Once Jenna got a certified check from him, she and Sarandon ran into Officer Calvin Meissner. “Meet my new husband and partner in apprehending fugitives, Sarandon Silver,” she said.

  Meissner’s jaw dropped for a split second. “So she didn’t tase you but married you instead? That’s a new one on me.” He shook Sarandon’s hand. “Congratulations to the both of you. I’m glad to hear you’ve got more help on this. I heard you caught Jeffries. Good job. We’ve never been able to locate Burt Dreyfus.”

  “Neither have we. Maybe he left the country. Oh, and from time to time, we’ll be using a scent dog to try to track the fugitives down. We’ve picked up a couple of them, so you might see us with them when we attempt to apprehend these fugitives.”

  “Sounds good. We’ll talk later. Got another call coming in.” Meissner’s phone was buzzing, and he answered it.

  When Meissner left, Sarandon said to Jenna, “Scent dogs?”

  “Wolves. Or dogs that look like wolves. I think we need to take a new approach with some of these fugitives. Especially if they’re running in the woods.”

  “Like Burt?”

  “Absolutely. Especially with Burt. The only thing we have to decide is who gets to play wolf.”

  “Me,” Sarandon said, because he was taking Burt down as soon as they could track him.

  She nodded and was looking up information on Haldon, who was right there in Colorado Springs. “Haldon has an ex-wife and a couple of kids at a location an hour from here. I thought we’d visit her first to learn if she might know where he’s hiding out.”

  “I’m all for it.”

  When they spoke to the ex-wife, she mentioned a woman who had dated him after they divorced. “Trixie Bigsby,” the ex-wife said. “If she knows what’s good for her, she dumped the bum.”

  They located Trixie and called her up. “Haldon? I broke up with him a couple of weeks ago. He told me I was his soul mate, but I learned he was seeing two other women. Bastard. The drinking and DUIs made me call it quits. If I tell you where you might find him, do I get the reward money?”

  They got so many calls like this when they offered a reward for information leading to the apprehension of the suspect. Even though they were always hopeful it was a good tip, the majority were false sightings, mistaken identities, wishful thinking.

  “If the information you have on Haldon’s whereabouts directly leads to his apprehension, yes,” Jenna said.

  “Okay, while we were dating, he took me to some of his childhood haunts and said sometimes he still returns to them. He’d go there when he got in trouble at home. He had an abusive stepfather, and his mother didn’t protect him. The final reason I called it quits with him was that he was driving with a suspended license because of a couple of DUIs. My dad was a drunken deadbeat, and I could see where our relationship was headed, same as my mom’s with my dad. My dad was having affairs with barflies. You name it. I drove by one of the places this afternoon on my way to the grocery store, and I thought I saw him entering a motel room with a disheveled blond. His hair is shaggier and he’s wearing a scruffy beard now, but I’m pretty sure it was him.”

  “Give me the name of the motel and the list of other locations, and we’ll check them out,” Jenna said.

  “You will let me know if you find him, won’t you?”

  “We will.”

  “I saw him at the Moonlight Motel on First Street in Colorado Springs. Yeah, I know. You’d think he’d want to get out of the city. He doesn’t have a car, totaled it while he was DUI the one time, and he doesn’t have any car insurance. I don’t know how he can hold down a job, but he’s always got one. The other places are motels just as seedy as the one I’m sure I saw him at.” She gave Jenna the list of names and locations. “Hey, you’re the one looking for Alex Dreyfus, aren’t you? Is there a reward for finding him too?”

  “Alex Dreyfus? How do you know about him?”

  “I work at a bar in Colorado Springs. His brother, Burt, was coming in there, bragging he was a cameraman for a TV show. Had my interest, believe me. That’s where I met Haldon. Anyway, I left with Burt after I got off work a couple of nights a week. He said his brother was in a bit of trouble and he had to help him out. That’s when I saw the reward offered for his brother, but I never knew where he was, and Burt wouldn’t say or didn’t know either.”

