Page 20 of Born of Silence

"So what happened to her?" Zarya asked.

  "His lordship asked her to leave when his father betrothed him to her ladyship."

  That was stunning. Rarely to her knowledge did the rich give up their mistresses for a wife. "Really?"

  Gera nodded. "Lady Natale was so young and uncertain of herself at the time their parents contracted their marriage that Lord Drux feared hurting her feelings. Because of his parents, he didn't want to start their relationship off badly. He also felt that it wouldn't be fair to Kirren to keep her while he was married to another woman. He really did love her, and they remained friends to the day he died."

  That said a lot about Darling's father. He must have been an incredible man. She only had a handful of memories of his visits to her home. He'd been tall and usually smiling, but other than that, she remembered very little about him really.

  The one thing she did remember though was that her father had never once spoken out against Drux Cruel. Not about anything.

  He'd railed solely against Arturo.

  Gera sighed. "Oh you should have seen how happy they were together while he lived. They loved each other so much. His lordship even moved her ladyship into this room to have her near him at all times--something no governor had ever done before. Lord Darling and his siblings were all conceived and born right here in this very room."

  That was an interesting tidbit, and Zarya wasn't sure how she felt about it. On the one hand it was sweet. On the other...


  Zarya looked up at the pornographic illustrations on the ceiling over her head. "Was it always decorated like this?"

  Gera giggled as she glanced up, too. "No, Mistress. Her ladyship has much more modest tastes and would have been horrified to bathe here." Her gaze turned sad. "Lord Arturo had it redecorated to his tastes after he became Grand Counsel."

  "So where did Lady Natale go for a room?"

  "The governor's family quarters are on another wing entirely. Far enough away that none of the ladies ever ventured here. Rather the governors would go to them when they wanted to father children."

  That seemed odd to her. "Lord Arturo kept Lady Natale at this palace even after her mourning period ended?" Normally the widows were set up in their own households on other planets, or they returned to their families and home planets.

  Zarya couldn't miss the way Gera's hands started trembling. "He... he used her ladyship to control Lord Darling, and he used Lord Darling to control her ladyship."

  "How so?"

  Gera flinched. "I'd rather not say, Mistress. I promised her ladyship that I'd never betray her. Sorry."

  Those words gave her a sick feeling of dread. What exactly had gone on here?

  It made her wonder if that was why Darling and his mother seldom spoke to each other. She remembered asking him once about his parents when he'd been Kere to her.

  "My father died when I was young."

  "And your mother?"

  "We don't talk much."

  "Why not?"

  "It's complicated. Whenever we're together, I disappoint her, and she disappoints me. It's easier on both of us if we just avoid each other."

  Since both of her parents were dead, she'd never understood how he could avoid his mother who was still alive.

  What could make a mother hate her son so much?

  The light returned to Gera's eyes. "It did my heart good to see the governor's parents together. The only blight they ever had on their happiness was his lordship's illegitimate son who lived here with their children for a time. Her ladyship tried not to let it bother her, but she couldn't seem to help resenting him."

  Zarya frowned. Darling had an older brother? She'd never heard that before and the Resistance had done a thorough background screening on the ruling family.

  How had they missed that?

  Frowning, she couldn't remember another son ever coming in with Lord Drux on his visits to her childhood home. Nor had Kere ever mentioned it.

  Of course, Kere had never mentioned his younger brother, either. And very seldom had he spoken of his sister.

  "What son?" she asked Gera.

  "Lord Ryn. He was conceived during Lord Drux's short affair with Kirren. After his lordship married, Lord Ryn would spend the school year here and then his breaks with his mother."

  Ryn... that was who Darling had been visiting when Maris had found out that Darling knew he was gay. Finally, things were starting to make sense.

  Sort of.

  But Zarya wondered what had become of Darling's brother. "Where is Lord Ryn now?"

  "He was an ambassador, last I heard. But I don't think it's for us. He and Lord Darling were extremely close when they were young, but regretfully they grew apart after Lord Drux died."

