"They're in London, aren't they?" Sunny sounded like a lost girl. "Wilson had their coach and said as much, but I never grasped that they were right there."

  Miles, very glad that he had been unable to sleep, wondered with pain for his aunt and what she'd been through in the last few days. Gently, he made her feel at home.

  "What did you want to see Papa about, Sunny? Maybe I can help."

  "I want to go away for a time, Miles. I need something of a rest, and even though I'm looking forward to going back to Ravenscroft


  in safety, I feel the need to get away."

  "There's something else going on here, isn't there, Sunny? You don't have to tell me, but I think you might feel better if you did."

  Sunny looked into his kind eyes for just a moment before bursting into tears and telling all. Miles was furious over the things the emir said to Sunny and sincerely shocked that Brandon would leave her on the ship. Even though he believed that Brandon had been totally honest when he said he loved Sunny, he could understand her hurt.

  The hours passed as Miles, much as Dallas had, tried to talk Sunny out of leaving. But when he saw how determined she was, he decided to lend her his aid. They went together to Ravenscroft. Miles watched Sunny, tired as she was, wake the household and take control.

  "Aunt Lucy," Sunny told her aunt calmly, finding her surprisingly lucid for being awakened at such an early hour, "I'm going away for a few weeks."

  "Alone, my dear?" Aunt Lucy looked uncertain.

  "Yes," Sunny told her.

  "Where is Brandon?"

  "I don't know, but this doesn't concern him.'' Sunny's voice was final.

  "But, my dear, you've had such a traumatic few days. Maybe I should go with you."

  Sunny thought how little help Aunt Lucy had been after she had been attacked. The entire affair had upset her so, she'd taken to her bed.

  "No, Aunt Lucy," Sunny's voice was gentle. "I wish to be alone."

  "Oh, oh my," Aunt Lucy nearly flapped like a chicken. "Well then, take Tildy."

  "Tildy will not-want to leave you-"

  "On the contrary," Aunt Lucy interrupted. "Tildy thinks the world of you, and she'd be only too happy to go. Isn't that right, Tildy?"

  "Of course, my lady," the elderly servant spoke calmly. "I'll go and see to Lady Sunny's packing."

  "Thank you, Tildy," Sunny responded, feeling very relieved that Aunt Lucy had insisted.


  "Now," Sunny turned back to her. "I want to tell you where Fm going, but I want you to keep it to yourself. I'll have Wilson and Tildy with me, so I'll be perfectly safe."

  "Oh, oh my," Aunt Lucy did flap then, her head shaking in fierce denial, and her elbows going back and forth at her sides like wings. "But it won't work, my dear. Brandon or Rand will come and give me one look, and I'll tell all."

  Sunny opened her mouth to deny it, but then closed it with a snap. The old girl was right. She was no match for Brandon or Rand.

  "You're right," Sunny told her. "I'll just go, and see you when I return in about a month's time."

  It wasn't what Aunt Lucy wanted to hear, but she could see Sunny had made up her mind. Within an hour, Sunny was in her own carriage, Tildy seated across from her. Packed with fresh clothes, her trunk was stowed in the rear. The coachman and Wilson sat up top. Miles stood at the door of the carriage, his tender feelings for her written all over his face.

  "Are you sure you're not running away?"

  "I'm sure, Miles. I just need some time to think. I reallycanlive with the feet that Brandon and I are never going to be anything more than friends, but I just need some time. You'll keep my secret?"

  "You know better than to ask," he admonished her. "I'll see you in about a month, and believe me, you'll love Lord and Lady Briton."

  With these words the door was shut, and Miles watched as the carriage lurched onto the road. Inside, Sunny sat looking out the window, but that didn't last long. Within three miles, she was sound asleep.

  in A RARE show of daring, Aunt Lucy stayed in her room, refusing to come down when she was told that Rand and Brandon had arrived.

  It was much later that same day, and Lucy had done nothing but fret and stew over Sunny's departure. With a fierceness she didn't know she possessed, she took Sunny's side. She didn't care what Rand and Brandon did or said to her, she would never tell a soul where her dear Sunny had gone.

