dam mother

  141 rail rant

  142 but offend'st merely harm

  143 Repair restore

  148 hard close

  155 in loving visitation on a friendly visit

  159 furnished equipped

  161 importunity urging

  163 reverend respected, worthy

  165 whose trial the testing of whom

  166 publish make known

  commendation recommendation/praise 172 difference dispute

  173 present question current argument

  174 throughly thoroughly

  180 rule proper discipline

  181 impugn call into question

  182 danger (power to) harm

  184 confess acknowledge

  188 strained forced, artificial; also perhaps filtered/distilled (setting up rain imagery) 190 is twice blest bestows a double blessing

  194 shows represents

  196 dread reverence/awe

  197 sceptred sway royal government

  200 likest most like

  201 seasons modifies

  203 justice i.e. God's justice (if He did not show mercy to humankind) 205 render perform in return

  210 My ... head! possible echo of the crowd's acceptance of responsibility for Jesus' death (Matthew 27:25) 212 discharge pay

  213 tender offer

  217 must appear will be evident

  218 bears down truth overwhelms integrity

  219 Wrest once for once, forcibly subject

  224 for as

  precedent i.e. on which future lawsuits can be based 227 Daniel in the Apocryphal story, Daniel judges Susannah correctly, despite his youth and the false witness of the Elders

  judgement i.e. make judgment 240 tenure legal conditions, terms of the bond

  254 Hath ... to fully supports

  262 balance scales

  265 by nearby

  on your charge at your responsibility/expense 266 stop staunch

  272 armed i.e. prepared/fortified

  276 still always (usually)

  use practice

  282 process course, manner

  283 me ... death favorably of me when I am dead

  285 love i.e. loving friend

  289 with ... heart most willingly/literally, with my heart

  291 Which who

  295 deliver free

  302 else otherwise

  304 Would I wish

  Barabbas a thief released by Pontius Pilate instead of Jesus at the people's request 306 trifle waste

  pursue proceed with

  319 confiscate confiscated

  321 Mark take note

  330 Soft! Wait a moment!

  331 all only/complete

  337 just exact (plays on the sense of "fair, lawful")

  338 substance amount/weight

  340 scruple tiny amount

  341 estimation ... hair by a hair's breadth/weight

  344 on the hip at a disadvantage (wrestling term)

  346 principal original capital sum, i.e. three thousand ducats 349 merely only/absolute

  352 barely i.e. at the very least

  355 good good fortune

  356 stay remain

  question to argue the case 360 alien foreigner

  363 contrive scheme

  364 seize take legal possession of

  365 privy coffer private treasury

  366 in at

  367 gainst ... voice despite any other appeals

  369 proceeding course of action

  373 danger damage/penalty

  rehearsed related 374 Down i.e. on your knees

  377 cord rope

  378 charge cost

  381 For as for

  383 humbleness remorse (on Shylock's part)

  drive convert 384 for ... Antonio i.e. the state's portion of the goods may be reduced to a fine, but not Antonio's half 390 halter hangman's noose

  391 So if it please

  392 quit cancel, release (Shylock) from

  393 so provided that

  394 use (legal) trust

  398 presently immediately

  400 possessed possessed of

  401 son i.e. son-in-law

  403 late lately

  412 ten more i.e. twelve, the number in a jury

  413 font place of Christian baptism

  415 of for

  417 meet fitting, necessary

  418 your ... not you don't have time to stay

  419 gratify show gratitude to/reward

  423 in lieu whereof in exchange for which

  425 cope give in recompense (for)

  430 account consider (plays on the sense of "financial reckoning") 432 know remember (a private joke on the sense of "have sex with") 434 attempt tempt/persuade

  437 pardon me i.e. excuse my insistence

  438 press urge (plays on the sense of "enjoy sexually")

  yield plays on the sense of "submit sexually"

  440 love friendship (plays on the sense of "marital love")

  442 in out of

  446 mind to desire for

  448 dearest most expensive

  451 liberal free/over-generous

  470 Fly hasten

  1 Inquire ... out find out where the Jew's house is

  deed i.e. the document stating Shylock will leave his possessions to Jessica and Lorenzo 3 be i.e. arrive

  5 you ... o'erta'en i.e. I'm glad I caught you

  6 advice reflection

  17 old plenty of

  19 outface defy/contradict/shame

  outswear outdo in swearing 4 Troilus separated from his lover, Cressida (Cressid), by the Trojan War, he was subsequently abandoned by her 8 Thisbe at their meeting place Pyramus discovered his lover Thisbe's cloak, dropped in fright at the sight of a lion; his mistaken belief that she had been killed led to both their suicides

  o'ertrip skip over 9 ere himself before the lion itself

  12 Dido Queen of Carthage who fell in love with, and was abandoned by, Aeneas

  willow willow leaves; symbol of grief for lost love 13 wild unruly/cruel

  waft wafted (i.e. beckoned) 16 Medea lover of Jason; she helped him gain the golden fleece and restored the health of his father, Aeson

