Page 43 of Born of Silence

  Maris folded his arms over his chest. "Baby, you're overreacting."

  Darling started to protest, but Zarya cupped his face in her hand and stood up on her tiptoes to nibble his jaw. Yeah, that made his thoughts scatter to the point he could barely remember his own name. His knees went weak and he lost all resistance to her.

  Then she whispered in his ear. "You were magnificent tonight. Don't ruin what you've achieved with something that's as trivial as their pettiness. Besides, I like it here with Mari. He's highly entertaining."

  At the moment, the only thing he wanted was to find a bed.

  Or a closet.

  But she wasn't some crass prostitute selling her body for drugs. She was a high-born lady who was going to be his consort. He wouldn't treat her that way. And by the gods, he wouldn't let anyone else either. "They've insulted two of the people I value and love most in this universe. Would you really have me forgive that?"

  "Yes, I would." She gently pushed him back a step. "Go on in there and don't worry about us."

  He debated what course of action he should take. On the one hand, he wanted to break someone's ass. On the other, he knew Zarya and Maris were right. No one would remember why he left the meeting tonight. They'd only remember that he'd turned his back on his gerents and insulted them.

  "We're really fine," Maris said, reiterating her stance. "They did us a favor with this. We're having a great time out here."

  Darling ground his teeth as another wave of fury ripped through him. "I'm still pissed."

  Zarya winked at him. "Trust me. I know the feeling."

  "Yes, she does," Maris concurred. "We all had to stop her from storming the session earlier."

  Darling's frown deepened. "What do you mean?"

  Zarya gave him a mischievous nose crinkle. "Syn hacked the security feed so that we could check up on you. I don't know how you stayed so calm. I commend you for it. It was extremely impressive."

  Not really. It amazed him that they were all so stunned by his behavior. It wasn't like he was Hauk, and prone to ripping people's arms off whenever they upset him.

  His ascension to power notwithstanding, he'd always been levelheaded and calm.

  "Yeah, well, when you spend your entire life being insulted, you get desensitized to it. I don't think Arturo ever used my real name. After a while, it gets boring and you learn not to pay attention to it. As for the gerents, I'd have to care about their opinions where I'm concerned in order for them to hurt me. Since I couldn't care less... Let them make themselves giddy with their own stupidity. I've got better things to worry about."

  "I was still impressed by your demeanor and composure." She gave him a very light push. "Now go, before you cause another scandal."

  He dipped his gaze down the cleft of her breasts that swelled over the top of her dress. Yeah, he'd much rather be naked with her in his bed than deal with a bunch of egotistical assholes.

  "I wouldn't mind causing one with you," he whispered in her ear.

  She kissed his cheek again. "Go on. Get out of here."

  He gave her a courtly bow before he took his leave.

  Still seething, Darling went back into the main dining room.

  Glancing at Caillen, Drake, and Nykyrian, an idea hit him. He approached the three of them with a wry twist to his lips. "Ready to start some shit?"

  "Depends on the shit," Drake said.

  Caillen grinned evilly. "Point me to the toilet, and let me in."

  Nykyrian ignored that comment since it was vintage Caillen, who loved nothing more than messing with the heads of the aristocracy, and irritating everyone around him. "What's the plan?"

  Darling took a step back. "Follow me. I know a way to rectify the slap I've just been given, and deliver one right back." He motioned one of the passing servants over.

  "Yes, Your Majesty," she said respectfully, bowing before him.

  He put on his kindest, most regal tone. "It has come to my attention that we're two places short at the table tonight. Princes Nykyrian and Caillen have graciously offered to make room by having their seats moved closer to their wives. Likewise, I am more than content to share my space with both the Grand Marleena and Lord Maris. I would deeply appreciate it, and would consider it a personal favor, if you would accommodate us."

  The woman beamed in joy at being able to help the governor. "Absolutely, Your Majesty. It would be my deepest honor." She rushed to it.

  Nykyrian gave a low laugh. "You are evil. I love it."

