Page 28 of The Dreaming

  Salrana had been accepted a lot more readily into the Lady’s Church by Thorpe-By-Water’s Mother. But she wasn’t happy, either. “This will never be our home,” she told Edeard sadly after their first week. Thorpe-By-Water’s residents didn’t exactly shun the refugees from Ashwell, but they weren’t made welcome. Rulan province now lived in fear of the bandits. If they could strike Ashwell, which was three days’ ride from the edge of the wilderness, they could strike anywhere in the province. Life had changed irrevocably. There were patrols out in the farmlands and forests constantly now; and craftsmen were having to leave aside all nonurgent tasks to strengthen village walls. Everyone in the Rulan province was going to be poorer this winter.

  Edeard walked into the market square to the same averted glances he’d been getting every day for the last three weeks. With its stalls and cobbled floor it was remarkably similar to the one in Ashwell. Larger, of course, Thorpe-By-Water was a bigger village, built in a fork of the River Gwash, providing it with natural protection along two sides. A canal moat had been dug between the two fast flowing water courses, with a sturdy drawbridge in the middle, completing the defences. Edeard thought that might make them safer than Ashwell. There really was only one real point of entry. Unless the bandits used boats. Where would bandits get enough boats from…

  His farsight was casually aware of Salrana hurrying towards him. They greeted each other in front of one of the many fish stalls. She was dressed in the blue and white novice robe of the lady, one which was slightly baggy this time.

  “Almost like before,” Edeard said, looking her up and down. He was quietly aware of the glances she was drawing from the other young men in the market.

  She wriggled inside it, pulling at the long flared sleeves. “I’d forgotten how prickly this fabric is when it’s new,” she said. “I only ever had one new one before at Ashwell, for my initiation ceremony; the rest were all second-hand. But the Mother here has had five made for me.” She gave his clothes an assessment. “Still not found a weaver?”

  Edeard rubbed at his ancient shirt with its strange mis-coloured patches. His trousers were too short as well, and the boots were so old the leather was cracked along the top. “You need money for a weaver to make a shirt. Apprentices are clothed by their Guild. And apprentices without status get the pick of everything the others don’t want.”

  “He still hasn’t confirmed your journeyman status?”

  “No. It’s all politics. His own journeymen are totally inept, and that’s mostly thanks to his poor training. They lose at least six out of every ten eggs. That’s just pitiful. Even Akeem’s apprentices didn’t lose that many. They’re also five years older than me, so putting me on their level would be an admission of how rubbish he actually is. I didn’t appreciate what I’d got with Akeem.” He fell silent at the painful memory. They should have made time to recover the bodies, to give their village a proper funeral blessed by the Lady.

  “You knew,” she said supportively.

  “Yes. Thanks.” They wandered through the market, Edeard looking enviously at the various clothes on display. As an apprentice he wasn’t allowed to trade any eggs he sculpted, they all belonged to the Guild. Akeem had been decently flexible about it, believing in a quiet rewards system. But now Edeard found himself with no money, no friends, and no respect. It was like being ten years old again.

  “One of the patrols came in last night,” Salrana said as they walked. “The Mother was at the meeting of village elders this morning; the patrol leader told them they’d found no sign of bandits, let alone a large group of them. Apparently there’s talk about cutting down the patrols.”

  “Idiots,” Edeard grunted. “What were they expecting to find? We told them the bandits can conceal themselves.”

  “I know.” Her expression turned awkward. “Our word doesn’t count for much.”

  “What do they think destroyed Ashwell?”

  “Give them some grace, Edeard; their whole world is being turned upside down right now. That’s never easy.”

  “Whereas we’ve had a cosy ride.”

  “That’s not nice.”

  “Sorry.” He took a long breath. “I just hate this: after all we went through, and we get treated as if we’re the problem. I really should have kept that gun.” He’d left it at the bottom of the well shaft, not wanting any part of a bandit legacy. The gun was pure evil. Ever since, he’d been trying to draw the fidgety little components he’d sensed inside. Thorpe-By-Water’s blacksmith had laughed when he’d taken the sketches to him, telling him no such thing could be made. Now people were becoming sceptical about the whole repeat-shooting-gun story.

