Page 49 of Born of Silence

  Maris hesitated before he spoke again. "My source came through. It took him a few thousand creds, but he finally got the information, and he verified it. She's definitely there, under extremely heavy security."

  Gods bless Safir. If anyone ever learned that he'd helped them, he would be torn into pieces. "I'll make sure he's reimbursed."

  "He doesn't want the money. He only wants to do the right thing."

  "Then he needs to surrender his commission," Nykyrian said bitterly. "Trust me. It's a dangerous game he's playing. The bad thing about the League, every assassin is out for themselves and they're real quick to throw you to the wolves if they think it'll advance their rank even a single decimal of a point."

  Maris nodded. "I know. I was raised with the head asshole himself."

  Nykyrian clapped him on the back. "And for that I'm infinitely sorry."

  "Yeah, most days, me, too."

  Syn closed his laptop. "All right, then, folks. We have a location for attack. Give me an hour and I'll have the facility mapped, then we can plan our next move."

  Darling nodded. "I'll try to rally my troops."

  "And I'll get the Sentella scrambling," Nykyrian said.

  Ryn finally stirred from the sofa he'd been lying on for so long that Darling had assumed he'd gone to sleep. "I'll go motivate the Tavali."

  Grateful for that offer, Darling knew it took a little more than just the promise of a good deed to motivate the pirate brigade. "Tell them any who fly with us will get a full pardon from the Caronese Empire for any past crime, except murder, pedophilia, or rape. And I'll give them a free pass to fly through our territories for the rest of their lives, so long as they don't prey on our people or ships."

  Ryn gave him a cocky grin. "You are by far the better politician. That'll motivate their sorry asses in a way I could only dream. Even without the Sentella and Caronese Armada, you're about to have one hell of an army, ready to lay down their lives for you."

  "Let's hope they don't have to." Darling gave them a short nod before he made a sharp military about-face and headed for the door.

  Maris fell in beside him. "She's going to be fine, Darling."

  He wished he had Maris's faith. But that had been kicked out of him when he'd told himself every day that his friends would find him and release him from hell. Meanwhile weeks had gone by while he'd hung in his cell in utter agony.


  Darling didn't believe in much of anything, except the universe's willingness to screw him over.

  Please let her be all right. Thoughts of her being brutalized tortured him even worse than his own memories. Every hour they didn't rescue her had him living in fear that she was being raped and beaten while calling out for him to help her.

  Just like Lise when she'd been shot...

  His panic rose so high that for a moment, he couldn't breathe. Please don't let my eyes start jerking. Though there was no real rhyme or reason to when they'd start, they seemed more inclined to do it whenever he was stressed.

  He glanced askance at Maris. "Did Safir give you any information about her condition?"

  "No. He tried his best to find out for you, but he couldn't access that. He did say that he'd cautioned Kyr against raping her when they'd taken her into custody."

  Darling clung to the thread like a lifeline. "Do you think Kyr listened?"

  "Honestly? I don't know. I hope and pray for her sake and yours that he did."

  Darling's throat tightened. "Did he know if she's one of the ones being tortured?" The League had bragged to the media every night since they'd raided the Resistance's HQ that they were "interrogating" the Resistance leaders in an effort to find the rest of their members.

  "He couldn't answer that either. Sorry."

  Darling ground his teeth as pain shredded his gut. "As bad as Kyr hates me... I hope he's not taking that out on her."

  "You know, he's not so--"

  "Don't lie to me, Mari," he said, cutting him off, "and tell me he's above that. We both know better. I have the scar to prove just how bad his temper is. He didn't get to the top of the League high command by showing mercy to those he perceived as enemies. He got there by carving his way through a mountain of bodies."

  Maris winced at the truth. "He wasn't always like that, you know. He was a kid once, too."

  "I know." Like Maris, he remembered when Kyr had been in possession of the soul he'd sold to the League for vanity and glory. Granted Kyr had never had much of a sense of humor, but he'd been fair.


