Page 14 of Winter Ice

  And his tunnel vision had extended to Sophie, who had never done anything wrong. She'd offered him kindness, magic and love, and he'd tossed them back at her as if her gifts meant nothing.

  Fuck! What the hell was wrong with him? He was thirty-five years old and hadn't learned a goddamned thing his entire life. The truth had been there, staring at him, since he was a kid, but he'd stubbornly refused to see it.

  His mother was right. It was time to grow up and face his responsibilities.

  Time to open his mind and his heart to the possibilities around him, before he lost everything he loved.

  He went in search of his mother. She'd reentered the reception and was busily playing hostess, making sure all the guests had been warmly greeted.

  "Mother, may I have a moment?" he asked.

  She looked at him warily, but nodded, allowing him to lead her to the corner of the room.


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  He could have spent an hour apologizing for being an asshole for thirty-five years, but he knew they'd have more time to talk later. Instead, he did the one thing he knew would convince her of his sincerity.

  Letting the magic surround him, he created a tiny ice sculpture and placed it in her hands. Two lovers were intertwined in a loving embrace on a crystal rock. They looked a lot like him and Sophie. "You were right."

  Smiling at her stunned expression, he kissed her on the cheek and went in search of the other woman he loved.


  Winter Ice

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sophie warily watched Logan's determined approach across the room. She maneuvered herself a bit behind Kaitlyn so he wouldn't spot her.

  "He already knows exactly where you are," Kaitlyn said, moving away so that Sophie was once again in Logan's line of sight.

  "I don't want to talk to him."

  "Yes, you do. And that's what scares you."

  She turned to Kaitlyn and shrugged. "What else is there to say? Is he going to apologize? That's not what I want. He might even tell me to stay the hell out of his family's life."

  Kaitlyn took her hand. "He's not going to say any such thing. And if he did it wouldn't matter. You're family to us, Sophie. Whether Logan pulls his head out of his ass long enough to realize that or not doesn't matter. You'll still be a part of our lives."

  Her soul warmed at the acceptance she'd received from the Storm family. She'd miss them, but there was no way she could continue to be around them if Logan wasn't in her life.

  And no way was Logan going to be in her life. He'd made that abundantly clear to her.

  "I'll bet you that he does want you."

  "You're on. No way could he ignore me like this unless he wanted me out of his life."

  Kaitlyn waved her hand. "Logan doesn't know what he wants unless you bash him upside the head with a two-by-four."


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  Sophie laughed. "I'm not the bashing type. I tried and failed, and I'm not going to ask for his heart again."

  "You won't have to."

  She whirled around, heating in embarrassment as she found Logan standing in front of her. Obviously, he'd heard what she said.

  Idiot. When would she learn to keep her thoughts to herself?

  "Excuse us, Kait," he said, taking Sophie by the hand and pulling her onto the dance floor.

  A slow, seductive jazz song began to play. Logan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. Unless she was determined to cause a scene, Sophie had no choice but to dance with him. Her heart began to pound when he rested his palm on her lower back.

  He smelled so good, looked so fine, this just wasn't fair! How would she ever get Logan out of her mind, her heart, her very soul?

  "You look beautiful."

  Comments like that didn't help at all. "Stop playing with me, Logan. Please."

  He frowned. "I'm not playing with you, Sophie. You do look beautiful."

  "You can't turn on the heat and charm one minute, then freeze me out the next. I'm sorry, I just can't deal with this any longer."

  She pushed firmly at his chest, disentangling herself from his embrace. With as much dignity as she could muster, she hurried from the ballroom and ran toward the elevators, mindful of people watching her.

  But she had to escape. She couldn't deal with this any longer. Pain stabbed at her, regret filled her, and the sense of loss nearly sent her to her knees.

  Logan caught up with her just as the doors were closing. He slipped inside the elevator and pushed the button to his suite.

  "Go away," she said, refusing to let him see her with tears in her eyes.