  “You did the right thing,” she said. “How awful would life be if everyone had a weapon like that.”

  “It’s pretty awful that the bandits have it and we don’t,” he snapped at her. “What’s to stop them sweeping through the whole province? Then further? How about the entire region?”

  “That won’t happen.”

  “No, it won’t, because the governor will raise an army. Thankfully, there are more of us than them, so we can win no matter how terrible their weapons are. But that will mean bloodshed on a scale we’ve never known.” He wanted to beat his fists against the nearest stall. “How did they get that gun? Do you think they found one of the ships we came in?”

  “Maybe they never left the ship they came in,” she said in a small voice.

  “Perhaps. I don’t know. Why will no one listen to us?”

  “Because we’re children.”

  He turned to snarl at her, then saw the deep worry in her thoughts, her tired face dabbed with greenish ointment. She was so lovely. Somehow he knew Akeem would approve him risking everything to save her. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m taking it out on you.”

  “Because I’m the only one who listens,” she told him.

  “Lady, it’s worse here than Ashwell in some ways. The elders are so… backward. They must inbreed like dogs.”

  Salrana grinned. “Keep your voice down,” she scolded.

  “Okay,” he grinned back. “Not much longer now, I hope.”

  People were gathering along the side of the market square to watch the caravan arrive. Edeard counted thirty-two wagons rolling along the road and over the drawbridge. Most had terrestrial beasts tethered to them; horses, donkeys, oxen, cows; some had pens carrying huge pigs. Ge-wolves padded alongside. There were more outriders with pistols than Edeard remembered from before. The wagons were as large and impressive as he recalled, with their metal-rimmed wheels as tall as him. Most of them were covered by curving canopies of dark oiled cloth, though several were clad in tarred wood almost like tiny mobile cottages. Entire families sat on the driver’s bench, waving and smiling as they wound their way into the market. Every summer the caravans would tour the district, trading animals, seeds, eggs, tools, food, drink, and fancy cloth from Makkathran itself. They didn’t always visit Ashwell, but Edeard could remember the excitement when they did.

  Even before the wagons had stopped, villagers were shouting up at the travelling families, asking what they’d brought. It was a good-natured crowd who had little time for the Mayor’s welcoming speech to the caravan leader. Trading was already underway before the formalities were over. Samples of wine and beer were handed down, mostly to apprentices. Edeard chewed on some dried beef that had been flavoured with a spice he’d never tasted before. Salrana picked daintily at trays of fruit and pickled vegetables though she was less restrained when it came to exotic chocolates.

  As the evening sky began to darken, Edeard was in considerably better spirits. A lot of the villagers were making for home and supper before returning for the night’s traditional festivities. He and Salrana made their way to the lead caravan. The last remaining villagers were leaving, studiously ignoring the Ashwell pair as they did so.

  Barkus, the caravan Master, was also as Edeard remembered. A man several decades into his second century, but still hale. He had the largest si
deburns Edeard had ever seen, white whiskers bristling round the curve of his jawbone, framing ruddy cheeks. His barrel torso was clad in a red silk shirt and an extravagant blue and gold waistcoat. “And what can I do for you two?” he chortled as Edeard and Salrana edged in close to his wagon; his large family glanced at them and kept about their work, extending the awning on a frame of martoz wood to form an extensive tent. “I think we’ve run out of beer samples.” He winked at Edeard.

  “I want to come with you to Makkathran, we both do.”

  Barkus let out a booming laugh. Two of his sons sniggered as they pushed the awning pegs into the hard ground. “Very romantic, I’m sure. I admire your pluck young sir, and you my Lady’s lady. But sadly we have no room for passengers. Now I’m sure that if the two of you are to be ah… how shall we say, blessed by an addition, your parents won’t be as fearsome as you expect. Trust me. Go home and tell them what’s happened.”

