Page 39 of Pride to Pack

Hearing Bel’s voice gave me a boost. I don’t know how she knew but I was desperate for something to cling on to - to make myself live. She reminded me that I have a pack, a mate and my baby sister relying on me. I need to get through this. The tranquilliser wasn’t fun, but it’s wearing off now. I need to focus.

  “Look, he’s coming around.” Is that Alyssa?

  “Don’t get too excited. He might be too out of it to recognise us. He might attack us.” That is definitely Paddy.

  He must have knocked me out so he could bring them in here.

  “At least he might recognise you. I’ve only met him twice. He’ll eat me first,” says who I can only assume is, Jared. Since I saw his lion attacking Dominick earlier I know he’s under the kidnapper’s control.

  I need to shift back to human. I can’t exactly talk to them in my wolf form. They are right. An injured werewolf is dangerous. I rein the wolf in. He comes willingly, knowing it’s the best thing for all of us. He may be injured but he knows I would never put us in danger while we’re so vulnerable. It’s one of the most painful changes I have ever made. The intensity of the pain takes my breath away. I lay as still as possible once I’m human, not wanting to irritate my already sensitive skin and nerves.

  “Theo, it’s Alyssa can you hear me?”

  “Yes,” is all I can manage. The shift took it out of me. I will heal better in wolf form. The sooner I can talk to them and get back the better. I honestly don’t feel like I am going to make it until tomorrow night.

  Someone covers me with a blanket.

  “Someone needs to take those bullets out of you. You’re never going to heal if those stay in you,” Alyssa says, rubbings at a sore spot on my upper arm.

  “Bullets?” I ask, trying to inspect my arm.

  “I’m betting silver by the way you’re not healing,” Jared says as he steps closer.

  I can’t control the warning growl that comes out of my mouth.

  He holds his hands up in surrender and takes a step back. “Sorry, you’re injured and your wolf doesn’t know me. I’ll stay over here.”

  “I can smell your lion. My wolf doesn’t like the fact that you are a predator. I’m sorry. I'm not normally so grouchy.”

  “It’s understandable. You have at least three silver bullets in you and numerous injuries that aren't healing,” Jared admits.

  “I have your blood on me. I can smell it. Did we do that to you?” Alyssa asks sounding distraught.

  I sit up, ignoring the pain that rolls through my body, and pull her into my arms. “Alyssa, you did not do this. You may have the weapon but he was wielding that weapon. Do you hear me?” I command.

  “Yes,” she whispers against my chest.

  I look over at Paddy and he must see the pain on my face. He walks over and pulls Alyssa against his own chest.

  “Go sit with Jared while I try removing the bullets out of Theo,” he says, guiding her towards Jared.

  Paddy turns back towards me and starts poking at my arm. “If I could shift just my claws I could probably dig them out, but I can’t do that. They’re too deep. I need something…” he says as he looks around the room for anything that could be of use.

  I look around too. The room is sparse. Three camping beds against different bare walls and a bucket in the corner. I guess the kidnapper doesn’t want us to find anything we can use as a weapon.

  “Can you shift just your claws, Jared?” Paddy asks as he looks at Jared.

  “I can but Theo’s wolf won’t let me near him as it is. There is no chance in hell he will let me near him with my claws out,” he says from his seat on one of the beds, with Alyssa tucked into his side.

  “It’s okay. I’ll be able to hang on until tomorrow night. I spoke with Bel before he knocked me out.” I tap my forehead to clarify how I spoke to her. “They have a plan.”

  “Bel is always the one with the plan. You’re a lucky man.” Jared says.

  I am feeling weaker by the second. The silver isn’t doing me any favours. I need to get it out. I shift just my hands, hoping to be able to dig them out myself. I reach around to the one Paddy was poking at and I can just reach it. I cut a cross through the wound to make it bigger and then dig my claw into the newer larger hole. I feel the silver. Not only does the arm it’s in sting like bitch, but it stings the claw that touches it too. Trying to ignore the pain, I keep digging. I add another claw to the wound hoping to pincer it out. It works! I drag the bullet through the wound and drop it to the floor with a grunt.

  Feeling slightly faint and nauseous I give up any thoughts of removing the other bullets and lay down where I am sat. “That will have to do. I can’t do anymore.”

  “You did good, mate. I honestly don’t think I could have done that if I was in your shoes.” Jared praises. “If you shift, I will watch over your wolves whilst you sleep.”

  I don’t even bother thanking him. I give my body over to my wolf and fall into a deep sleep.



Aimie Jennison's Novels