Page 16 of Born of Silence

And now Maris dared to bring the bitch back into his life...

  Maris was lucky he hadn't punched him.

  Sick to his stomach and battered to the core of his soul, Darling fished through the mess he'd made in his office and pulled his bottle of Tondarion whisky up from the floor where it'd rolled after he'd overturned his desk.

  This had been the only comfort he'd had since they'd rescued him. Nothing else eased the bitterness in his dead heart. While the whisky didn't get rid of the voices entirely, it at least dulled them enough that he could function around the memories.

  He took a deep swig straight from the bottle and let the liquor burn down his damaged throat. The one thing he'd learned in his useless life was how to find pleasure in pain. It was all the gods had left him with. "You'll have to excuse me if I'm not feeling up to a shower or shave right now."

  Maris closed the distance between them. He set the mask down on the shelves to Darling's left, then pulled the bottle out of Darling's hand and placed it beside the mask. "I don't care what you look like, Darling. I never have. It's your heart that's beautiful."

  Darling cursed him for a liar as he reached for the bottle again.

  Maris caught his hand to keep him from touching it. "You don't need that."

  Yes, he did. He had nothing else in his life. "There's no beauty left in me, Mari. People are nothing but rabid animals who attack friend and foe for no reason whatsoever. They don't care. They don't feel. All they want to do is crush others and make them bleed as if that will somehow miraculously aleviate their putrid misery. There's nothing left but hatred, contempt, and disgust in my heart. I finally understand what drove Arturo and why I was attacked."

  Wanting only to comfort him, Maris wrapped his arms around Darling's waist and held him close.

  To his surprise, Darling actually leaned back against his chest and closed his eyes. Then, he reached up to curl his arm around Maris's neck. Darling hadn't allowed him to hold him like this since before his first rape. If nothing else, that told him just how much pain Darling was in.

  "How flagged are you, Darling?"

  "Very." His breathing ragged, he swallowed hard as he surrendered his weight to Maris. "I'm so fucked up, Mari," he whispered. "All I feel now is unending pain and utter misery. I just want to sleep and I can't even do that. I'm so tired of it all..."

  Maris tightened his arms around him, wishing there was something, anything, he could do to make it better. He held Darling tight as a thousand regrets ripped him apart. "I know, sweetie. I've got you. I won't let you fall, I promise."

  Swaying with Darling in his arms, Maris brushed the hair back from Darling's scarred face and kissed his bearded cheek before he spoke the words that broke his heart into pieces. "But we both know that I'm not what you need or want. No matter how much I love you, I can't heal you."

  Tears swam in Darling's eyes, but not a single one fell. Darling's strength had always amazed him. No matter the firestorm, he'd always stood so proud and defiant in the midst of it.

  Leaning his head back onto Maris's shoulder, Darling cupped his cheek in his gloved hand. "Why couldn't I be gay? It would be so easy to love you if I were. You've always been here for me, Mari. You've never hurt me. Not once."

  The truth stung him as Maris thought back to all the times Darling had been ostracized, in need of a friend, and he'd been too afraid to publicly acknowledge him. But Darling never seemed to remember that part of their friendship. It didn't tear him apart the way it did Maris.

  "You know that's not true, Dar. I got your ass kicked the first day we met."

  Darling let out an unexpected tiny laugh at the memory. "But I won the fight."

  "Yes, you did." Maris smiled as he saw that day so clearly in his mind. He'd been pinned to the school wall by a bully who'd been pounding on him. Out of nowhere, this tiny little red-haired boy had come charging in like a hurricane. Barely five years old, Darling had been short for his age. But what he lacked in height, he made up for in ferocity.

  In no time at all, he'd beat the bully back and had him on the ground, crying for his mother. After making him swear he'd never even look at Maris again, Darling had stood up and come over to him. Forever proud and fierce, Darling had wiped the blood from his lips, then offered Maris his other hand. "Hi, I'm Darling Cruel. We should be friends."

  Maris had fallen in love instantly.