  Some of Lucy's thunder was stolen when she remembered she didn't know where Sunny was. She made up for this, however, by staying in her room and ignoring the announcement. If she didn't come downstairs, Rand and Brandon would simply have to go away. She shifted in her chair and went back to the book she was reading, looking forward to the time when she could tell Tildy about the way she had championed Sunny.

  Aunt Lucy completely underestimated Brandon's need to find the woman he loved. She was shocked speechless when there was a knock on her door and Rand's voice sounded in the hall.

  "Please get dressed if there's a need, Aunt Lucy. Brandon and I are coming in."

  The older woman gasped and stared in surprise at the door that opened just minutes later.

  "Aunt Lucy," Rand's voice was gentle. "Are you coming down, or do we come in?" When the old woman stayed mute, Rand opened the door completely and he and Brandon entered.


  "Where is she, AuntLucy?The maid downstairs said she was here and gone. Now tell us where Sunny is."

  "I can't." Aunt Lucy was shaking with fear, but her heart was resolute. "Sunny didn't tell me, but if I did know, I still wouldn't tell. She wanted to be alone, and I for one respect her wish."

  "She gave no hint at all?" Brandon's voice was deeper than Rand's, and Lucy was immediately reminded of a powerful young man she had secretly loved many years ago. She always melted at the sound of that voice, and although she held onto her resolve, she felt shaken.

  "She didn't say. I trust her, and I trust Miles. If he was helping-"

  "Miles was here?" Rand asked in astonishment, and Lucy could have pulled her own tongue out.

  With a movement born of desperation, the older woman shifted in her chair and gave both men the cold shoulder. She was so angry with herselfandwith them that she could hardly think straight. She was surprised nearly widess when both men suddenly came toward her. They bent simultaneously to place a kiss on each withered cheek.

  "I love you, Aunt Lucy," she heard Brandon say. She stared at their backs as they exited her bedroom with fast, long-legged strides.

  "Miles talked about going to see Jordan and Holly," Chelsea told her worried husband and her pacing brother. "I'm not sure where he is right now."

  "I'll head to Jordan's then," Brandon said. "Fll stop here on my way back out to tell you what I learn."

  The words were no more out of Brandon's mouth than Miles entered the room. He looked slightly uncomfortable, but he had decided when he watched Sunny's carriage pull away that no one was going to bully him.

  "Miles," his father asked, cutting right to the point. "Do you know where Sunny has gone?"

  "I know where she was planning to go," he said evasively and fell silent.

  His uncle and parents all stared at him, waiting for him to go on, but Miles only stared back. He was beginning to grow angry that they were putting him in this position.


  "I need to talk with Sunny," Brandon told him quietly.

  "You should have thought of that before you left her alone on that ship."

  Chelsea stifled a gasp, and Rand looked at his son as if he had taken leave of his senses.

  "I had reasons for leaving that ship." Brandon's anger matched his nephew's. "But I donotfeel I need to explain myself to my nephew."

  "Suit yourself," Miles said and started for the door.

  "Don't open that door!" Rand commanded sternly. When Miles turned back, he saw just how upset his rather had become.

  "I'm not sure what has made you turn on Brandon this way," his rather said.
"But I think you had better tell us where Sunny is, and now."

  "Why?" Miles asked baldly. "So he can do more controlling? She reels like a puppet on a string where Brandon is concerned. She wants to be alone, and she's with faithful servants who'll see that she comes to no harm. Brandon has hurt her terribly, and uncle or not, I'll not betray Sunny's trust in me. She'll be here in a month; you can talk to her then."

  Rand opened his mouth to rebuke Miles, but Brandon interrupted.

  "You're right, Miles. I have handled things badly and hurt Sunny." His voice was soft now, and Miles saw the pain in his eyes. "That's why I must find her. I know you gave your word, but please, Miles, please forgive my anger with you and tell me where she's gone."

  "She'll never speak to me again." Miles felt torn in two.

  "Yes, Miles, she will, because before we come back, she's going to know exactly how I fed. If you can't tell me where she is, then please head me in the right direction."

