Page 13 of Just One Drop

  They all laughed, albeit a bit nervously.

  "Well, it looks like they're going to have some dancing so we won't keep you, but I hope that we can get to know one another," Tanya told her.

  "That sounds nice," Jacque said truthfully. "I'm sure we can have lunch or something."

  "Great," Tanya responded with another warm smile.

  Jacque and Fane headed back to where their pack waited.

  "Well, that wasn't as bad as you thought, was it?" Fane asked as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  "She was nicer than I expected," she admitted.

  "You want me there when you have lunch with her?"

  Jacque grinned up at him. "Always my protector."

  Fane's face grew serious. "Always, love."

  Once the room had been arranged so that there was room to dance, they watched as a new table was rolled in with stereo equipment on it.

  "We're fixing to jam." Crina smiled.

  "What exactly do you think they are going to let us jam to?" Sally asked.

  Jen caught Costin's eye and waved him over. She wasn't taking chances with the music. "Hey, see if they will let you provide the music," she told him.

  "I didn't bring any music, Jen."

  Jen held up her iPhone, shaking it from side to side. "Gotcha covered, my furry friend."

  Costin winced at the nickname, but smiled as he took her phone. "I'll hook us up." They both laughed at him using the slang she had taught them earlier that day, when all hell broke loose. Who knew teaching slang to foreign werewolves could be detrimental to your health? Jen shrugged to herself.

  "So, ladies." Jen turned towards the group of girls spreading her arms wide, and in one of those amazing moments when things line up perfectly, she said, "Let's dance," just as the music started pounding through the subs. Jen grinned. "Yeah, I'm that good."

  Sally and Crina were the first to step up. Crina took off onto the open floor, arms in the air, body moving to the beat as Jason Derulo's voice blasted through the speakers. Sally squealed, "I love this song!" and headed to the dance floor, swinging her hips. Jen gave a short nod to Jacque, who kissed Fane and then headed towards her.

  "Mariana." Jen motioned. "Come on, chick, we're going to bring the house down."

  Mariana laughed. "Alright, you're on."

  All three girls headed to where Sally and Crina were dancing and more guys and girls joined in.

  They all danced and laughed and danced some more. Jen couldn't remember when she'd had so much fun. Costin turned out to be an amazing dancer and was nearly always in the middle of the bunch, breaking it down.

  The next song came on and Jen froze. Sally and Jacque's heads snapped around as Katy Perry's voice filled the room – to be specific, Katy Perry's “ET” filled the room. Jen's two best friends looked at her as they, too, stopped moving. Everyone else was still swaying with the beat like a sea tossing with the wind. Jen watched as Sally and Jacque's eyes got wider and wider.

  "Damn," Jen muttered under her breath just as strong arms came around her and she felt warm breath against her neck.

  "I believe this is our song," Decebel purred in her ear. Jen swore at any moment she was going to be a puddle on the floor and Jacque would have to sop her up with some Bounty paper towels. Why she thought specifically of Bounty paper towels, she had no idea. She was trying really hard to focus on anything but Decebel's warmth against her. To her complete mortification he began to move…with the beat. Sally and Jacque's jaws dropped.

  Jen mouthed, "Save me," to her two best friends, but evil traitors that they were, they both started dancing and completely ignored her plea. Oh, those two heifers are going down, she promised herself.

  After a few moments, Jen decided she could either look goofy standing stiff while Decebel danced or she could throw caution to the wind and bring it.

  Mind made up, Jen turned in his arms and began to sway with the music. She smiled to herself; she always liked throwing caution to the wind. She raised her arms in the air as she swayed and moved. Decebel had his hands on her hips, moving with her, and being the gentleman that he was, he left room between their bodies. Which, Jen kept telling herself, she was glad about it…until she looked over and saw the wolf-princess and her fur ball dancing close, very close. Stupid mated, married ginger, she thought, but chuckled all the same at how happy Jacque and Fane were. When the song ended Decebel stopped, but didn't let go of her.

