Page 21 of Addicted to Outrage

  Quoting from Dugin’s own book, researcher and author James Heiser noted the most chilling final solution at the end of Dugin’s rainbow:

  “The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain. The end will never come if we wait for it, and it will never come if we do not. . . . The end of days should come, but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is an active metaphysics. It is a practice.”

  The true insidious nature of Dugin’s philosophy is made clear in this final cheerful thought from the man Putin refers to as Russia’s greatest thinker and father of his well-funded and Kremlin-endorsed Eurasian Project:

  “The meaning of Russia is that through the Russian people will be realized the last thought of God, the thought of the End of the World. . . . Death is the way to immortality. Love will begin when the world ends. We must long for it, like true Christians. . . . We are uprooting the accursed Tree of Knowledge. With it will perish the Universe.”

  So, for Dugin, as with many other meta-environmentalists and anti-humankind leftists, the world will be correct and full of love only when man has been fully wiped from the face of the earth. There’s a cheery thought.

  It might be easy to take this as nothing more than the rantings of a grizzly-bearded, bespectacled madman—until you realize that his writings sit on Putin’s bedside table. There isn’t anyone in my life that I have met or anyone in the conservative movement that I have ever seen who will knowingly join any movement like this. This is why it is so dangerous. You are expecting the jack boots. They conceal their movement behind nationalism, behind anti-capitalism, behind environmentalism. They have learned. Evil always does.

  They will play on the actual facts and events that the establishment is refusing to address here and abroad. While our media complains about Donald Trump, has anyone noticed that the same thing is happening all over the Western world?

  Why? Because the people feel as though they have been played, mocked, and used. They feel as though no one listens to their valid concerns and instead they are called the bad guys. These are, for the most part, people who would even in the recent past have been called patriots, hard workers, and solid citizens. They weren’t activists. They were simply citizens. The first to give blood or sign up to defend their nation.

  Perhaps it will be easier for Americans to see the problem in Europe, as we don’t have any skin in the game; so maybe we can lower our shields a bit and begin to understand how other people think and feel.

  Most of what is happening in the world is based in fact, but it gains its real power in feelings—feelings of outrage. And until someone in the media and highest levels of government changes their ways and actually validates these feelings by taking positive action, the situation will only grow much worse.

  In Europe, they were promised prosperity and job growth if they just melted into the pot of the EU. This was to be like the United States, where France was California, Italy was Florida, and Greece was New York. But unlike the United States, they had a long common heritage. ALL of the wars in Europe have been about borders, land, and culture. They are as different as Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Imagine how you would feel if you were told that next year there would be only three stars on our flag and we would be merging as a continent. That would be tough to swallow, but if the economic promise was big enough and we could still be unique, each in our own way, perhaps you, in time, could convince enough to go along.

  But over time, let’s say Canada is constantly bailing America out because we have decided that we now want Social Security to start at fifty-five, like Greece. We continually overspend and underperform. Mexico has become nothing but a resort for Canadians who have transformed their country into a cheap knockoff of Vancouver. Instead of the Ballet Folklórico at the Palace of Fine Arts, the new MexAmeriCanada government insists that they run cartoons of Dudley Do-Right and the story of the Canadian Mounties instead. At the same time, we are all told that if we fly an American, Canadian, or Mexican flag at our home, we are racists. Our children are taught that none of these nations have a unique identity, and laws are being enacted that many, at times a majority, of our citizens do not want or like. We are taxed higher and higher for the other countries, we must enforce laws that feel foreign to us, and if we speak out or question, we are made to feel like traitors, kooks, or racists.

  Then after a civil war in South America breaks out, a massive population agrees, in poll after poll taken in their home countries, that each of our states must be destroyed and our people killed because our culture, religion, and way of life are evil. This is a group of people who have remained quiet while many quietly approve of the tactics of MS13 in the “North American states.” Our new “government” forces each of us to “take our fair share,” an amount that will forever change with the landscape and the culture of our countries. Those who are already here have taken over large sections of Atlanta, Vancouver, Cincinnati, Montreal, and Mexico City. These sections are no longer safe for lifelong citizens to go into, and the police have brokered a deal that allows them to have a separate police and justice system based on something they brought with them that allows them to rape children, beat their wives, and kill any they feel are inferior, which would be 90 percent of those who live in MexAmeriCanada.

  That would be bad enough, but if our government then hid the actual reports of our children being abducted, raped, sold into slavery, and set on fire, what would we do? If you went to the local police to report your child missing or brought your formerly missing child into the station, where you described what had happened to her, and you were told, “There is nothing we can do,” and, in fact, your child may be lying and you may be a racist, how long would that last?