  Desideria and Kiara approached them with reservation.

  Kiara scowled at her husband. "It positively scares me whenever you laugh in public. What did we miss and what has all of you huddled here?"

  Nykyrian indicated Darling with a tilt of his head. "Our boy there just firebombed our hostess."

  Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she faced Darling. "Good. I hope you let her have it with all barrels."

  The moment the servant returned with two others to start moving seats and adding place settings, Nylan's wife came running out to challenge them.

  The lead servant pointed to Darling.

  Fury flashed in her eyes at being thwarted, but Lady Nylan checked it before she walked over to them. "Your Majesty, I beg your indulgence and tolerance in this matter. But given Princess Kiara's delicate condition, I don't think it's wise to--"

  "I'm pregnant, my lady, not infectious," Kiara said, interrupting her. "Since I count Lady Starska and Lord Maris among my closest friends, I don't mind sharing my space with them."

  "I couldn't agree more," Desideria chimed in. "Zarya is a true gem. But if it causes you distress, we would be most happy to join them in the hallway."

  Nykyrian nodded. "Feel free to move all of our settings there."

  The countess inclined her head respectfully. "That won't be necessary, Your Highnesses. I'm sure we'll be able to find them a suitable spot."

  Darling cleared his throat to get her attention. "One on either side of me."

  She stiffened in anger. "Excuse me?"

  Darling made sure to keep his tone flat and even. "You heard me, my lady. I expect my senior adviser and fiancee to be seated with me."

  She went pale with the news. "Fiancee?"

  "Yes. Lady Starska and I are to be married. And I am sure she will be moved by your graciousness toward her."

  Darling wouldn't have thought it possible, but her face turned even whiter.

  Lady Nylan grabbed a waiter. "I need the man and woman in the hallway moved in here immediately. Do not drag your feet."

  Kiara winked at Darling. "You are so incredibly sneaky. I love it."

  He glanced over to Nykyrian. "I learned from the best."

  In under three minutes, Maris and Zarya returned to the dining room.

  Zarya gave him a suspicious stare as she neared them. "What did you do?"

  Darling blinked innocently. "What makes you think I did anything?"

  Maris snorted. "The way the waiter behaved--like he was afraid for his life."

  Darling shrugged. "No idea why. I merely made a request."

  "Sure, you did," Maris said with a short laugh. "I've heard your requests. They're positively wrong."

  Zarya wasn't sure what to think as she was shown to a seat next to the head of the table. Maris was seated across from her. Please tell me that seat belongs to Darling. Or at least one of his friends. The last thing she wanted was to be beside one of the nasty gerents who glared at them.

  "My lady?"

  She looked up as an older gentleman stopped beside her. His face was so wrinkled that he reminded her of a suit someone had dug out of the back of their closet. His gray eyes were cold and he smelled like rotten camphor balls. "Yes, my lord?"

  "I just had to meet the woman who could turn a gay man straight. I didn't think it was possible, especially someone as licentious and effeminate as our governor. Believe me, I know how much he loves a good hard cock in his ass. Congratulations."

  His rudeness stunned her silent. Sh
e sat there, slack jawed, trying to think of an appropriate response that wasn't crude or profane.

  For once, nothing, absolutely nothing came to mind. She simply reeled from it.

  "Hey, Nylan? We need you over here for a second."

  He left her side.

  So that was...

  Gaping like a fish, she looked at Maris for corroboration on the man's identity.

  "Yeah," Maris said with a snarl, "he's that bastard."

  Darling returned to her side immediately. "Are you all right?"

  She started to tell him what had happened, but she didn't want to upset him. Given the past, she wasn't sure Darling wouldn't kill him for saying that to her.

  Forcing a smile to her lips, she nodded. "Where are you sitting?"

  He indicated the chair between her and Maris. Thank the gods for that favor. She wanted out of here so badly that she could taste it. But what bothered her most was the knowledge that this would have been her life all along had her father's titles not been stripped.

  She would have been just like the other women who passed judging sneers at her and Maris. Those who wouldn't even speak to them. Frigid. Callous.


