Page 16 of Smiley

  Vanni was happy Beth was okay. “Just be safe.”

  “I am. I have ‘bat man’. You sound exhausted. Go sleep and call me when you wake up. I want to hear from you often.”

  “I promise. Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Vanni hung up the phone. At that point she just wanted to get clean and take a nap. She took a quick shower and stepped out of the stall, using two towels to dry off. The house was nice, fully furnished and they’d even stocked the bathroom with every personal item a person could need. She had shampoo and conditioner for her hair, body wash and even a new toothbrush with toothpaste to brush her teeth. She did that next.

  She exited the bathroom and approached the dresser, unsure what kind of clothing she’d find. They had to be better than the scratchy T-shirt and shorts she’d bought at the discount shop. The top drawer contained a few neatly folded T-shirts with the NSO logo. She removed one and liked the feel of the soft material. It was a triple-large size. An investigation of the other drawers revealed a few sweatshirts, sweatpants and shorts. None of them were even close to her small size. She sighed and put on the big T-shirt. It fell to her thighs as if it were a nightshirt.

  There was a guard posted outside her door if she needed anything but she decided to wait awhile before asking if they had anything that would fit her better. She couldn’t go shopping with Smiley just wearing a baggy shirt. The bed was large and she was eager to climb under the covers and sleep. One glance at the nightstand assured her she wouldn’t miss the call from her family when it came.

  Apprehension struck when she heard a noise in the living room. She spun and crept toward the hallway. A quick glance for something to use as a weapon yielded no results.

  “Hello?” She hoped her fear didn’t sound in her voice.

  Vanni gasped when a man stepped into her line of sight. She jumped and bumped into the wall. A pair of attractive brown eyes stared back at her and she calmed once she recognized Smiley. It was a surprise to see him inside the house but her fright evaporated.

  “I knocked but you didn’t answer.”

  She took a hesitant step forward, her heart still doing a number in her chest. “I was in the shower.”

  He remained still. She studied him from head to foot. His hair was wet and he looked as if he’d showered recently too. The dark-red tank top accentuated his tan, muscular arms and broad chest. It had been tucked into a pair of faded denim jeans that hugged his hips and thighs. He wore no shoes and the sight of his bare feet surprised her. Her gaze lifted to his face. He was as handsome as she remembered. His lips parted.

  “Don’t be afraid, Vanni. Please don’t bolt to one of the bedrooms and lock the door. I was worried and wanted to check on you.”

  She nodded. He made her aware of her body and the fact that she only wore a baggy T-shirt. She didn’t even have clean underwear so she wasn’t wearing any at all.

  Smiley raised one hand and motioned her closer. “Would you come into the living room and speak to me? You’ve been through an ordeal. Are you okay?”

  That was sweet of him. She took another step closer and then another. He held still, just dropped his arm at his side. She paused a few feet away. He smiled, his expression softening. It encouraged her to answer him.

  “I’m just a little tired. I didn’t sleep much last night.”

  “You should allow our doctors to check you. They are excellent at what they do.”

  “I don’t need a doctor. Really. I just have a little bruising from the Taser darts and from the fall.”

  The smile disappeared and a low grunt came from him. He appeared angry all of a sudden. “Who Tasered you? What fall?”

  “Gregory Woods had his guard stun me and I hit the floor. I thought you’d know about that. I mean, I told Justice.”

  “I haven’t spoken to him.” His gaze traveled down her body. “Where are you hurt?”

  “My back. I was trying to escape out the front door when I was tagged with one of those electric dart guns. It’s really not bad.”

  Smiley took a step closer, almost touching her. “Let me see.”

  He smelled like soap and man. It stirred instant memories of the last time they’d been that close. She tilted her chin up to keep her gaze locked with his. He had really beautiful eyes and she felt lost in them. The sunlight coming in through the windows showed small swirls of darker brown in them. They were truly breathtaking.

  “Let me see.” His voice was almost a whisper.

  Vanni had to force her mind to work, reminding herself what he wanted to see. The attraction she felt for him made her a little befuddled. Images of them kissing and what they’d done in the SUV kept flashing through her mind, which made it difficult to focus on his words. “I’m okay. It’s just minor stuff. Really.”

  “Vanni,” he rasped, “let me see.”

  She forced her legs to move and retreated a step. “Um, it’s my shoulder blade.” Her hands opened against her thighs, the feel of the fabric there comforting. “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t have anything on under this. I didn’t want to put on the only pair of panties I have until I can wash them.”

  He glanced at her thighs and then back up. “I still want to see.”

  She swallowed hard. “I’d be naked.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that. I’d enjoy it.”

  Whoa. He actually said that. She wasn’t used to men being so frank.

  “I’ve seen you before.”

  As if I need a reminder. More flashes of that night popped into her head. Smiley without his shirt after she’d torn it. Him leaning over her, his lips brushing kisses along her neck. Her nipples pebbled when she remembered him nipping her shoulder with his teeth. She quickly crossed her arms over her chest to cover them in hopes he wouldn’t notice.

  “Um…” Her mind blanked.

  He inched forward. “You’re blushing.”

  She could feel the heat in her cheeks. “Um…” She retreated a step.