  And he'd been in love with Darling every day since.

  "You have always been my champion," Maris whispered to him.

  Darling closed his eyes as he clenched his fist in Maris's hair. "Why couldn't they have killed me, Mari? My mother's right. I have no reason to be here. I shouldn't be alive. The empire would be better off with Drake as governor and not a freak like me."

  "Don't you dare talk like that!" Maris didn't want to think about a life without Darling in it. He couldn't face the pain of even the thought, never mind the reality. Not knowing where Darling was had been the worst time of his life.

  He didn't care what condition Darling was in. He just needed him to be here.

  "It's true and you know it," Darling said, his speech slurred as his hand fell away from Maris's hair. "I'm sick of hurting all the time, Mari. I just want the pain to stop. But it doesn't. It only worsens. I can't even dull it anymore." His words were really slurred now. "I just want..."

  Maris tightened his arms around Darling as he finally passed out. "My poor baby." But at least Darling would have a few hours of rest now.

  Maybe by tomorrow he'd feel a little better. Not likely, but he could hope.

  Swinging Darling up in his arms, Maris carried him upstairs, to the governor's bedroom.

  He lay Darling down on the large bed and removed his boots, hood, and gloves. His heart broke as he saw the damage they'd wrought on Darling's face, hands, and feet.

  It was so wrong. Damn them for their cruelty.

  Darling had been so beautiful in his youth. So flawlessly handsome. But first his own brother had given him the vertical scar on the left side of his face, and now this...


  Maris started to remove the explosives that were woven around Darling's tunic, then caught himself. Knowing Darling, they were trip wired. It was extreme, but he understood that insanity, too. Every Cruel governor for the last three thousand years had been assassinated.

  All of them.

  It was one of the reasons why Darling had been so fascinated by electronics and explosives as a kid. As far back as Maris could remember, Darling had been obsessed with protecting himself from would-be assassins.

  Ironically, it had been an assassin who finally quelled Darling's fear of them. Nykyrian had taught Darling every trick a trained assassin had. Even some that no one knew.

  And Darling had learned well. He forgot nothing. If any member of his line stood a chance of making it to old age, it was he.

  Maris covered him with a blanket.

  At least he's talking to me again. That was something. But as he watched Darling finally sleep, he had the worst feeling that it was too late to bring him back from the insanity that had sunk its hooks into him. After all the things Darling had been through, Maris had never seen him like this.

  His anger and rage were tangible.

  "I just want the pain to stop." Darling's heartfelt words haunted him.

  Maris's gaze fell to the scars on Darling's wrists that hadn't come from his attackers or Arturo. Those had been Darling's attempts to stop his pain when he was just a boy. Three times he'd tried to kill himself--once with drugs and twice by slashing his wrists. Three times they'd brought him back against his will. The only thing that had kept him from a fourth attempt had been Arturo's threat to kill Lise if Darling tried again.

  Darling's entire life had been a study in trying to find shelter in the middle of an unrelenting storm that was determined to bring him to his knees.

  Wishing he could help his best friend, Maris picked up Darling's hand from the bed and studied the scar on his finger that showed w
here Syn had added the cybernetic replacement for the one they'd cut off.

  He laced his fingers with Darling's scarred ones. Why couldn't I be what you need?

  It was why he'd never been serious about anyone else. How could he? He was in love with his best friend and no one else measured up.

  But Maris had long ago accepted the fact that they could never be lovers. Darling couldn't help being straight any more than he could help being gay. Having tried to live in each other's worlds, they knew that for a fact.

  Even so, they were closer than most couples he'd known, straight or homosexual. Closer than any siblings. Maris took pride and pleasure in knowing that. He held a part of Darling that no one ever had. A special place that was reserved exclusively for him.

  Still, it wasn't Darling's heart.

  Only Zarya had ever held that. How could she have been so stupid?

  She'd had Darling wrapped around her finger. He'd been his happiest when she was a part of his life. Maris could still see the light that had been in Darling's eyes when he spoke of her in ways he'd sell his soul to have Darling speak about him.