  That thought made her blood run cold. For the first time in her life, she was grateful that she'd been raised outside this realm. She'd much rather have eaten bread sandwiches with her father for weeks on end than have been fed like this every day if putting up with them was the price for it.

  It just wasn't worth it.

  Once Darling was seated and dinner began, it did get better. At least as long as she ignored the stares--most of which were hostile--that the gerents and their spouses directed at them.

  And as she ate, she became acutely aware of how Darling and Maris interacted with each other. For some reason, she'd never noticed it before.

  But tonight...

  She saw them through the eyes of a stranger. While she had no doubt they'd never slept together and that Darling was completely straight, she finally understood why others didn't believe it.

  He and Maris were completely relaxed with each other, even in the midst of all the animosity around them. In fact, with his hand on Darling's shoulder, Maris was leaning in to whisper intimately into Darling's ear while Darling laughed at whatever it was Maris said to him. They were practically cheek to cheek. And the smile on Darling's face whenever he looked at his best friend was tender and warm. Some might even say it was adoring.

  And there was no mistaking the love in Maris's gaze every time he looked at Darling, which was often. He hung on everything Darling said.

  Likewise, Darling doted on Maris almost to the extent he did her. And while she knew it was because they were family, it would be easy to misconstrue their affection for each other if you didn't know the truth of their relationship.

  "Are you jealous?"

  Zarya blinked as she realized the gerent beside her was talking to her. "Excuse me?"

  He indicated Maris and Darling with his knife. "Are you getting jealous of them?"

  She screwed her face up at him. "Not even a little."

  "Hmm... I commend you, then. I don't think I could share my wife with another woman without it making me completely crazy." He took a sip of his wine. "So I take it your upcoming marriage to the governor is politically motivated. Makes sense. You help him quell the Resistance, he reinstates your title and wealth. You both win."

  She was livid at his audacity. "That's not why we're getting married. I didn't even know he was Darling Cruel when we were first engaged."

  Yeah, okay, that sounded extremely farcical and unlikely when said out loud. But it was the truth.

  He laughed at her. "Are you terminally stupid? Or do you think I am? How could the leader of the Resistance not know the face of your enemy?"

  Heat scalded her cheeks, and it seriously angered her that she couldn't set the man straight.


  She turned to see Darling watching her closely.

  He slid his gaze to the gerent. "Is everything all right?"

  Forcing herself to smile past the knot in her stomach, she nodded. "Fine, sweetie."

  Darling took her hand into his. "If you're not feeling well, we can leave at any time. Just say the word." He lifted her hand and pressed her palm to his lips. The fire in his gaze was unmistakable as he inhaled her scent and held her hand like a sacred object.

  She savored the warmth of his lips on her skin, and it made her ache to take him home and pick up where they'd left off before coming here. And by the way Darling stroked her palm, she knew he felt the same way.

  No, she had no doubt whatsoever about his sexual orientation or his devotion to her. "It's all good."

  For the rest of the meal, Darling kept his hand on hers and made sure that the gerent didn't speak to her again.

  As soon as the meal was over, he rose and, breeching royal protocol, held her chair for her.

  "Wow," someone said near them. "You'd almost think he was straight given the way he treats her."

  "It's all a show for us. Don't be fooled. Nylan has always said that he gives the best head of anyone he's ever slept with."

  "Yeah, I heard he moans like a bitch in heat whenever you screw him, and that he prefers to be the sub who takes it up his ass."

  She felt Darling tensing at their whispered insults. So much for his telling her that those comments didn't bother him.

  She started for the gossipers, but he tightened his hand on hers.

  "Let it go."


  "It's fine, Z. Really."

  She ground her teeth as anger burned deep inside. "It's not to me."

  "You know the difference between the governor and the Aris, don't you?" This time, she suspected the gerent talking wanted her to overhear him. Yet his question made no sense. The Aris was a League station that had malfunctioned and crashed into a base on Nera V when she and Darling were children. It'd been one of the worst tragedies in League history.