  He advanced one, pacing her. “You’re shy.”

  “Yes,” she got out.

  “There’s no reason to be. It’s me. Take off the shirt and turn for me.”

  Her lips parted but she wasn’t sure how to respond to that and didn’t want to sound like an idiot again. She swallowed and took a deep breath. “No.”

  A pained look flashed in his eyes.

  “I mean, I can’t take my shirt off. That’s, um, I barely know you.”

  Smiley’s eyebrows rose.

  “You know what I mean. We barely know each other. I mean, we do know each other but we were drugged. We aren’t now. I can’t just strip.”

  He offered a hand. “Let’s go into the living room. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Vanni. We’ll sit and talk. I won’t ask again to see your injuries.”

  She timidly reached out and put her trembling hand in his. It was as warm and big as she remembered. He gently closed his fingers around hers and turned, waiting for her to follow. She appreciated it when he moved slowly, mindful of her hesitant steps until they ended up next to the couch. He released her.

  “Have a seat. Please.”

  She sat, tugging the shirt hem down to cover her knees. Smiley didn’t take a seat next to her but surprised her by crouching and pushing the coffee toward one end of the couch. He faced her, dropped to his knees and sat back on his heels. His smile looked a little forced.

  “Relax,” he urged. “We’ll just talk.”

  “Why are you there? You can sit on the couch with me.”

  “I’m better off here.”


  He licked his lips. The slide of his tongue over them drew her attention and she focused on his mouth. “First off, thank you for not screaming when you discovered I’d let myself into your home. I was worried about you when you didn’t answer the door. I came in through a back window. I’ll fix the lock later.”

  She stared into his eyes, unconce
rned that he’d just admitted to breaking into the house. “It’s okay.” It really was. It was kind of sweet that he’d do something that drastic to make sure she was well.

  “I have an important question but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable again. It has bothered me every waking moment since the other night. I need to ask.”

  She braced for it. “Okay.”

  “Did I hurt you, Vanni?” His gaze lowered to her lap and then lifted to stare directly at her. “Was the sex too rough?”

  “I’m fine.” She hadn’t expected that and was glad she was seated.

  “Really.” He frowned, studying her.

  It was an awkward topic. He’d said it was important for him to know but she wasn’t about to admit she’d been a little sore the next day.

  “You didn’t hurt me. I have a few bruises but it’s no big deal. You’re strong.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. They don’t hurt.”

  “You passed out afterward and I feared I’d damaged you.”

  “I think it was from being drugged. I told you I’m a chair jockey. It was…” She wasn’t sure how to explain it without humiliating herself.

  “It was what?” He leaned in a little closer and flattened his hand on the couch next to her knee. “Please talk to me. Don’t allow your shyness to stop you from being blunt. There’s no need with me. You can tell me anything.”

  “I don’t talk about sex with men,” Vanni admitted hesitantly. “I haven’t dated that many guys and they always tended not to appreciate a discussion about it.”

  “I’m not them.” His voice deepened as he continued, “I welcome this conversation.”

  She licked her lips and pushed herself to be more forward and forthcoming than normal. “I’m out of shape. I told you I don’t work out the way you do. That drug put me through the wringer, okay? I was sweating, then freezing and then we were touching.” Embarrassment forced her gaze to his chin at that point. “I think I was exhausted. That’s why I conked out.”

  He said nothing so she looked up again. She didn’t see any negative emotions in his expression. He actually appeared happy when he smiled. It reached his eyes that time. It encouraged her to go on.

  “Plus it was really extreme, you know? I’ve never felt that way before.”

  “You are talking about the sex?” He lowered his tone to one that gave her chills. It was the good kind again and she remembered that about him too. He could talk a certain way that turned her on.


  “Sharing sex while drugged is very powerful.”

  “That’s an understatement if I ever heard one. I thought I was going to die.” She’d survived the uncomfortable talk and breathed easier, her tense muscles relaxing. “Are you okay? I worried about you too.”

  “I’m fine. Species are tough. There were a few uncomfortable hours after I woke but my jaw was only bruised.”

  “I hurt your jaw?” She leaned forward, peering at his lower face. She didn’t see any scratches or bruises. He had flawless skin.

  “No. Brass punched me to knock me out. I had some marks but they faded fast.”

  “Why would he do that? I don’t remember that part. I thought I remembered it all.”

  “It was after you passed out. We were about to be driven to Homeland and I was extremely worried about you.”

  Vanni realized their faces were inches apart and her gaze locked with his. “Why would he hit you?”

  “He was afraid I wouldn’t be able to resist touching you again even though you were unconscious.”

  It took a moment to sink in. “He thought you’d…” She couldn’t finish that sentence.

  “Mount you while you were out.” He didn’t have a problem speaking the words. “It was a genuine concern. I was highly aroused and wanted to keep touching you. I believe I would have resisted the urge but it was best that I wasn’t tested.”

  “Oh.” She leaned back a little. “Does your jaw hurt at all?”

  “No.” He put his other hand on the couch, one on either side of her knees. “Don’t be afraid of me, Vanni.”