  It wasn't meant to be.

  It could never be.

  But Zarya could heal him. He knew it.

  And deep down, he suspected Darling knew it, too. Why else would he have kept her here tonight? He could have easily ordered one of his soldiers to take her away. Or he could have killed her.

  Instead, he'd taken her to the kitchen to work where the entire staff was female.

  That said it all.

  Even in his drunken rage, Darling had made sure she went untouched by another man and that she'd been put some place safe. That wasn't the action of someone who didn't care.

  In time, Darling would forgive her for being stupid, and Maris would do everything in his power to make sure that happened sooner rather than later.

  Zarya sat in her new room, completely mortified. So this is how Darling felt in our hands...

  After the kitchen staff had finished dinner and then cleaned up, they had turned on her with a passion.

  Everything on her body had been stripped off and stolen while they'd laughed about it. Even the pins from her hair. They'd left her with nothing, not even her undergarments.

  Take that back. She still wore her damnable slave collar. Who in their right mind would want that?

  Then they'd locked her in a spartan, closet-size room with the promise that they'd bring her new clothes in the morning--something Clarion had failed to do for Darling when he'd been in their custody.

  There was no window, not that it mattered. She wasn't about to try and escape with no clothes on. And while she sat on the floor with no light or blanket, all she could see was the way Darling had looked when Clarion and crew had been callously dragging him naked through the landing bay like some prized stag they'd shot in the wild.

  Because of the tricom he'd made to protect her, Darling had been paralyzed. Completely unable to defend himself from them.

  I spit in his face.

  Tears blurred her vision. She was no better than the bitches who'd attacked her. True, his uncle had murdered her parents and sister. That her other sister and brother had been killed in the fight against his uncle.

  But Darling had done nothing to deserve it. Over and over, she saw the images Maris had shown her of Darling's wounds. Heard him telling her about Darling's brutal past.

  And that mask...

  As scary as it was, it'd been nothing compared to the unreasoning hatred she'd seen in his eyes.

  Eyes that were steel blue. All these years, she'd wondered what color Kere's eyes were. She'd imagined everything from exotic humanoid species to dark like Maris's.

  Tonight that knowledge gave her no comfort at all.

  It was a wonder Darling hadn't killed her on sight. She wasn't sure she could have held herself back if she'd been in his place.

  "I'm so sorry," she breathed. No one deserved the indignity they'd put her through. Never mind what had been done to him. At least the women hadn't dragged her naked through public grounds.


  There's always tomorrow.

  But that wasn't what she wanted to think about. Instead, she closed her eyes and remembered what it felt like to be held in the arms of someone who loved her.

  "I want you to marry me, Zarya. I need you in my life. I know it sounds weird, but when I'm with you, I'm the man I always wanted to be. And when I'm not, it's like I'm lost to someone else, and I don't like him anymore. I can't keep living the lie that was forced on me."

  Now she knew the lie.

  And it broke her heart.

  But tomorrow, no matter what it took or how hard it was, she was going to try and find that man he'd spoken about.

  She'd found him once.

  Now it was time to bring him home...


  Darling came awake to the worst pain in his skull imaginable. His head felt like it weighed five hundred pounds and that his uncle had bounced it off the marble floor a few dozen times.

  Damn, it hurt.

  He pressed his hand to his forehead and went cold as he felt skin on skin. What the hell? He hadn't removed his gloves since Syn had released him from the hospital.

  Panic tore through him. How could he be in his bed without his mask and gloves?

  What happened to me? He couldn't remember anything from the night before.

  Who'd undressed him?

  "It's all right, Darling." Maris came out of the shadows to stand next to him. "You passed out last night. I carried you in here and put you to bed."

  Thank the gods for that.

  But his relief was short lived. Frowning, which made his head throb even worse, Darling did his best to recall something from last night.

  Everything was a fog. It was like trying to chase down a phantom wind.

  How flagged had he gotten?

