Page 4 of Violation

Page 4

  His fingers dig into my skin, and then relax.

  Dig. Relax.

  Matt makes a small circle with his pelvis, causing him to bump up against something delicious inside of me, and then he goes still again.

  “I’m not going to last long,” he says, almost sadly. “This feels too good. ”

  “I’m not worried,” I whisper in his ear. “I know you’re good for it. Now… just let go. ”

  He pulls his face from my neck and stares at me a moment. Yes, I still see lust and desire filling his eyes, but I see something more. I see amazement, and then happiness. He gives me a full-out, dimpled smile, and then pulls his h*ps back, only to slam back into me.

  The sensation causes my breath to explode from my lungs, and I gasp, “That’s what I’m talking about. ”

  Matt snickers, and then crashes his mouth into mine.

  Then it’s a full-out, hot, make-out session, while he pumps into me with long, hard strokes.

  He is magnificent, beyond mere descriptive words. Every nerve is firing in my body, and he keeps going on and on. Contrary to his original opinion, he lasts quite long, slowing down when he gets close, and then speeding up again to start the climb higher.

  I hold on, my hands clenched into his hair. I periodically break away from his lips to layer hot kisses along his jaw or neck, all the while groaning in supreme satisfaction. It’s only after I start to cl**ax that Matt says, “That’s what I’ve been waiting for,” and he starts to really let my body have it, rattling the pictures on the wall as he slams repeatedly into me.

  When his long groan of satisfaction starts to pour out of those sexy lips, I lean back against the wall and watch as pleasure takes over his face. His eyes close, his mouth hangs open, and wait for it… wait for it… there it is.

  The sweetest words I ever heard come from Matt as he shoots into me.

  “Mac… Mac… Mac…”

  The sun is hitting me in the face, causing a blaring sort of light that hurts my head. I open my eyes and blink… once… twice… and find Matt hovering over me. He’s on his side, head propped on his hand, and staring at me with a smirk on his face. I’m surprised he stayed all night.

  I watch as he takes his finger and hooks the edge of the sheet that is draped across my chest.

  “It’s about time you woke up,” he says, dragging the cotton material past my br**sts and down to my stomach.

  “Have you just been watching me while I sleep?” I ask as he stops his descent around my belly button.

  Matt leans over, flicks a tongue over one of my ni**les, and says, “Mmmmm. Hmmmm. ”

  My hands come up and grasp his head to my breast, and I’m smiling when I say, “That’s kind of creepy, you know?”

  “You love it,” he murmurs against my skin before biting the swell of my breast.

  “I love that,” I tell him and pull him tighter against me.

  After a few more kisses and licks that have me sighing, Matt lifts his body and rolls on top of me. My legs spread and he settles in between them, giving a slight shift of his h*ps that brings him right in line. He just gazes at me while he maneuvers himself in place, and with tiny pushes that cause me to gasp each time, he works his way in.

  When he’s fully seated, he leans down and kisses me. “Good morning. ”

  “Definitely a good morning,” I agree, and then I give over to the sensations of him rocking against me.

  He goes so slowly, so tenderly. It’s a world of difference from the crazy and rough coupling we normally do. It’s like we’re always in a race to the finish, knowing what glory lies at the end.

  But this morning, Matt is in a mood to take his time. His moves are soft and deliberate. He roams his hands all over my skin with just a whisper of sensation, murmuring quiet words to me rather than the normal dirty talk that gets my motor revving.

  He’s touching more than my body right at this moment. He’s now touching my heart, and it causes a painful thrill to rush through me.

  “Do you have feelings for me?” I ask, not even subconsciously forming those words before they pop out of my mouth.

  Matt goes still inside of me—even his mouth stops moving against my lips. Slowly, he raises his head and I’m almost afraid to meet his gaze, but I do it because I need to know how he feels, and the eyes are the windows to the soul or some shit like that.

  “You really want to have this conversation now?” he asks, but he doesn’t seem perturbed by the question. As if to make sure I am aware of all my options, he flexes his h*ps so I’ve no doubt that he’s still deep inside of me. The move feels so good and causes me to bite down on my bottom lip, my eyes to flutter closed.

  He must take that as acquiescence because he starts a gentle rhythm again, which sweeps me away in pleasure.

  But no… I want to know the answer. I don’t want to get sidetracked by his magical penis. “Wait… I do want to talk about this now. ”

  Matt groans like I just told him I was sentencing him to death and slowly pulls out, rolling off me and onto his back. What I’m sure is just for dramatic flair, he rests the back of arm across his forehead and sighs. “I can’t believe I just got c**k blocked by you… while I was inside of you. ”

  I turn over on my side to face him, now mimicking his earlier pose by resting my head on my hand. Ignoring the ‘cock block’ comment, I ask, “Well… do you?”

  He’s silent for a moment, but he turns to look at me straight in the eye. “Honestly… I don’t know. ”

  I’m not really sure what I expected him to say, but I actually did sort of expect the little pang of hurt from whatever was going to come out of his mouth. I had been bracing for it because I really didn’t have high hopes that he was going to profess his mad and undying love.

