Page 41 of Born of Silence

  However, he was a different breed than his predecessors. Tradition had a place in the world.

  But it wasn't here tonight.

  Maris pulled her to a stop as he saw Darling's approach. With an extremely formal bow, he surrendered her to Darling's custody.

  Her face lighting with a smile that set fire to every part of him, Zarya took his hand and allowed him to pick up where Maris had stopped. "I didn't think you were allowed to do this."

  "Fuck them," Darling said nonchalantly. "What good is being governor if I can't dance with the most beautiful woman here?"

  Zarya's blood raced as he dipped her low. The strength of his arm supporting her made her think of other times when he'd held her in private. Something that made her even more breathless than the quick dance.

  His lips were so close to hers that it was all she could do not to kiss them. He straightened her, then twirled her around, and brought her back against the front of his hard body. Her head reeled from the sensation of all that power surrounding her as they moved in perfect synchronicity. With each step, she could feel how much he desired her as her hip brushed against his groin. It left her even more breathless and weak.

  She turned to face him. "You keep doing that, my lord, and we're going to really scandalize them."

  The grin on his face made her heart soar. "I'm game if you are."

  The music quickened.

  Darling spun her around again, faster and faster. Never had she danced like this. She could feel the muscles in his arms bulging as he gracefully guided her around the room. The wonderful scent of him made her senses reel.

  Everything and everyone faded except him. It was as if only the two of them existed. She was completely captivated by the heated look on his handsome face, and the warmth of his touch.

  When the music finally stopped, he supported her entire weight with only one arm. His hair disheveled, he had beads of sweat falling from his temples. Bent in an arc, she stared up at him as he cupped her face with his left hand. His breathing was as ragged as hers. In that moment, she was desperate to taste him. This time, she couldn't resist those lips that held the tiniest hint of a smile.

  Sinking her hand into his soft, red hair, she pulled his mouth to hers so that she could kiss him.

  Darling's head spun as Zarya explored his mouth with a hunger that left him even harder than their dancing had. Oh yeah, this was what he needed...

  It wasn't until he heard an off-key note that he remembered they weren't alone.

  In fact, they were the center of everyone's attention. He gave her one last second before he pulled back and regretfully returned her weight to her feet.

  Zarya went completely still as she straightened and became aware of all the mocking gazes fixed on them. Heat scorched her cheeks.

  I look like the biggest slut of all time...

  In public.

  Why didn't the universe provide rotating black holes on planets that could swallow people whole when they needed them to?

  "Don't let their bitter viciousness steal your happiness," Darling whispered in her ear before he placed a tender kiss on her cheek. Tucking her hand into the crook of his arm, he led her toward his throne.

  Arms akimbo, Maris gave them both an angry, condemning stare while he tapped his foot against the stone floor. "You never danced with me like that."

  Zarya scowled as she tried to understand why Maris was so upset at her. "We only had the one dance."

  "He's not talking to you, love," Darling said in her ear.


  She laughed at Maris's exasperation.


  Darling turned toward the gerent leader who was trying to keep the venom out of his sneer and failing miserably. Honestly, someone should have told him that it was never a good idea to provoke a man who possessed the skills to gut you.

  He answered the leader with only a brow raised in warning to let the man know he needed to pick another tone.

  The gerent leader paled a degree before he spoke. "It's time to start our meeting."

  There now... much better attitude.

  Until the leader's gaze slid to Zarya in a way that said he thought she was on the level of something that needed to be flushed out an airlock. And that set fire to Darling's temper.

  Don't punch him... It took everything Darling had not to. But it wouldn't go well for him to show off his temper right now. It would be the biggest mistake he could make.

  You say one word to her and I swear, politics or not, you're on the floor, asshole.

  The leader must have sensed that he was dancing with the devil. He cleared his throat and changed to a more respectful demeanor. "That is if you don't mind, Majesty."

  Taking a deep breath, Darling gave him a curt nod. "Gather them, then. I'll be there shortly."