  “I’m not. I’m sitting here with you. I wouldn’t do that if I thought you’d do something bad to me. I’d scream. I know there’s a guard outside my door.”

  “I sent Wager away.”

  That news stunned her. “Why?”

  “I wanted us to have some privacy.”

  She wasn’t sure how to take that. Smiley rose to his knees and she realized he had her pinned where she sat. Her heart rate increased but it wasn’t caused by fear. “Why?”

  “Species have excellent senses and I didn’t want him to overhear anything said between us.”

  She wanted to get something off her chest. “It was the bartender who drugged us. Gregory Woods admitted that to me last night. I didn’t lie to you. I wasn’t the one who dosed our drinks.”

  “I believe you.”

  “But you thought I had at first.”

  “You have a very expressive face, Vanni. I think you’d tell lies badly. I like that you’re easy to read. Right now you’re nervous. There’s no need to be.”

  “You can tell that?”

  He glanced at her chest. “You have accelerated breathing and your eyes are wide. I don’t see fear though. I’m grateful for that. The last thing I want to do is frighten you.”

  “Do you want me to tell you everything I’ve learned? I went to see Carl last night to return the ring and—”

  “Tell me you no longer belong to that male.”

  She gasped at his harsh tone.

  “Sorry.” He softened his voice. “You no longer wear his ring. I looked. Your finger is bare. I heard what you said on the phone when you called Homeland. You were held against your will and that male doesn’t deserve you. He should be beaten for allowing anyone to hurt you in any way. I’ll make him bleed if I ever get the chance to meet him.”

  Wow. She could tell he felt strongly about it and it was kind of hot hearing him make threats against her ex. He looked pissed but she knew it wasn’t directed at her. “It’s so over.”

  “Are you in love with that male?”

  “No.” She felt the need to excuse why she’d ever been with Carl. “I think I wanted to see things in him that weren’t really there.”

  “You dated a bad male once and this one seemed better than the last one?” Smiley was good at guessing.


  “You wished to get married and start a family?”

  “That was the plan but not anymore. Carl is an ass. I feel sorry for anyone who dates him now that I know how he really is.”

  “Good.” Smiley smiled, his anger gone. “That means no male has a claim on you.”

  Claim on you. She blinked, repeating his words in her head. “I guess.”

  Silence stretched between them and it made her aware that she knew very little about the man she’d had sex with. They’d been intimate but she had no idea what to say to him. Nerves made her clutch at the hem of her shirt. Smiley glanced down at the movement and made a soft sound in the back of his throat.

  “Are you okay?”

  He looked up. “Yes. Sorry. I didn’t mean to rumble at you.”

  “Why did you?”

  “I’m frustrated but it’s my problem.”


  He licked his lips again and his hands flexed against the couch cushions. “You’re skittish and I am afraid I’m going to make you want to get away from me. That’s the last thing I want. I have so much to talk to you about and so many questions I want to ask. I just don’t know how to do it without worrying that I’ll offend or upset you.”

  Vanni could relate. She felt the same way, minus the fear of him running away from her. “We’re strangers but we’re not. You’re nervous too?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “What would make you more comfortable with me? Tell me and I’ll do it.”

  She smiled back. “I don’t know but I won’t run away. You kind
of have me blocked in.”

  He didn’t move. “Does it bother you that I’m so close?”

  She debated it. “No.”

  “Good. We’ll just talk. Do you remember everything that happened at the hotel that night? We’ll start there. At first I did think you drugged me but I believed you when you told me you hadn’t. You actually saved us, Vanni.”

  “Saved us?” She shook her head. “How did I do that? We were both drugged and we had sex. I wouldn’t call that a save.”

  Smiley regretted the words. He could see Vanni’s distress. That wasn’t the reaction he’d expected. His chest tightened enough to make drawing air difficult. He felt protective of the female but he was the one causing her anguish.

  “Easy,” he crooned. He wanted to stroke her but resisted. It was hard not to touch her but he wasn’t sure if she’d allow it yet. He battled his desires, considering her needs. “Just take a few deep breaths.”

  She followed his orders and it made him realize just how different she was from Species females. One of them would have punched him already for encroaching on her personal space and for telling her how to breathe. They also wouldn’t get nervous every time he got too close. He knew he should back away and take a seat across the room. He just couldn’t do it.

  The scent of Vanni was different from before but it was the products she’d used when she’d showered. He made a mental note to ask her later what kind of things she bought and to obtain them for her. It was low in priority though. He needed to figure out how to get her to let her guard down and let him in.

  His gaze dropped to her lap and he muffled a groan. He wanted in, all right. He wanted to push up her shirt and spread her thighs. His dick hardened just thinking about how incredible it would feel to claim her again. One look into her eyes, though, assured him she wasn’t ready to share sex. He’d have to go very slowly and figure out how to deal with Vanni. Just offering to share sex wasn’t an option. He’d have to work up to it.

  It was important that Vanni trust him. The little he knew of human females assured him that was the only way he’d be allowed to stay with her. He didn’t want to leave. It would drive him insane if he had to stalk around his apartment while she was at Homeland. Wager and other males aren’t going to take my female. He inwardly winced at thinking of her that way but it was the truth. She was his.