Page 41 of Pride to Pack

“Rosabel! Wake up!” Wesley’s shout wakes me up. It sounds like he’s pounding on the bedroom door, the one I was meant to be staying in anyway.

  "I’m coming in,” I hear him announce.

  I stifle my laugh; he's not going to find me in there.

  “DAMN IT,” he yells.

  I stay quiet. He can wait for me to get dressed. He sounds mad and I don’t really fancy facing a stressed out angry werewolf first thing in a morning.

  Ruby and I talked for most of last night. She told me about their upbringing which sounded just as hard as mine, but for different reasons. Their mother and father split up when Theodore was nine years old, and his mother was pregnant with Ruby. Their dad was high up in the pack. He couldn’t divide himself equally between family and pack. Ruby mentioned another brother called Cain who is two years younger than Theo. Apparently he’s a lone wolf who doesn't get in touch often. The werewolf gene skipped Ruby, which she finds disappointing.

  Unfortunately just because you have a were as a parent, it doesn’t mean you will be a were too. They have human genes as well. It’s just luck of the draw. I’m not sure where the luck lies though. Are you lucky if you do become were or you don’t? I suppose that is up to the individual really.

  Once Theo changed for the first time when he was sixteen, his father took him under his wing and introduced him into the pack. Doing the same thing with Cain two years later. With Ruby being human, their father wasn't interested in her.

  Ruby turned up on Theo’s doorstep because her mother’s latest boyfriend is a sleaze ball - Ruby’s words. He came on to her and when she turned him down, he told her mother she came on to him. Her mother hit her and threw her out. I don’t know how a mother could do something like that to her daughter.

  Once the sun came up we decided we needed to go to sleep before we lost the chance for sleep altogether. We ended up sleeping next to each other in Theo’s bed.

  “ROSABEL! Where the hell are you? You better not have teleported home to get more sleep!” Wesley sounds like he’s ready to tear my head off. I better face him now before he actually does tear it off.

  “I’m coming, keep your hair on.” I didn’t bother shouting. He’d be able to hear my voice downstairs with his hearing. Only Ruby wouldn’t be able to hear anything out of the room she’s in being the only pure human in the house.

  Wes storms into the room and takes in the scene before him. He looks mortified at the sight of us both in bed.

  “You don’t seriously think…” I can't even finish the question. I know what he is thinking. I can’t believe he’s jumping to that conclusion.

  Ruby must catch onto our train of thought because she burst out laughing. “Look at his face,” she manages to get out, before another fit of laughter takes over.

  “Have you managed to wake sleeping beauty up yet? I thought you might need a prince to do it.” We can hear Billy taking the stairs two at a time. He must have felt Wesley’s horror because he suddenly becomes very serious, “Wes, what’s wrong mate?” He walks around Wesley to see what he is looking at. Us! “No way!” He sounds excited. He seems to be taking the scene better than Wesley had, but he's jumped to the same wrong conclusion. He seems more excited than I’d like, especially since Ruby is involved. She is only seventeen. Too young for him to be thinking about like that.

  “You are not serious.” Ruby sounds astonished at the fact that two guys came to the same conclusion after only seeing two girls laid in the same bed.

  “Ruby you must know by now, especially since you hang out with Theo’s pack a fair bit.” I say this as I get out the bed in my underwear - they had already seen me in my birthday suit yesterday, underwear is a step up - and walk over to Theo’s chest of draws. I start raking through it to find something to wear. “Men have a one track mind. Especially faced with two women in bed together, no matter how wrong they are.”

  I find some t-shirts in the top drawer and take one out. It’s the one with the werewolf howling at the moon, that he’d been wearing the first night I saw him. I find some sweatpants in the third drawer and pull out a grey pair.

  “Do you think Theo will mind if I borrow these?” Billy is still staring at me; Wesley’s eyes are averted to the floor, with bright red cheeks. I stand waving the clothes in the air but no one is answering me.