  Winter Ice

  "No. I'm not going away. Not until you listen to me."

  When the doors opened to her floor, Logan moved in front of them, blocking her exit.

  "Let me go."

  "No. Come up to my suite with me."

  She crossed her arms and shook her head. "No."


  She pushed past him, but a wall of ice appeared in the doorway. Turning her head to glare at him, she said, "Remove it."

  "No. You won't cooperate, so I'm kidnapping you."

  The doors closed behind him, and Sophie figured she'd just let him get out at the penthouse, then she'd ride back down to her floor.

  She wasn't going to continue this charade with him. After completely ignoring her, now he wanted her attention? And they said women were difficult to understand.

  When the doors opened at the penthouse floor, he took her hand. She pulled it back.

  He reached for her again, but she pushed at his chest. "I'm not going with you, Logan."

  "Yes, Sophie. You are. We have unfinished business, and by God we're going to finish it tonight."

  Before she could object he'd tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of grain.

  "Put me down, Logan!"

  He didn't answer, just moved to his suite and slid the key in the lock.

  He didn't put her down when he walked inside and shut the door, either. Instead, he moved into the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

  "What? You want one last fuck before you tell me to get lost? I'm not that easy, Logan."

  "No, in fact you're one of the most difficult women I've ever known."


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  Ha! He thought her difficult? He should have been looking in the mirror when he said that. "This is ridiculous. Why prolong this? It's over. You've made that more than clear enough that even a fool like me can see it."

  She started to scramble off the bed, but his words stopped her.

  "I was afraid."


  "I was afraid. Afraid of myself, my capabilities. Afraid of your magic, too. Mostly I was afraid of how you made me feel."

  Instead of bolting, she sat. "Go on."

  "I was also so afraid of losing you that I walked away." He ran his fingers through his thick, dark hair. "I've screwed up my whole life, Sophie. I've been afraid to use my magic, afraid what would happen if I found a woman to love. And when I found her, I hurt her, badly."

  Sophie's throat went dry. "I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, Logan."

  "Of course you don't understand, because I'm not very good at this."

  "You're not very good at what?"

  "At telling a woman that I love her. I've never done it before."

  Her entire world turned upside down. Her chest tightened. How could sweet words of love hurt so damn bad? " love me?"

  Logan kneeled beside the bed and took Sophie's hand, cradling it between his palms. "Yes, Sophie Breaux. I love you. I have never loved another woman before, so this is unfamiliar territory for me."

  She knew the feeling. "Logan, I--"

  "Wait. Let me finish first. When I met you, you stunned me. Your sexuality, your free spirit, your acceptance of who and what you were. All of those things were polar opposites of me. I purposely kept myself removed from romanc
e, from love, because I 156

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  was afraid of falling in love with someone, then bringing children into the world who would inherit my powers."

  "Your powers are magical gifts, Logan."

  He nodded. "I finally understand that. But I didn't before. And there was no way I would allow someone into my heart. Then I met you."

  The way he looked at her melted her from the inside out. Heat, passion, those things she loved so much about him, but also something new in his eyes that she hadn't seen before.

  Warmth. And love.

  "I love you, Logan Storm. I've loved you since before I met you, when you were nothing but a vision in my dreams."

  "I know you do. And I'm not worthy of your love. But if you'll give me a second chance, I will right all the wrongs, and spend the rest of our lives trying to make up for hurting you."

  She kneeled and opened her arms. Logan pulled her tightly against him, crushing his mouth to hers. He stole her breath with a kiss that poured out his heart to her. She accepted it willingly, feeling his powers mingle with hers.

  When they broke apart, she searched his face, touching his jawline and tracing his lips. "There is nothing to forgive. You needed only to realize who you were."

  "And I hurt you during that journey."

  "I'm strong, Logan. I can take it."