  As soon as the gerent was gone, Maris wagged his eyebrows at Darling. "Train them right from the start."

  "Working on it." Darling turned to face Zarya. Even though she appeared every bit the lady, there was a light in her eyes that showed him just how vulnerable and uncomfortable she was here. He hated leaving her, but he had no choice. "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise. Caillen, Nyk, Kiara, and Desideria should be here any minute to help keep you two entertained and out of trouble."

  As if on cue, and dressed in Caronese guard uniforms, Hauk, Chayden, and Fain walked through the doors and headed straight to Darling. Something that caused the delegates and their escorts to start gossiping all over again since it was obvious the two hulking mountains weren't human and therefore definitely not Caronese soldiers.

  Thank the gods they'd finally arrived, now he wouldn't be so worried about Zarya and Maris and could focus on his task of dealing with pompous assholes who hated him.

  As soon as the entire group reached them, Hauk gave Darling an arch stare. "Damn boy, there's nothing to be that nervous over."

  Darling was completely baffled by his comment. "Excuse me?"

  "You're sweating like you ran a marathon."

  Amused by that, Darling shrugged. "I'm sure Zarya will fill you in. Right now I have to meet--"

  "You're not going in without us," Hauk insisted.

  Darling opened his mouth to argue, then caught himself.

  While Hauk busted on him as if he were Darling's older brother, he, like the rest of the Sentella High Command, was extremely protective of him. There was no way the Andarion would allow Darling into an arena with that many enemies and not be there to pull him out if things went bad.

  No amount of argument would sway the Andarion. Hauk was even more stubborn than Drake and Zarya combined.

  Then, Ryn gave him that big-brother-knows-best stare that didn't help his temperament in the least. "Chay is coming to the meeting, too, as the Qillaq ambassador. And we're"--he indicated Drake and himself--"going in with you. Let the bastards know up front that for the first time in decades the Cruels are united. They're not going to be able to use one of us against the other. Ever."

  Those words meant a lot to Darling, especially since his brothers were dressed in royal colors. And he knew exactly how much Ryn hated being in the middle of politics.

  Not to mention, Ryn had a most valid point. If the gerents saw their solidarity, it would help squelch the idea that they might be able to use Drake to overthrow Darling.

  "Okay. Let's do it." Darling paused long enough to kiss Zarya's hand. "I'll return as soon as I can."

  "Good luck."

  He inclined his head to her before he performed a military turn and went to the conference room with his brothers and friends two steps behind him.

  Zarya didn't know why, but it hurt to be left behind. She wanted desperately to follow and make sure that Darling was all right.

  A stupid thought really, given who he was and the soldiers with him. They could definitely handle anything thrown at them.


  A small furor erupted at the doors.

  Afraid of what that might signify, she stood on
her tiptoes to see over everyone's heads. Something she didn't have to do long. Two seconds later, literally, Nykyrian and Kiara entered with Caillen, Desideria, and Syn right behind them.

  The gathered nobility exploded into a chatter of excited whispers.

  "What's the Andarion heir doing here?"

  "Isn't that the Exeterian prince?"

  "That's Desideria Denarii, the Qill princess."

  "Oh my God! That's Kiara Biardi, the dancer!"

  "Yeah, and she's here with her father, the Gouran president. I saw him a few minutes ago in the washroom!"

  Dozens of such comments circled around her. Comments that came to an abrupt halt when all the people they were talking about joined her and Maris.

  Kiara grabbed her into a tight hug. "Sorry we're late." Stepping back, she patted her stomach. "For the record, when you get pregnant, you don't just get morning sickness in the morning, and it doesn't always stop after the first trimester... Oh the lies they tell us."

  Zarya smiled at her, grateful for her warm friendliness. "Well, for someone who's been sick, you look stunningly gorgeous."

  Kiara returned her smile. "Thank you."

  "Where's Darling?" Nykyrian asked, scanning the crowd around them.

  Maris sighed. "The meeting started right before you got here."

