Page 13 of The Stone Prince

  She collapsed with a shriek.

  Neither man spared her a glance.

  Popping up, she hurriedly tied the torn folds of her shirt together--which barely managed to cover her pink, lacy bra--then shoved her hair back from her face. Jorlan quickly thrust her behind him.

  If she hadn't known better, she would have suspected he was actually trying to protect her. From her own brother! The idea was simply too ridiculous to contemplate, and she decided he was simply being his chauvinistic self. Something along the lines of get-thee-behind-me-oh-weak-one.

  Then he said, "Stay behind me, Katie. I will eliminate this threat."

  Oh, he really is protecting me, she thought, melting. She should have been angry. After all, she'd proven her ability to drop an opponent to the ground. But Lord, this made her feel dainty and cherished.

  Reaching up, she moved her fingertips over Jorlan's bare back. She loved the hardness of him, the heat. Her teeth ground together. She'd finally decided to go all the way--Wait! Not wanting to ruin the fantasy she'd created in her mind, she corrected herself: A man had finally been strong enough to ravish her, and a family member showed up to bear witness. If her heart hadn't been racing with desire and her limbs hadn't been trembling with mortification, she would have leapt across the room and slapped Nick upside the head with a flanged plunger.


  Her brother, who seemed more amused by Jorlan's words than concerned, gazed over the giant's left shoulder. "Katie, Katie, Katie," he clicked under his tongue. "I walked through the pleasure garden before coming inside the house--you're missing a statue, by the way--and thought to give my hormones a break. But what do I find? Live porn."

  Inwardly cringing, Katie placed her hands atop Jorlan's shoulders and peeked over him. She actually had to stand on her tiptoes! "Nick," she said again, this time more calmly. "First of all, I sold that statue," she lied. "And second of all, just what the hell are you doing here?"

  Nick chuckled. "I'll collect my quarter later. 'Hell' is still a naughty word, isn't it?"

  Jorlan's muscles relaxed, going slack beneath her palms. "The two of you are familiar with each other," he said.

  "Yes." Her tone managed to convey every ounce of her disgust. "The man standing just out of strangling distance is my voyeuristic brother."

  "As he is part of your family," Jorlan announced, "I shall allow him to live."

  "Please reconsider," Katie said sweetly.

  Nick's chuckle grew to body-shaking laughter. "No reason to be so sensitive, little lovebird. I did you both a favor. The bathroom floor is a killer on the back. Anyway--" he waved one hand through the air, his eyes going from tawny-colored amusement to dark brown steel in less than a snap "--I'd like an introduction."

  "The introduction can wait," she grumbled. "I'm too upset with you right now. A loving brother would have left without saying a word."

  This loving brother arched a sandy brow, managing to retain his intense air, yet somehow appearing amused, as well. "And miss all the fun?"

  She loved this man, but geez! Nick, just two years her senior, had always been the comic, the teaser and tormentor. Her tormentor, more specifically. As children, most people had mistaken them for twins. Not only for his constant ribbing of her, but also because they looked so similar. They were both tall, possessed the same straight, silvery-blond locks, and the same light brown eyes that tilted up at the corners. That, to Katie, was where the similarities ended.

  Where she was curvy, he was all planes and angles. Where she was soft, he was hard. His expression was permanently etched with a mischievous quality usually reserved for small children and cartoon characters. She possessed more of a serious edge, all work and no play. Or so she'd been told.

  "What are you doing here?" she demanded for the third time. "I gave you the grand tour last week."

  "Can't a guy visit his one and only sister out of love?"


  "You know me too well." Grinning, he switched his attention to Jorlan and held out a hand. "Since Katie refuses to be polite, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Nick James. Katie's favorite brother."

  She snorted at that.

  "Jorlan en Sarr." Jorlan regarded Nick's proffered hand.

  "Shake it," Katie whispered in his ear.

  "Ah, 'tis a form of greeting." He took Nick's hand and pumped up and down with the force of a level eight earthquake. "While in the garden, I watched many perform just such a task."

  Nick regarded him strangely, studied his facial features for a moment. His eyes narrowed. "You look familiar."