  "I hope so. I'm not easy to get along with. I can be cold, forgetful of others'


  "Tell me something I don't know," she said, grinning and kissing him.

  "Marry me, Sophie," he said. "Teach me how to be a good partner. Help me learn about my magic, and give me children before I'm too damn old."

  She laughed. "Gladly. Would you like to start on the children part now?"


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  His gaze went from hopeful to smoldering in an instant. "Hell, yeah. Let's make some babies, cher."

  Clothes were removed quickly, her dress floating to the floor to rest on top of Logan's tux. When they came together, their naked bodies touching, Sophie soared, feeling the magic leave her body and swirl in the air above them. It mixed with the heady frost of Logan's powers, and she blinked as the first snow crystal fell against her face.

  Laughing, she reveled in the storm of flakes falling around them, realizing it meant a release of Logan's inhibitions about his magic. She wasn't cold at all, in fact she was heating up steadily by the second.

  It came down harder and faster until the room was blanketed in a winter wonderland. Sheets of snow piled against the walls. The furniture surrounding them dripped in icicles as the snow continued to fall so heavily she could barely see Logan.

  She pulled him on top of her, loving the feel of his body covering hers, their skin touching in every place possible. Cold mixed with heat as they slid over each other, their breath a thick fog as they stared into each other's eyes.

  "I missed this, cher," he murmured, nuzzling her neck with cool, tingling lips.

  She shivered at the contact of his tongue against her skin. "Me, too. When you're not around, I feel cold."

  He raised up to gaze into her eyes. "You'd think you'd feel cold when I'm around."

  "Oh, no, Logan. You bring warmth to my life."

  An indescribable emotion showed in his eyes. "I love you, Sophie. Thank you for not giving up on me so easily."

  Reaching up to caress his face, she said, "I couldn't. I wanted you, and I felt we belonged together."

  "You're much better at this than I am."

  "I'll teach you everything you need to know."


  Winter Ice

  "You do that."

  Laughing, he reached for a pile of snow and covered her breasts. She squealed and tried to move away, but he pinned her arms, watching the snow melt, drawing her nipples into tight peaks. She shivered with delight and waited impatiently for his mouth.

  Shock made her tremble at the first contact of his heated lips against her icy nipples.

  Where once he was cold, he now burned her alive.

  He slipped his knee between her legs, his cock brushing her aching sex. She arched her hips toward him, needing him inside her more than she needed a breath. "Please, Logan, hurry."

  "Ever feel something cold inside your hot pussy?" he asked, bracing his arms on either side of her and rocking against her clit.

  Showers of pleasure rained down on her body. "No."

  "Good." He slid into her, his cock like solid ice.

  Sophie gasped at the sensation of cold within her heat. Her juices melted all over his frigid cock and she cried out as an orgasm tunneled through her, leaving her trembling.

  "Damn, woman," Logan muttered. "You're so fucking hot on my dick." In response, he thrust hard and deep, pulling out and thrusting again, taking her back to a frenzied state of arousal.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, she fucked his shaft, grabbing it, squeezing it, its frigid temperature slowly warming until he was burning her on the inside. She was going to come again!

  "Not this time, mon amour. This time, let's make you wait a bit."

  She could have sobbed when he withdrew from her, but then he pulled her off the bed, dragging her into the living room.

  "Logan, where are we going?"


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  "You'll see." He took her to the chair built for two, a wider version of a single, well-cushioned recliner. "Bend over."

  He directed her to lay her stomach over the top of the snow-covered cushions.

  Grateful for the cooling relief of the icy flakes, she braced her hands on the arms of the chair and waited while he probed between her legs. Anticipation filled her and she rocked back, searching for his body.

  "Beautiful, baby. Just beautiful," he said, then settled firmly against her and drove his cock deep.

  She couldn't help it. The position was so intense and allowed him a deeper penetration than anything she'd ever felt before. She screamed, digging her nails into the cushions of the chair as he rocked against her. She met his thrusts with equal fervor, lifting her buttocks to drive her pussy harder against his cock.