  Until something had happened shortly after Kyr turned seventeen. In one summer, he'd turned from being an insecure, average teenager into a cold-blooded soldier.

  I guess my father's old adage was right. "Whenever you take the shot, Darling, two men die. The man you targeted and the man you used to be. Once you draw first blood, you can never go back to the way you were. It will always change you, and never for the better."

  After that summer, Kyr had locked up emotionally, and had never been the same. For the longest time Darling had felt sorry for him.

  Until that one moment that was forever etched into his memory.

  Even now, he could see Maris walking barely a step in front of him, toward the altar where Tamara was waiting for the ceremony to begin.

  But the moment her gaze had met Maris's, fear had etched itself onto her face.

  The old priest had breathed an audible sigh of relief. "Ah, there you are, Maris. We'd begun to--"

  "Forgive me, Holiness. But there's something I need to say." Stopping just in front of the priest, Maris had looked to Darling for support.

  Dressed in his Phrixian uniform, Maris had been the epitome of a fierce regal war hero. Except for the perspiration on his brow and upper lip--perspiration that worsened as he turned toward Tams. She'd been exquisite in her blue and gold gown that flowed around her lush and abundant curves. Darling could tell by her expression that she knew what was coming.

  And why.

  She'd reached out to touch Maris's arm, and offered him a kind smile. "It's okay, sweetie." Biting her lip, she'd glanced to Darling, then back at Maris before she'd whispered to them. "I've had a feeling for quite some time that you two were more than friends."

  Maris had taken her hand into his and kissed it. "I do love you, Tams. I'm just not in love with you. I'm so sorry."

  Her eyes had glowed with her love and respect for him. "Don't apologize, Maris. Not for this. And not for being you. I'm only grateful you're doing this now instead of later when it would have been too late to undo it." She swept her gaze to her parents who were scowling a hole through all three of them. "My father might kill you over it, but I for one can't thank you enough for not tying me into a marriage where I could never have the one thing I want most."


  Unlike him and Maris, she wanted a house full of them.

  When they had turned around toward the crowd, Maris's father had shot to his feet. "What's going on here?" he growled. "Why aren't you facing the priest? Maris, explain this!"

  "We're not getting married, Father. Sorry."

  That hadn't gone over well with his father. "What do you mean, you're not getting married? You've made a commitment. Now be a man and honor it."

  A tic had started in Mari's jaw. "I am honoring my word, Father. I promised Tamara a long time ago that I would never do anything to bring hurt to her heart. It's why I can't marry her."

  Her parents had started shouting then that there was nothing wrong with their daughter, and the crowd had gone crazy with accusations against both bride and groom, as well as their families.

  His father's face had turned bright red from rage. "Boy, you better turn around right now and--"

  "I'm gay, Father. And I can't enter into marriage with Tams when I know I can never be the husband she wants or deserves." The moment those words had left his lips, silence ripped through the entire building.

  For a full minute no one spoke or moved. Hell, Darling didn't t
hink anyone even breathed.

  Then the cacophony returned at twice the volume and violence it'd been before. Out of nowhere, Kyr had lunged at Maris. Acting on pure instinct, Darling had grabbed Maris and pulled him out of his brother's reach.

  Kyr had whirled on him then, and they'd fought for a few minutes, until Kyr had stabbed at Darling's groin, narrowly missing it. The knife had gone straight into his thigh. But instead of pulling it out and trying again, Kyr had twisted the blade, then plunged it into his thigh again and again... three times, causing a star-shaped scar.

  Darling couldn't remember the insults Kyr had growled out at him as he'd stabbed him. But he'd never forgotten the momentary fear of thinking Kyr had sliced through his femoral artery, and that he'd be dead within seconds.

  Since that day, they'd been bitter enemies.

  Yet none of that changed the fact that Kyr was Maris's older brother. A brother Maris had once worshiped and looked up to.

  Now as they walked down the hallway to set up a fight to the death against Kyr, Darling draped his arm around Maris's shoulders. "I know you still love your brother, Mari."