  Salrana drew her shoulders back. “I am not pregnant. I take my vows of devotion very seriously.”

  Which blatant lie almost deflated Edeard’s indignation. “I am Edeard and this is Salrana; we’re the survivors from Ashwell.” He was very aware of the silence his statement caused. Barkus’s family were all looking at them. Several strands of farsight emanating from the other side of the wagon swept across them. “I believe you knew my Master, Akeem.”

  Barkus nodded sagely. “You’d best come inside. And the rest of you, get back to work.”

  The wagon was one of those boasting a wooden cabin. The inside was fitted with beautiful ancient golden wood, intricately carved with a quality which would have eluded Geepalt and his apprentices. Every section of the walls and ceiling were made of doors which came in sizes from some no bigger than Edeard’s fist to those taller than he. Barkus opened a pair of horizontal ones, and they folded down into long cushioned benches. Two of the small doors along the apex slid aside to expose misty glass panels. Barkus struck a match and pushed it through a small hole at the end of the glass, lighting a wick. The familiar cosy glow of a jamolar oil flame filled the cabin.

  Edeard smiled round, very impressed.

  “I remember your Master with great fondness,” Barkus said, waving them on to the bench opposite himself. “He travelled out here with us a long time ago. I was barely your age at the time. Your Mother, too, novice Salrana, always showed us kindness. Both will be missed and mourned. It was a terrible thing.”

  “Thank you,” Edeard said. “I don’t wish to impose, but neither of us can stay in Thorpe-By-Water. We’re not very welcome, and in any case it’s too close to Ashwell.”

  “I understand. The whole province is shaken by what happened, though I’ve heard a great many different versions already. Including, I have to say, a couple which cast you in a less than favourable light, young man. I held my tongue at the telling of such tales because I remember you from our last visit, four summers ago. I also remember what Akeem said about you. He was impressed with your talent, and old Akeem was not easily swayed especially by one so young.”

  “Edeard risked his life to save me,” Salrana said.

  “That also I have heard.”

  “Before that night, Akeem said he wanted me to go to Makkathran to study at the Blue Tower of my Guild. I would—no, I will, see his wish come true.”

  Barkus smiled softly. “A worthy goal, young man.”

  “We will work our passage,” Edeard said forcefully. “I will not freeload.”

  “Nor I,” said Salrana.

  “I would expect nothing less,” Barkus said. He seemed troubled. “However, it is a long way, we will not reach Makkathran until next spring, and that is if all goes well. Many caravans have already cut short their regular journey to leave this province. The stories of Ashwell’s fate are many, but they have unnerved all of us. As I remember, Akeem said you have a strong third hand?”

  “That’s true. But my talent is in sculpting. There are many wild defaults in the woods and hills of this province. By the time winter falls I can sculpt you a pack of ge-wolves that no bandit gang will ever get past no matter how strong their concealment. I can sculpt them with a stronger sense of smell than any you’ve used hitherto. I can also sculpt eagles which will circle for miles on every side of the convoy searching out the slightest hint of treachery or ambush.”

  “I’m sure you can.” Even now Barkus was unsure.

  “I can also teach you and your families this,” Edeard said. He wove his concealment around himself. Barkus gasped, leaning forward blinking. Edeard felt the caravan Master’s farsight whipping back and forth across the cabin. He quietly got up and sat next to the startled Barkus, then withdrew his concealment. “How could the bandits attack you if they can’t see you?”

  “Dear Lady!” Barkus grunted. “I never knew such a thing…”

  “Akeem gifted this to me.”

  Barkus regained his composure quickly. “Did he now. Akeem was right about you, and so I think are half the tales. Very well my dear youngsters, I will accept you both as family tyros. You will come with us as far as Makkathran. And you will indeed work your passage. Let’s see if you think such nobility is worthwhile when we reach the Ulfsen mountains. However, Edeard, this arrangement is conditional on you not teaching anyone your concealment trick, do you concur?”

  “I do, sir. I don’t understand why, though.”

  “You haven’t taught it to anyone in Thorpe-By-Water, have you?”