  Miles couldn't ignore the pain he saw in the older man's eyes.

  "She's gone north," Miles admitted painfully, only to have his uncle approach and surround him with his long arms. He spoke when Miles returned the embrace.

  "I'll explain everything to her, and please, Miles, just try and imagine how you'd feel to be kept from the woman you love."

  Brandon released Miles and moved toward the door. He turned back, and Rand caught his eyes.

  "I'd head toward the Britons' if I were you," the older man


  advised. "I can't be certain, but I think it's a pretty good guess."

  Brandon thanked him and slipped out the door. Miles would not look at his parents, and when he tried to leave, Chelsea's voice stopped him with the door partly open.

  "I know you hurt, Miles, and you feel as though your father and uncle have ganged up on you when you were trying to do the right thing, but please stay. Please stay so we can talk."

  Miles hesitated. He turned to look at his mother and then his father.

  "Please, Miles," Rand added gently, and the younger man shut the door and came back into the room.

  the ride to the britons' estate was long, so the coach made several stops on the way. Sunny knew it was not the wisest decision on her part to travel with just a maid, but Tildy, Wilson, and her coachman, Kent, watched over her like fierce hens with a chick.

  Sunny was beginning to think she would never reach the Britons' estate when the coach came to a final stop. Armed with the letter of introduction Miles had given her, Sunny approached the door. It seemed that Lord and Lady Briton were not at home, but their spinster daughter, Maretta, greeted Sunny as if she were a long-lost friend, immediately seeing her into a warm bath and bed.

  She had slept for almost 15 hours when she woke to find Tildy hovering near.

  "You've eaten so little, my lady. Please get up and try something. I swear you're wasting away."

  Sunny hated the look of distress in the elder servant's eyes, so she rose to dean up and dress. She found, as she sat before the mirror so Tildy could fix her hair, that Tildy was right. In just two days' time, Sunny's cheeks had begun to have a hollow look about them. She examined her wrist and hands and thought they looked bonier too.

  Never one to carry surplus flesh, the scant bit of food she'd had on Dallas' ship and the last two grueling days were beginning to take their toll.

  Knowing this still did nothing for Sunny's appetite when a sumptuous tea was placed before her. She nibbled a bit, but with die


  emotional turmoil and sleeping until after noon, she felt disoriented and listless. Tildy held her tongue when she saw how little Sunny had eaten, but inwardly she fretted terribly over her mistress.

  Since she planned to be out that day, Maretta had left word for Sunny to make herself at home. Simply loving the rambling old castle, built in the early 1600*$, Sunny was only too happy to oblige. She had no desire to ride. Instead she roamed the grounds, watching the birds and praying, giving all her heart over to her heavenly Father.

  Sunny lifted her heart in thanksgiving that the whole affair with the emir had come to an end. She didn't try to deny that his treatment of her hurt, but if she had been afraid that seeing him again would make her long for Darhabar, she was wrong.

  Greedy and self-seeking, Ahmad Khan was a wicked man in many ways. Although Sunny grieved for his soul, she knew he would not have had a positive influence on her. Her only regret was that she hadn't asked after Indira.

  The image of Brandon's handsome face interrupted Sunny's prayers. Her eyes closed in pain, and she again told God that she would need His strength, and His strength alone, to go on. She believed with all of her heart that she could live as a mere friend to Brandon. And as soon as she'd rested up for the encounter, she would see him and apologize for the way she had acted on ship.

  **Fm sure he didn't mean it when he said *I love you.* It's really too bad," she spoke softly to the empty library where she had finally wandered to read and rest. "I think I would have made him a wonderful wife."

  Sunny prayed then that she would be able to handle Brandon's marriage someday, for it was sure to happen. Her Bible lay neglected in her lap as the sun flooding through the windows made Sunny feel drowsy. She fell asleep again, this time with a frown on her face as she pictured living at Ravenscroft, all alone, until she was Aunt Lucy's age.

