ever known. Where Lucia found such treasures she had no idea, but she loved nearly everything in the boutique and was grateful it hadn't burned along with her apartment and the deli.

  The door opened and Giovanni slipped through. He closed it after him. "Are you all right, baby? What's wrong? If you really don't want to get married immediately, I won't railroad you into it."

  That was it. The sound of his voice. That gentle, tender, sweet caring that could bring her to her knees. She burst into a storm of tears. Wild. Unrestrained. She wept for her dead parents and the boy who had been her brother, always there with her. Always looking out for her. Teaching her how to ride, how to rope. Sandlin.

  She covered her face and wept. The sound of her sobs filled the room, and it was enough. Her sorrow could have filled the entire penthouse had Giovanni not closed the door behind him. He crossed the room and took her into his arms. She kept her hands over her face, but pushed her face into his chest. His arms locked around her and he put his head on hers.

  Sasha wasn't certain how long he held her, but she found herself in his lap where he sat on the edge of the bed. When she could finally get herself under control, he was rubbing her back, rocking her gently and murmuring how much he loved her and everything was going to be all right.

  "I'm sorry." She whispered it. "I couldn't help it. I think I had a breakdown, like a complete and utter meltdown. I swear, Giovanni, it was like a tsunami. I was afraid I wouldn't make it out of the room before I completely went to pieces. You're insisting on marrying me immediately because of Sandlin, aren't you?" She forced herself to get her head out of his chest so she could look up at him.

  His eyes moved over her face. She knew she was a mess, but it didn't seem to matter to him. He still looked at her as if she was his entire world. "I want to make certain Sandlin has the chance to be a big part of our wedding and then our marriage. He's your family, and that makes him mine."

  Her fingers curled into his shirt and with her free hand she thumped his shoulder. Not hard, just a strike and then another. Protesting the truth. "You're doing it because you talked to the doctor, and Sandlin's going to die, isn't he?"

  Giovanni took a breath. She felt it right through her. As if they were sharing the same skin, the same muscles and bones. He breathed and so did she. "He did, didn't he?"

  "We're all going to die someday, Sasha. We can only live our lives the best way we can. I believe in family." He gestured toward the dining room where his brothers and sisters were. "I love them. I try to enjoy every minute I have with them. I think they all operate the same way. We live life large because we know it can be over in the blink of an eye. I had a younger brother. Ettore. All of us loved him. He was really amazing, Sasha. We learned from his death that we can't always have those we love with us every day. So, when we're together, we make certain to love one another, enjoy one another. Be in those moments. Right there. Right here and now. I want to do that with Sandlin."

  She took a deep breath, hoping he felt it the way she did when he had breathed for the two of them. "I love you so much. I understand what you're saying. I do. And I'm so sorry about your brother, I didn't know."

  His hand stroked caresses down her hair. "I love you, baby. I love everything about you. We're going to include Sandlin in what we have. My family wants to meet him. They'll visit him as well if he likes them and is comfortable."

  "I've been thinking about asking the doctor if he thinks it would be good for Sandlin to live with me. With us. We could hire a private nurse. I'm willing to work extra hours to pay for it."

  "Baby, that was one of the first things I asked. I told him about the house and grounds. The gardens. I even said if he thought it would be better for Sandlin to go back to Wyoming, we would do that. He said Sandlin was far better off where he is. He'd be confused and at this stage, his world has shrunk ..."

  "But that's just it. If he was with me, he could get better. I could talk to him more, remind him more." She knew she was fighting a losing battle. That terrible pressure in her chest told her she needed to face the truth. "They could try to operate one more time." That was sheer desperation and she knew it.

  "You know he said that would kill him on the operating table." His arms tightened around her. "I'm so sorry, baby, but we'll make his life so good while he's still with us. You'll be free to spend more time with him. He'll like that. I've already talked to Stefano about getting the library more current. We can get him the books you think he'll love."

  She pressed her face tightly against his neck. "I don't want to lose him."

  "I know. We're reaching out to other doctors, the leaders in this field, and gathering all the information we can, just in case there's something his doctor has missed." She heard the determination in his voice.

  She knew there wasn't, she'd spent the last two months researching. Still, she hoped. She took a deep breath to fight back the tears threatening again. She had Giovanni, and he was willing to fight for her brother with her. To give him the best life possible, no matter what that took. "Thank you. Just ... Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you, Giovanni."

  "You probably wouldn't have a madman burning down your apartment."

  She sat up straight. "If this person is really targeting Aaron, and not you, maybe it was the picture that Aaron took of me that was the catalyst. That was his opportunity to start his campaign against Aaron. Then Aaron played right into it by sending me flowers. If he talked to his friends about me, about having the picture ..." She trailed off, frowning. "Would he do that?"