  “Alex was cleared of all charges.”

  “Oh, okay. Good.”

  “Do you know where Burt is now? Have you seen him recently?” Jenna asked.

  “No. He was supposed to meet me tomorrow night at the bar after I get off. Why?”

  “Was there someplace special he was taking you?”

  “He’d come to my place. Why?”

  “If you see him or hear from him, let us know. He’s not on our case list, but he’s wanted in the case of identity theft and stolen passports, for injuring a deputy sheriff, and for shooting me.”

  “Holy crap. Are you serious? See? That’s the problem I have with guys. I think one’s okay, and then I learn he’s the worst of the lot.” She paused. “If he’s not on your list, that means no reward?”

  “Oh, there will be a reward. We need to apprehend him before he hurts anyone else. And thank you. We’ll let you know what we discover concerning Haldon.”

  “Good luck.”

  Jenna was already driving in the direction of the Moonlight Motel. “What do you think the chances are that Burt will try to hook up with Trixie tomorrow night?”

  “Slim if he’s running scared after trying to kill you, but it’s worth checking out.”

  “Do you think we’ll find Haldon at the motel?”

  “I sure hope so. At least we have other leads to investigate if this one doesn’t pan out. Are you wearing your bulletproof vest?”

  “Always. Dad got me a new one, hole-free. We can’t call the police in on the situation with Burt,” Jenna said.

  “Right. Not after what he’s pulled. We have to handle this ourselves.”

  * * *

  When they reached the one-story, ten-room motel, the sun was hitting the grimy siding. Jenna wondered what it had been like and the kind of clientele that had stayed there when it had been brand new. It looked similar to the one where they had apprehended Jeffries—same approximate age, just as run-down. Three scratched and dinged cars were parked next to the rooms. She went to the office to present the pictures of Haldon to the woman inside and showed the manager her badge. Sarandon stayed outside, listening to their conversation but watching the motel rooms to ensure Haldon didn’t leave if he was still here.

  “He’s staying in room five. Wait, is there a reward for his arrest? There is, isn’t there?”

  This got dicey. If the manager had called their number to report him, that would be different.

  “We have to apprehend him first. Did he register a car?”


  “And was he alone?”

  “He was with a blond.”

  “What was the name he used?”

  “Jones.” The manager gave her a key to the room.

  “Is there a back way out of the rooms?”

  “No. The only windows are out front.”

  “Thank you.”

  Then Jenna moved outside, and she and Sarandon headed for the room. “I hope he’s still there.”

  When they drew closer to the door, Sarandon said, “I hear someone showering inside.”

  She hoped it wasn’t just the blond and Haldon was gone. She knocked on the door.

  No one answered.

  She used the key on the door and opened it, but Sarandon quickly moved forward, protecting her. She couldn’t appreciate him any more than she did.

  “Out of bed now,” Sarandon said, advancing on the bed, and she saw the naked man sprawled across the mattress, the bedspread and sheets tangled up on
one side of the bed.

  The shower shut off.

  The man in the bed didn’t move, snoring.

  The place reeked of sweat, whiskey, and beer. Two empty whiskey bottles and a couple of six packs of empty beer cans were lying all over the floor.

  The door opened to the bathroom, and a blond-haired woman in a towel shrieked to see them standing there.

  “Sit on the chair over there,” Jenna commanded.


  “I’m a fugitive recovery agent, and we’re taking him in to the police department. Haldon has an arrest warrant out on him.”

  Sarandon picked up one of the empty whiskey bottles and filled it with water from the bathroom, then returned and poured it on Haldon’s face. The guy came up sputtering for breath.

  “Get dressed,” Sarandon ordered.

  “What the hell?” Haldon said, coughing and hacking.

  “I’m taking you in to face your charges at trial. Hopefully, you’ll be incarcerated this time and not let go,” Jenna said. She glanced at the blond. “You don’t have any arrest warrants out on you, do you?”


