Page 28 of Smiley

  She stopped, releasing him. “Am I doing okay?”

  Sweat beaded on his forehead and he opened his eyes. “Yes.”

  “You’re sure? You’re really tense and you are kind of breathing weird.”

  “I’m trying not to scare you.”

  She twisted her head and lifted it, tossing her hair out of the way. Their gazes met and her eyes widened. “Your face is red. I am bad at this, aren’t I?”

  “You’re perfect. I swear. I just am afraid I’ll startle you if I make noises and I don’t want you to stop. It is so amazing when you do that.”

  She didn’t seem convinced.

  “Remember my mouth on you? It’s that good.”

  “It’s so good it almost hurts but in the best way?”


  She surprised him when she suddenly moved and pushed against his inner thigh with her hand. He spread wider and she climbed between his legs, facing him on her hands and knees. She opened her hands on him just above his knees and gently pushed. He spread more, having no idea what she was doing, but he’d let her do anything.

  “Okay. Make noises. They turn me on, remember? Just don’t grab my hair to keep me in place and choke me by forcing me to take all of you, okay?”

  He was stunned and horrified. “Why would I do that?”

  She grinned. “Here we go. You don’t have to warn me before you come. Just do it.”

  Vanni released his thighs and one hand wrapped around the base of his dick. She bent forward and he could see everything as she licked her lips, opened her mouth and leaned closer until he watched her take a few inches of his dick inside her mouth. He hissed with pleasure and fisted the bedding in his hands.

  Vanni was no longer timid. He threw his head back and squeezed his eyes closed as she rode him with her mouth. She sucked, licked and tormented him. He rumbled, his chest vibrating from the deep sound. Vanni did things to him that turned him inside out.

  Her gentle hands cupped his balls and that was it. She rubbed them and he cried out, shooting his seed. The bed jerked under him as he quaked from the force of it but the one thing he kept control of was his ass—keeping it flat on the bed to avoid thrusting upward.

  Vanni grinned and sat back on her calves. Smiley sprawled on the bed, his chest rapidly rising and falling. Sweat coated his body, giving it a sexy sheen. She’d done that to him. It made her feel a little proud. She reached up and ran her fingertips over his lower belly. He shivered and made a low, sexy sound. He didn’t bat her hands away while complaining about being too sensitive.

  She had wanted to give him head. It usually wasn’t something she did or wanted to do but Smiley wasn’t just anyone. He was hers. She liked the sound of that. Her gaze lifted to the overhead light and she regretfully moved, climbing over his leg to get off the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To kill the light.”

  “Why? I like looking at you, Vanni. Please allow it.”

  She turned, seeing that he’d shifted on the bed. He lifted one arm to cushion his head, tilting it up some. He lay there, his big body relaxed, legs still spread, totally comfortable being naked. She envied him that. He had that incredible body though.

  “I thought you’d want to sleep.”

  One eyebrow arched.

  He was going to make her spell it out. She hesitated.

  “What is it?”

  “I just did that for you so now I know you’ll want to sleep.”

  She couldn’t read his expression. It came close to bafflement but then he appeared to be a little annoyed. “Damn humans.” He sat up and rolled to his feet in one fluid motion.

  Vanni froze. Had she made him angry? She should have just waited until he went to sleep to turn off the light. He strode forward but stopped just in front of her. She had to tilt her head back to look into his eyes.

  “What did I say? I didn’t mean to upset you.” She was afraid she’d dinged his pride. Men didn’t like those things being pointed out to them.

  “It’s not directed at you. I heard human males do that. It’s true? We’re just starting. I’m not tired and I sure as hell wouldn’t sleep while you’re turned-on.” His nose flared as he sniffed the air. “I can smell your need, babe.”

  He grabbed her. One arm wrapped around her rib cage and the other around her waist. He just lifted, spun and threw her on the bed. She bounced on the soft mattress, stunned. Smiley followed, putting his knee down beside her, and grinned.

