Page 16 of The Stone Prince

  "Nice to meet you," Steve told them.

  "You, too." Katie hadn't quite managed to close her mouth yet.

  Seething, Jorlan remained silent, though the if-you-touch-her-you-will-die glare he wore said plenty. Just in case Steve did not get the hint, he draped a possessive hand around Katie's waist.

  Steve didn't even try to shake her hand in greeting.

  "I can't believe you're so calm about this." Gray raked a hand through his hair. "Do you never follow advice, Katie? What am I always telling you?"

  "Don't talk to strangers."

  "Not that."

  "Buckle up or die."

  "Not that, either."

  "Carry Mace--"

  "That you should never spend time with a man who won't stick around."

  Katie placed her hands on his shoulders, leaned up, and kissed her brother on the cheek. "I love you, too, Gray. Now get out of here. I've got things to do."

  "We're not finished with this conversation." He gazed over her shoulder and pinned Jorlan with an expectant stare. "I'll talk to you later."

  Her alien nodded stiffly.

  "No, you will not talk to him later," she called.

  But Gray didn't hear her. He and Steve had already piled into their car and were racing away.

  Jorlan's palms curled around her forearm, tight and menacing. He swung her around. "You will not see that man again."

  "My brother?"

  "Nay, the other."

  What was this? A moment of jealousy? She studied him, watching, gauging. Oh, yes. This gorgeous barbarian was indeed jealous. He fairly seethed with it. Katie entertained a flicker of delight and had to hide her smile. He deserved this after what he had put her through with the redhead. "And what are you going to do to me if I do see him?"

  The corner of his eye twitched. "Do you truly wish to know the answer to that?"

  "Absolutely." Some of her smile peeked through.

  Slowly, desire eclipsed his anger. He gave her that cocky look of his that said he knew exactly how to make a woman's punishment pleasurable. "I will--" He paused, as if searching for just the right method of correction.

  "Spank me?" she offered helpfully.

  He gave a stiff shake of his head.

  She tried again. "Douse my naked body with honey?"

  His eyes ignited with blue fire. "Nay. I'll prove your desire for me wherever we happen to be, whoever happens to be around us."

  "If you're so tough, why don't you just try it?" The words slipped out before she had time to think about them. She had just issued a sexually charged challenge to a fierce competitor, a man who did not like to lose.

  "Do you provoke me?" he said softly. "I shall. I shall indeed."


  THREE DAYS AND twelve psychics later, Katie and Jorlan had developed a routine.

  Morning: jog, visit psychics.

  Afternoon: work at the Victorian.

  Evening: talk, watch television.

  Twilight: sleep apart and fantasize.

  Though his body and mind screamed that he at last tup her, that his time was quickly running out, Jorlan hadn't kissed Katie, hadn't touched her, or whispered erotic words to her. Nay, he was subtly, through pleasantries and courtesies, trying to win her love and convince her to wed him. So far, he had failed. In fact, his solicitous manner had had the opposite effect on Katie, and it seemed as if she retreated a bit more from him each day. The continued failure, both with Katie and with the psychics, was causing his desperation to grow.

  Only ten days remained. Ten short days until the curse claimed him once more.

  Could he afford to lose another day to her stubbornness? More and more he felt the coldness of stone running through his blood, trying to freeze him where he stood. He had to make Katie love him. Had to force her to fall by whatever means necessary. He couldn't tolerate failure much longer. Soon. He had to win her soon.

  But what could he try that he had not already tried?

  He'd pursued her sexually, had made her jealous, had shared his past with her, had given her time, and when all of that failed, had pursued her friendship, trying to prove to her that he truly did care for her and desired her happiness. Yet, his efforts had gotten him nothing but lost time.

  Curse her. Did she not understand the great honor he was paying her by offering to make her his temporary life-mate? Nay, she did not! With her "No, I will not wed you" and her "You must obey my rules," the woman was quickly eradicating his legendary control. She should know him well enough by now to know that he would convince her to come with him, that she would give him her heart, and that she would belong to him for however long he wanted to keep her.

  He would accept nothing less than absolute compliance from her.