  They stood like that, looking at each other. Jen had no idea how long they would have continued it but Damion showed up, requesting that dance he had asked her to save. As Decebel reluctantly stepped away Jen thought, Well, if we just sort of dance together but not touch, it should be okay. Yeah, that idea flew out the door, nearly smacking her in the face on its way, when a slow song came on. She groaned inwardly, and groaned again when she realized what song it was. “Fall for You,” by Second Hand Serenade.

  Damion pulled her quickly into his arms as Decebel backed away, never turning or taking his eyes off of them.

  Jen finally pulled her eyes away from Decebel when Damion spoke.

  "You're an amazing dancer."

  Jen smiled, hoping it looked genuine. "Thanks. I love to dance. To just let go and lose yourself in the music," she was rambling. Well, anyone would ramble if they were in the arms of a werewolf while the werewolf you wanted to be with stared daggers at you. Who am I kidding? Jen thought. No one else is dealing with wanting a werewolf. Nope, other girls my age are swooning after the jocks, or the artsy guys who play in bands, normal guys.

  She looked over at Decebel again when Damion turned them. She watched his strong jaw tense and his chest flex as he crossed his arms. But who wants normal when you can have that? She grinned at her thoughts. That smile was wiped off her face quickly as Jen watched another female walk up to Decebel. She was standing much too close for Jen's liking. Just then, Damion turned them again and she lost them briefly. When she had them in her sights again she watched as Decebel led the girl by the hand to the dance floor. Jen was beginning to see red. She hadn't realized she'd stopped dancing until Damion spoke.

  "Jen, are you alright?

  Jen couldn't take her eyes off of Decebel as she watched him take the brunette in his arms. She felt like she had been punched in the stomach. She was trying to breathe but she couldn't seem to get any air in.

  "Jen?" Damion's voice was beginning to sound worried.

  "Damion, what's wrong?" Jen heard Sally's voice but still could not respond. Decebel must have felt her stare because his head snapped up and their eyes locked. Jen didn't want him to see her jealousy or the hurt inside at seeing another in his arms. She knew she didn't have a right to be mad. She had been dancing with a guy, after all, but that didn't matter at the moment. Her better judgment was out on a coffee break.

  "Jen!" Jacque snapped her fingers in front of her face.

  Sally followed Jen's stare and shook her head. "This is not good, Jacque, so not good."

  Finally Jen pulled her eyes away from the offending sight.

  "I think I'm going to call it a night."

  "Jen, don't let him ruin your evening," Jacque pleaded.

  "I'm not, Jac, really. I'm just tired." Jen's excuse was weak at best, but there was no way she could stay here and watch Decebel dance with other girls. Nope, not happening, she told herself. Before her friends or Damion could stop her, she turned and quickly left the dance floor, making a beeline for the exit.

  Chapter 15

  Decebel watched as Jennifer left the dance floor at a brisk walk. It was obvious to him that she really wanted to sprint but was trying to be inconspicuous, and failing miserably. He stepped away from Sasha, the female who had asked him to dance.

  "I'm sorry, Sasha, but I need to be excused." Decebel turned before she could say anything in return.

  He was cut off from following Jennifer when Sally and Jacque stepped in front of him, hands on their hips and eyes narrowed. They were not happy with him.
  "I need to speak with her," he told them, knowing they'd watched the whole scene on the dance floor.

  "Why?" Sally challenged, and it made Decebel's wolf perk up. "So you can tell her how you don't want to pursue these feelings between you? So you can flirt with her only to tell her you aren't interested? So you can tell her not to look elsewhere even though you don’t want her!" Sally was fuming by the end of her speech.

  "I WANT HER!" Decebel growled. Everyone around them got quiet and Decebel realized his canines had lowered. He took several deep breaths and pulled himself together.