  “No, sir.”

  “That’s a good political instinct you have there, my boy. Let’s just keep it that way, shall we. There’s enough trouble infecting our poor old world as it is without everyone sneaking around unseen. Though if you can find a way for farsight to uncover such trickery, I’d be grateful if you would inform me at once.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good lad. We leave with the dawn light in three days’ time. If you’re not here that morning, we still leave. Though I don’t suppose your Master will object to your exodus.”

  “I don’t believe he will, sir.”

  “Makkathran!” Edeard said as they hurried away from the wagon. Now Barkus had said he’d take them, all his earlier worries and doubts had dried up. He’d thought that he was running away, that he was being a coward for putting all the provinces between himself and the bandits, for allowing them to deal with the problem and endure their blood being spilt to safeguard the land while he lived a safe comfortable life in the city. But now they were going and that was that. “Imagine it.”

  “I can’t believe it.” Salrana’s smile was wide and carefree. “Do you think it will be as wonderful as the stories we’ve heard?”

  “If it is only a tenth as fabulous as they say, it will be beyond anything I have dreamed.”

  “And we’ll be safe,” she sighed.

  “Yes.” He put his arm round her shoulder. In a brotherly fashion! “We’ll be safe. And what splendid lives we’ll live in the capital of the world.”

  Chapter Four

  « ^ »

  The glitch had been surprisingly easy to find. But then Troblum supposed Emily Aim didn’t have a lot of time to insert it, nor would she suspect he’d come looking, at least not right away. She’d made several modifications to the blueprint; in itself each one was relatively innocuous which made them even harder to spot, but the cumulative effect was enough to throw the binding effect out of kilter. It was less than an hour’s work for him to remove them. Then he restarted the production process.

  With that underway, his u-shadow established a secure onetime link back to his apartment. Now he knew that Marius was trying to manipulate him, and would go to any lengths to achieve what he wanted, Troblum knew he needed an escape route. There was only one which would put him beyond even the representative’s reach: the colonies. After the Starflyer War each of the old Dynasties had been left with a fleet of redundant lifeboats, starships capable of evacuating the entire senior strata of each dynasty to the other side of the galaxy where they would have been
safe had the Prime alien won. Given the phenomenal amount of money poured into their construction, the Dynasty leaders were never going to scrap them simply because the Commonwealth was victorious. Instead, the lifeboats set off to found new worlds and cultures completely independent of the Commonwealth. Over forty ships had launched, though even that figure was ambiguous; the Dynasty leaders were reluctant to admit how much money they’d poured into their own salvation at the expense of everyone else. In the following centuries, more colony ships had set forth. No longer exclusive to Dynasties, they had carried an even broader selection of beliefs, families and ideologies seeking to break free to a degree which even the External Worlds could never offer. The last major departure had been in AD 3000, when Nigel Sheldon himself led a fleet of ten starships, the largest craft ever built, to set up a ‘new human experience’ elsewhere. It was strongly rumoured at the time that the ships had a trans-galactic flight range.

  With the ultra-secure link established to his apartment, Troblum used a similarly guarded connection for his u-shadow to trawl the Unisphere for the possible destinations of the colony ships within this galaxy. There were over a hundred departures listed, and subsequently thousands of articles presented on each of them. A lot of those articles speculated on why not one colony had got back in touch, even if it was only for a ‘so there’ message. Certainly there was no records of any Navy starships stumbling across a human world anywhere else in the galaxy, not that they’d ever explored a fraction of a per cent of the available Incongruous stars. Of course, it was the core of Living Dream dogma that most, if not all, such voyages had wound up inside the Void. However, a lot of genuine academic work had gone into estimating probable locations, despite the best efforts of the dwindling Dynasties to suppress such work. Even assuming the studies were correct, the areas that needed to be searched were vast, measuring hundreds of lightyears across. But Mellanie’s Redemption was a fine ship, she should be able to make the trip out to the Drasix cluster, fifty thousand lightyears away, where the Brandt Dynasty ships were said to have flown.