  "Oh goody," Caillen said in a tone that dripped sarcasm. "We arrived just in time for the boredom. So glad we rushed to get here. Yeah, us!"

  Desideria glared up at her husband. "Caillen, cut the sarcasm."

  "Can't help it. It's the primary service I offer to everyone not wearing my wedding ring." He flashed a wicked grin at his wife who rolled her eyes in response.

  Syn sniffed like he was crying. "Awww, Kip," he said to Nykyrian with an exaggerated pout, "our little baby's all grown up and being political... We did such a good job with him. I'm so proud."

  Nykyrian scowled at him. "What the hell's wrong with you?"

  Sobering, Syn held his mobile up for Nykyrian. "I hacked their security feed. Wanna spy on Darling with me?"

  "I definitely do." Zarya stepped closer to Syn so that she could watch Darling in action.

  Syn adjusted the volume until it was loud enough for them to hear, but not be overheard by the rest of the room.

  Looking so powerful and sexy that she wanted to take a bite out of him, Darling sat stoically on his throne in the council room while the gerents ranted about their mistreatment at his hands.

  "You do not make those kinds of decisions without us," one of the older gerents railed at him. "We control the workers. We're the ones who set their hours and their pay, not you."

  Darling betrayed no expression whatsoever. He waited calmly for the senator to finish before he posed a question of his own. "And when the workers refuse to heed your orders and enter their plants to do their jobs, who would you call to negotiate?"

  Ryn stroked his jaw with his thumb. "That would be you, Majesty," he said to Darling just in case the others weren't bright enough to know the answer.

  Another senator rose to his feet with a smug expression. "We didn't need you. We'd have handled it ourselves. The protestors would have been fired and replaced."

  Darling nodded thoughtfully. "On average, how long does it take to train a new worker on equipment and company procedure?"

  "Not long," the first gerent answered. "A few hours. Tops."

  Darling's face was a mask of bitter amusement. "Obviously, you've never had to work a job or run unfamiliar equipment. It takes a few weeks to become comfortable and basically competent. It's months, if not years before they're as productive as the current staff, who have been working those jobs, ironically enough, for years. And then there's the problem of who would train those new workers if all the old workers were fired?"

  The gerents didn't like having logic thrown at them.

  Darling glanced around the crowd as they sputtered indignantly. When he spoke again, his voice was calm and level. "By negotiating what, to anyone with a conscience, is a humane work environment and schedule, I saved all of you millions of credits in the long run, and I kept the factories opened without drama. Even if you have to hire a few thousand more employees due to the shortened workday, you're still better off than you would have been had you fired the existing staffs. Those who are proficient in their jobs will happily train the noobs, and there's no loss in productivity. I can send you all the statistical charts on the projected savings."

  "You had no right to do this!"

  A tic started in Darling's jaw, but there was no other physical evidence to betray his irritation. "I have no right to protect my people? Is that not, by the very definition, what a governor is supposed to do?"

  "You've overreached your position!"

  Darling frowned. "So none of you are truly angry that I negotiated with the workers? You're upset because I didn't drag you out of bed in the middle of the night to have you agree with what I did... Very well. In the future, I'll make sure to call all of you in and disrupt your days and nights with bullshit. Works for me... Ryn, make a note."

  "Stupid cock-sucking faggot." It was impossible to tell where that angry voice came from.

  Darling didn't react to the insult in any way. Instead, he smiled coldly. "My father always said that you know the absolute second you've won a fight. It's when your opposition has run out of logic with which to battle, and the name-calling commences. But really, how unimaginative of you. There are thousands of other insults that are so much more creative and demeaning. And I would actually respect you if you had the nerve to stand by your convictions and face me when you insult me." He scanned the crowd with a sneer of contempt. "Homosexual or not, no one can ever accuse me of cowardice. If I'm going to insult someone, I at least have the balls to do it to their face."

  The gerents began shouting in outrage.

  Zarya's eyes widened as fear for Darling tore through her. "They're going to eat him alive."

