Page 30 of The Vampire Dimitri

Page 30




  Narcise heard a noise.

  Her first reaction was relief: Had Chas forgotten something and returned?

  He’d only been gone a few hours—perhaps he’d been in London, still putting things in order and making preparations, and had come back. Or realized that he didn’t need to go after all. Perhaps they’d already rescued Angelica.

  But that was a brief, initial reaction that soon fled.

  She listened intently, the hair prickling at the base of her neck. Likely it had been a mouse or squirrel, knocking a little bit of rubble across the concrete floor. Or maybe it was the guard that Chas had arranged, or even Dimitri bringing her—

  The slight scuff of a foot, so faint a mortal would never hear it, had Narcise slipping off the bed and reaching for her sabre. That was one good thing Cezar had done: taught her to fight with a blade. He’d allowed her to learn, likely as much for his own entertainment purposes—watching her duel with men who wanted to fuck her—as to give her a false sense of hope that it might be a useful skill in gaining her freedom someday.

  In the end, it hadn’t. It had been Chas who’d freed her, not her own abilities—a fact which made her alternately furious and grateful.

  Slipping the sword from its leather sheath, she turned on light feet and moved into the shadows.

  The slender but lethal blade comforting in her hand, Narcise stood in a corner behind the doorway and wondered if she would be better served waiting for whoever it was to come in, or if she should rush through the door and meet them on her own terms. But she didn’t have the chance to make such a decision.

  Just as the door opened, she scented him and whipped out from behind it.

  “What are you doing here?” she demanded, shoving the point of her blade up against Giordan’s chest. Just below the hollow of his throat.

  “I have no bloody idea,” he replied. Eyes flashing, he grabbed the blade with his bare hand, yanking it away from his skin. It sliced along the inside of his palm and fingers, and immediately, his bloodscent permeated the air.

  Narcise stepped back, allowing the sword to fall away, her heart pounding. Rich and warm and familiar, the essence of him filled her nose. Despite the loathing that settled like a stone in her belly, she couldn’t dismiss her body’s instant reaction: the blood in her own veins surged, her gums swelled, threatening to eject her incisors, and her mouth watered. Awareness prickled her. She swallowed hard.

  “You did that purposely,” Narcise snapped, backing away.

  Giordan’s expression was no less hostile. “As did you, my dear. ”

  She used a cloth to wipe his blood from her blade and shoved it back into its sheath. “I ask yet again—what are you doing here?” Then she shook her head. “Forget that. Just leave. ”

  “Nothing would please me more,” he replied. His eyes raked over her, making Narcise feel, for the first time in a long time, as if she were dirty and used. “But Woodmore sent me. He indicated there was something I was to retrieve. Now that I’ve arrived, I can only presume he meant you. ”

  “Certainly not,” she replied. “I’m to stay here—perfectly safe—until his return with Angelica. ”

  “And if he doesn’t return?” Giordan asked mildly. He’d walked over and picked up one of the blankets to wipe the cut on his hand.

  “I’ll go to Dimitri. He’ll protect me. ”

  “I never thought of you as one who needs protection, Narcise. You take very good care of yourself. ”

  “Except when I’m locked away by my brother. ”

  Giordan looked at her. “Even then, you were formidable. In your own way. ”

  She turned away, dwelling on how much she hated him and not the waves of memory, familiarity and emotion that threatened to soften her. “I don’t know why Chas sent you here, but I’m not leaving. Especially with you. Just go. ”

  “You don’t know why he sent me here?” He gave a sharp laugh. “I certainly do. Here, where I could smell him all over you. Where I could scent both of you on the bed and against the wall and everywhere else. The entire place reeks of you two, together. That, my dear, is why he sent me here. ”

  Narcise turned back, all casualness. “Then why prolong the agony, Giordan? There’s no reason for you to stay and stew in your jealousy. ” Her heart thumped hard and her knees felt weak.

  His eyes flared red and the next thing she knew, he was there in front of her. His bloodied hand curved around her throat, bringing the scent of temptation much too close. “Jealousy? You believe that’s what I feel? You’re a fool, Narcise. ” He shifted his fingers to cup her jaw no less gently. “If I still wanted you, a bloody damned vampire hunter wouldn’t keep me away. ”

  His fingers were strong, and she couldn’t keep from inhaling him: the fresh blood, the masculine scent of him, the heat emanating from his body.

