If Sarandon was really set on living in his hometown, with his wolf pack, she’d give it a try. She’d mate him. Love him. Because that’s what mated wolves did. They were there for each other, no matter the circumstances.

  Once they’d run through acres of forest and made sure no wolves had intruded on their territory, she and he played for another hour. Wolf play—all the growling and chasing, nipping and biting—was part of the courtship ritual. Even during the quiet times when she stopped to drink from the river, she saw him watching her and wondered what he was thinking. Maybe the same thoughts she was having—where would they live and raise their pups.

  He drew close and brushed against her, his body needing to touch her, to share his scent with her. She drew closer, saying she thought they were together, just as much as he did. She turned her head a little, and he licked her muzzle. She licked his back. Then he nuzzled her cheek.

  He was being sweet, and yet there was more to it than that. A female and male wolf in courtship. The pheromones letting them know just how interested they were in each other. She decided that she wasn’t letting him go. She wanted him in her life for good. No matter where they ended up, they’d do this together.

  Then she wondered about the job. Would he be her partner in that too? She would be thrilled. Then she frowned. She hoped he wouldn’t be overprotective, worried she couldn’t handle fugitives on her own. Especially if he didn’t want to work with her. And what about his own business?

  She sighed, nipped at him, then bolted for the house. They needed to discuss everything. At least she wanted to. She hoped this wouldn’t be a disaster.

  * * *

  After the wolf run with Jenna, Sarandon chased her all the way to her house. They were getting to the mating stage, he knew. The quiet times together, just breathing each other in while out in the wilderness, contemplating their lives together—both as wolves and as humans—the playing part of getting to know each other. He knew from the way she kept close to him that she was ready for more.

  Inside the house, he chased her all the way to her bedroom, ignoring the fact that their clothes were in the living room.

  She turned around and nipped at him, and he tackled her to the floor as a wolf. She growled in a playful way, and when he let her up, she tackled him right back.

  He loved it. And he loved her.

  He let her take him down to the floor and nipped at her ears and cheek as she grabbed his neck in a play bite. As soon as she moved off him to let him up, panting, he shifted and got to his feet. She studied him for a moment, making his cock stir. He wanted to be with her tonight in the worst way, if she wanted the same as him.

  She ran her tongue up his leg, and he smiled at her before she shifted. Then she shifted and tackled him, knocking him back onto the mattress. He could have withstood her maneuver, but he wanted to be just where she was sending him—backward onto the bed. Beneath her.

  She pinned him down. He quickly wrapped his arms and legs around her, pinning her to him. “Now, this is the way to end a wolf run.”

  She began to kiss his chin and cheeks, her mouth sliding across his mouth. “I so agree.”

  He kissed her back, their lips synced, their hot bodies molded together. He wanted this, and he wanted her. Not just now, but for a lifetime. He knew it in his heart. He hoped she was feeling the same way about him. He thought she was, or she wouldn’t have made this maneuver.

  He gloried in the feel of her soft curves and skin pressed against him, her soft mouth moving across his lips in a gentle sweep back and forth, her mons pressing against his engorged cock.

  She rubbed against him and grabbed his wrists, holding them against the mattress, pinning him down as if she were in charge. He still had his legs wrapped around her, holding her tight to him. Proving he was just as much in charge.

  She smiled against his mouth and licked the seam of his lips.

  He parted his lips to take her in. She hummed against his mouth. “Delicious.”

  He twisted his hips and rolled her onto her back, and in the same smooth move, he was on top of her, grasping her wrists, holding them against the bed. Now she was open to him, her legs spread, his body in between, his tongue in her mouth, stroking, tasting the sweet, spiciness that was Jenna.

  “Hmm, Sarandon.”

  Even the sultry, sexy way she said his name made him hotter.

  * * *

  Sarandon moved off her to caress her breast and kiss her jaw. Jenna cherished the way he made her feel loved, the tenderness of his kisses, and the touch of his fingers sliding across her breast. They tingled, and her nipples stretched out to him.

  She pulled him down to kiss his mouth and moved her tongue inside to stroke his tongue. She loved this between them, but she wasn’t ready for a mating all the way. Not yet. They hadn’t decided on anything. Where to live. What he would do if he joined her here. What she would do if she joined him in Silver Town.

  He cupped a breast and touched his tongue to her nipple, scorching her. Wrapping his lips around it, he suckled and she slid her fingers through his hair, wanting all of him.

  “Hot,” she said. He made her hot, made her want to go all the way—at least her body was craving having him deep inside her. “Hurry.” She reached down to stroke his cock, and that encouraged him to stroke her between her legs. “Ohmigod, yes.”

  They continued to kiss, their pheromones going crazy.

  He rubbed her clit, then slipped a finger into her, and she wanted his cock inside her, stretching her, deeply thrusting. He slid his tongue between her lips. So enraptured with his touch, she lost her grip on his cock. Climbing the peak, she felt the end coming. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, saw him watching her strained expression, his eyes smoky with desire. She gripped him harder, just as the climax ripped through her and she cried out in wonderment. Sinking against the bed, she was awash in pure bliss, cognizant that she should help him come but wanting to soak up the glorious way she was feeling.