  Katie inwardly moaned. Then she paused. Relaxed. What were the chances of her brother linking Jorlan to the missing statue? Her guess: slim to none. Nick, the co-creator of Slip Through Time, a virtual reality game, might have a very high-concept imagination, but aliens, curses and magic spells went beyond the realm of perceived truth.

  Still, she wasn't going to take any chances. The redhead at the cafe had thought Jorlan looked like a self-help guru, but Katie knew her brother would never buy that. So, she opened her mouth to weave an elaborate lie involving an automobile accident, amnesia and psychotropic medication, but Nick's next words stopped her.

  "Hey." He pointed to Jorlan's chest. "You're that guy on the cover of those romance novels."

  Ahh, even better! "That's right," she assured her brother with a nod. "Jorlan poses naked on book covers."

  Suddenly very intent on the conversation, Nick leaned against the door frame. "Do the women pose naked with you?"

  Like Nick, Jorlan perked up at the mention of naked women. "Aye," he said. "My women pose naked." As he spoke, there was a hint of longing in his tone. He reached around and circled his hand over Katie's waist. That strong hand slid lower and gently squeezed her butt.

  The action sent another round of heat through her. Fighting a moan, she slapped his hand and moved to stand beside him. She slanted him a halfhearted glare that said, Behave--but only a little.

  Nick barely spared her a glance. "How does a guy go about getting a job like that?"

  "You love computers too much to switch jobs," she reminded him.

  "Who says I can't do both?" her brother shot back. "Naked modeling and creating VR games."

  She frowned. "I do and that's final."

  "I would do what the woman says," Jorlan interjected. His gaze traveled from brother to sister. "She has a temper that nigh flays her opponent alive."

  "Very true, very true." Nick shoved his hands in his slack pockets and jingled change. "Where you from, Jordie? I can't place your accent."

  "Anguilla," Katie rushed out before Jorlan could answer. "He's from Anguilla." Surely her brother knew nothing about the place.

  "That's an island in the British West Indies, right?" Nick asked.

  "That's right." Katie decided then to nip all questions concerning geography. "Let's go to the kitchen," she said. "You can explain whatever it is you want from me over a bottled water." With that, she stepped around Jorlan and pushed past her brother.

  Behind her, Nick erupted into laughter. "Katie," he called, "you've got a piece of linoleum glued to your ass."

  Of course, the two men were best friends after that. They entered the kitchen chuckling over something Jorlan had said. She was fairly certain that something involved breasts and thighs--and not the chicken variety. Nick had one of his arms around Jorlan's shoulders. When their laughter subsided, her brother fired off a round of questions about Jorlan's job.

  "Do you get to hold them against you or are you put together digitally?"

  "Do you undress in the same room?"

  "Of all the models you've worked with, who has the biggest rack?"

  Scowling, Katie hurled a bottled water at each man. Jorlan moved with lightning-quick reflexes and managed to catch the thing midair; Nick wasn't so lucky. The plastic thumped against his stomach, hard, and he sucked in a breath. She sent him a smug smile.

  He unscrewed the top and took a long swig. All the while, he ga
ve her a brotherly, time-for-payback glare. Lowering the bottle, he said, "I thought you were dating Steve Harris, the detective from Gray's unit."

  Katie had just taken a mouthful of the clear liquid; she spewed every last drop onto the floor. "What?"

  "Steve Harris. Your boyfriend." Nick practically sang the words to the melody of Katie and Steven sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

  She slammed her water onto the countertop. "He's not my boyfriend. Our brother would like me to date his friend, but I said no."

  "Oh, really?"

  "Yes, really."

  "The way Gray talked," Nick continued, "you and Stevie boy were already planning the wedding."

  Mouth agape, her gaze skidded to Jorlan.

  He crossed his arms over his chest, a storm cloud of fury brewing in his expression. Nick continued talking, saying something about flowers and churches, but she barely heard him. She continued to watch Jorlan. He looked ready to pounce on someone--namely her--and he was soaking up every word Nick uttered as if it were gospel.

  Her fists clenched, crushing the bottle. Just what kind of woman did Jorlan think her to be? Only moments before, she had kissed him, touched him, almost made love to him, and now he thought her capable of marrying another man?