  If only this day did not seem destined for failure, as well.

  After a minor accident involving Katie's transportation and a stationary pole, six jaunts into nonmagical establishments and a bout of stomach sickness caused, Jorlan was sure, by a slab of greasy food Katie referred to as pizza, he was not in a good mood. Plus, the new clothing he wore--the item Katie called underwear--was nigh smashing his man parts.

  "Well, that's all of them," Katie said, brushing her hands together once, twice.

  They stood outside The Knowing Palm, a small building that supposedly housed one of the greatest male psychics ever to live. Ever to live in a delusional world of his own creation, mayhap. Birds soared high above him, circling and searching for food. The hot sun beat down. A soft wind danced about, carrying a gentle scent, like flowers and rain that reminded him of Katie.

  "We've wasted our morning in one shop or another." Katie shielded her eyes with her hand. "We've got work to do, so let's head over to the Victorian. I'll put together another list tonight. The Internet is sure to have more names, and we can visit one or two over the weekend. If they're not too far," she added.

  He paid her speech no heed. "We have been to six places, katya, yet there were seven left on your list."

  Her gaze flicked away guiltily. "We're not going to the seventh."

  "Why not?"

  "It'll take us four hours to get there and four hours to get back."


  "So, that's hell on the butt, and I'm not doing it."

  "I shall massage away any discomfort you acquire."

  She crossed her hands over her chest. "I have to work in order to live, Jorlan, because when I work, I make money and that money pays for my food and shelter. I've gotten behind since you entered my life. I'm not making that drive."

  He simply stared at her.

  She bared her teeth in a scowl. "Contrary to what you might think, I do not speak to hear my own voice. I said we could visit more places over the weekend, and we will."

  "I do not wish to wait. I will take your transportation and drive myself."

  "No. No. No!" Katie fisted her hands on her hips and stood her ground. She wasn't giving in on this and that was final. No way in hell did she want to take an eight-hour road trip. They'd been in and out of the car all morning, and besides that, she really did have to work.

  But that isn't why you don't want to go. The truth danced within her mind, and Katie stiffened. She hadn't wanted to visit any psychics today. And she more specifically didn't want to visit this next one, not because of work or a sore butt, but because she feared success. If they found someone who could take Jorlan home, he'd leave her sooner rather than later.

  Didn't he realize that she wanted him to stay here with her a while longer?

  No, he didn't realize, because he was moving toward her with intent shining in his eyes. She backed up. He continued to advance. Then he was on her. Surprisingly, he didn't haul her into the truck, and demand she drive him to Lubbock. He simply reached inside her beige short pockets--an innocent touch that caused fireworks to explode between her legs because it was the first touch he'd given her in three days, the jerk--and pulled out the truck ignition key.

  Her body screamed find more keys! B
ut she could tell by the irritated look etching Jorlan's face that assaulting her person, pleasurably or otherwise, was not his intent. He turned away. "I will visit this location, and then I will return to you."

  In a flash she pictured him stranded on some isolated road, or worse, a populated town demanding everyone obey his every command. Someone would take offense, there would be a fight, Jorlan would win (he had a spatula, after all) and the other person would die. Then Jorlan would be hauled away to jail, where he would await trial. The government would find out that he was from another planet and all hell would break loose.

  She couldn't let that happen.

  Katie raced behind him, swiped out her foot and tripped him. He crashed onto the hard ground, falling like a condemned home. She moved quickly, rushing to his hands and snatching the key. When she tried to dart out of reach, he latched on to her ankle. The next thing she knew, she was lying flat on her stomach and trying to suck in air.

  Jorlan flipped her over, pried the key from her Kung Fu grip and smiled.


  She used her hands to push herself upright and watched him practically skip to the truck.

  "Wait!" She jolted after him, spitting gravel along the way. She latched on to his arm. "Let's compromise about this."

  "I have been a warrior my entire life. I know nothing of compromise."

  With those ominous words ringing in her ears, he shook off her hold and strode to the driver's side door of her truck. She hopped in front of the vehicle, arms splayed wide. "You compromised about the weapons, didn't you? You compromised about sleeping on my floor instead of my bed." She expected him to pick her up and carry her to the side of the road, effectively moving her out of his way.

