Page 14 of Smiley

  Smiley nodded. He was relieved about that as well. To hear Vanni say bad things about him on television would have been an ordeal he didn’t want to suffer. The female had gotten under his skin and he cared about her welfare. It mattered to him how she viewed him.

  “Incoming message,” Bluebird called out. “From the helicopter.”

  Everyone stopped talking when the speakers broadcast Justice’s voice. “Hello?” It sounded a little muffled.

  “It’s not a clear transmission,” Fury informed him.

  “Understood. I’ll text the info.”

  “Communications ended,” Bluebird muttered.

  “He’s texting me,” Fury announced while staring at his phone. For long minutes he read the screen and typed responses. He finally looked up and met Smiley’s anxious gaze.

  “He has her and they are ten minutes out. She’s well. He wants a meeting in his office.”

  “I’d like to be there when they land.” Smiley wanted to be one of the first faces Vanni saw.

  Fury frowned. “Justice requested you stay away for now.”

  That angered Smiley. “Why?”

  “He doesn’t want her in a more stressful situation. Justice requested you keep your distance. You aren’t invited to the meeting.”

  “No. I’m going. This involves me.”

  “She’s not in any trouble, Smiley.” Fury shoved his phone into his pocket. “Justice believes she wasn’t the one who drugged you. We need to get more answers and you’ll be a distraction.”

  “She’ll be frightened.”

  “We’re not throwing her into an interrogation room. She’ll be taken by Justice to his office. I’ll be there as well. He wants to limit her interaction with Species right now. He said she’s a little stressed by the entire situation.”

  “I really need to be there.”

  “The last time you saw her was when she was drugged and you shared sex.” Fury lowered his voice. “It might not be a pleasant memory for her. We need her as stress-free as possible. Don’t you want to make certain she’d like to see you? We can’t be sure she does. We’ve offered her sanctuary from the Woods Church and all harm.”

  “I’d never hurt Vanni,” Smiley burst out. It was insulting to be excluded. “I’m the one who knew she wasn’t a threat to the NSO.”

  “It appears you were correct. We’re just asking for time to learn answers and then we’ll ask her if she’d like to see you. Is that too much to ask? You seem to care about this female. Aren’t her wishes more relevant than yours?”

  “Of course.”

  “We’d also like Medical to examine her. She might be more comfortable without you hovering nearby. I promise I’ll call you myself if she requests you be present.”

  Smiley still wanted to protest but what if Vanni didn’t want to see him? It angered him and worse, it made his chest ache. “Fine. I want updates though.”

  “You’ll have them. Why don’t you work? That will pass the time.”

  Smiley spun away before he said something he’d regret and stormed out of Security. It was tempting to ignore orders and just show up at the helipad to greet Vanni. He refrained though, because Fury had made a good a point. He might be the last male she wished to see after what had happened between them.

  He bypassed the vehicles and sprinted off toward the north wall. He knew the helicopter fly zones and at least wanted to watch it pass over to make certain she arrived safely at Homeland. A few miles later he was out of breath when he stopped at the wall. The male above shifted his hold on his weapon and removed his helmet.

  “Is something wrong?” Slash peered down at him from above.

  “I’m relieving you.”

  The male arched his eyebrows. “No one told me.”

  “Just do it.”

  “Is this about the female?”

  Smiley ground his teeth in frustration. “Yes.”

  “We got word they are flying in. Aren’t you going to meet the female when they land? You’re far from her here.”

  “I was told to stay away.”

  The male set his weapon and helmet down. He leapt, landing in a crouch a few feet away. The feline straightened and stared at him with narrowed eyes. “You’re angry.”

  “Wouldn’t you be?”

  “She requested you not go near her?”

  “Justice and Fury did.”


  “They want to question her.”

  “You’re going to allow it? You could do what True did and just refuse to allow them access to her. They had True ask Jeanie questions and interview her himself.”

  “Why does everyone keep bringing that up?”

  Slash hesitated and then smiled slowly. “It was brave and it worked for him. True got to keep the female. Perhaps that’s why you were asked to stay away. They suspect you could do that as well.”

  It wasn’t as if he hadn’t considered just grabbing Vanni and keeping her away from other Species. They hadn’t taken Jeanie from True. Darkness had stood up for the male and threatened the task force team with violence if they tried to interfere. He’d also had support from other Species who’d known her from captivity. Vanni was an unknown to all but him.

  “I don’t want to traumatize her if she doesn’t wish to see me. She might not want to.”

  “But you want to see her.”

  “I do but I won’t force the issue.”

  “Smart.” Slash nodded. “Need help up the wall? I’ll let them know where you are and that you’ve taken my place.” He touched his radio.

  Smiley pointed at the tree. “I’ve got it.”

  “It’s been quiet.”


  Slash turned and walked away, disappearing behind some large bushes. Smiley walked over to the tree next to the wall and started to climb. He had to jump from a branch to the top of the wall that surrounded the perimeter of Homeland. The four-foot-wide walkway ended in a waist-high barrier. He picked up the discarded assault weapon and helmet, putting the latter on. He fixed his attention on the out world. Nothing moved as far as he could see.