  “My turn. Do I appear tired to you?” He dropped his chin to look down at his cock.

  She followed his gaze and couldn’t miss the fact that it was rock-hard again.

  “You’re mated to a Species. We have a fast recovery time. I don’t wear out and I sure as hell won’t ever let you go to sleep aching for sex. Roll over and get on your hands and knees. I’m going to take care of you.”

  Vanni glanced at his cock again and moved. He waited until she was on her stomach before he gripped her hips and jerked her up to her knees. The bed dipped as he climbed onto it with her, putting his legs on the outsides of hers. He released her hips and opened one hand under her belly to keep hold of her as he leaned back to put a little space between them.

  She moaned when he reached down and played with her clit with his free hand. She was already wet but that didn’t seem to be enough for him. He obviously wanted her really ready for sex. He stopped and she was almost disappointed until she realized he’d only done it to help position himself. The head of his cock slid against her pussy and he entered her slowly.

  “Yes.” That panted moan came from her. She lowered her head, closing her eyes. Smiley was definitely not sleepy, from the feel of him. He bent forward to press his chest against her back and braced his weight with one arm. The hand cupping her belly slid lower and two fingers pressed against her clit.

  He shifted a little, spreading his legs wider, and started to move with deep, long thrusts. Vanni clawed the bed. “Faster.”

  He leaned in, putting his lips by her ear. “No. Can you feel how hard you make me? How much I want you?” He massaged her clit as he rode her.

  “That’s so good.”

  “Toss your hair out of the way. Give me your neck.”

  She did it but he didn’t kiss her throat. His tongue wet her shoulder and then he bit down. It wasn’t hard enough to break the skin but it ramped up the excitement. Those fangs of his were hot and sent the good chills throughout her body. He gripped her a little tighter, fucked her a little harder and kept playing with her clit.

  “Oh god,” she cried out.

  “That’s me.” He drove into her deeper and faster. “Us. So damn good, isn’t it?”

  Her arms collapsed under her and she buried her face against the bed, trying to muffle some of the sounds she made.

  “I could fuck you for hours. I could live here with you under me,” he rasped. “You’re so sexy, so hot and so damn tight. You’re going to come. I can feel your muscles squeezing me.”

  She stopped clawing the bed and turned her head. His hand was close to her face, flattened to support his weight. She frantically reached out, needing to touch him. Her fingers covered his. He suddenly shifted, dropping down so he was braced on his elbow and twisted his wrist. He took her hand, clutching it tightly.

  Vanni shouted his name as her world exploded in a haze of white ecstasy. Smiley nipped her shoulder and groaned deeply. He slowed his thrusts and she knew he was coming when he curled around her tighter, shaking both them and the bed from the force of it.

  She closed her eyes when he stopped moving. Their heavy breathing was the only sound in the room. She knew a smile curved her lips. “Wow.”

  He brushed a soft kiss on the spot where he’d gotten her with his fangs. “Just warming up, my Vanni. It’s still early. Never forget that I can go all night. We’ll try anything you want. Do you have any fantasies you want to share? You can tell me anything. You’re mine and I’m yours. I want to do everything with you.”
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  It sank in. He really meant it. “I’ve never had sex in a tub before.” It was easier to admit that when she wasn’t staring into his eyes.

  “You will by the time we go to sleep.”

  “I have a bucket list.”

  “What is that?”

  “Things I’d like to try before I die. There are a few sex ones on there. We already had sex in a car. That was one of them.”

  Smiley released her clit and ran his hand along her belly. He shifted his body and just fell to the side, taking her with him. She laughed when they landed, still curled together with him inside her. He grabbed her breast, squeezed.

  “Tell me more. You have my full attention.”

  She looked at him over her shoulder. He was smiling, his eyes gleaming with amusement. It encouraged her to do just that.

  “I want to have sex outside at night. Not in front of anyone. Public sex isn’t my thing but I always thought it would be neat. Just outside at night under the moon and stars.”