  He would never begrudge his friend those feelings.

  Maris took the hand Darling had on his shoulder and held it tight. "Family is so complicated."

  Darling laughed bitterly. "Tell me about it."

  Maris pulled him to a stop, then turned Darling to face him. "But you... you've never once disappointed me. You've always been a much better friend to me than I have ever been to you."

  Darling scoffed. "Completely not true. I wouldn't be here if not for you. I'd have died a long time ago and you know it." He fell silent for a moment as he remembered all the times in his life Maris had been there for him... Like supporting his weight after they'd freed him from the Resistance. Visiting him in the hospital after his suicide attempts and his uncle's violence. Of Maris sitting with him for hours after Darling had buried his father...

  Most of all, he remembered Maris braving his fury to return Zarya to his life.

  For that alone, he owed Mari more than he could ever repay.

  "At the absolute worst moments of my life, Mari, you've always come through for me. Always." Just like now. His entire world was falling apart and spiraling out of control.

  And instead of running from the suicide mission they were about to embark on, Maris was standing by his side. Ready for battle.

  While life had done its best to drive him to his knees and break every part of him, Maris had been his sole support who never faltered or hesitated.

  Maris pulled him into a tight hug. "We're going to get our lady and bring her home, Darling. I promise you."

  Darling clung to Maris as all of his fears and emotions shredded him. It was a weakness he'd never allow anyone else to see. Tears swam in his eyes. "I can't live without her, Mari," he whispered. "I can't. She has to be all right. The thought of anything else..."

  Maris tightened his arms around him.

  "I am so incredibly confused."

  Blinking away his tears, Darling burst out laughing at Drake's befuddled exclamation from the opposite hallway. With a shake of his head to clear his vision, he leaned against Maris and met his brother's fierce scowl. "Yes, little brother, I'm that confidently heterosexual that I can hug my best friend in public and not feel awkward while doing it."

  "Yeah, I can hug a guy, too. Just not nipple to nipple." Drake shivered in revulsion. "That's just a little too much bromancy for me, thank you very much."

  Laughing, Maris held his hand out to Drake who took it without hesitation. He pulled Drake toward him, then hugged him with one arm while keeping their crossed hands trapped between their bodies so that their chests didn't touch. "Don't worry, Drake. Even nipple to nipple, you wouldn't turn me on."

  His expression offended, Drake stepped back. "I don't believe you for even a second, Mari. I ooze sexy animal magnetism."

  Darling rolled his eyes at Drake's arrogance. "Excuse me, little brother? Not to tear down your epic ego or anything, but... Mari and I have gotten more women as gay men than you have ever gotten with all that oozing sexy animal whatever."

  Maris concurred, then stepped forward to whisper loudly. "And if it is oozing, sweetie, you really should see a doctor about it. I'm told they have medication for things like that nowadays."

  "Oh dear gods, what did I just walk in on?" Annalise pressed her hands to her ears and started singing out loud as she continued on her way down the hall, past them.

  Maris gave Darling a lopsided grin. "I think we may have scarred her for life."

  Darling shrugged. "I wouldn't worry about it. I'm pretty sure I ruined her years ago." Grateful for the temporary break in the melancholia that had been his life since Zarya had been taken, he met Drake's gaze. "Did you need something?"

  "Yeah. I was coming to let you know that Giran has finally assembled the CDS in the south council hall. They're waiting for you."

  Maris sighed. "Do you know what you're going to say to them?" he asked Darling.

  If he'd been his father, Darling would have had a prepared speech ready. Something profound, that would unify the people and build their confidence.

  Unfortunately, he flew by the seat of his pants, and would rather speak from his heart.

  "Not a clue."

  "Oh good." Maris elbowed Drake. "You get the drinks and I'll bring the snacks. This is going to be a great show."

  Darling wasn't amused. He felt more like he was heading toward an execution.