  17 renew rejuvenate/revive

  19 steal run stealthily from/rob

  20 unthrift extravagant

  27 shrew troublemaker, ill-tempered woman

  28 love lover

  29 out-night you i.e. outdo you in our game of references to the night

  did if 30 footing footfall

  36 doth stray about is distracted by

  37 holy crosses shrines by the road

  46 Sola imitation of the sound of a messenger's horn/a hunting cry

  Wo ha, ho! falconer's call to the hawk 50 hollowing shouting/urging on of dogs in the hunt

  53 post messenger

  54 horn messenger's instrument/cornucopia, i.e. plentiful supply 56 in go in

  expect await

  58 signify make known

  60 music i.e. musicians

  air plays on sense of "melody"

  64 Become suit

  touches skillful playing (by plucking or fingering instruments) 65 floor of heaven i.e. sky

  66 patens shallow, circular dishes (on which communion bread is placed) 67 orb heavenly body (planet, star)

  68 motion movement (heavenly bodies were thought to be surrounded by hollow spheres; as they rotated they produced beautiful music) 69 Still choiring continually singing in chorus

  young-eyed with eternally clear sight

  cherubins cherubim, angels 71 muddy ... decay i.e. clay-like mortal clothing (flesh) 72 grossly physically, coarsely

  close it in i.e. enclose the soul 73 Diana Roman goddess of the moon

  77 spirits mental faculties/feelings

  attentive i.e. preoccupied 78 wanton unrestrained, wild, boisterous

  79 race company/herd

  unhandled untamed

  80 Fetching performing

unds leaps

  81 hot condition passionate nature

  blood spirit 82 but only

  perchance by chance/perhaps

  83 air melody

  84 mutual stand general pause

  86 the poet i.e. Ovid

  87 feign depict/invent

  Orpheus legendary Greek poet and musician who could charm all of nature with his music

  drew drew in, attracted

  floods rivers 88 stockish unfeeling/ stupid

  92 stratagems schemes/bloody acts

  spoils destruction, pillaging 93 motions inner promptings

  dull dark/lifeless 94 affections feelings/disposition

  Erebus place of darkness between earth and the classical underworld 98 naughty wicked

  102 by nearby

  his i.e. the substitute's

  state dignity/sovereignty 104 main of waters sea

  106 respect consideration of circumstance

  110 attended paid attention to/heard

  114 season occasion

  seasoned improved/flavored 116 Endymion shepherd with whom the moon goddess fell in love; she granted him eternal sleep so she could visit him 124 speed succeed/hasten

  words i.e. prayers 127 before ahead of them

  132 tucket trumpet call

  138 should ... Antipodes would experience day at the same time as the other side of the world 139 in ... sun i.e. at night (since Portia is like a second sun) 140 be light be promiscuous

  141 heavy sad (plays on the sense of "weighty")

  143 sort arrange

  148 bound imprisoned/indebted/legally bound

  149 acquitted of repaid for/freed from

  152 scant cut short

  breathing i.e. verbal 155 gelt gelded, castrated

  for my part as far as I'm concerned 156 at to

  159 posy verse or motto inscribed on a ring

  166 Though i.e. if

  167 respective careful, considerate

  173 scrubbed undersized

  175 prating chattering

  178 slightly easily

  180 riveted bolted

  185 masters possesses

  187 mad enraged

  208 conceive understand

  212 virtue power

  214 contain retain

  217 If that if

  pleased wanted, attempted

  218 wanted (so) lacking

  modesty restraint 219 urge request persistently

  ceremony sacred token 223 civil doctor doctor of civil law

  226 suffered let

  227 held up i.e. saved

  232 it i.e. honor

  233 candles ... night i.e. stars

  239 liberal generous

  242 Know recognize/have sex with

  243 Argus monster with a hundred eyes

  245 honour good name/chaste reputation

  yet still 247 be well advised take care

  249 take catch

  250 mar ruin

  pen i.e. penis

  251 th'unhappy the unlucky/miserable/trouble-causing

  258 doubly sees himself sees himself reflected twice

  259 double dual/deceitful

  260 of credit worth believing

  266 quite miscarried entirely come to harm

  268 advisedly deliberately

  269 surety guarantor

  274 lay with slept with

  277 lieu of exchange for

  279 fair good, unmuddied (i.e. without needing repair)

  280 cuckolds men with unfaithful wives

  281 grossly coarsely/foolishly

  287 e'en just

  292 richly i.e. laden with expensive goods

  295 dumb speechless

  302 living livelihood

  304 road harbor

  311 manna during the Exodus, the food God provided for the Israelites in the desert 314 you ... full your curiosity will not be content until further details are revealed 316 charge ... inter'gatories examine us under formal questioning 318 inter'gatory question

  319 sworn on under oath to answer truthfully

  320 stay wait

  323 couching in bed

  325 sore greatly

  ring gold band (plays on the sense of "vagina")



  William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (Dover Thrift Editions)

  (Series: # )




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