  * * $

  An hour later Brandon quietly entered the Britons' library and stood looking at Sunny. He felt every muscle of his body tremble with relief and fatigue. Moving silently, he sat down in the chair across from hers and just stared. Her face was pale, her hair was coming


  down, and her body looked frightfully thin, but Brandon saw past all of this. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever known.

  Sorely tempted to join her in sleep, he fought the urge, certain she would awaken and be gone again before he could stop her. As it was, not many minutes passed before two groundsmen walked by, their voices floating through the window, and Sunny awakened. Brandon watched her head come up and her eyes blink at him as if she were seeing a vision.

  A vision was exactly what Sunny thought she saw. She felt a bit tormented that Brandon was the vision, but then the vision moved and Sunny's heart plummeted to her toes.

  "Oh no, Brandon," she whispered, and he had to force himself to stay where he was.

  "I'm not ready to see you yet." Her voice held an edge of panic. "I'm really not ready. How did you find me?" she asked suddenly.

  "Your eyes," he told her gently. "No one can forget your eyes. You made three stops on the way here, and each and every innkeeper told me a beautiful lady had been in, a lady with lavender eyes."

  Sunny came out of her chair, her Bible dropping to the floor. Her fatigue and confusion made her movements clumsy as she moved to put her chair between them. Brandon moved to the edge of his own chair, but with great effort remained seated.

  "I'm sorry for the way I acted on the ship, Brandon."

  She sounded near to tears, and Brandon knew he wouldn't be able to take much more.

  "Sunny," he began but she shook her head.

  "It was just so silly of me to make you say that. I'm horribly embarrassed. I realize we'll only always be friends, and that's fine."

  Brandon came to his feet then; he'd heard enough. Sunny saw the determined look in his eyes and backed away from him, but he moved toward her with resolve. He was thankful he had found her indoors since she was flat against the bookshelves before she stopped.

  Brandon didn't touch her, but placed his hands on the shelves on either side of her and bent low to speak into her upturned face.

  "Do you love me, Sunny?"

  Great tears puddled in her eyes, and she shook her head yes. "I couldn't help myself," she said and gave a small hiccup.

  Brandon's smile was tenderness itself. "I thought a lady always knew when a man was in love with her."


  "But I forced you to say th
at. I-" Sunny protested, but stopped when Brandon smiled and shook his head.

  "Oh, Brandon,** Sunny whispered. "I've been in such pain."

  "I'm sorry," he told her, still not moving to touch her. "Much of your pain is my fault. When I left the ship you were sound asleep. It never once occurred to me that you would wake before morning. I went to get Heather so you could leave the ship in the morning and salvage your reputation.

  "I had no idea Rand and Chelsea were in London, or I would have sent them to you immediately. I also never dreamed that you would leave the ship so late at night."

  "I didn't think about how dangerous that was until we were headed out of London," Sunny admitted. "If Wilson hadn't arrived, I'd have gone back on board with Dallas, but there he was when I felt like my world had fallen apart and I just-" Sunny shrugged helplessly, and Brandon filled the breach.

  "There you were, loving me, thinking I didn't love you. You were also bruised over the emir's actions as well as my own. I've been highhanded and a fool at regular intervals. Can you ever forgive me, my love?"

  "Oh, Brandon," Sunny spoke painfully. "Why couldn't I see how you felt? Why was I so blind to your true feelings?"

  "I was equally blind to yours. Of course," Brandon added dryly, "you're a master at hiding your feelings, and I simply hid mine behind a mask of anger."

  Sunny chuckled softly. "I'm certainly able to get under your skin." She looked doubtful then. "We will quarrel, you know."

  "Why Sunny, you're acting as if we're going to be married.'' Brandon teased her with a smile.

  He felt panic when she failed to return his smile, her lovely face frozen with uncertainty.

  "We are going to be married, Sunny. Do you hear me?" At the moment he didn't care if he sounded high-handed or not.

  "Yes," she still looked uncertain. "I hoped we would, but after Dinah, I wasn't sure how you would feel."

  Brandon took her hand then and led her to the davenport. When they were seated, he spoke.

  "I cared for Dinah very much, and I was tremendously hurt when she broke off with me, but I'm thankful for her because she was the one to tell me I loved you."