  Fane walked up and looked at Decebel and then the girls. "I think we should step out." He motioned towards the door and all of them filed out.

  Once in the entry way Decebel turned to Sally. "I apologize for raising my voice at you, I just -" Decebel didn't want to bare his soul to Sally or Jacque or Fane. He wanted Jennifer. He wanted to tell her that she nearly ripped his heart out when she looked at him like he had betrayed her when he took Sasha in his arms. He wanted to tell her that his skin crawled at the contact of another and it took everything in him not to push Sasha away. He wanted to make her understand that he was going mad seeing her touching other males. But there were no mating signs. The Alphas would consider them unmated and that made them both fair game.

  Most Alphas did not allow pack members to fraternize with someone who was not a true mate. They saw it as purposeless. So their argument would be that if he and Jen pursued each other with no signs that they were true mates then they might be keeping the other from meeting their mate.

  Decebel hadn't been at The Gathering for twelve hours and already he knew he wouldn't be able to do this.

  "Decebel, maybe you should just give her some time," Jacque was telling him, pulling him from his thoughts. But he knew that if he left Jennifer to think on this all night she would not cool off. No, he had to talk to her. Now.

  "I'm sorry, Jacque, but I have to disagree. She needs to hear what I have to say." Decebel walked around the baffled Jacque, and past Fane and Sally. He took the stairs two at a time, moving silently towards Jennifer's room.

  He didn't really know what he was going to say to her. All he knew was that somehow he had to smooth this over. He arrived at her door and didn't bother knocking, he figured she was used to it by now and loved to see the spark in her eyes when she got irritated with him about it.

  However, when Decebel stepped into her room Jennifer was nowhere to be seen. He walked over to her closet and gently knocked on it, there was no response. He pulled the door open to find it full of clothes, ones that even at first glance he could tell he wasn't going to like her wearing out in public, but Jennifer was not there. He stepped back and debated on whether he should wait or go looking for her. He decided he was going to go look for her when her door opened and in she walked.

  They both froze when their eyes met, and Decebel swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest.

  "Dec," she began.

  "Come take a walk with me," Decebel interrupted her and surprised himself by his invitation at the same time.

  "What?" she asked, clearly confused by his request.

  "Please." Decebel took a step towards her. He thought it a good sign that she didn't take a step back, so he continued to move towards her.

  When he reached her side he gently took her arm and tucked it into his.

  They walked in silence, neither really knowing where to begin. Decebel led her to the indoor garden room that he was sure she didn't know anything about, but felt she would really like. He opened the door and gestured for her to enter. He wasn't disappointed by her response.

  Jen stepped into the room as Decebel held the door for her. She didn't know why she had accepted his invitation to walk with him. Yeah, Jen. Just keep lying to yourself if it helps you sleep better at night, she chided herself.

  Jen couldn't help the breath that escaped her lungs as she entered what felt like a whole other world. There were plants everywhere – tall plants full of big leaves, small plants with delicate flowers blooming in every color you could imagine. There was even grass, thick, plush dark green grass. There was a pebbled path that wound through the indoor garden and she lost sight of it as the vegetation swallowed it up. She continued on down the path, curious as to where it would lead. She could feel Decebel's eyes on her from behind as he followed her but she didn't bother to look back at him. Jen felt like a kid in a candy store. Her head turned from side to side, trying to absorb every little thing. She saw that along the right side of the garden a small brook bubbled and water flowed gently down over rocks and plants. She came around a curve and there in the center was a gazebo with a swing hanging in the center of it. There were deep green vines growing all around the gazebo, holding it like a lover's embrace.

  She followed the path to the steps of the gazebo and climbed them. Finally she turned and faced Decebel as she sat down on the swing. Decebel slowly climbed the stairs and the look in his eyes made Jen feel like prey. She shivered and noticed his lips quirk up ever so slightly. Cocky fur-ball, she growled inwardly.

  He sat down on the swing and the next words out of his mouth took her breath away.