  When I glance at Ruby I see her getting out of bed and grabbing the robe off the foot of the bed to cover herself, being careful not to flash her underwear to us.

  “Billy, what are you staring at?” I ask hoping to keep his eyes on me.

  “Sorry, but you were both in there in just your underwear!” he says as if we don’t already know.

  “Yes. We both had the same idea of being close to Theo by being in here. We talked for a while and went to sleep when the sun came up,” I clarify.

  “Together!” Wesley still sounds stunned.

  “I’m going to use the bathroom now. That’s if I’m allowed?” I don’t wait for an answer. Instead, I go straight in to the bathroom and lock the door, hoping Ruby can manage to escape without a Spanish inquisition.

  Before I even bother getting dressed, I shift, calling my wolf forward so we can check on Theo again. “Theo, can you hear me?”

  “Bel, you’re okay? I was worried the tranquilliser had hurt you when he shot me.” It's great to hear his voice.

  I can't help but giggle at his words. “You’re the one on deaths door, and yet you’re worried about me? I’m fine. I tried to communicate with you again before I went to bed, but you were out cold. I could feel you faintly so I knew you were still with us.” I explain.

  “I’m glad you’re okay.” I feel him relax through our mating bond.

  “Has he given you any meat yet? You sound and feel much better.”

  “Yes, he gave us some meat during the night. It won’t keep me going long. It was enough to let me draw some energy from the pack. It should keep me going until you get here, later.”

  “Ruby and Wesley will be glad to hear you’re better. You said us, are you with the others?”

  “Yes they were in the room when I came around from the tranquilliser. They’re both well. Alyssa was a little distraught at thought of having hurt me but I think I managed to talk her out of that. Jared is here too. How is Dominick and Chomp they were both in big trouble when I fell unconscious?” He asks.

  “Chomp is dead, well dead dead; you know what I mean. Dominick wasn’t far from following him but I donated a bit of blood, and he’s fine now.” I hold my breath as I wait for his reply, wondering how he will take the news about Dominick feeding from me.

  “I bet he enjoyed that, the donation. So that means we have a tie to break again when I get back. That could be fun.” His cheery reply helps me relax.

  “Hey cheeky, you might not be up to it.” I can hear the laughter through our connection. But feeling through the bond, I can tell he’s been pretending to feel better than he actually is. He feels extremely tired and he’s struggling to keep up the act. “Theo you can’t fool me. I’m an empath and your mate. I can feel how tired you are.”

  “What? Your empathy works even like this?” He sounds as shocked as I was when I discovered it too.

  “Yes. You’re feeling guilty now for lying to me. Actually, you’re probably only feeling guilty because I found out. You didn’t feel guilty when you were actually lying.”

  “Sorry. I’m just trying not to worry you.” I can feel the truth to his words.

  “I know you’re going to hang on for us, no matter how bad you feel. You’re not one to give up. I better go before Wesley rips my head off.”

  “He better not.” He sounds mad; his anger flowing through the bond confirms it. I’ll take it as a good sign that he has the energy to spare on emotions like that.

  “Oh, he’s mad because he told me I had to be up, ready and downstairs by eight thirty. Have you heard of such a stupid idea? That is way too early for me to get up. He had to come in the bedroom and wake me up just before I c
ame to talk to you. I’m only guessing because I haven’t seen a clock yet, but it feels like lunchtime, but that could just be the hunger from all these changes confusing my biological clock,” I try to explain.

  “He can’t give you orders,” Theo demands. Did he even listen the rest of what I had said?

  “I know. I had to lead a pack meeting last night. That was so fun.” Sarcasm at its best.

  “Did you have any trouble?” he asks, sounding nervous.

  I really shouldn’t worry him, but he’ll be able to tell if I keep it from him. “Not really, except I owe you a new set of front doors. Don’t worry it’s secure enough, what with all the top dogs staying there.” I joke, hoping he doesn’t ask for more details.