  By the way, that last example is what is currently going on in England. More than fourteen hundred children have gone through this, and their parents have been told to stop talking about it, they were wrong or racist, or that it was out of the hands of the police, judges, and social workers. The press refused to report it for fear that they would be labeled racist, so it continued and grew in scope and power for more than twenty years.

  Some in the abduction ring were arrested and put on trial. There was a total news blackout, and no details have been released. The fear of the Outrage Machine is a powerful gag.

  People are not racist. They are proud of England, or France, or Norway. They grew up there; their families have long lines of proud service. They are unique; their history is connected but rich and storied, their foods, traditions, and even architecture are different, and they are told not to notice or even weep for what they have lost.

  This is the biggest problem with “globalism” as it is being executed. No one has a problem trading with the globe. But we are asked to deny who we are. Until we are allowed to all be individuals and truly celebrate our “diversity,” the cancer of outrage will continue to grow. Faster in Europe than here, but progressives have always wanted us to be more like Europe. I fear the events of the day will bring us closer to that ticking time bomb.

  It is important to understand that there are agents of chaos on all sides, and we must not play into their hands. That is what is so frustrating about the Russian investigation to me. I have my own views of the Clintons’ and the Trump crew’s involvement with Russia. For that matter, the FBI has a “mountain of evidence” proving that Russia has been engaging in graft, bribery, blackmail, and corruption to influence the American government at all levels.

  For years I have described what U.S. Special Forces Command calls “the Bubba Effect.” They have been looking for and training for the day that the average Joe, or “Bubba,” takes matters into his own hands and the community supports him, even though they know he is wrong. They will look at those in charge as a bigger problem and even the root cause of Bubba’s unfortunate act. “Yes, Bubba did it, BUT he only did it because you [the government, media, and so on] would not.” I believe
we are in the beginning stages of it now. Look how both sides accept behavior from their own that they know is wrong—“BUT.” So what happens? What do you do? What do they do? Who is right, and which side will you find yourself on, and will you be sober enough to make the right decision?

  The goal of chaos that everyone is missing is hitting us from almost all sides. When WikiLeaks, a Russian front group, released the documents from the DNC, did you notice that what they released was something that split the Democrats between the Bernie and Clinton people? They wanted to make sure they caused a rift within a party that had worked hard to foster those relationships.

  They also put pro–Black Lives Matter campaigns out at the same time and rate they began pro-cop campaigns. Everything they did was to sow doubt and discord. They hacked the actual election results in Illinois. It wasn’t reported much because it “failed.” They had thought like old Soviets and not Americans. They hacked at the state level and not by districts. But why did they do that? Can you even imagine if we had had another Florida 2000 on our hands in 2016? They want us to tear one another apart so that they merely need to pick up the broken pieces, and we are playing right into their hands. They know we’re addicts, so they feed us fake news that will foment outrage on all sides.

  Adults must step to the plate once again. As I watch the debates on the cable channels and social media, I am reminded of my two youngest children, Raphe and Cheyenne. They are close in age, and as they approach their teen years they have learned how to push each other’s buttons. I can see both of them do it. Just to get a rise out of the other, one will begin. By the end, they are both shouting that the other started it, and one is crying victim and the other is saying, Why do they always get away with it?

  In my house I think we are onto the games, and we don’t coddle the victim nor do we overlook the instigator, even if occasionally it is the same child. Because we are adults, if Tania and I reacted, picked sides, and became outraged at every charge and countercharge, we would destroy the family. Truthfully it would not have been the children who broke up the family, it would have been us, their parents, playing into their childish games.

  I have met the enemy, and the enemy is indeed us.


  * * *

  The Black Mirror

  If we cannot govern or control ourselves, then someone will do it for us. They will have to, and in the end we will beg to be ruled over. Just before the Soviet invasion of Hungary, the fires of chaos were set. The Soviets knew that if things were bad enough, the people, who had rejected them, would beg for someone to come in and help—desperate times require desperate measures. And when you are desperate, you can always find someone who will tell you what to do, where to go, what to eat, and what job to do.

  China has a compliant, and for the most part, docile populace. In 2018, President Xi declared himself supreme leader for life. This was the first of many disturbing laws enacted that telegraph which way the wind is blowing in that oppressive state.

  Foreign Policy reports that in what it calls an attempt to promote “trustworthiness” in its economy and society, China is experimenting with a social credit system that mixes familiar Western-style credit scores with more expansive—and intrusive—measures. It includes everything from rankings calculated by online payment providers to scores doled out by neighborhoods or companies. High-flyers receive perks such as discounts on heating bills and favorable bank loans, while bad debtors cannot buy high-speed train or plane tickets.