  “I think we’ve always known what you really wanted,” she managed to say, managed to keep the bitterness from roiling in her. Blocked the horrible images still burned into her memory. “And it wasn’t me, was it, Giordan? My brother is a much bigger prize. ”

  “Obviously you haven’t told Woodmore that. Or he wouldn’t have bothered to send me here. ” Giordan moved closer, his legs brushing against hers. Though he was broader, they were nearly the same height, and his eyes bored into hers.

  She couldn’t help it. She stepped back, twisting her face away, and his grip loosened. Her heart was in her throat now and another move closer could make her knees buckle. She wanted to shove him back but she didn’t dare touch him. Instead she wiped his blood from her chin and onto her trousers. “Why do you think he sent me here?” Giordan insisted. Moving closer again. His fangs gleamed now, showing just a bit beneath his lips. “Why, Narcise?”

  She could see the pulse pounding in his throat, the vulnerable golden skin in the V of his loosened shirt. Now his hand whipped out, curling into the front of her man’s shirt. He shoved her back, into the wall.

  Her sword…damn, she’d left it in its sheath. In the corner. But she was strong, as strong as he was. He didn’t frighten her.

  “Just can’t keep from touching me, can you, Giordan?” she taunted, though her mouth was dry. Her heart choked her, pounding hard in her chest. “Isn’t that why he sent you?”

  His eyes blazed, steady and yet somehow cold, and his fingers tightened around the linen of her shirt. He yanked her toward him, her body slamming into his as he released her shirt. His arms whipped around her, one at the back of her neck, pinning her thick hair in place, and the other grabbing her hip and pulling her up against his body.

  He’d knocked the breath out of her, and for a moment Narcise could only look up into his eyes, ringed with the glow of red fire. Her knees trembled. Her insides swirled.

  His bloodscent filled her nose, still oozing from his cut, still printed on her fingers, tempting and rich.

  She hated him, hated how he’d humiliated her and used her…but her body knew his too well. Craved it still.

  Giordan tightened his grip at the back of her skull to border on pain, holding her head from moving, wrapping her hair around his wrist. His face came closer, his mouth full and ready, his fangs teasing beneath his upper lip, and Narcise closed her eyes. Her own lips softened, her heart raced. She braced herself, feeling the shudder of pleasure already building inside her.

  He brushed his lips over hers. So lightly, it was like a breeze. A lush, familiar breeze. She held back a sigh. Then he came back, his parted mouth fitting over hers, a little tease of his hot, sleek tongue swirling around her lips. Warmth shuttled through her in a forceful blast and she followed him, tasting, wanting more.

  He released her. Shoved her away so that she bumped against the wall, her eyes flying open.

  The smug satisfaction on his face had her leaping for her sword.

  “Bastard,” she said, somersa
ulting over the bed to get to her sheath. She whipped out the blade and faced him. “Get out, Giordan. Or I will use it. ”

  “As I said,” he repeated, his eyes cold again, his fangs retracted, “if I wanted you, no one would keep me away. Not even you. ”

  Furious, she lunged, blade out and swiping lethally through the air. He jumped nimbly aside, his eyes filled with arrogant humor. She came at him again, slicing and swirling, but he avoided her much too easily, infuriating her even further.

  “You’re too overset, my dear. You’re acting out in haste and—” he twisted and vaulted gracefully over the bed anger. You’re sloppy. ”

  The chamber was red in her vision, colored red and hot with her fury, and Narcise drew in a deep breath as she spun around. Away from him. He was right, Luce damn him.

  She had to gather her control. Breathing heavily, she paused, then turned, holding the saber at the ready.

  He stood there, across the room, his breathing a bit heavier but by no means was he out of breath, the bastard. He wasn’t even in a readied fighting position. His short, rich brown curls clustered over his head like that of a Greek god and she knew that the rest of him was as golden and muscular as one, as well. Blood streaked his shirt and stained his hand, where it had slowed to an ooze, and on his trousers.

  Narcise met his eyes and lifted her chin. Holding his gaze, she took the point of her sword and opened the palm of her other hand to it. She saw the flare in his eyes, the widening of his nostrils, and she waited.

  “Don’t be a fool,” he said, his voice taut.

  She raised her brow. “What is it, Giordan? Don’t trust yourself to stay in control?”

  “I haven’t fed. In two weeks. ”

  A little shiver raced over her. That was a long time. Particularly for him.

  “If you cut yourself, you know exactly what will happen. ”

  She did indeed, and the very thought had her trembling inside. Hot and trembly and frightened. And needy. She swallowed hard. “Get out,” she said, stepping back so that he could get to the door. “I’ll not say it again, Giordan. ”