  His gaze lifted to the sky. Vanni would be flying over soon with Justice. It seemed like forever passed before the sound of the approaching helicopter drew his attention. It flew overhead and he turned, watching it land near the center of Homeland.

  Vanni had arrived. He turned his back and kept a close eye on the ground for movement. The last thing he wanted was an attack to go down while Vanni visited the NSO. He was angry enough at that moment to kill anyone who dared try to breach the wall in his section.

  Chapter Eleven

  Vanni hated the way her stomach grew queasier when they finally reached Homeland. It might have been caused by not having eaten all day but nervousness mixed with the helicopter ride seemed more logical. Justice North smiled encouragingly when she looked at him. The helicopter landed and the uniformed guards opened the door. He motioned her to follow him.

  Justice exited but then reached up to assist her down. Her anxiety increased when she glanced around the area. At least a dozen uniformed New Species stared at her, minus the helmets with tinted face shields. Their grim expressions weren’t welcoming or friendly. She followed Justice to a waiting Jeep.

  “Take the passenger seat.”

  She climbed in but tensed when two large New Species got in the back. Justice slid into the driver’s seat.

  “I’m taking you to my office first. It will give my people time to prepare guest quarters for you and we still have a few questions.”

  “Okay.” It wasn’t as if she could protest.

  The drive was short but they passed a lot of New Species on the street. They turned to peer at her as the Jeep passed. It made her self-conscious and she second-guessed her decision to call the NSO. She’d never felt so out of place before in her life. Justice parked in front of an office building and she climbed out.

  “This way.” He waved her toward the front doors where two intimidating New Species prote
cted the entrance. The two guards from the rear of the Jeep took positions behind her. It made her feel as if she were under arrest. Fear inched up her spine and she struggled to remain calm.

  “Where is Smiley? Is he here?” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to see him or not but a familiar face might help.

  “We weren’t certain if you wanted to see him. He’s currently on duty.”


  “We can arrange for him to visit you later if you wish.”

  Vanni just nodded, keeping pace with Justice. They entered a reception area and she got her first look at a New Species woman. The dark-haired, tall woman rose from behind her desk. “Jessie is in her office if you want a female present to make that one more comfortable.”

  “Tell her I said thank you but everything is fine. Vanni, please follow me.”

  Vanni smiled at the woman but received a frown in response. Her dark gaze wasn’t pleasant either. She hustled to follow Justice. Two men waited inside, both seated on a couch. They rose to their feet when she entered.

  “This is Fury and Slade.”

  She couldn’t help but gawk at Fury. She’d recognize him anywhere after all the news coverage of the press conference that had turned violent. For weeks footage had been shown of him saving the woman he loved by scooping her into his arms and running for safety after a gunman had opened fire. He’d been shot protecting Ellie. The couple had become an icon of true romance to a lot of women. “It’s an honor to meet you,” she managed to get out.

  His eyes widened but he stepped forward and offered his hand. “Thank you. I think.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that you’re Fury.” She managed to offer her trembling hand.

  He had a firm grip and a brisk handshake. “I am.”

  Vanni sealed her lips to avoid embarrassing herself further by having a fan-girl moment. She turned her attention on the second guy. He appeared to be canine with jet-black hair and striking blue eyes. He nodded but didn’t offer his hand.

  “Why don’t you sit, Vanni?” Justice rounded his large desk and indicated she should take a seat in one of the leather chairs.

  She gratefully collapsed into the nearest one. Justice took the lead. “Vanni didn’t willingly offer to participate in the Woods Church press conference. They held her against her will and made threats. Have you heard anything regarding their current status?”

  “We did.” Fury resumed his seat. “They have delayed speaking to the press. We’ve gotten a lot of calls asking for comments. The Woods Church looks bad after not delivering what they promised.”

  “Good.” Justice reached up and loosened his tie. “Tell them who drugged you and Smiley, Vanni.”

  She swallowed and held Fury’s dark gaze. He had nice eyes and he didn’t glare at her. “The bartender. Gregory said they paid him to do it and he even told me the name of the drug.”

  Justice growled softly and Vanni glanced at him, alarmed. He looked furious. “You didn’t tell me that part.”

  “Sorry. Gregory said they paid someone almost seven hundred thousand dollars for B-47. He didn’t tell me the actual drug name but that’s what he called it. He said something about a batch and he made it clear that he didn’t think much of the guy he bought it from. He never said a name.”

  “The bartender worked there for three years with never any complaints against him. I double-checked all employee records for anyone working in the room at the time of the incident.” Slade removed his cell phone from his shirt pocket. “I’ll text Tim to pick him up.”

  “Do that,” Justice agreed. “Quietly.”

  “Of course.” Slade focused on his phone.

  Justice cleared his throat. “Are you well, Vanni? You’re pale.”

  “I’m out of my element,” she admitted. “Am I under arrest? I swear I didn’t know anything about what they planned to do at the hotel. I only found out about the bartender and all that last night after Carl and his father refused to let me leave.”

  “You’re not our enemy. We’re willing to believe you and you’re currently our guest at Homeland.” Justice’s words were comforting until he spoke again. “Unless we discover you’re lying to us.”