  "If he was competing with someone. It's possible. Men play sophomoric games. You caught me when I was telling the finer points of my game to you. And look at John Darby. He goes to extremes, but his frat boys definitely have games they play at college and with him. I know that Aaron can't be faithful, he never stayed with a woman long."

  "Or maybe it was because he was in competition with someone else and the moment he got the girl, he didn't want her anymore," Sasha said. "Giovanni, I know you're going to think I'm crazy, but sometimes I just know things. I feel this is exactly what Aaron was doing and whoever he plays his little game with is the one that is framing him."

  Giovanni's hands went around her waist and he gently lifted her off him. "Let's get you washed up."

  She stood shakily on her feet, absorbing the feeling, savoring the way she felt loved by him. She needed him more than ever, when she never had felt like a needy woman. "I must be a mess. When I cry, I get all red and splotchy."

  "You're beautiful, baby. But I'm n
ot a big fan of you crying. That breaks my heart, and I feel like I have to go slay a few dragons."

  She couldn't help but laugh. Giovanni made everything better. Everything. Even the truth about Sandlin. He was right, she needed to be happy with whatever time she had left with him.

  As she washed up in the bathroom, Giovanni stood beside her, as if they'd been doing such things for years. It felt comfortable. He met her gaze in the mirror.

  "I'm going to talk to Aaron."

  She shook her head. "Whoever this man is, he'll be looking for that. If he sees you talking to Aaron, he'll be afraid you're figuring it out. Right now, everyone is safe ..."

  "Only if we're right."

  "We can still take precautions."

  Giovanni caught her to him and lowered his mouth to hers. His kiss was wild. So hot it scorched her. So sweet it sent her heart tumbling over a cliff. "You look beautiful."

  "I don't have more makeup. They're going to see the real me."

  "I love the real you."

  Holding hands, they walked back to the others, who had retreated from the dining room to the great room where they had after-dinner drinks in their hands.

  Stefano looked up. His gaze slid over Sasha, clearly seeing too much. His gaze moved to Giovanni, and something passed between them. She realized Stefano had been concerned about her. They all had. A part of her was embarrassed that she'd broken down over the realization that Giovanni knew Sandlin's time was limited and he wanted to include him in the wedding--in his family. This one. The one that was so accepting of her.

  "We've been throwing out the idea that Sid Larsen or Chesney Reynolds was involved, but looking over the reports, it appears as if both have alibis," Stefano said.

  "Sasha thinks I shouldn't be seen talking to Aaron," Giovanni told his family after explaining her theory. "But the only way to find out if he regularly competed with someone for a woman is to ask him."

  "She's right," Stefano said. "Right now, if this man is trying to frame Aaron, he thinks his job is done. He can't attack anyone else, not without blowing everything he's put in motion. He's handed the cops their arrest and conviction. He isn't going to think that our family might champion him. If you suddenly show up at the jail, visiting Aaron, that's going to make this man crazy. He might very well retaliate. In fact, most likely he'll be worried enough to strike at you, Sasha and Sandlin."

  "One of the others has to talk to him," Sasha said. "Unseen. I know they can do it. You said so. If that's the case, someone else has to visit him when no cameras can catch them, caution Aaron not to tell a single soul about the visit and then ask him."

  Stefano shook his head. "It's too risky. That's not what we do, Sasha. When we come out of the shadows, anyone who has seen us doesn't survive. How would we explain to Aaron how we got there? We can never appear anything but normal."

  Sasha and Francesca burst out laughing. The others stared at one another as if confused.

  "Tell us what the joke is," Giovanni prompted.

  "There's nothing normal about any of you. No one thinks that," Francesca said. "The first time I ever saw Stefano, I thought he was a member of the mafia, and a very mean one at that. He scared me to death."

  Stefano flashed her a smirk. "I still scare you to death." He looked very pleased at the idea.

  Francesca laughed and snuggled closer to him. "You keep telling yourself that, babe."

  "She's on to you," Emmanuelle said. "No more bossing her around, especially now that she's with child. I love how that sounds, Francesca. You're with child. Are you planning on telling Eloisa?"

  Stefano threaded his fingers through Francesca's. "Not for a while. Francesca needs to feel secure that she's going to carry this child with no more complications. I'm not quite ready to forgive Eloisa the things she said to my wife behind my back. We don't keep things from each other, and she should have known that. What she says to Francesca, I want her to say to my face."

  A little shiver went down Sasha's spine. She would never want to be on the wrong side of Stefano, especially if it had to do with Francesca. He obviously loved her very much. Francesca was completely comfortable with her husband. His scary demeanor didn't affect her in the least. Sasha realized she'd gotten that way with Giovanni. She knew with absolute certainty that he'd never hurt her, and he would fight for her whenever it was needed.

  "What about the wedding?" Vittorio asked. "Will Eloisa be going to that?"