  "Do you know why?"

  "No, Mistress. Sorry."

  Fascinating. It made her curious which of them had caused the tear in their relationship.

  Darling or Ryn...

  "So all the other mistresses belonged to Lord Arturo, then?" she asked Gera.

  Unless Darling had someone in his past that neither she nor Maris knew about. That thought stabbed her.

  A troubled frown creased Gera's brow. "Yes. They were all his. You're the first of Lord Darling's."

  She didn't like the way Gera phrased that. She didn't want to think about Darling with other women. Men, either, for that matter, especially given what Maris had told her... I don't want to be his first.

  She wanted to be his last.

  Not wanting to think about a time when she might not be with him, she returned to their discussion. That was a lot of women for only one man, especially one who'd been married before he became Grand Counsel. "Why so many?"

  Gera set the brush aside. "He kept four and five at a time."

  Zarya was aghast at that. "In this room?"

  She nodded. There was a troubled cloud in her eyes. Something else had happened here.

  A chill went down her spine as she looked around with new eyes. There was no way to describe the uneasy feeling she had. "What, Gera?"

  She stepped away, but not before Zarya noted her sudden nervousness. "I shouldn't say anything more. It's not my place to judge or gossip. Suffice it to say, I hope Lord Darling doesn't follow in his uncle's footsteps. Though it's not looking good given the way he's been since he took power... and especially given the way he seized it."

  Since Zarya had been locked in a hole with no access to the outside world, she knew nothing about Darling's ascension to the throne. "What did he do?"

  Gera swallowed hard. "He murdered his uncle, Mistress. With his bare hands. Right outside in the gardens. I assumed you knew given that it's all anyone talks about."

  Zarya shook her head. "When? How?"

  "A few months back. For reasons unknown, Lord Darling stormed into the palace at midnight, hunted Lord Arturo down and butchered him, right in front of his own guards. Then he dared them to attack him. Begged them, point of fact. The guards have been terrified of him ever since. They believe his lordship is completely deranged."

  A chill went down her spine. What had made Darling do that after all these years of tolerating Arturo's reign? Something inside him had snapped, but what?

  "It was so brutal," Gera whispered. "After that, his lordship went on a bloody killing spree against his enemies and anyone else who crossed his path. At least a hundred, probably more, have lost their lives to his bloodlust."

  Zarya was flabbergasted by the number. "Darling?"

  "Yes, Mistress. Did you not see the pile of bodies at the front gate? His lordship threatened the life of anyone who dared remove them."

  Was that the real reason Maris had brought her in through the back?

  "No. I didn't see it." A shiver ran down her spine at the very thought. Why hadn't Maris mentioned that?

  "It's dreadful, Mistress. I've never seen anyone do something so horrible," Gera whispered as if she was terrified of being overheard. "So my advice to you is to make his lordship happy and to not upset him in any
way. There's no telling what he might do to you." Her eyes troubled, she leaned forward and patted Zarya on the side of her arms. "Now if you're ready, Mistress, I'll have you carried back into the boudoir."

  Zarya cringed at the thought of another stranger touching her. She was really over it. Especially given the way Gera had forced her to dress. "May I please walk? I really don't want anyone I'm not well acquainted with to see me in this..." She searched for a word that wouldn't offend the older woman. "Outfit."

  Glancing around nervously as if she expected someone to be watching them, Gera hesitated. "I don't know, Mistress. I could get into a lot of trouble for not following his lordship's exact orders, and he was insistent that you rest and not hurt your ankle again. The last thing I want to do is be added to the mass grave outside."

  Zarya was definitely going to have to find out more about that. Like Gera, she didn't want to be its next acquisition.

  "I promise Lord Darling won't be angry at you if he catches me. He knows exactly how stubborn I am, and I'll be glad to tell him it was me who did it."

  The friendly light returned to Gera's eyes. However, there was still a bit of doubt behind it. "Very well, but at least let me help you."