  “We can do that too. We’ll wait until we’re at Reservation though. A lot of Homeland is blanketed in cameras. I’d have to beat on any male who saw you naked.” His expression changed to a serious one. “I hope this bucket list doesn’t include sex with other males. I’d do anything for you but that.”

  She shook her head, stunned he’d even bring it up. “No!”

  “Good. I know humans are into that sometimes but there would be massive blood loss if you put two Species males in the same room as a female in sexual need. We don’t share well and especially if one of them has feelings for her. I wouldn’t just beat on another male. I’d kill him if he even considered touching you. You’re mine.” He studied her. “Does that upset you?”

  “No. I’m possessive too. I would never want to be with someone who thought it was okay if we weren’t in a monogamous relationship.”


  She twisted a little to get a better look at him. “That’s what we have, right? Monogamy?”

  “Yes.” He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly. “I’m not addicted to your scent but it won’t matter. You’re all I want.”

  “Addicted to my scent?”

  “Remember when I told you I would get addicted to your scent? Canines and felines get addicted to the scent of their females and other ones smell distasteful to them—really bad.” He paused. “I haven’t experienced that with you. I love how you smell but I don’t feel the need to breathe you in constantly. I do want to hold you all the time and be close to you. I miss you when you aren’t with me. You’re my mate, Vanni. You can trust me.”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “You’re perfect.”

  “I’m not but I’ll try to be the best mate ever. You just need to always be honest with me.”

  “That goes both ways. What are your fantasies? I want to check things off your bucket list too.”

  “You said yes to being my mate and you’re in my arms. I get to spend the rest of my life with you at my side. That’s all I’ve ever dreamed of. You make me happy and whole, Vanni.”

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Don’t do that, my Vanni.” He nuzzled her head with his. “I want you happy.”

  “This is happy. Lately I just can’t seem to control it as well as I usually do. I just seem to tear up for any reason.”

  He tensed, his muscles tightening. “There’s something I need to tell you. I was afraid to before now because I wanted you to be secure about my feelings for you first. Do you know how much I love you?”

  “I think I do.”

  He buried his face in the curve of her shoulder, hugging her tighter and drew his legs up to hold her even closer. It kind of scared her.

  “What is it?”

  He nuzzled her cheek with his and put his lips next to her ear. “Will you please promise me it won’t change things between us?”

  That scared her. “Are you sick?” Oh god. Is he dying? Did that horrible drug do something to his internal organs? Vanni panicked. She’d just found Smiley. She couldn’t lose him. It was too cruel.

  “No.” He took a deep breath. “I recently learned that the breeding drug can make birth control pills ineffective. You could be pregnant, Vanni. I’d be thrilled. I want a child with you. I would also be fine if you weren’t. I want you either way. Don’t think otherwise. I knew I wanted to spend my life with you and I wanted you to know that before I was told about it. I was afraid you’d push me away and not give us a chance if you found out before right now.”

  Was that the reason she seemed to be more emotional than usual? She could be carrying Smiley’s child. She expected unease to set in but it didn’t come. The timing wasn’t perfect. Their relationship had just begun but the idea of starting a family with Smiley was appealing. She’d always wanted to be a mom. It reminded her that she’d almost settled for Carl to accomplish that. She’d never loved him. She was certain of that. Smiley was a whole other story. She did love him.

  Smiley held her tightly and started to stroke her thigh. “Are you okay? Talk to me.”

  “I bet we’d have cute babies together.”

  His hand stilled. “That’s all you have to say? You don’t sound angry.”

  She turned her head and he leaned back so she could look at him. “I’m not.”

  “You have no idea how much I love you, Vanni.”

  She stared into his soulful brown eyes and believed him. “I love you too. We’ll deal with whatever happens together. I’d be totally fine if I am pregnant. Are you going to be? The truth.”

  He grinned. “I want babies with you. I want everything with you.”

  “We’re okay then.” She smiled at him. “We’re both a little sweaty. How does a bath sound?”