  Yeah, okay so he'd started drinking on a stomach filled with nothing but painkillers around lunch, and hadn't stopped until he must have passed out. Still...

  "I don't remember anything."

  Maris snorted. "I believe it. You were pretty wasted. I haven't seen you like that in a very long time."

  "How long was I out?"

  Maris turned the clock to face him.

  Darling cursed as he noted the time. "It's the middle of the afternoon?"

  "You haven't slept in days, probably weeks," Maris said simply. "You were exhausted."

  He'd lived his whole life exhausted. Sleep had always been a stranger to him. Peaceful sleep even more so.

  Squinting against the faint light in the room that pierced his brain, he grimaced at Maris. "What about you? You look like shit, buddy."

  "You keep sweet talking a girl like that and you're liable to get lucky."

  Darling didn't comment on that. "You haven't slept, have you?"

  "No. I kept watch for you while you slept."

  Of course he did. Maris was the only one who fully understood his lunatic idiosyncrasies and paranoia...

  And the fact that a sleeping governor was usually a dead one.

  "I appreciate it. Thank you."

  Maris inclined his head. "You know, you might want to think about showering at some point today."


  He rolled his eyes. "You really don't remember anything from last night, do you?"

  Darling tried to think through the throbbing haze. He saw images, but he wasn't sure if they were real or imagined or dreamed. One thing that he did vaguely recall was Maris holding and rocking him... at least he thought he might remember it. "Did you kiss me?"

  "Only on the cheek."

  Darling wasn't so sure about that given the evil light in Maris's dark eyes. It was a look he knew all too well. Maris had a secret he was hiding from him.

  Something that would make him mad when he found out.

  Gods, I hope I didn't respond to any official e-mails...

  If he had, he might be on the brink of war today. Better che
ck on that soon. If there was an armada coming, he might want to rally some troops before they arrived.

  Then again, in his current mood, a war might not be such a bad thing. Yeah, he wouldn't mind tearing into a few of his enemies.

  His thoughts drifted to the night before when he'd been in his office. Someone had been there dressed in white. It was a color Maris despised on himself for several reasons.

  Maris would only wear it if he were dead...

  Closing his eyes, Darling wasn't sure what his mind was trying to tell him. But one thing tugged at his memory...

  The smell of a woman's skin. Something he hadn't been near in a long time. And then, he saw an image of someone standing behind Maris in his office.

  He looked at Maris and scowled. "Did you bring me a woman?"

  "I did." Now his expression and demeanor were completely unreadable.

  Suddenly, Darling caught the scent that was still on his clothes from the night before. One that seemed to have permanently attached itself to his very skin. Unforgettable and as individual as the woman who bore it, he knew that scent better than any.

  It hit like a kick in the crotch.

  Still, he didn't want to believe it was what he thought. Surely, Maris had more sense than that.

  "Zarya. She's here?"

  Maris nodded.

  Raw, unmitigated fury exploded through his entire being. Never had he wanted to kill anyone more than he wanted to kill Maris in that instant. "Goddamn you! How could you do that to me!" He winced as the pain in his head sharply intensified, but right now he had more important things that hurt him.

  Things that cut a lot deeper.

  Maris gave him a droll stare as if he couldn't care less that he stood one wrong answer away from death. "I've been up for more than forty hours, and I'm too tired to fight with you right now. I'm going to bed. You dumped her in the kitchen, and abandoned her there for the others to humiliate. Just so you know." And with that, he left the room.

  Darling lay completely still as his emotions ripped him apart. Rage. Hatred. Revulsion. And an effing headache that rode him with spurs.

  But underneath all that was a need so deep and compelling, he wanted to claw it out of his heart.

  Zarya was in his home. She was here. Close enough to touch...

  Don't be stupid. She's a lying whore who slapped you. Twice.

  Just like your mother. Throwing you to the wolves to save her own ass. Hauk's right. All women do is take and forget everything you did for them. Every sacrifice you made. You were never anything to her.