  “Oh great. I dread to think what else can get broken before I get back tonight.” He says with a laugh.

  “Sorry, but I better go, Wesley really will kill me if I don’t hurry up.”

  “I love you Bel.” It isn’t just words. I feel the love being sent through the bond.

  “And I love you, Theo.” I could spend all day talking to him but I know I can’t so I tear myself away by pulling my wolf back.

  I get dressed as quickly as I can, expecting Wesley to try breaking the door down any second. It felt like I’d been talking to Theo for a long time so I brace myself as I open the door to the bedroom expecting some kind of ambush. I’m surprised to find the room empty.

  I rush down the stairs and in my haste I lose my footing about halfway down. I reach out trying to grab the wall or something to stop my fall but there is nothing I can grip. “SHIT” I scream as I fall head first down the stairs.

  Billy appears out of nowhere, at the bottom of the stairs, stopping my decent before my face smashes into the slate floor. “Jesus Bel, are you okay?”

  “Oh my god, Bel!” Ruby cries her voice sounding closer as she gets nearer.

  “You caught me just in time, thanks Billy. You appeared out of nowhere. How did you know?” I ask.

  “I felt you through the pack bonds, not to mention heard you thudding down the stairs. I’m a werewolf. I’ve got good speed. I’m just glad I was quick enough. We can’t have you damaging that beautiful face of yours.” He leans to kiss me on the head but Ruby pushes him off me trying to help me up, which would be easier if my feet weren’t still halfway up the stairs.

  If Ruby had just left it to Billy to help me up, he would’ve been able to support my weight no problem. Hell he’d be able to bench press a car, one handed at that. That’s a good bonus to being a were, super strength and like Billy already said, speed. Unfortunately Ruby doesn’t have the strength of a were.

  After watching us struggle for a second, not to mention seeing my face almost hit the floor once or twice, Billy barges Ruby out of the way, “Move it Rubes, I’ll get her. You go make Bel a coffee. I have a feeling she needs one to function in the morning.”

  Ruby disappears into the kitchen, hopefully to make that coffee. Billy is right. I’m ready for one.

  Billy picks me up without a problem and carries me across the room to the sofa.

  “Thanks Billy.” I say as he sits me down on the sofa.

  Wesley is sitting opposite me with a face like thunder. Thanks for your concern.

  “Sorry it took me a while to get down here, but I checked in on Theo while I was in the bathroom.”

  “We heard you. How is he?”

  Ruby passes me a mug of coffee and it smells perfect. I take a sip burning my tongue; I do that so often you would think I’d learn my lesson and wait for it to cool before drinking it, but the smell just draws me in every time. I put the mug down on the coffee table before I do it again as Ruby takes he seat next to me.

  All three of them look at me with anticipation written over their faces.

  “He’s okay. He didn’t realise my empathy worked through the connection so he tried to pretend he was better than he is by acting all happy and normal, but I could feel how tired he was. He became a bit more truthful after I called him out on it. He’s keeping his hopes up and knows we’ll be there soon. He said he’s been taking energy from the pack, which is helping him.”

  “So that’s why you have been so grumpy, Wes.” Billy nudges him in the ribs playfully.

  “I thought Wes was always grumpy.” giggles Ruby.

  “Well there is my excuse. Now tell us the rest.” He tries to give me an order.

  I don’t know what comes over me but I’m not standing for it.

  I stare him in the eyes, I wouldn’t normally stare a werewolf down unless I know I could kill them in a fight, like Chloe for instance. Because if you won’t back down and they won’t back down that is what a stare contest will lead to - a death match. Wesley is really dominant and so am I. I’m honestly not sure who would come out alive between the two of us. Since I’m Theo’s mate, I’m pack leader in his absence so the orders should be coming from me alone, not Wesley. I can hold my wolf back and only show the dominance I am willing to show. I’m not really sure how I do it and I’ve never heard of anyone else that can do it. But I made the mistake of showing my full dominance to Jared’s pack and I have learnt not to do that again. I usually try to make it so I sit in the middle of a pack, not too dominant to be considered a threat and not too weak to be abused. There is only Wesley and Billy here so I pull out my dominance to try to make Wes come to his senses and back down.