  He rubbed his cock against her belly, his mouth kissing her mouth, jaw, and cheeks. Her fingers dug into his buttocks. And he rubbed more vigorously, but she wanted to help. She pushed at him until he was lying on his back and she climbed onto his legs and began to stroke.

  He groaned, running his hands up her thighs with solid strokes, his expression tightening. “Don’t stop,” he ground out, as if she had any intention of leaving him hanging.

  She drew in the heady scents of him and wolf, of musk and sex as she watched his eyes darken. He sucked in his breath as she continued to pull on his emotions, milking him until the wolf couldn’t hold back even if he’d wanted to. He released, his expression brightening.

  “Aww, Jenna honey, you’re amazing.”

  “So are you.” She slid her leg off him so he could climb off the mattress. He left the bed and held his hand out to help her up from the bed. Once she was on her feet, he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom so they could shower together.

  “We need to do something about this soon,” he said, getting the water hot. Then he pulled her into the shower and shut the glass door.

  She turned him around so his back was to her, then squirted jasmine soap into her hands and began soaping him down, working on his chest while she pressed her body against his back. She appreciated that he wasn’t complaining that the scent of her body wash wasn’t manly enough. “We need to talk.” She kissed his wet back and nuzzled her face against his warm skin.

  “About us?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know about you, but—”

  “You can’t quit touching me?” Sarandon pulled her hands lower to wash his cock.

  She laughed and began soaping up his cock that was beginning to grow of its own accord. “Yeah, that too. We’ve got to make some decisions.”

  “I’ve got tours booked up for the next six months. Maybe you could come on
some of them with me?”

  That’s not what she wanted to hear. She made him turn and face her. “I have a job to do. I couldn’t let my family down. If we have bail bond skippers, I’ve got to help apprehend them. That’s what I’m trained to do.”

  “I understand completely. I’ve received payment for all these tours. I’m contracted to do it, which means I have a legal obligation.”

  She soaped his shoulders while he ran his soapy hands over her neck and shoulders, making her inner core tighten again. Jeesh, he was going to make her come all over again!

  She had been afraid of this business with their jobs and a long-distance relationship. Their jobs were important to each of them, and they lived too far away from each other to make it work. She felt saddened that they could be the right wolves for each other, at least physically and emotionally, but the business of her family versus his pack could always be an issue. She couldn’t see living without close family nearby, so living halfway between Silver Town and her family’s home, three hours in either direction, probably wouldn’t be the solution.

  She let her breath out on a heavy, frustrated sigh and set the container of body wash on the shower shelf. She quickly rinsed off and left the shower.

  He hurried to rinse off and turned off the water, exited the shower, and grabbed another towel to gently towel-dry her hair, even though he was dripping wet, and damn it, she wanted to lick every water droplet dribbling down his skin, starting at his nipples.

  He leaned over to kiss her neck. “We’ll work it out, Jenna. I’m not giving you up for anything.”

  She felt tears well up in her eyes. She had left her family before because her mate hadn’t cared for them. She’d been so worried that when her babies were born, Will would be awful to live with if she’d wanted to see her family, to give them time to spend with her and her children. She didn’t want to feel that way again. Yet the pull to have a mate who was so perfectly compatible in other ways drove her need to take more drastic measures. She knew by the way her family had treated Sarandon, and the way he seemed to genuinely like them, that he wouldn’t act the same as Will. Her husband had been a lone wolf, while Sarandon was a wolf who loved his family and would do anything for them. She knew he would also do anything for her family—but maybe not live by them.

  He kissed her cheek, then grabbed another towel and dried himself off. “I love you. We’ll figure this out.”

  “I guess you wanted in the worst way to rejoin your family after you’d left the pack, didn’t you?” She had to remember how hard it had been for him to leave his pack after all his father had done. She’d been fortunate to have a family who had always been there for her. Now that Sarandon was back with his pack and accepted by them, would she want to rip him away from them?

  Jenna ran her hands up his chest with a tender caress. She couldn’t help loving him. Maybe he needed more time with his pack because of how hard it had been for him and his brothers to return to them.

  He touched her cheek. “Yes, I did want to go back. All my brothers did. We would have done anything to prove we were worthy of returning to the pack. This business between you and me… This is just as important.”

  She took his hand and led him back toward her bedroom. “I think I’ve fallen for the suspected fugitive. Maybe I’m in the wrong line of work.”

  “No, you’re good at your job. I’ve been thinking about it. A hell of a lot. Every waking moment, in fact.”

  She hoped that meant he was contemplating joining her in the family business.

  She climbed into bed, and he joined her. “I need to practice some maneuvers with you so another human, or wolf, doesn’t take you down like I did.”

  She sighed and cuddled against him. “It won’t happen again. You were just a…shock.”

  “And hot. And you love me for it.”

  She smiled and kissed his cheek. “We have to decide how we are going to work this before we can go any further.”

  “We’ll work it out, Jenna. For now, I’m here to help you find Alex and sort this all out. After that, I’ll stay with you until I need to be the guide for my butterfly tour group.”