  “I’m not. Everything I’ve told you is the truth.”

  “We’ll get to the bottom of it,” he promised.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. I saw the way some of your people looked at me.”

  “The Woods Church has been unkind to the NSO and we weren’t certain if you were a member or not. Word will get out why you’re here and they’ll warm to you.” Justice paused. “I am curious about something. Why haven’t they used Smiley’s name yet? It hasn’t been mentioned at all during any of the television coverage.”

  “Bruce asked me his name this morning but I lied to him. I told him I didn’t remember. He didn’t believe me but then those horrible women showed up so he didn’t have time to force me to talk.” She went into more detail about her ordeal before her rescue. “I told my best friend to get lost and asked her to tell my parents to do the same. You don’t think Gregory will have someone go after my sister or brother, do you? They are in other states.”

  “We can send out teams to secure them if you wish. They’ll be relocated to a nice hotel and put in protective custody.”

  She hesitated. A week before she’d have laughed if someone had inferred that Gregory was a danger to her life and to the people she loved most. She’d never have guessed he was capable of everything he’d done so far. “Please. I’m worried about them. My sister is home alone with her two kids while her husband is at work. I don’t worry that much about my brother since he’s a cop and I know they live in a very secure building. Beth is fine where she is and so are my parents. Gregory won’t be able to find them.”

  Justice withdrew a pad from a drawer and pushed it across the desk with a pen. “Write down directions so we can reach your siblings. I give you my word they will be comfortable and secure.”

  She wrote down her brother’s and sister’s addresses. Her parents would have fled to her father’s best friend’s cabin. They vacationed there every summer. She pushed the information across the desk to Justice and returned the pen.

  “Thank you.”

  Slade approached and lifted the pad. “I’m on this.” He left.

  “We need to stop the rumors the Woods Church has created,” Fury stated.

  Justice nodded and stared at Vanni. “They informed every press outlet that you were going to announce you’d been drugged and raped by a Species male. They want Smiley prosecuted in your human courts.”

  “That was on the news?” It horrified her. “That’s not true!”

  “We’re aware.”

  “Gregory is insane. Around-the-bend, toss-a-net nuts.” She sighed. “I never liked him but Carl seemed so different from his father. I’ve had my eyes opened. Carl does whatever his father tells him to do. He just walked out and left me there with his father and Bruce. He could never have cared about me at all to be able to do that. They seem obsessed with destroying New Species at any cost.”

  Justice’s features softened. “Gregory Woods and his followers truly hate the NSO. We try not to take it too personally. Perhaps you should do the same. You weren’t the female they meant to drug.”

  Vanni couldn’t follow his advice. It was personal, at least after she’d been held prisoner and threatened. Carl had sworn he loved her but he hadn’t batted an eyelash when she was in danger. She wanted to get back at them and make them pay for what they’d done.

  “Do you need me to speak to the reporters?” She hugged her waist. “I’ve avoided them since the video was plastered all over the TV but I’ll do it if it clears Smiley’s name.” Her parents would flip out if they heard that on the news. They would wonder if she’d lied about the limited details she’d shared with them about that night. It had been easier to allow them to assume she’d just drank too much and hooked up with someone in a bar.

  Fury spoke. “I’ve been on th
e phone with our public relations team all morning. I informed them Vanni was on the way to us and they recommended no direct contact with the media where they could ask her questions.”

  “Wise advice.” Justice nodded. “They can be brutal.”

  “Miles suggested an outing with the two of them but keep the press at a healthy distance. They can photograph Smiley and her together. That will discredit Gregory Woods when they are seen in a friendly setting.”

  “I agree.” Justice studied her for long moments. “She’ll need clothing. We could send two support teams with them to take her shopping tomorrow. That will give us enough time to set it up and we won’t have to leak it to the press. Humans always report our sightings so that will allow about fifteen minutes before the paparazzi and news crews arrive on scene.”

  “Good idea.” Fury shifted in his seat. “Never forget social media sites. Humans will snap photos of them and upload them from their phones. They will assume they are dating though if they are seen together again.”

  Vanni listened to them converse, a little surprised at Fury’s statement. “But we aren’t.”

  He frowned. “It’s better to allow them to assume you’re in a romantic relationship with Smiley than what they have been told so far.”

  She couldn’t dispute the sense of that. “Yeah.”

  “We’ll schedule the outing.” Justice stood.

  “What will Smiley have to say about this plan? I mean, he probably doesn’t want to spend time with me after what happened.” It made her nervous just thinking about seeing him again.

  Apparently, Justice didn’t need time to think about his response. “Smiley will be very agreeable to take you shopping. He’s been concerned for your well-being.”

  Vanni wasn’t sure how she was going to react to seeing Smiley but clearing his name was important enough to her to agree to anything the NSO suggested. “Okay.”

  “You’re safe here with us, Vanni.” Justice smiled. “Relax. You appear nervous and there is no need. We’ll assure your safety and keep the press far from you tomorrow. We deal with them often.”

  “I’m sure you do. They are always saying something about you guys on television.”