  As I strip down emotionally to bare my animal, I feel Chloe come in the room. Her fear starts to grow along with my dominance.

  Neither Wesley nor I look away from each other. It goes on for what feels like a long time, neither of us wanting to give in. Thinking on it, I don’t even think he really meant it as an order in the first place, but I am not backing down and Wesley obviously feels the need to stand his ground too.

  “Come on guys, there’s no need for this.” Billy tries to stop us.

  “Billy, keep out of it!” I order with every bit of dominance I have. I guess my point gets across because he doesn’t speak again.

  My order must make Wesley realise something too because he looks down to the floor before dropping to his hands and knees and crawling over to me. He stops before me and turns his head baring his neck. It’s an animal thing, to offer a vulnerable body part in apology to the more dominant giving them the choice to rip you apart or chastise you.

  I choose the latter by leaning forward and biting his throat, not hard enough to draw blood or even hurt (a nip more than a bite). But it’s a chastisement, which is needed. As weird as it feels I know I have to do it, it comes with the job. Maybe it was Theo’s anger over Wes and his orders still residing in me that caused me to stand my ground.

  We both sit back in our seats without another word.

  By now Chloe has joined us, sitting on the floor at Billy’s feet. She’s dressed extremely conservatively for Chloe, wearing a fuchsia pink hoodie and sweatpants, with hardly any flesh showing at all. I guess Theo isn’t here to impress.

  They all look at me in silence waiting for me to carry on.

  Before I can open my mouth Ruby breaks the silence, “Does someone want to explain what just happened?”

  Billy looks at me questioningly.

  I nod allowing him to answer.

  “Dominance games. Pack stuff, sweetie.” He smiles at her reassuringly.

  “But she bit him,” she says sounding astounded.

  Wesley turns his neck to show her that there is no wound, just a pink mark which will fade to nothing in five minutes. “It wasn’t hard,” he admits.

  She shrugs dismissively.

  Billy is watching me. I can feel through his emotions that my dominance arouses him. I don’t know whether to feel flattered or creeped out by that.

  Chloe has fear rolling off her in waves. I’m not the only one who can feel it. Billy reaches out and rubs her shoulder in comfort.

  Wesley is concerned, no doubt about Alyssa.

  “Theo said the others are safe and well. They were all together after he
came around from the tranquilliser,” I say realising I have made them wait long enough.

  They all stare at me in silence so I speak again, hoping we can get back to more normal conditions. It’s all too tense after the stare down. “So who are we taking tonight?”

  Wesley hands me a piece of paper over the coffee table. “Billy and I picked a few guys we think will be best for the job. Their names and numbers are on there,” he says pointing at the piece of paper in my hand. “Obviously if you think someone is better for the job, by all means change it.”

  “No it’s okay Wesley. You both know the pack members better than me. You know who is right for the job.” I glance over the list and notice Chloe’s name isn’t on it. Theo had told me she was one of the most dominant, and a good fighter, which made me think she’d be pretty useful. “How come Chloe’s not on there? She is one of the strongest in the pack.”

  Chloe looks at me, gobsmacked.

  I tried to sound as friendly as I can but I’m still showing too much dominance for my liking, with me shifting so much recently, I’m finding it hard to push it back into hiding. My wolf likes being out at full strength.

  “Yeah, we were going to put Chloe on but we thought she’d be better staying here with Ruby. We know how good you are Chloe,” says Wesley. He sounds a lot calmer. We might be getting back to normality now.

  “I don’t need a baby sitter, I’m seventeen,” Ruby complains.

