Page 55 of The White Princess

  I turn to him and at the pain on my face he stops taunting me. “Ah, Elizabeth, don’t look like that.”

  “I don’t care if he doesn’t acknowledge me, you fool,” I flare out. “It’s not a question of wanting to be queen; it’s not even a question of wanting honorable love anymore. I am mad for him, I am madly in love with him. I would go to him if I had to walk barefoot. Tell me I am one of many. I don’t care! I don’t care for my name or for my pride anymore. As long as I can have him once more, that’s all I want, just to love him; all I want to be certain of is that I will see him again, that he loves me.”

  Anthony folds me in his arms and pats my back. “Of course he loves you,” he says. “What man could not? And if he does not, then he is a fool.”

  “I love him,” I say miserably. “I would love him if he were a nobody.”

  “No, you wouldn’t,” he says gently. “You are your mother’s child through and through; you don’t have the blood of a goddess in you for nothing. You were born to be queen and maybe everything will come out well. Maybe he loves you and will stand by you.”

  I tilt my head back to scan his face. “But you don’t believe it.”

  “No,” he says honestly. “To tell you the truth, I think you have seen the last of him.”

  PHILIPPA GREGORY is the author of several internationally bestselling novels, including The Other Boleyn Girl and The White Queen, and is a recognized authority on women’s history. She studied history at the University of Sussex and received a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh. She lives in the north of England with her family.



  The Cousins’ War

  The Lady of the Rivers

  The White Queen

  The Red Queen

  The Kingmaker’s Daughter


  The Women of the Cousins’ War: The Duchess, the Queen, and the King’s Mother

  The Tudor Court Novels

  The Constant Princess

  The Other Boleyn Girl

  The Boleyn Inheritance

  The Queen’s Fool

  The Virgin’s Lover

  The Other Queen

  Historical Novels

  The Wise Woman

  Fallen Skies

  A Respectable Trade

  Earthly Joys

  Virgin Earth

  The Wideacre Trilogy


  The Favored Child


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  Barnhouse, Rebecca. The Book of the Knight of the Tower: Manners for Young Medieval Women. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

  Bramley, Peter. The Wars of the Roses: A Field Guide and Companion. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 2007.

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  Fields, Bertram. Royal Blood: King Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes. New York: Regan Books, 1998.

  Fletcher, A., and D. MacCulloch. Tudor Rebellions. Revised 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education, 2004.

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  Gregory, Phillipa, David Baldwin, and Michael Jones. The Women of the Cousins’ War: The Duchess, the Queen and the King’s Mother. London: Simon & Schuster, 2011.

  Gristwood, Sarah. Blood Sisters: The Hidden Lives of the Women Behind the Wars of the Roses. London: HarperCollins, 2012.

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  Hammond, P. W., and Anne F. Sutton. Richard III: The Road to Bosworth Field. London: Constable, 1985.

  Harvey, N. L. Elizabeth of York: Tudor Queen. London: Arthur Baker, 1973.

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  Hipshon, David. Richard III and the Death of Chivalry. Stroud: History Press, 2009.

  Howard, Maurice. The Tudor Image. London: Tate Gallery Publishing, 1995.

  Hughes, Jonathan. Arthurian Myths and Alchemy: The Kingship of Edward IV. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 2002.

  Hutchinson, Robert. House of Treason: The Rise and Fall of a Tudor Dynasty. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2009.

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  Karras, Ruth Mazo. Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing unto Others. New York: Routledge, 2005.

  Kendall, Paul Murray. Richard the Third. New York: Norton, 1955.

  Laynesmith, J. L. The Last Medieval Queens: English Queenship 1445–1503. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

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  MacGibbon, David. Elizabeth Woodville, 1437–1492: Her Life and Times. London: Arthur Barker, 1938.

  Mancini, D., and A. Cato. The Usurpation of Richard the Third (Dominicus Mancinus ad Angelum Catonem de Occupatione Regni Anglie per Ricardum Tercium Libellus). Translated by C. A. J. Armstrong. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.

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  Penn, Thomas. The Winter King. London: Allen Lane, 2011.

  Phillips, Kim M. Medieval Maidens: Young Women and Gender in England, 1270–1540. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003.

  Pierce, Hazel. Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, 1473–1541: Loyalty, Lineage and Leadership. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2009.

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  Copyright © 2013 by Philippa Gregory

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is available.