  Zarya stood up slowly and leaned against Gera as she limped her way back to the bedroom. She did her best not to see herself in the mirrors. While she had no problem with her makeup, the rest of her was...


  Gera had dressed her in a white lace gown that revealed more of her body than it covered, especially since her nipples had been darkened by the flavored rouge. The gown was tied together with only one ribbon between her breasts and while standing, it was closed, but whenever she sat, it would open to reveal her entire lower body that was as naked as the day she'd come into the world.

  Yeah... a man had definitely designed this for easy access.

  Gera led her to an ornate white and blue striped sofa near the bed that was wide enough to allow for things other than sitting. In fact the entire room was nothing more than a glorified sex dungeon.

  I really hope this place has been sanitized. The thought of Darling's uncle in here with other women he'd probably tortured turned her stomach.

  But there was nothing she could do about it at present. While Gera might be older, Zarya had a distinct impression that Gera could take her in a fight. And if not, the older woman would definitely call for backup.

  Either way, she didn't want to chance it.

  Zarya sat down slowly, then propped her foot on top of a pillow that Gera brought over to her. Gera adjusted the gown to give her some degree of modesty.

  "Thank you, Gera. I'm sorry that I was so irritable earlier."

  The apology seemed to perplex her. "You're welcome, Mistress. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

  My freedom would be nice. But only Darling could do that.

  Zarya looked around the room that really didn't have anything other than sex toys and other items she didn't want to think about. For that matter, there was a wall display of things she couldn't identify. And here I thought I knew about sex. Apparently, there was a whole subculture she'd never even heard of.

  "Is there any kind of entertainment here?"

  Gera gestured to the entertainment armoire. "There are a number of sex programs designed to stimulate you."

  Of course, there was. "Not exactly what I was thinking. Anything else I can do?"

  "Unfortunately, no."


  She just might die of boredom.

  Gera brought over a light blanket and tucked it around her. One advantage to being virtually naked, Gera must have deduced she was cold in here. Not like she could hide that fact given her state of undress.

  "Don't fear, Mistress. You'll have a full schedule starting tomorrow."

  Of new sex positions and other things Zarya really didn't want to be schooled in by strangers.

  "Looking forward to it." She was proud of herself for keeping the sarcasm out of her voice.

  Gera handed her a small white remote. "The button on the right is to summon me and the one on the left is for the kitchen staff should you become hungry. If you need anything at all, just call me."

  "Thank you."

  Gera curtsied, then left.

  The remote in Zarya's hand started buzzing so suddenly, that she jumped and dropped it. It took her a couple of seconds to fish it out from under the sofa and answer it.


  "Z? Is that really you?"

  The sound of that unexpected voice brought tears to her eyes. "Sorchie?"

  Sorche let out a screeching shriek. "Hey big sis! Oh I can't believe you're all right. I was so afraid you were dead."

  Tears welled in her eyes as she heard the one person in this universe who loved her as much as she loved them.

  Don't cry... don't cry. If she did, Gera might make her redo her face and that had been hard enough to endure the first time. "Me, too, baby sis. I mean that you were dead. Where are you? How did you get this number?"

  "I don't know. Some guy with this really weird, creepy voice called earlier and left it as a message. He said that he had a way to contact you, and for me to call this number as soon as I could. And you'll never believe where I am!"

  Zarya had never before heard such excitement in Sorche's voice. Gods, she sounded so happy.

  "I got a full scholarship to Guernelle Academy!"

  That news stunned her almost as much as hearing Sorche's voice. "A scholarship? How?"

  Maris had told her Darling was paying for...

  Oh wait. It suddenly made complete sense. That must be how Darling was doing it. Like her, Sorche would never have taken money from a man to pay for her school, especially not from an aristo.

  Her sister had no idea she had an individual backer.

