Page 36 of Pride to Pack

We both pull away to look at our watches when the doorbell rings. It’s four in the morning, who would be at the door at this time? I glance up at Theo who looks just as uncertain as I feel.

  We both go to the door. Before opening it we both close our eyes, trying to sense who it is on the other side.

  “I can’t smell any scent through the door. It’s too thick. They don’t feel like Pack, familiar but not Pack.” Theo confirms my own thoughts.

  “Whoever it is they’re scared, hurt and female, young too,” I say using my empathy.

  Unlocking the door he opens it cautiously.

  A girl that looks about sixteen, give or take a year pounces at Theo shouting, “Ted” between sobs. She throws her arms around him and hangs off his neck. She was just a bit shorter than me - although Theo isn’t tall she is hanging a good ten inches off the floor. Theo is hugging her in return so I relax, assuming he must know her.

  As I take her in, I see a similarity in her. Her long ringlets down to her waist are the same colour as his and her eyes are the same shape only more sage green not emerald. I can see a nasty looking bruise on her right cheekbone.

  “Rubes, what’s happened? Why are you here?”

  She lifts her head and looks up at him giving him full view of the bruise.

  The anger leaves him in such a strong wave that it actually knocks my feet from under me, leaving me sprawled on the floor like an idiot.

  “That bastard!”

  She buries her face into his chest and sobs even more.

  “Theo she needs some ice on her cheek. Have you got any?” I get up and shut the door, hoping to calm him by making him realise he needs to care for her, not get angry at someone who isn’t even here.

  He pulls her into his side leading her to the kitchen.

  I can feel Wesley following behind me. “You okay, boss?” He sees the girl then, “Ruby? Hi.”

  She turns to look at him, but before she replies he sees her bruise.

  “Oh shit! Are you okay sweetie?” He strides over to them. By the feel of his anger, I’m guessing the whole pack would be willing to rip someone to shreds for Ruby.

  Ruby sits on the counter top in silence with the ice pack pressed to her cheek and the two men hovering in front of her like bodyguards.

  I walk over to Theo and touch the small of his back with my fingers. He must have been somewhere else with his thoughts because the touch catches him by surprise. He spins around on his heels and the anger in his eyes terrifies me so much I take an involuntary step back.

  Never back down too easily from a werewolf.

  They find it fun and will probably tear you apart!

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to surprise you,” I practically whisper.

  He shakes his head like trying to shake a vision from his sight.

  “I’m going to head home. You’re busy and we have sorted our problem. It’s my night off tomorrow but you know what I’m like. I’ll be at the bar anyway just on the other side of it for a change.” I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his soft lips with a gentle brush of mine. He returns my kiss and I pull away smiling. “I know you are going to be busy so I’ll understand if you can’t make it to the bar. Don’t worry.”

  He nods and turns to Wesley, “Wes, can you give Bel a lift home?”

  “I’ll go ‘teleport’ in the other room,” I remind them both with a grin before Wes can reply.

  I walk into the dining room and close the door behind me. Closing my eyes I picture my room at Misty’s and open them to find I am there. This teleportation is getting easier with each attempt.

  The room feels empty and lonely without Theo. He's my mate I should be with him. I’m missing a vital piece of myself when he isn’t around. At least I know where he is. I don’t know how Wes is managing with Alyssa missing.

  I quickly go to the bathroom but decide to skip changing into my pyjamas. I climb into bed in Theo’s shorts and t-shirt so I can fall asleep feeling safe and secure as I breathe in his scent.
Aimie Jennison's Novels