  Syn shook his head. "Oh no... Wait for it."

  She was aghast at his nonchalance. "For what? The bloodshed?"

  True to Syn's words, Darling allowed them to scream for several more minutes.

  Finally, he rose to his feet. They quieted instantly, with the majority of them scanning the room to see where Darling had positioned his guards. Which made sense since anyone else would have called for their arrest.

  Instead, Darling took a deep breath. "I seriously hope that all of you have gotten that out of your systems. We can sit here and you can insult me, my parentage, my lifestyle, hell, let's even throw in the color of my shoes for good measure, or we can do what we're supposed to do. Take care of our people."

  With a fierce set to his jaw, he swept the delegates with a condemning countenance. "I know under Arturo's reign that many of you took liberties you shouldn't have. I know he arrested or exiled anyone who didn't agree with him, and confiscated their lands and titles. Those who supported him were given the luxury of his turning a blind eye to all their activities, no matter how illegal or immoral. So long as you paid his fees, he left you alone."

  Darling paused to let that seep into their collective minds before he spoke in a cold tone. "I am not my uncle. I am not my father, but I do subscribe to the twenty rules he taught me from the cradle. One, if you're afraid to fight, then you'll never win. Two, in times of tragedy and turmoil, you'll learn who your true friends are. Treasure them because they are few and far between. Three, know your enemies, and never become your own worst one. Four, be grateful for those enemies. They will keep you honest and ever striving to better yourself. Five, listen to all good advice, but never substitute someone else's judgment for your own. Six, all men and women lie. But never lie to yourself. Seven, many will flatter you. Befriend the ones who don't, for they will remind you that you're human and not infallible. Eight, never fear the truth. It's the lies that will destroy you. Nine, your worst decisions will always be those that are made out of fear. Think all matters through with a clear head. Ten, your mistakes won't defin
e you, but your memories, good and bad, will. Eleven, be grateful for your mistakes as they will tell you who and what you're not. Twelve, don't be afraid to examine the past, it's how you learn what you don't want to do again. Thirteen, there's a lot to be said for not knowing better. Fourteen, all men die. Not everyone lives. Fifteen, on your deathbed, your greatest regrets will be what you didn't do. Sixteen, don't be afraid to love. Yes, it's a weakness that can be used against you. But it's also a source of the greatest strength you will ever know. Seventeen, the past is history written in stone that can't be altered. The future is transitory and never guaranteed. Today is the only thing you can change for certain. Have the courage to do so and make the most of it because it could be all you'll ever have. Eighteen, you can be in a crowd, surrounded by people, and still be lonely. Nineteen, love all, regardless of what they do. Trust only those you have to. Harm none until they harm you. And twenty... Never be afraid to kill or destroy your enemies. They won't hesitate to kill or destroy you."

  The gerents glanced about nervously.

  Darling met Drake's gaze and his brother gave him a nod of proud approval. "Number twenty is the only thing I share with my uncle. But unlike Arturo, I don't believe in torture. I don't believe in imprisonment. I trade in execution. You come at me, expect to die."

  "Are you threatening us?"

  "No," Darling said simply. "I'm stating my policy for all of you to hear and to know. You're well aware of how I came to power. That I cut Arturo's throat and dared his guards to arrest me. You've seen my punishment for those who were foolish enough to underestimate me, and those who harmed my family. So long as I breathe, that won't change."

  One of the older gerents stood to address him. "And what of the Resistance leader? You say you don't believe in imprisonment and yet you hold her prisoner."

  Zarya bit her lip in trepidation of Darling's answer.

  He didn't hesitate with it. "The Grand Marleena is free to do whatever it is she desires. She's been granted a full pardon. Her family lands and all their titles have been reinstated to her and her sister."

  That news floored her. Why hadn't he told her that?

  The gerent screwed his face up into a mask of disbelief. "Then why is she still with you?"

  Darling smiled. "Hell if I know. But she has agreed to do me the honor of becoming my consort and wife."