  Might as well get it over with. Besides, whatever he said wouldn't matter to more than half of them. They were going to hate him regardless. There was nothing he could do or say to sway them to his cause. With a deep breath, Darling changed course for the south hallway. Instead of going to his guard to rally them, he was now going to try and...

  Not get politically assassinated in the media again.

  It didn't take him long to reach the south hall where everyone waited. Maris and Drake stayed at his back while his real royal guards opened the doors for his admittance. He was still getting used to them doing that, and treating him with respect and deference--something Harren had somehow miraculously induced. But it was hard to undo a lifetime of ridicule in just a few weeks. A part of him kept waiting for their contempt to kick in.

  Just as he waited to hear it from the assembled gerents as he entered the chamber hall.

  They remained quiet with only a few of them throwing belligerent glares toward him. Ignoring them, he descended the row of stairs to take his throne at the front of their seats. Maris moved to stand to his right while Drake stood on his left.

  The gerents sat down after he did.

  And still not a single sound could be heard. Not even the rustle of fabric.

  Giran came down the main row that divided the room. He bowed low before Darling, then moved off to the side so as not to give Darling his back--an act of supreme reverence and respect.

  Clearing his throat, he went to the podium to address the others. "I want to thank all of you for coming out so quickly."

  Darling would dispute two weeks as being quick, but he held his tongue. No need in being the first one to start the name-calling. See what happens when they don't fear you'll blow them up? They take their sweet time with assembly. Unlike the first time when he'd been able to get them together in only a few hours...

  "As all of you know," Giran continued, "we are being occupied by foreign soldiers, and many of us have family who are now in League custody as political hostages to guarantee our cooperation. Governor Cruel--"

  "He's the problem!"

  "They wouldn't be here if not for him!"

  "I say we give him over to the League, then they'll release our people."

  Giran held his hands up to silence the angry barrage. "We are the reason the League is here!" He shouted over them until they settled down. "The governor had nothing to do with this. He knew what would happen if we asked for their intervention, and he tried to stop us. We are the on
es who invited them in without his consent or knowledge."

  He swept the crowd with a fierce scowl. "And I know no one in this room is stupid enough to really believe that all the League wants is Governor Cruel. In fact, it is my concrete conclusion that he is the only hope we have of getting our families back, ever--something he has graciously offered to do. For. Us. And I think we should listen to what it is he now proposes."

  A few people let out noises of disapproval, but those stopped as soon as the doors opened to admit what appeared to be the entire Caronese royal guard.

  For a moment, Darling expected them to attack or arrest him. He'd never seen that many guards at once, except at state functions or during arms' displays. And anytime more than two approached him, he'd been seized and thrown to the ground, then hauled to wherever his uncle was waiting for him.

  But they didn't attack.

  Instead, they came forward to sink to one knee before his throne, and respectfully bow their heads. Darling had an urge to turn around to see if Nykyrian or someone else was standing behind him. But his throne was pushed against the wall. There was no one there.

  They really are kneeling to me.

  What a mind freak that was...

  High Commander Brenton rose to his feet and snapped to a military formal stance. "We are here, Your Majesty, to support whatever military action you wish to take." He swept his arm out to indicate the men and women with him. "All of us have taken a new blood oath to lay down our lives in service for you. Long reign Emperor Darling Cruel!"

  The soldiers with him let out a cry of support.

  Yeah, the god Kere was definitely wearing snow gear today.

  For them to call him emperor was the ultimate show of respect and support. It was a title reserved for only a small percentage of his family. And no Cruel in the last thousand years had been deemed worthy of it. Unlike governor which was an inherited title, emperor could only be conferred by a unanimous vote between the guard and the five leaders of the CDS.

  Stunned to the core of his being, Darling looked over to Captain Harren. He was sure the captain was behind this. He had to be.

  Ever since the captain, under Darling's orders, had found that both Preskitt and Xheris had been viciously wounded by the assassins who'd attacked Darling, his attitude had changed. But for his following Darling's orders, both men would have died. And since Xheris was his younger brother...