  Not that we were anywhere near close to that, but it’s more than probable that Matt is just in this for the convenient and steamy sex. There doesn’t appear to be much more between us.

  But Matt then surprises me when he says, “I know I hated seeing you with Carson last night. ”

  “Nothing is going on between us,” I assure him.

  “I know,” he says without surety, but then his voice gets hard. “But you don’t know how bad I just wanted to punch him when he was dancing with you. ”

  The possessive tone in his voice mollifies me a bit. “What is it between you and Cal?”

  “You mean you didn’t ask him?”

  “I did… but he said it was private. ”

  Matt gives a sardonic smile. “And I suppose you’d get in a snit again if I told you to mind your own business, right?”

  “Right,” I say emphatically.

  Rolling over to face me, he smoothes his fingertips along my jaw. His voice is soft. “I’ll tell you, but I’m only going to say this once and no questions, okay?”

  I nod at him, about ready to burst that he’s actually going to share a confidence with me. Matt’s gaze holds mine, his eyes flicking back and forth, until he’s sure that he has my full attention. “Cal used to be my best friend, but he slept with my wife. So I’m sure you can understand why I hate him. ”

  Of all the things that Matt could have told me, I was not prepared for that. I’m in information overload, and the only thing I can think of to say is, “You’re married?”

  “Sorry. I mean ex-wife. ”

  “But, when did this hap—?”

  My words are cut off as Matt puts his fingertips over my mouth. “No questions. That’s all you need to know. ”

  His hand falls away from my mouth and he stares at me, making sure I’m going to keep quiet. When I keep my promise and leave all the questions rattling around inside of my brain, Matt reaches over and pulls me on top of him.

  “Now that I answered your question, how about you make it up to me?”

  “Oh, yeah… what did you have in mind?” I ask, settling my h*ps over him and placing my hands on his taut che

  He gives me a salacious grin. “Well, for starters… how about you f**k me silly while you’re on top, and then after, let’s stay in your bed all weekend and only get out to eat. Deal?”

  I still have a million unanswered questions, but I’m not going to push my luck. Not when he’s offering me an entire weekend. Reaching down between us, I find Matt is hard and ready to go.

  “Deal,” I affirm as I maneuver myself and saddle up, settling my warmth over him.

  True to the game plan, Matt and I spent practically all weekend in my bed, unless it was to crawl out and answer the food delivery person on the other side of the door. Luckily, Macy had been in and out at all the appropriate times, and never once caught Matt streaking to the refrigerator for a bottle of water.

  Now I’m off to spend my Sunday afternoon with Macy.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” Macy asks me as we stroll through the racks of clothes at Saks. I can’t afford to shop here, but I never mind watching Macy try to burn through her fortune.

  Our routine is usually thus. Macy makes me try on clothes I’ll never buy. Then she surreptitiously tries to slip them in with the clothes she’s buying. I catch her in the act, pull the clothes out, and then we get into a big fight. Macy acts like a drama queen, and the saleslady gets very uncomfortable. Finally, she relents and I hand the clothes over to the attendant to re-stock.

  Right now, we haven’t even made it past the initial perusing of items to start our normal shopping practice.

  “I was just thinking about what a fuss you’re going to make later when you try to buy me clothes, and I stop you from doing so. ”

  Macy snickers and pulls a Nanette Lepore dress from the rack to hold up in front of my body. “Here, try this on. ”

  I take the dress from her and roll my eyes, but I’ll try it on because it will make her happy and will give me something to do while she relentlessly tries on clothes.

  “So what’s going on with you and Matt? I could hear you two going at it all weekend in your bedroom. I was getting damn horny just listening to you two. ”

  “Eww, Macy. Don’t listen to us. That’s just intrusive and gross. ”

  Her jaw drops, and Macy just stares at me. “Seriously? Do you have any idea how loud you two got? I mean… I’m a screamer but you damn take the cake, Mac. I was kind of proud of you and jealous at the same time. ”

  Flipping through a rack of blouses, I say, “Sorry. We’ll be quieter next time. ”

  “You think there will be a next time?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “I suppose so. I mean… we can’t seem to get enough of each other. ”

  “Then why are you so down in the dumps about it?”

  Sighing, I grab Macy by the elbow and lead her over to a sitting area outside of the dressing rooms. “Okay… here’s the deal and tell me what you think. Matt has been clear from the get-go that this is just sex, and he doesn’t do relationships. ”

  “Sounds like a man after my own heart,” Macy muses.

  “I know, right? You two would be perfect for each other. ”

  “Which doesn’t make him perfect for you,” she concludes, because she knows where I’m going with this.

  She and I are polar opposites when it comes to the male persuasion. Macy sees them as nothing but a good time and only wants them around if she can get an orgasm out of the deal. I’m the type that really doesn’t do one-night stands, and I love being in a relationship.

  So, if Matt is the perfect type of guy for her, that means he’s really not the type of guy for me.

  “Yet, I still keep looking for him to want something else with me. I keep hoping he’ll change. ”

  Macy grasps my hand and holds it up to her heart. She does that when she’s getting ready to lay a truth that will hurt on me. “Babe… you know men don’t change unless they want to. Doesn’t matter how much you want them to change… they have to want it. ”