  When the state council released its plans for a “National Social Credit System,” not much was said. It is to be out of trials and in place soon, with almost 200 million cameras trained on the Chinese people. The council stated that the system will “allow the trustworthy to roam everywhere under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step.” Each citizen starts with a thousand points, and then the fun begins.

  Get a traffic ticket, and you lose five points. Earn a city-level award, such as for committing a heroic act, doing exemplary business, or helping your family in unusually tough circumstances, and your score gets boosted by thirty points. For a department-level award, you earn five points. You can also earn credit by donating to charity or volunteering in the city’s program. Your points are then translated into your personal score, from A+++ to D. Drunk driving is one offense that can take any score and tank it to a C.

  The system will integrate “total information” about you—what you do and say online, who your friends are, how timely you pay your bills. Companies get scores, too. For instance, your score can take a nosedive if your firm is “mistrusted” by the user. Wow, I wonder how Facebook, CNN, and outlets like Daily Wire or TheBlaze would fare. It would seem that having friends in government might be helpful.

  In the smaller cities where this has been in effect since 2013, most do not know it is in place until they try to buy a home or apply for a government position or an academic title and are called into city hall.

  In interviews with the foreign press, the Chinese say they “love it.” As Foreign Policy noted in a recent article on the subject, “I feel like in the past six months, people’s behavior has gotten better and better,” says Chen, a thirty-two-year-old entrepreneur who only wanted to give his last name. “For example, when we drive, now we always stop in front of crosswalks. If you don’t stop, you will lose your points. At first, we just worried about losing points, but now we got used to it.”

  The article continued, “Life in our village has always been good,” says Mu Linming, a sixty-two-year-old resident of Daxunjiangjia Village. “After introducing the system, it’s gotten even better.”

  Foreign Policy points out that in the town not far down the road the officials have even taken the official Rongcheng credit system a few steps further by adding penalties for illegally spreading religion—echoing recent countrywide crackdowns on religious practice—abusing or abandoning family members, and defaming others online.

  What could possibly go wrong?

  I know my friends on the left don’t think this way, but a whole lot of us do. That is why we have a Second Amendment. They will always respond, “Do you really think that you are going to take on the U.S. military? They have tanks and planes.” Right. I don’t know if guys living in a cave still have our military bogged down; what do you think 100 million Americans could do? Especially since a ton of them are military.

  Xue Liang, “sharp eyes,” says, “I trust the government. Who else can you trust if not them?”

  During the “People’s Revolution,” led by mass murderer Mao Zedong, he coined a slogan that “the masses have sharp eyes.” It is one reason you can bet that the statement above about trusting the government is either for the score or propaganda. The people lost their trust in the government and in one another during those years of oppression during which Mao asked people to spy on their families and neighbors. Millions died.

  But now dictator-for-life President Xi has resurrected the phrase Xue Liang, sharp eyes, for a new program that will integrate the State security cameras that already scan roads, bus and train stations, and shopping malls with private buildings, compounds, and private cameras to create one national database of video.

  Using facial recognition and advanced AI, it will sort and categorize the vast amounts of data coming in to track criminals and suspects, spot and track suspicious behavior, and not only stop crime but also to predict crime before it happens. Hell, it’s Minority Report. If you are one of the 1.4 billion Chinese, rest easy; this technology is going to be used to protect you, and should you fall or hurt yourself, it will dispatch help, as it will already have your criminal and medical records, travel bookings, and online purchases, and can even alert your friends as it is monitoring your social blog.

  Total surveillance service.

  Now, this may come in handy for us, as it all backs into a police cloud, where it can also sort through the “illegals.” As the Washington Post cited: “90 percent of the crime is ca
used by the 10 percent of people who are not registered residents,” a police report said. “With facial recognition we can recognize strangers, analyze their entry and exit times, see who spends the night here, and how many times. We can identify suspicious people from among the population.” With sharp eyes, the Post reports, police will be able to track where people are, what they are up to, what they believe, and who they associate with—and ultimately even assign them a single social credit score based on whether the government and their fellow citizens consider them trustworthy.

  The Post also noted, “Currently, the Chinese government is working with the country’s tech industry, graduates from top American universities, and former employees of companies like Google and Microsoft.” I pray for these poor souls, who will someday realize that they were the ones responsible for what could be the last great horror show of man. Tech industry executives working on the project, however, told the Post that this project will “shine a light into every dark corner of China, to eliminate the shadows where crime thrives.”