Page 21 of The Orb of Wrath


  Vargarr waited in the lobby of the Royal Office. The Major of the Royal Army of Central Bor County hoped to meet with the King this afternoon. One of his contacts in the Court would seek to facilitate a brief “aisle” encounter, although the success of the attempt wasn't guaranteed. If this didn't work, Vargarr had to try again days later. In the weekdays it was more difficult for him to access the monarch, because of the enormous pilgrimage of interests parading by the Court seeking the royal attention.

  Vargarr knew the King in person from the time when they both were at the Military Academy. The King was a senior officer in training when he was just a newcomer cadet. The then Prince had made serious attempts to avoid any privilege in the years of the Academy. First of all, his father, at that time the King, had given him specific instructions in this regard. Secondly, he understood that he could only get a true formation if they treated him like everyone else. Still, this goal wasn't achieved in all occasions.

  Chance determined that a camaraderie formed among them, that almost reached the level of friendship, and that was only interrupted when the Prince finished his training and was sent abroad to learn Diplomacy and other things during the following years. Vargarr didn't see him again until, years later, he was promoted to Major of Central Bor and began to have access to the Royal Palace and some of the circles where the King moved.

  The door opened, and three men came out of it. One of them was Devgon, whom he saluted in passing without stopping. There was no problem that people knew they knew each other because, in any case, they had met in public places on several occasions. But it was best that no one perceived how close they were, especially at this time when important plans were underway.

  “Come in, Vargarr. Nice to see you again,” the secretary said while patting him on the back.

  Vargarr entered and the Secretary closed the door. They chatted for a while and then the officer took him to a gallery of the palace that was close to the gardens. Vargarr should wait there. The King would pass through there between two of his meetings and the Secretary had told him to stop for a few minutes to talk to him, if his schedule permitted it. They waited.

  A while later, the royal party made its appearance in the gallery. Among attendants, butlers, secretaries and a couple of sycophants, about a dozen people were surrounding the King. When the King finally reached the place where Vargarr was waiting, he greeted him warmly. Then, with a gesture, the King told his party to leave them alone and they left and waited at one end of the gallery while Vargarr and the King sat right there and talked.

  “What brings you here, dear friend?” the King said.

  “You are always very kind to me, Your Majesty. Thank you very much,” the Major said.

  “Oh, let's cut the formalities, shall we? I don't have much time, I'm afraid,” the monarch said.

  “Sure. I'll cut to the chase. We want to make some military maneuvers in the Mositus mark. Besides the troops of the Mark, some detachments from Bor County will participate,” Vargarr explained.

  “I understand. And you come to me because General Bellish doesn't approve,” the King said.

  “We really haven't requested permission yet, because we already know the answer. He always opposes to these things. I fear that this leaves the Army unprepared to respond to a possible invasion. That's why we want to do it. They're just a few practices. They don't hurt anyone,” the Major argued.

  “Bellish always says that we could provoke the orcs in the process,” the King said.

  “The orcs don't need to be provoked. I say that sooner or later we will face them, and my responsibility is to make sure we're ready. Also, I give you my personal guarantee that at any moment, not a single soldier of the maneuvers will approach within three leagues of the border,” Vargarr said.

  “I understand. Okay, you have my approval. One of my secretaries will give you a certificate to present to Bellish. To calm the old man, we'll include in the certificate what you mentioned about the minimum distance to the border. You are responsible for it,” the King concluded.

  After making a gesture to one of his secretaries, and giving them brief instructions, he said goodbye to Vargarr and continued his way through the Palace, surrounded again by this numerous party.


Nic Weissman's Novels