  "Keep doing that and I'm going to come," he said, his voice tight with barely leashed control.

  "Then come in me, Logan," she pleaded. "Come now."

  "Touch yourself for me, Sophie. Let me feel that sweet cunt squeeze the life right out of my cock."

  She did, sliding one hand between her legs and massaging her clit with rapid strokes. Coupled with Logan's pistoning thrusts, she was close. So very close.

  In the back of her mind was the thought that they could make a baby tonight. What better way for two people to share their love?

  "Harder," she moaned, needing more. She quickened the strokes along her clit, reaching further to feel his shaft pulling out and sliding inside her again. It was wet with her cream, her juices flowing over his balls and between her legs.

  "Ah, yes, touch my cock, Sophie. Feel how wet you make it."

  He joined her, tangling his fingers around the shaft, sliding them inside her to couple with the driving thrusts of his cock. Then he took the juices from his fingers and 160

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  spread them between the cheeks of her buttocks, working his finger slowly and gently into her anus.

  Sweat poured off his chest, spilling onto her back and mixing with her own heated perspiration.

  In response to her heated state, Logan called forth a new deluge of icy rain, hammering it over their bodies in cooling relief.

  "So hot," he murmured, tunneling his finger all the way into her ass. She closed around him, squeezing him, but he was relentless, driving in and out of her anus while his shaft continued to pummel her repeatedly. "So fucking hot."

  A strong gust of chilled wind swirled around them, pellets of ice dropping onto her back, cooling her fiery skin.

  This was either heaven or hell, and she no longer cared. Her womb clenched in spasms, driving her climax and shatter
ing her last vestiges of control.

  "I'm coming, Logan!" she cried, wanting him to come with her.

  He reared back and plunged deeply inside her once, twice, three times. Then he stilled, letting her ride out her orgasm while he spilled his seed inside her.

  The ice stopped falling, the wind died down, and Logan's heated body rested on top of her back. His heart pounded a staccato beat against her, mirroring her own rapidly panting breaths.

  When reality came back to her, he straightened, turning her around in his arms and kissing her with love, passion, and a promise that tasted oh-so-sweet on his lips.

  "I hate to tell you this," he whispered against her lips. "But we're supposed to be at a wedding reception."

  She laughed. "Oh yeah. I somehow forgot about that. You think they'd miss us if we didn't come back?"

  "Probably. But I'd rather stay holed up in here the rest of the night and make love to you."


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  She closed her eyes, absorbing the love that he now gave so freely. When she opened them again, she reached for his cheek and caressed it softly. "I'd like that too.

  And we will. But let's go downstairs and celebrate with your brother and your new sister-in-law."

  They cleaned up and dressed quickly. Sophie stood in the bathroom fixing the tendrils of hair that had come loose. When she looked in the mirror, she couldn't believe her own face.

  A blush stained her dark cheeks and her eyes were filled with liquid warmth.

  She felt almost giddy, like a child who'd just been given a wonderful gift.

  Logan held her hand as they took the elevator downstairs to the lobby and made their way to the ballroom. He didn't let go even after they walked through the double doors to the reception.

  Sophie watched the people looking at them. Some arched brows in surprise, some just grinned. Especially his family, who surrounded them when they got to the table.

  "So, my brother finally grabs a clue," Shannon said, squeezing his arm and kissing his cheek.

  "Apparently," Logan said, seemingly not the least bit insulted.

  Angelina and Galen nodded at both of them, their faces shining with happiness.

  Logan picked up a glass of champagne. "While I have you all here, I have an announcement to make. I'm only saying this in front of family right now, because this is Aidan and Lissa's day, but it's important for you to know."

  He paused, looked at Sophie and said, "I love this woman, with all my heart. I've asked her to marry me and she's foolishly agreed to put up with me for the rest of her life."