  “Come on, man, get it together,” Sarandon said to the guy.

  Haldon began to pull on some boxers. “What are you doing here?”

  “Arresting you,” Jenna said. “So we’d prefer you were dressed when we left.”

  After Haldon had a shirt and jeans on, he slipped his feet into a pair of flip-flops. Sarandon helped him to his feet, then tied his wrists behind him with plastic ties. “Okay, come on, Haldon. Let’s go to jail.”

  “Is there a reward for his arrest?” the blond asked, looking like she thought she would have a chance at the reward.

  “No,” Jenna said. And she got the car door for Sarandon. She called the woman who had given them the tip. “We got him, thanks. Once I’ve turned him over to the police, we’ll take care of the reward money.”

  “Oh, thank you. He was bad news. I’m so glad something good could come of me knowing him.”

  “I’m glad you knew where he was too. Thanks for all your help.” Then Jenna drove to the police department and called her mom. “We’ve got Haldon. We’re headed in to turn him over to the police. And, Mom, this woman gave us the information to take him in.” She gave her the ex-girlfriend’s name and number. “And the woman in the motel office identified him and the room where he was staying. So she might need some reward money too. Your call.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Jenna was glad they had caught Haldon, but Burt was still on the loose. “Trixie might be meeting with Burt at the bar where she works, so we’re hoping we’ll take him down then.”

  Chapter 20

  After they dropped Haldon off at the police station, Jenna and Sarandon headed back to her house, and all he could think about was how much he craved to make love to his mate. He visualized stroking her into completion and plunging into her hot, wet sheath; his cock was already half-aroused.

  “What do you do after you have a case like this when you’re so close to home?” Sarandon asked, his voice much huskier than usual. He was glad everything had worked out and no one had gotten hurt.

  She eyed him for a minute. “I usually go for a wolf run. It always gives me the feeling of freedom and helps me to shake off the concern I have when I have to take a suspect in. Now that you’re here with me, I feel so much better. I don’t need a wolf run to get it out of my system. Afterward, I would have gone back to Cañon City to look for Herman.”

  He parked the car in her garage. “I could just make love to you and get rid of the adrenaline rush that way. You know what they say, don’t you? Having all that excess adrenaline in your system, if you don’t burn it off in physical exercise, can make you jittery.”

  She chuckled. “Is that why your voice is so rough? It’s definitely on the agenda. I still want to run. Don’t you?”

  “Yeah. And then I’ll make love to you.” But he was thinking that making love to her would have to come first. He was too ready for this.

  “How could I be so lucky.” She leaned over the console and kissed his mouth but slid her hand over his erection, and it jerked under her light touch. She smiled and licked his lips. “Hmm, looks like someone’s got other plans. First.”

  “I’m damn lucky. And hell yeah.” No way could Sarandon smell his sexy mate running as a wolf with him, feeling her rubbing against him in a loving way, and not take care of the raging need he had to make love to her beforehand.

  Ravishing his beautiful mate, and then running with her. He had to keep his priorities straight.

  Once they left the car, he snagged her hand and headed into the house. In the bedroom, he removed her holster and pistol.

  “Hmm, this reminds me of the first time we met.” She removed his holster next.

  He laughed. “I was thinking the same thing. And how our foreplay in the leaves at the cabin was a real turn-on, as much as I was trying to keep some control over the notion.”

  She chuckled. “I noticed.”

  “Couldn’t be helped. All your ordering me about and armed to the teeth, you were sexier than hell.” He unfastened her protective vest and cast it to the floor.

  “I was hoping you’d want to do this first. Been thinking of this for a while?” She rubbed her hot body against his erection and yanked off his protective vest, dropping it on the floor on top of hers.

  He loved it when she stripped him of all his gear. “Hell yeah. As soon as we dropped off the perp. All I could think about was getting you naked. You’re so beautiful, Jenna.”