  Sasha's first thought was hell no. But she was Giovanni's mother. She saw them all looking at one another and then at her. Giovanni's arm circled her waist and he pulled her against his chest, so her back was to his front. His arm locked just under her breasts. She didn't like being so exposed. Her face still felt swollen and tight from crying so much.

  Sasha couldn't help it, she reached up to shield her face, trying to pull her hair subtly to cover her. Giovanni's mouth was instantly against her ear. "Baby, you're so beautiful, you take my breath away. Don't be embarrassed because you love someone and were emotional. That's amazing. You're amazing."

  She leaned her head against his chest and reached back with one arm to circle his neck. The action lifted her breasts and pushed her bottom tightly against him. At once his teeth tugged at her earlobe, and she wished they were home together. She loved their home. She loved him. She wanted all this to be over so she didn't have to worry night and day.

  "What do you think, Sasha?" Mariko asked. "Would you mind Eloisa coming to your wedding?"

  "She's much better once you're actually married. Prior to marriage, she views you as a threat to the family, but after," Francesca said, "you are family."

  "She still says things that are difficult to take," Sasha said. "You've been her family for a while now yet she thought nothing of coming in and making you feel bad."

  "She didn't know I had two miscarriages," Francesca pointed out.

  Stefano made a sound like a growling panther. "Baby, you're the most forgiving person on this planet. Eloisa needs her head examined, and if she ever speaks to you or any one of my sisters, new or not, like that again, she is going to be officially banished."

  Francesca gasped. "You can't do that, Stefano."

  "Watch me, Francesca." His voice was harder than ever. "I'm not putting up with it. She isn't mellowing. She's getting worse. What happens when she starts talking to our children that way? Or taking them out for her kind of training sessions? She learns now that she can't behave that way, or she goes."

  Sasha believed him. Every word that came out of his mouth was a decree. "If I invite her to the wedding, is there a way to keep her from Sandlin? I can handle anything she says to me ..." She paused and looked up at Giovanni. "As long as you realize I can get ugly. I dealt with bulls and grew up surrounded by cowboys dealing with bulls. I don't like being pushed around and usually push back hard. As long as Giovanni's all right with that, I won't have a problem, but Sandlin's too sweet." She hated the way her voice broke.

  Giovanni's arm tightened and he dropped his chin to the top of her head. "Baby, you can say whatever shit is warranted if Eloisa is ugly to you. As for Sandlin, we'll tell her if she wants to come, the requirement will be that she has to stay away from your brother."

  "Then we should invite her. She's your mother, and I don't want to start off on the wrong foot."

  Taviano snorted. "Everyone is on the wrong foot with Eloisa, Sasha. Francesca has been the sweetest being on the face of the planet, and our lovely mother is ugly every time the two get together."

  "She has problems, Taviano," Francesca excused.

  "Then she's had them for years," Stefano said. "Since I was born." He downed his bourbon and held out his glass to his brother to fill.

  Vittorio took the glass and crossed the room to the crystal decanter. He glanced back at his younger brother. "Eloisa has been down on Nicoletta since the start. Does she know that she's a rider?"

  "I don't know. I don't even care," Taviano snapped. "The fact that she knows what an ugly life Nicol
etta has had but she has no sympathy whatsoever for her is enough for me."

  "She has no compassion or mercy in her," Vittorio agreed, handing the glass back to his oldest brother.

  "I'll go talk to Aaron," Emmanuelle said. "I can get in without being seen, give him an explanation he would believe and ask him the questions."

  Giovanni shook his head. "Thanks, Emme, I love you for it, but if Aaron is playing bullshit competition games with his male friends, he won't tell you. It has to be a man."

  "He sent me chocolates." Sasha turned her head to look up at Giovanni as realization swept over her, but the position was awkward. She stepped away from him, commanding the room. "James. James Corlege, Aaron's friend. After the incident in the club, Aaron sent me flowers with an apology."

  "I remember," Emmanuelle said. "He did it in person. I thought it was so sweet that he wanted to pick them out himself."

  "That same day, I received chocolates with a letter of apology from James. One sent flowers, the other chocolates. Were they trying to one-up each other?"

  Giovanni snapped his fingers. "You also received hand-picked flowers. From your stalker. What do we have on them? I know their names were on the list for the investigators."

  "I have the files on them. It seems Rigina and Rosina spent some time looking into them," Stefano said, flipping open one and handing the other to Vittorio.

  "James is the up-and-coming fighter in Aaron's weight division. He can't compete with Aaron," Giovanni said. "He can't get the title away from him."

  Sasha's breath caught in her throat. Could this all be about a division title? Not anything to do with her or Giovanni? "A fight title?"

  There was silence in the room while they all gave that some thought. Stefano shook his head, frustrated. "I'm looking at the dates of each incident. Corlege has a solid alibi for two of the incidents. The other times he claimed he was sleeping."

  "Same with Tom Mariland," Vittorio said. "He was seen by other fighters at the gym on two of the dates."