  He chuckled. “Good. I just want to hold you for a little longer though. I don’t want you just to share sex with. We’ll cuddle and then figure out if we enjoy sex in water. Sound like a plan?”


  Chapter Twenty-One

  Vanni gripped Smiley’s hand, feeling a little disorientated by the trip. He’d had her sit on his lap to soften the helicopter ride but she didn’t believe she’d ever enjoy flying in them. He helped her out, gently placing her on the ground, then hunched over and kept her in his protective embrace until they cleared the blades.

  She peered around in curiosity. It was vastly different from Homeland. They were in an open area with only a single building within view. Trees and hillsides surrounded them. As they neared it, her attention focused on what was obviously a hotel. New Species exited the building. Most of them wore casual attire. Plenty of them sported grins and a few waved. Smiley responded. It was clear they were happy to see him and he them.

  “I want you to meet everyone but I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed.” He maneuvered her toward the doors, speaking loudly enough for everyone around them to hear. They nodded greetings as she passed, not making any comments.

  They entered the double doors that slid open without a key card. The lobby was large and a New Species female greeted them. She was a tall, dark-haired beauty.

  “Hello.” She offered her hand to Vanni. “I’m Creek. It is so nice to meet you, Vanni. I’ve made all the arrangements for this evening.” She released her after a quick handshake, reached inside the pocket of her pants and withdrew a key card, which she handed to Smiley. “I had them prepare the third floor honeymoon suite, Smiley. Second one on the right. You can’t miss it.” She winked. “Food is waiting. Just call the desk if you need anything at all.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” Vanni got out.

  Creek stepped back. “Welcome to the family. You’re Species now that you’re Smiley’s mate. We are so happy you said yes. He raved about you on the phone.”

  Vanni liked hearing that but she also wondered if Smiley and the woman had any kind of past. That idea was quickly quelled when Smiley spoke. Creek’s reaction wasn’t one of a woman who’d ever dated him.

/>   “Creek, smell Vanni. She might be pregnant. We didn’t have time to go to Medical this morning for her to take a test.” Excitement laced his voice. “We’d be happy about that.” He turned his head, grinning at Vanni. “Canines have the best sense of smell. She might detect it.”

  Creek stepped closer and sniffed. She bent a little and sniffed again. She straightened. “All I smell on her is you, Smiley. She’s covered in your scent.” The woman chuckled. “I could try again later after she showers and before you touch her. Just call me and I’ll come up. That would be exciting news.”

  “It would.”

  Creek glanced between them. “I really enjoy seeing a couple in love.” She winked at Vanni. “It won’t be difficult to call Medical here and have them send someone to draw blood from you if you really want to know.”

  “That would be great,” Vanni admitted.

  “After we go to Security but before the wedding,” Smiley added.

  “I’ll make it happen.” Creek spun away and walked back to the desk. She picked up the phone.

  Smiley tugged on Vanni’s arm, steering her toward the elevators. They entered it alone, rode to the third floor, stepped out and turned right. A white banner had been strung across the door with a red heart. Someone had used a black marker to write S & V.

  “That is so nice!” Vanni was touched.

  Smiley swiped the card. “I told you everyone was happy we mated.” He pushed the door open but stopped her when she tried to enter.

  She looked up at him as he used his foot to hold the door ajar. He bent and scooped her into his arms, shouldering the door open to carry her over the threshold. He kicked the door closed.

  “This is going to be our home for the next few days.”

  The room was large and tastefully furnished. It was one of the nicer hotels she’d ever seen. Balcony doors across the room had been left wide open to allow the breeze inside. There was a beautiful view of the trees. A river glistened in the distance.

  “Where’s the bed?” She didn’t see one. The area was set up as a living room and even boasted a fireplace along one wall. One corner contained a cozy dining table with two chairs. Two covered silver dishes sat on top, taking up most of the space, and a bottle of wine chilled in a bucket of ice with two glasses next to it.