  “You’re one sexy wolf, Sarandon. I was imagining the same but didn’t want you to think that’s all I thought of you—sex and more sex, like you were my prized stud wolf.”

  He chuckled. “Works for me.” He settled her on the edge of the bed so he could remove her boots and socks, rubbing his cheek against her knee, smelling her musky aroma. “You’re already wet for me, aren’t you?” He looked up at her to see her smiling down at him.

  “Since I’ve been thinking about getting you naked and having my wicked way with you.”

  He smiled at her, took hold of her shoulders, and leaned her back on the bed. He unbuckled her belt, pulled down her pants zipper, then slid her pants off. He rubbed her mons through her wet panties, glad she was just as eager to have sex.

  Not expecting it, she left the bed and yanked his shirt out of his jeans, her fingers slipping underneath his shirt and stroking his chest. “Hurry up. You’re way behind me.”

  “We’ll remedy that.” He tore off his shirt. Then he leaned down to remove his boots and socks.

  As soon as he stood tall, she ran her hand over his cock straining against his jeans. He groaned.

  “Hmm.” She kissed his naked chest, running her hands up his muscles, palming his nipples.

  Her touches and kisses stoked the fire burning in his blood. Yeah, no way could he have waited to have her. He pulled off her shirt and unfastened her bra, and then he kneaded her beautiful, bountiful breasts.

  He wanted her now, but he was trying not to rush this time, loving the feel of her smooth fingers on his skin and the way her nipples pressed against the palms of his hands.

  He ran his hands down her arms while she unfastened his belt and then pulled down his zipper, her fingers caressing his erection. He couldn’t last and hurried to pull off her panties. She slid his boxer briefs down his legs, and he kicked them off before he pinned her to the mattress, his wolf, his mate.


  * * *

  Sarandon gave her a long, lingering kiss, his touch a drug Jenna didn’t want to give up. Ever. Her body was as taut with need as his appeared to be.

  He anchored her against him, rubbing his stiff cock against her, and she rubbed her body against him, breathing in his scent and collecting it aga
inst her skin.

  She swept her hands down his back as he pressed kisses on her cheeks, then her throat, her neck, making her tingle with exquisite need.

  He kindled a fire deep inside her, his warm tongue pressing against her lips, seeking entrance. And she let him in. Welcomed him, the sweet, spicy taste of him. The erotic touch of him.

  Never had she imagined she’d feel this way with another wolf, so completely taken in. So fiercely passionate. So ready and demanding.

  With Sarandon, it was always uninhibited, passionate sex. Having him touch her scorched her as she couldn’t stop touching him. Feeling his smooth, heated skin, tracing his hard muscles, she enjoyed his cock rubbing against her leg as he moved to stroke her into oblivion, and she was ready for him too.

  Oh God, he was so very good at this. And tormenting her with his strokes. She breathed him in, her sexy mate, her wolf, his pheromones zinging about and tantalizing hers.

  Their heartbeats were thundering as he stroked her harder, faster, into a fevered pitch. Now or never. She felt the rise and fall in one tumultuous, cataclysmic moment, and then the waves of climax carrying her out to sea.

  Feeling boneless, she wanted him now, every bit of his glorious cock thrusting between her legs. Now.

  * * *

  Jenna was one hell of a seductive wolf. Sarandon was damn lucky Alex had brought them together, and though Sarandon had never believed in fate or destiny, he couldn’t deny he felt that meeting Jenna like he had and falling in love had been fated.

  He spread her legs apart and entered her slowly, then pulled out and began to thrust. He’d never met a more passionate woman. Never needed one like he needed her.

  He kissed her lips. Licking them, then seeking entrance. She parted her lips for him, but when he inserted his tongue to taste her, to caress her, she sucked on it, making him nearly come.

  He thrust his cock deeper between her legs, slipping his hands under her buttocks, so she was higher and he could forge even deeper. She clung to him, matching his thrusts, drawing him in and holding on for dear life.