  "What?" another gerent asked.

  "The Aris went down on only two thousand men."

  She headed for Hauk.

  He arched a brow at her approach.

  "Give me your weapon. Now." She held her hand out for it.

  He laughed. "I would love to, but Darling would kick my ass if I did."

  "I'm going to kick it if you don't."

  Darling pulled her back against him. "It's okay, Z. They always do this. I really am used to it."

  "You're their governor. They should respect you."

  He gave her a teasing grin. "This from the leader of the Resistance?"

  Guilt over that gnawed at her. How could she have ever sanctioned anyone to fight against him? She wanted to beat her own butt for that.

  Meanwhile the jokes echoed around them until she wanted to scream.

  "C'mon," Darling said quietly. "Let's go. We're done here."

  Still, it infuriated her.

  But in the end, she knew he was right. Attacking them over those insults would be a bad mistake. If Darling went crazy on them, they could petition the League to have him removed from power. Even jailed.

  Or institutionalized.

  Most likely, that was why they were doing it. They wanted to goad him into attacking.

  Unwilling to give them any kind of satisfaction, she followed Darling and tried to ignore them, too.

  With his friends and family in tow, he led her down the hallway to where they'd checked her wrap on her arrival.

  Darling had just put it on her when another gerent laughed at them.

  "Yes, but you have to envy him that ass. You know, she'd have to be one hell of a lay to get him hard for her. I bet that whore can suck the glaze off porcelain."

  Even though Darling wore those dark glasses, she saw the flash of unmitigated fury in his eyes. Now, she finally understood where his strength came from. She could take insults against her. They didn't matter. It was only the ones against him that made her livid.

  Zarya cupped
his face with her hands and forced him to look at her and not the man who'd insulted her. "Let it go, Darling. He's not worth it."

  Darling forced himself to listen to her and to calm down. She was right. He needed to walk away. He couldn't afford to attack them.

  That was his thought until the gerent spoke up again. "Make sure to give her your number, then. A cheap skank ass bitch like that would hike her skirt and open her legs for anyone."

  With a snarl of rage, Kere slammed down on him. One second, Zarya held him.

  In the next...


  Darling went for the gerent's throat so fast that no one could stop him. By the time they realized he'd made it past Zarya, he had the man on the ground, repeatedly pounding his head against the floor with a fury so strong, it crackled in the air around them.

  Zarya was amazed the man's head didn't split open given the force Darling used. While she had seen Darling fight as Kere many times, she'd honestly forgotten just how ferocious he could be. This was a side of him that she never saw in private.

  And he was about to kill the man on the ground.

  Moving with an incredible speed, Nykyrian pulled Darling off the gerent and hauled him back. But that didn't last long.

  Using a move and strength no one expected, Darling flipped Nykyrian off him with an ease that was nothing shy of a miracle, especially given how much larger Nykyrian was. The throw caused Darling's dark glasses to fly off his face and shatter on the floor.

  Stunned by the unexpected counterattack, Nykyrian landed against the far wall in an unceremonious lump. When Hauk went in for a try, Darling caught him by one arm and slung the Andarion in the opposite direction. He cut through two of the gerent's bodyguards before he returned to ruthlessly beat the man who'd insulted her.

  "He's going to kill Giran," Maris breathed by her side.

  By Darling's lethal expression, she believed it. But what could they do? She glanced over to Nykyrian who was back on his feet and trying to assure his wife that he wasn't hurt.

  Three gerents moved in to stop Darling. Bad mistake on their part. It was only then that she realized he'd been holding back when he fought the gerents' guards and Nykyrian and Hauk.

  There was no such mercy for the nobles. Obviously, he'd been wanting a piece of them for a long time.

  Darling caught the first one with a punch so hard, it made a resounding thud against the man's chest and sent him straight to the floor. The second one took a hit to the nose that shattered it. The gerent staggered back, screaming like a girl on a playground as he cupped his face with both hands. The third lost his knee to one swift quick.