  And then he’d be back in the fold with his pack, his brothers, his cousins, and his extended family. Without her to distract him, would he feel the gnawing need to return here? To be with her forever?

  She knew saying goodbye would be heartbreaking, but if they couldn’t come to a compromise, she’d have to give him up.

  * * *

  They’d fallen asleep in Jenna’s bed, and she was still snuggled against Sarandon, just where he wanted her to be, when his phone woke him. Still half asleep, he’d been thinking about how he could resolve the situation with his tours by finding someone else to take his place. He would have to make sure his tour group members agreed to the change. He’d been doing this for so many years that he had regulars, and several paid for his excursions because he was their guide.

  He peered at the caller ID. Gillies’s Travel Center. That was three hours out of Colorado Springs on the road to Silver Town.

  He sat up in bed, immediately worried something had happened to CJ, since that was the direction he was headed.

  “This is Sarandon.” Before he even heard what was going on, Sarandon quickly got out of bed and began to dress.

  “Will you accept a collect call from CJ Silver?” the operator asked.

  Collect call? What the hell? “Yes.” Sarandon knew it had to be bad news if CJ had to call him collect.

  Jenna got out of bed next and began dressing in jeans and a T-shirt.

  “Hey, Sarandon, I’m in a real bind,” CJ said, breathing hard.

  “What’s wrong, Brother? You sound like you’re having a hard time breathing.” And why was he calling collect this late at night? Something was really wrong.

  “We made a pit stop, and I filled up on gas.”

  “CJ, are you injured?” Sarandon didn’t think he sounded like himself. Sarandon pulled his shirt over his head.

  “When I went to uncuff Burt so I could place his hands in front of himself to pee, he got the better of me.”

  “Hell. Okay, I’m coming. Are you all right?” That’s what really mattered. Sarandon knew CJ couldn’t be, or he wouldn’t be calling him.

  “He stole everything. The car, my gun, my badge, my uniform, my wallet.”

  “I’m getting dressed, and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Jenna was hurrying to finish getting dressed, and then they headed outside to her car. Sarandon hadn’t expected her to go with him, but then he remembered he didn’t have a car here. He put his cell on speaker.

  “Hell, I had to borrow shorts and a T-shirt since I have no money,” CJ said.

  “Jenna and I are coming. I’ll bring some clothes… Uh, got to grab a bag.” Sarandon raced back into the house to grab a bag he hadn’t unpacked yet and headed back outside. Jenna had slipped into her room to also grab a bag. She got into the car and started the engine while Sarandon tossed his bag into the back seat and climbed into the passenger’s seat. “I’ll alert Peter and Darien right away. Are you okay?” He quickly gave Jenna the name of the service station, and she looked it up on her GPS. Then she drove out of the driveway and headed to the main road.

  CJ didn’t sound okay. He was having to pause for a long time before replying to Sarandon. And he hadn’t once said how he was feeling. Burt had to have knocked him out. It was the only way he would have had the opportunity to take CJ’s clothes and everything else and stolen his car.

  “I’m seeing double, feeling nauseated. I’m sitting on the floor next to the checkout counter. In the way of customers.”

  “What the hell.” Someone should have already called for help! “Is there someone there I can talk to?” Sarandon had to get someone to call for an ambulance.

  “A man’s taking pictures of me.”

>   Sarandon scowled. “Tell him I want to talk to him.”


  “Hello?” a young man said.

  “Are you local to that area?”

  “Passing through.”

  “Hand the phone to the clerk.”

  “Hello?” another man said.

  “Do you live in the area there?”

  “Yeah. Just about a mile away.”

  “Do they have a hospital nearby?”

  “A clinic.”

  “Call for an ambulance. I’ll pay for it. I’m Sarandon, CJ’s brother. It sounds like he’s got a concussion. I’m still two hours and forty-five minutes away. What’s the name of the clinic?”


  “Call an ambulance. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “Yes, yes, sir. Right now. I’ve got to hang up to do it.”

  “Just do it.”

  “Okay.” The call ended.

  Sarandon felt sick about it. He should have helped his brother transport Burt to Silver Town, but he really hadn’t thought the cameraman was dangerous. He called Peter, waking him up.

  “Did you find Alex?” the sheriff asked, sounding half asleep.

  “No. CJ was transporting Burt Dreyfus to Silver Town when he knocked CJ out and stole everything. CJ is at a service station, and the clerk is calling an ambulance for him now. I’m on my way there, but it’s about three hours from where I was staying. About the same distance for you.”

  “I’ll call the state police about the stolen car and the injury to CJ. You take care of him. I’ll notify Laurel that her mate has been injured and call your brother Brett to see if they can join you. I’ll take care of the search for Burt.”

  “I’ll call Darien so you can alert everyone else in law enforcement. If the guy thought he could get away with this, he’s gravely mistaken.”

  “We’ll catch him. Out here.”

  Sarandon called Darien next and told him what was going on.

  “I’ll call Mason about the alert roster, and everyone will be notified. We’ll get Burt. The bastard.”