Page 32 of Pride to Pack

I can’t help but be aroused by her jealousy. When Emmanuel made the comment about me being no good because I can’t protect her from my own pack members, I didn't think her wolf would forgive me. I know she said she did, but to know that she’s jealous makes me believe it that much more.

  This beautiful woman sat next to me in my car is actually my mate.


  I pull back from the kiss, not too far. I might want to take her lips again in a more passionate kiss. “Tell you what, why don’t you come back to mine? You can shower there and I am sure I can find some clothes for you to wear,” I suggest, grinning.

  “Will I need clothes?” she asks with a cheeky smile, knowing exactly what her words are doing to me.

  “Be careful, I might hold you to that,” I warn, unable to hold the rasp in my voice back.

  It doesn’t take me long to drive us home.

  We walk in the door to be greeted by Chloe in a lacy number that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. How dare she prance around my house wearing that? I have a mate. What does she think will come of her meeting me at the door wearing something like that?

  I smell Bel’s mating scent and can’t contain my anger.


  Bel squeezes the hand that she is holding and rubs her thumb over the back of my hand in a calming gesture.

  I quieten my voice. “I don’t appreciate you walking around my home half naked, Chloe.”

  She turns and storms up stairs without another word, but not before giving Bel a deathly glare.

  “Well, I give her a ten for trying,” Bel jokes. If she can joke about it I can calm down.

  I remind myself that this is the first time Bel and I have had some time together, with people going missing left, right and centre we need to make the most of it. It will only be a matter of time before something comes up. Hopefully one of my guys will get a lead on the damn kidnapper because my wolf sure does want someone to pay.

  I lead Bel into the one room I know we won’t get disturbed in - unless it’s an emergency. Let me tell you, if someone does disturb us, someone better be dying. I lead her into my bedroom. I am not wild in my paint taste. It’s just a good ol’ cream. I like the bed being a focal point. That’s what a bedroom is all about, after all. Glancing at the bed I am grateful for the clean black satin sheets I put on this morning but I’m starting to regret bringing her in here. My wolf wants to claim her. He always wants to claim her but seeing the bed is making him ride me harder.

  I close the door behind us and show her straight to the bathroom trying to ignore the bed and my impatient wolf.

  “Wow that is some spa bath,” Bel says as looking at my extra-large spa bath. It takes up most of the left hand side of the room.

  I shrug at her comment, “I’m a large guy and I like a big bath.”

  I walk over to the two headed shower and turn it on. I renovated this bathroom after my ex left, always keeping the idea of a mate in mind. What good is a shower if you can’t fit two people in it?

  “I’ll just get you some clothes while that warms up,” I say, heading back into the room to go through my chest of drawers and find a t-shirt and some boxers that will be suitable.

  I can feel Bel’s eyes on me as she watches me while leaning against the doorjamb.

  Once back in the bathroom, I grab a towel from under the sink and place the items on the bench top next to the sink. Steam is filling the room and my wolf is getting antsy thinking about her being naked in the shower. I can smell her arousal so I know she is thinking along the same lines as me. I need to get out of here before I pin her in the shower. I try to remind myself she has had a knock to the head. It’s not the right time to be pinning her anywhere.

  “I’ll be just outside. If you need anything give me a shout,” I say, quickly escaping the steam and the smell of her arousal.

  I start to pace the room having way too much energy to sit still. I start to chant to myself. “You will not go in there.”

  She deserves more than a claiming in a shower.

  She deserves romance and sweet gentle love making.

  “You will not go in there.”

  Bel’s mating scent comes out from the crack under the bathroom door.


  I can’t hold back anymore.

  It’s time to claim my Mate.



Aimie Jennison's Novels