  ISBN 978-1-4516-2609-4

  ISBN 978-1-4516-2615-5 (ebook)


  Map of Northwest Europe - 1485

  The Houses of York, Lancaster, and Tudor

  Chapter 1: Sheriff Hutton Castle, Yorkshire, Autumn 1485

  Chapter 2: On the Great North Road, Autumn 1485

  Chapter 3: Westminster Palace, London, Autumn 1485

  Chapter 4: Westminster Palace, London, 30 October 1485

  Chapter 5: Westminster Palace, London, November 1485

  Chapter 6: Westminster Palace, London, December 1485

  Chapter 7: Westminster Palace, London, The Days of Christmas, 1485

  Chapter 8: Coldharbour Palace, London, Christmas Feast, 1485

  Chapter 9: Westminster Palace, London, 18 January 1486

  Chapter 10: Westminster Palace, London, February 1486

  Chapter 11: Westminster Palace, London, March 1486

  Chapter 12: Westminster Palace, London, April 1486

  Chapter 13: Westminster Palace, London, May 1486

  Chapter 14: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, Summer 1486

  Chapter 15: St. Swithin’s Priory, Winchester, September 1486

  Chapter 16: Prior’s Great Hall, Winchester, 19 September 1486

  Chapter 17: Prior’s Great Hall, Winchester, 24 September 1486

  Chapter 18: Westminster Palace, London, Christmas 1486

  Chapter 19: The Tower of London, Spring 1487

  Chapter 20: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, Spring 1487

  Chapter 21: St. Mary’s in the Fields, Norwich, Summer 1487

  Chapter 22: St. Mary’s in the Fields, Norwich, Summer 1487

  Chapter 23: Coventry Castle, Summer 1487

  Chapter 24: Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, June 1487

  Chapter 25: Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, 17 June 1487

  Chapter 26: Lincoln Castle, Lincoln, July 1487

  Chapter 27: Westminster Palace, London, August 1487

  Chapter 28: Greenwich Palace, London, November 1487

  Chapter 29: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, Spring 1488

  Chapter 30: Windsor Castle, Summer 1488

  Chapter 31: Greenwich Palace, London, Christmas 1488

  Chapter 32: Westminster Palace, London, Spring 1489

  Chapter 33: Greenwich Palace, London, Autumn 1489

  Chapter 34: Westminster Palace, London, November 1489

  Chapter 35: Westminster Palace, London, 28 November 1489

  Chapter 36: Greenwich Palace, London, June 1491

  Chapter 37: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, September 1491

  Chapter 38: Westminster Palace, London, Autumn 1491

  Chapter 39: Westminster Palace, London, December 1491

  Chapter 40: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, February 1492

  Chapter 41: Bermondsey Abbey, London, Summer 1492

  Chapter 42: Greenwich Palace, London, June 1492

  Chapter 43: Greenwich Palace, London, Summer 1492

  Chapter 44: Greenwich Palace, London, Summer–Autumn 1492

  Chapter 45: Greenwich Palace, London, Winter 1492

  Chapter 46: Westminster Palace, London, Spring 1493

  Chapter 47: Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, Summer 1493

  Chapter 48: Northampton, Autumn 1493

  Chapter 49: Westminster Palace, London, Winter 1493

  Chapter 50: Greenwich Palace, London, Summer 1494

  Chapter 51: Westminster Palace, London, Autumn 1494

  Chapter 52: The Tower of London, January 1495

  Chapter 53: Westm
inster Palace, London, February 1495

  Chapter 54: Worcester Castle, Summer 1495

  Chapter 55: Westminster Palace, London, Autumn 1495

  Chapter 56: Westminster Palace, London, November 1495

  Chapter 57: Westminster Palace, London, Christmas 1495

  Chapter 58: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, Winter 1496

  Chapter 59: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, March 1496

  Chapter 60: Westminster Palace, London, Autumn 1496

  Chapter 61: The Tower of London, Summer 1497

  Chapter 62: Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire, Summer 1497

  Chapter 63: Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire, Autumn 1497

  Chapter 64: East Anglia, Autumn 1497

  Chapter 65: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, Autumn, 1497

  Chapter 66: Palace of Sheen, Richmond, Christmas 1497

  Chapter 67: On Progress, Summer 1498

  Chapter 68: The Tower of London, Summer 1498

  Chapter 69: Westminster Palace, London, Summer 1498

  Chapter 70: The Tower of London, Summer 1498

  Chapter 71: Westminster Palace, London, Autumn 1498

  Chapter 72: Greenwich Palace, London, Winter–Spring 1499

  Chapter 73: The Isle of Wight, Summer 1499

  Chapter 74: Westminster Palace, London, Summer 1499

  Chapter 75: Westminster Palace, London, Autumn 1499

  Chapter 76: Westminster Palace, London, Saturday, 23 November 1499

  Chapter 77: Westminster Palace, London, 28 November 1499

  Chapter 78: Westminster Palace, London, Winter 1499

  Author’s Note

  Reading Group Guide

  Gardens for the Gambia

  ‘The White Queen’ Excerpt

  About Philippa Gregory