  Did he actually think her so lacking in honor? Obviously. Hadn't he thought her capable of wanting him so that he could make her a queen?

  Men were idiots!

  "I've never even met the guy," she told both her brother and Jorlan stiffly. "And I have no interest in meeting him, either."

  "Good. That's why I came to see you." Nick worried a hand over his clean-shaven jaw. "I wanted to tell you to keep away from Steve. I don't want you to hook up with a cop."

  His tone made her suspicious. She placed her hands at her hips. "And just who do you want me to hook up with?"

  "I was going to recommend a buddy of mine. Nice guy. Girls go wild for him."

  "'Tis enough!" Scowling, Jorlan advanced on Nick, willing to rip out the man's tongue to keep him from saying another word. He felt...disbelief? Mayhap. Fury? Most definitely. Katie and her brother spoke so blithely of another man--of her marriage to another man--and he did not like it! In fact, the thought nearly drove him mad. He did not believe her capable of making love with one man while being promised to another, yet his fury did not lessen.

  He needed her, and he would allow no other man to touch her. Not because the thought of another man feasting from Katie's sweetness sent a cold rage storming through him, but because she belonged to him now, her time, her body, and her heart, and he would not share!

  Jorlan had almost reached Katie's brother, his intent to pulverize shining brightly in his eyes. Grinning, Nick held up his hands to ward off the oncoming attack. "I've since changed my mind, Jordie. You're perfect for her. Honest. My buddy pales in comparison."

  Jorlan stilled. Nick's retraction mollified him somewhat. Yet that wasn't the reason he had stopped. He had just come to a startling revelation. He did not simply lust for Katie, did not simply need her to save him. He cared for her. Despite his efforts to prevent such a thing from happening, it had taken only a few hours for his obsession to deepen. He'd shared his life with her, had watched her writhe as he gave her body the ultimate pleasure, and now he had sunk deeper under her spell. The knowledge blistered through him, and he cursed his own stupidity. Why? Why had he allowed himself to care about this woman? Had he learned nothing from Maylyn?

  At least he hadn't been foolish enough to fall in love with her. Still, he cared for Katie and wanted her with him. If only for a time. He'd thought before of taking her home with him. He had discarded the idea because he had not wanted to make her his life-mate. But now, the idea held merit. He could wed her, not permanently, of course, but a temporary joining of mutual benefit.

  On his world, a temporary joining had never been considered before. He was willing to make an exception, however. Katie was mayhap too bold, too outspoken for his homeland, but with the proper guidance such qualities could be corrected.

  Never had a solution been simpler. He would wed her. She would confess her love for him, come home with him. Then she would come for him, again and again. When he no longer cared for her, he would send her home.


  Jorlan grinned, suddenly contented.

  No longer the source of his wrath, Nick settled himself comfortably atop the speckled counter behind him. "You do anything besides modeling, Jordie? Like security work? Or military intelligence? I swear to God you've got the same guarded look in your eyes that Gray and Erik have."

  "Who is Erik?" Jorlan demanded, his fury bursting forth anew.

  Katie slapped him on the shoulder. "What's wrong with you? Erik is my brother."

  Jorlan leveled a frown her way. "Just how many brothers do you have?"

  "Five. Four are scattered across Texas, and one lives in New Orleans."

  "Well?" Nick interjected, obviously not liking that his question had been ignored. "Do you do anything besides modeling?"

  Katie answered for him. "He's a handyman. He's taking a break from cover modeling and has become my temporary employee."

  Her brother clicked under his tongue. "Exactly what type of services are you paying him for?"

  This time, Katie slapped her brother's shoulder. Unlike Jorlan, who had barely reacted, Nick winced. "Say another word along those lines," she growled, "and I'll personally kick your ass."

  Jorlan grinned, glad such threats were not reserved for him alone.

  "I have a feeling I'm going to leave here a rich man." Nick's brown eyes glistened mischievously.

  Katie punched him again, harder this time. "You're not getting any money from me."