  "I want you."

  Jen stopped breathing. Not by choice, she just couldn't. It was like his words had flipped a switch in her and everything that required her brain to run just shut off.

  "Jennifer." Her name on his lips, the intensity in his voice had her looking up at him. "Breathe, Jennifer."

  "I don't understand, Decebel."

  "I don't either," he admitted. "I'm sorry if my dancing with Sasha hurt you."

  Jen's mouth tensed at the name of the other female on his lips.

  "I don't have any right to be hurt." Jen tried to act like she didn't care but then decided she wasn't going to do this. She wasn't going to play games, not with Decebel. "Okay, it hurt." She angled her body so that she was more fully facing him. "In my mind I know that it shouldn't matter who you dance with. In my mind I get that I have no claim on you, okay? Honestly, I do. But damn if my heart could care less what my mind is telling it." Jen knew she was running the risk of sounding like a needy girl, but it was day one of hell week and if they were going to make it to day seven in one piece, then it was time to lay it on the line. She started to continue but Decebel stopped her with a finger to her lips.

  "I need you to know this because when you see me touching, dancing, or talking to another girl, I need you to remind yourself that I've told you – I want you." Decebel paused and took a breath. He had decided during the walk from her room to the garden that he was just going to be honest, no more holding back, no more trying to deal. He was too old to leave things to chance and regardless of his fears he knew that he wouldn't leave Jennifer's safety in the hands of another, "Despite how we feel towards one another, the Alphas are looking for mating signs. The closest thing we have to that is the strong pull we both feel and the way you smell."

  Jen jerked. "I smell?"

  Decebel chuckled. "Not bad, I assure you." He sounded slightly disappointed by this fact.

  "You want me to smell bad?" Her brow furrowed. She really didn't know where he was going with this.

  Decebel leaned towards her and pressed his nose to the flesh of her neck and took a deep breath. Chill bumps broke out all over Jen's skin and she was trying, mildly unsuccessfully, not to hyperventilate at his close proximity.

  "You're scent is intoxicating to me," Decebel growled as he drew away from her reluctantly. "Mates have a certain scent that they only smell on one another. I only just noticed that your scent changed, became stronger. Do I have a scent to you?" Decebel asked curiously.

  Jen could have stopped the blush that seeped into her cheeks about as well as she could stop a freight train with her bare hands.

  "Woodsy and spicy," she admitted.

  Decebel looked thoughtful. "Hmm, interesting."

  "So you're saying the Alphas won't allow us to opt out of The Gathering just because
of our attraction to one another?" She asked.

  "Right." Decebel leaned back against the swing and draped his arm over the edge. His eyes were drawn to Jennifer's bare back and his mind couldn't help but imagine his markings on her beautiful, pale skin. Before he knew what he was doing he was tracing a pattern on her back gently with the tip of his finger.

  Jen froze as she felt Decebel's warm finger tip on her back. He's trying to kill me, she decided. He figures if he just tortures me to death then I'll be out of the picture and poof, problem solved…although death by Decebel doesn't sound too bad at the moment. Jen snorted at her thoughts, but thankfully Decebel didn't stop the swirling stroke of his finger.

  "So what I'm telling you, Jennifer," Decebel's voice was deep and raspy, "is that I want to see where this goes between us. I want to get to know you better and spend time with you. But we are both going to have to endure the other being in the company of more than one suitor. As it is, we have both demonstrated that it is more than difficult for us."

  Jen closed her eyes. The combination of his deep voice and finger making swirly patterns on her back was pure torture. Exquisite, perfect, wonderful torture. She heard his words but couldn't bring herself to acknowledge them at the moment.

  "Jennifer?" Her name was nearly a whisper on his lips.

  "Hmm?" Her head lulled around on her neck until she had swung it around to look back at him. "If you want me to be able to hold any semblance of an intelligent conversation with you then you are going to have to quit that."