  "It's a special deal set up by a company called the Dagan Investment Group. I have to major in mechanics, which is what I wanted to do anyway, and so long as I keep my grades up, they'll keep paying for everything. I even get a monthly stipend for living expenses so that I don't have to work and can focus all my attention on my classes. Every year I maintain my grades, it'll go up. And if I graduate with honors, I'll get... brace yourself... a fifty thousand cred bonus! Is that not stunning?"

  In that moment, Zarya had never loved Darling more. What he'd done went beyond kind, and the fact that he'd done it in such a way that it built up Sorche's confidence and made her strive to do her best was incredible.

  "How did you find out about the scholarship?"

  "The school called me about it the week before I had to register for classes. They said that the board at DIG had reviewed all the applicants for their incoming class, and that I was the only one out of all the others they thought had real potential. Can you believe it? Me? Me!"

  "It's not that amazing. I always told you, you were the best."

  "Yeah, but someone who isn't related to me thinks I don't suck, too. Sorry, that counts more."

  Zarya laughed. Sorche had no more belief in herself than she did. Too many years of them struggling, of Sorche trying her best and then being slapped down by things like getting into a prestigious school and then not having the money to attend it had clubbed them both so many times that it was hard to have any confidence in anything, except the universe's willingness to bitch-slap them.

  "So where are you?" Sorche asked. "Why haven't you returned any of my calls? Do you know how long it's been? I really thought you were dead."

  Yeah... that was one question Zarya had no intention of answering. The last thing she'd ever do was bring down her sister's rare excitement.

  But at least, because of Zarya's less than legal occupation, Sorche was used to her disappearing suddenly and being gone for a long period of time without communication.

  However she'd never been gone this long before.

  "I've, um... I've been really busy. After what happened with... the fall of the Resistance, I had to go into hiding. I honestly had no way of getting
in touch with you. I swear."

  "You suck, Z! You shouldn't scare me like that. But it's what I'd hoped and figured. Still, you should have found some way to get word to me. It's been over a year, sis. A year!"

  "I know. I'm sorry."

  "Hey, Sorch? Are you coming to eat?" It was another girl's voice that sounded like it came from a doorway or somewhere at a distance.

  "Just a sec."

  "Who was that?" Zarya asked.

  "Oh, that's my roommate. Annalise Cruel. You wouldn't believe how sweet she's been to me." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I know how you feel about her family, but I'm telling you she's really decent. She's my age and a little over a year from graduating--she started on time, lucky thing... Gods love her, she's taken time to show me how everything here works and where to go. How to pick classes and where to get the best study guides. She even bought me a school jersey for my birthday, and lets me borrow her makeup anytime I want. She has some really nice stuff, too. It's almost like having another sister. I hope you can meet her soon."

  "I would love to."

  "Hey, Lise?" Sorche called out so loud and unexpectedly that Zarya almost dropped the remote again. "Can you say hi to my sister?"

  "Hi, Sorche's sister. I'm glad she finally found you. She's been worried sick, and talks about you all the time. She says you're the best sister ever. I wouldn't know since I only have smelly brothers. Well, two of them stink. Darling always smells nice."

  Zarya couldn't argue with that. Even when he was sweaty, he smelled divine. And the sound of Darling's sister's sweet voice made her smile. The way she spoke and her accent reminded her a lot of Darling's voice before they'd destroyed it. Though his had been a lot deeper, they were still similar. "Hi, Lise. Nice to meet you."

  "You, too. And I hate to be rude, but do you mind if I borrow Sorche? If we don't leave for the meal hall now, they'll close it on us, and I'm not really able to walk all the way into town yet."

  "Yeah, Lise was shot in the back by some bastards who kidnapped her brother last year. I'm sure you heard about it. And she really hates to inconvenience her bodyguards, especially in the evenings. Anyway, I have to run. You take care. Love you!"

  "Love you, too." Zarya wasn't sure if Sorche heard that last bit or not. She'd hung up, laughing with Lise.

  Her heart light, Zarya studied the remote, trying to find a way to use it to call Darling and thank him for what he'd done.

  But it seemed to only receive calls, not make them.