  Enjoying their byplay, Jorlan settled back against the wall and merely watched the two interact. A twinge of regret and homesickness washed through him. Regret because he'd never thought to tease his own sister in such a way. Grace was his father's only child born by the first queen. After, or maybe because of, her mother's untimely demise, Grace had grown to be soft, skittish and wary of men. Jorlan had always treated her with care. Mayhap teasing her would have helped her.

  Mayhap he would upon his return--if she still lived, he thought darkly.

  Both Katie and Nick were regarding him expectantly. He must have missed some of the conversation. "I am staying in Katie's house," he said, hoping that answered whatever question had been placed before him.

  Katie gasped.

  Nick lost his grin, but quickly managed to collect himself. "That's good to know. But for the third time, are you up for pool later? After work, of course. We wouldn't want to piss off the dragon lady."

  Most of the man's words confused him, yet Jorlan realized some type of invitation had been issued. Why could these people not speak plainly? "I thank you for the offer, yet I must decline. What time I have left here will be spent with Katie."

  Nick's gaze sharpened. "You're going back to Anguilla?"

  "Aye." He did not correct Nick's pronunciation of his world, for he did not wish to embarrass Katie with her mistake.

  "Soon?" Nick pressed.

  "'Tis my hope."

  "I see." For some reason, Nick seemed unhappy, even angry, at that fact. "Well, the invitation is open all night if you change your mind. Katie has my number. Call if you want a ride."

  Call? By shouting? Jorlan nodded.

  "Well, my work here is done." Nick hopped from the counter and kissed Katie on the cheek. "Don't forget the family luncheon on Saturday--and bring your date. Dad'll love him." With that, he tossed a wink over his shoulder and disappeared out the door.

  "Oh! Wait!" Katie called. "Stay here," she told Jorlan, then quickly added, "Please. I want to talk to my brother alone for a moment." Without waiting for his reply, she raced outside.

  "Nick," she shouted, the sun beating down on her shoulders.

  Her brother glanced up. He stood just in front of his dark blue sedan, holding his car keys and wearing a pair of sunglasses. With h
is light-colored hair and deeply tanned skin, he looked every inch the modern sun god. Hand shielding her eyes, she moved off the porch. A warm breeze blew by, kissing her skin. "I need to ask you a question," she told him.

  "Uh, oh. This looks serious. You know you can ask me anything, Katie Kat."

  She gulped. I can't believe I'm doing this. But she had so little experience, and her brother was an expert. Or so he often claimed. She just wanted to have all necessary information at her disposal in case--when--she actually slept with Jorlan. After their explosive encounter in the bathroom, she knew it was only a matter of when and where, and she wanted the experience to be as pleasurable for him as she knew it would be for her.

  "What's going on?" Nick asked, more serious now. "You look like you're about to vomit."

  "Promise me you won't tell anyone about what I'm about to ask you."


  Her steps hesitated. She fought the desire to shout, "Never mind," and rush back into the safety of the house. Just blurt it out, she commanded herself. "What do you consider sexier? A woman wearing nothing at all or a woman wearing satin and lace? Or maybe black leather?"

  His jaw nearly dropped to the ground. "I am not answering that."

  "Don't be a baby." She had gathered the courage to ask, so he was damn well going to answer. "I was going to ask what turns a man on most, hand stimulation or mouth, but I settled for the other question instead."

  Frowning, appearing lost, he rubbed a hand over his eyes then pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe we're having this conversation."

  Neither can I. "I want Jorlan know--when know." When had she become so inarticulate?

  Nick's head dropped back, and he gazed at the sky. Then, "Nothing. Always nothing. And that's the only question I'm answering. Got it?"

  "I love you!" She threw her arms around him, hugged him with all of her might; she pulled back, grinning. "Now get lost. I've got work to do."

  He took her by the shoulders and gave a little shake, looking more intense and grave than she'd ever seen him. "You better protect yourself, do you hear me? And I don't mean emotionally. Use condoms. Not one, but two. And if he gives you any crap about not needing them, don't listen."

  "I'm a big girl, Nick. Have a little faith." But she hadn't given condoms or safety a second's thought while lying on top of Jorlan on the bathroom floor. "I'll be careful next time," she vowed.