  “No, she’s not staying to babysit you. Think of it as more like a bodyguard. Especially with the front doors in the mess they are in. Theo left you with me when he went out and I can’t let anything happen to you while you’re in my care,” Wesley says.

  “Fine,” Ruby snaps, clearly not happy but willing to let it slide.

  I pick up the phone from off the coffee table and call the guys on the list. They all listened to my instructions silently with no arguments - just like the three wolves in the room with me, each of them assured me they would be at Misty’s on time.

  Billy manages to get us all joking and laughing in no time. He’s got a heart of gold that one. He soon takes Ruby and Chloe in to the kitchen to help him make sandwiches for lunch, leaving me and Wesley alone in the lounge. I think he did it on purpose since there is still a little bit of tension between us. Maybe he hoped we’d be able to sort it out in private.

  Wesley speaks up first. “About what happened earlier, I didn’t mean it as an order. I was just grumpy and didn’t think before I spoke.”

  “I know. I don’t know what came over me, I think it might be something Theo said to me,” I admit.

  “You had every right. I shouldn’t be giving you orders.”

  I feel the need to explain. “Theo said that too. I think with his words fresh in my mind and my wolf close to the surface with all these changes I have been doing, my animal instincts took over.”

  “How did you become so dominant and then just let it disappear again, you only feel mid pack dominant now, but you were a hell of a lot more a minute ago?” He asks.

  “To be honest I’m not sure how I do it or what I do. The best way to describe it is that I bury my dominance deep inside me and only leave a mid level amount on show. When I was younger I had it all on show and had so much trouble with Jared’s pride feeling threatened. I was always being challenged. That was probably just as much to do with the fact that I was a wolf and didn’t belong with the lions as it was to do with my high dominance. One day it just happened. I could hide it, not that that helped with the lions. They already knew my full strength. I don’t ever want to be treated like that again, so I keep it under wraps now.”

  “I never realised it would be hard being a lone wolf. Does Theo know about your strength?”

  “I’ve never let it out since I originally hid it a couple of years ago. So I don’t think he knows, unless he has a way of feeling it without me showing it.” I say with a shrug.

  The others come back with three big plates full of sandwiches and mugs of fresh coffee.

  “I can’t believe you two thought me and Bel were, you know… this morning,” Ruby says between bites of her sandwich.

  “Come on. You were in bed together.” Wesley says, grabbing a sandwich.

  “And only in your underwear.” Billy adds.

  “What were we meant to think?” Wesley finishes.

  “Chloe, what would you think if you saw me and Ruby just waking up in Theo’s bed together?” I ask just to prove a point.

  “That you both needed to feel close to him,” she answers proving my point perfectly. Men!

  “What? You wouldn’t think they’d been together? Not even if they got out in just their bras and undies?” Billy seems astonished that she hadn’t jumped to the same conclusion he and Wesley had.

  “No. I guess it’s a girl thing. My best friend and I used to sit and talk to each other while we had baths when we were growing up. Hell, we still do if we are getting ready for a night out together.” She informs him, rendering Billy speechless.

  “Besides, Rosabel is mated to Theo, and you both know I’ve had a crush on Paddy and Eddie, like forever,” Ruby says blushing as she realises me and Chloe, had no idea until she just told us.

  “Aw, Paddy is a sweetheart. Eddie is a player, I’m not sure he’s suitable for you Ruby,” I say, getting nothing but an eye roll from her.

  “Yes, stay away from Ed. He’ll end up breaking your heart,” Wes warns Ruby. “I bet you weren’t calling Paddy sweet when he was trying to make you his meal not so long ago,” he says to me with a smirk.

  Ruby glances from Wes to me with a worried look on her face, probably concerned that her crush might have a habit of eating people. “WHAT?”

  “It wasn’t really his fault. I was bleeding my delicious blood all over the place, right in front of him two days before the full moon. What did I expect?” I say making everyone laugh at the thought.



Aimie Jennison's Novels