  He didn't. He remained beside the open door. "If you are concerned about so long a drive," he said, his tone deceptively soft, "we will not come back until the new dawning."

  "No. Absolutely not. I've lost enough time because of you."

  "Then I will see you later." He settled himself inside the cab.

  "You don't know which way to go." Ha! That should stop him.

  The corners of his lips rose in another smug smile. "You have used this map all these many days." He held up the booklet in question. "Think you I cannot do the same?"

  "You don't know the names of the highways, and you can't read my language. Besides that, I'll turn you in to the police for stealing my car."

  He sighed. "Much do I regret the use of force, katya."

  His eyes were darkened, and she paused. "You haven't used any force," she said cautiously.

  "But I am going to."

  Before she had time to blink, he was out of the car and closing the distance between them. With only minimal protest on her part, he scooped her up into his arms. She could have struggled or fought him harder, but she didn't want to hurt him. Without a word, he dumped her into the passenger seat and settled himself behind the wheel.

  "Now you will go with me," he said confidently.

  Katie made a grab for the key. He easily evaded her, then shoved the jagged metal into the ignition and started pushing pedals. Jerk. Stop. Jerk. Stop. A cold sweat broke over her, and she scooted to his side, trying to take control of the wheel.

  He held fast.

  If she saw one car, even one, headed toward them, she was going to shove Jorlan out the driver-side door--no matter how many injuries he would sustain. Or, maybe she'd press his carotid artery until he passed out. For now, they were alone on the road and she had time to gently make him rethink this.

  "You're giving me whiplash," she shouted.

  Unconcerned by her supposed pain, he continued on.

  "Do you want to kill us both? If you keep this up, you're going to. And you're going to ruin my truck! This trip is ridiculous. We don't even have a change of clothes. We'll have to come back tonight and then my butt will really hurt and you'll be sorry because I'll take it out on you. I have too much work to do on the house. I'm on the clock, you big jackass, and you're going to pay me for my time."

  "Are you trying to make me wish I'd cut off my ears and left them behind?" he growled, still not sparing her a glance.


  He was gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles had long since turned white. The truck inched along the road, doing no more than five miles per hour.

  "I could walk faster than this, grandpa."

  A muscle ticked in his jaw, and the beleaguered expression on his face was almost comical. "You will clamp your lips together, katya, or I will do it for you."

  "Then do it for me. I'm not shutting up. And know this. If you try and make me stay silent, there will be no one who can tell you that you're going the wrong freaking way!" Before he could respond, she leaned forward and jerked the volume on the radio to full blast. Meredith Brooks belted out "Bitch."

  The word instantly hit home, and Katie cringed. He didn't deserve this. He just wanted to go home. Jorlan must think she suffered from permanent PMS. Maybe that was why he hadn't touched her these last few days. He was afraid she'd attack and kill him in his sleep. Sighing, she turned down the radio. "Pull over," she told him.

  "Nay." The word emerged like the bark of a caged animal.

  "Pull over. I'll drive us there."

  His chin snapped around. He faced her hopefully. "You speak true?"

  "Yes, damn it. Now pull over."

  He would have stopped right there in the middle of the road, so great was his relief. She pointed to the side. "Don't stop here. Stop over there." Once at a halt, they quickly switched places.

  "You really owe me for this," she muttered.

  "I can very easily pay you once we arrive. I need only a bed and five minutes of your time." The teasing sparkle was back in his eyes, and only then did she realize how much she'd missed it.

  "Five minutes?"

  "Nay. I have changed my mind." His lips twitched. "I only need two."

  Katie shook her head and turned them in the right direction. "You're incorrigible, you know that?"

  "Aye. I know."

  And she liked him that way.

  They drove in silence for about twenty miles, the soft hum of the radio the only noise. Katie felt Jorlan's body heat, keeping her mind in the gutter. Perhaps she was, by nature, more sensual than she'd realized. Or perhaps she was simply carnally addicted to Jorlan, because her brain began to weave ribbons of fantasy through her mind. She saw it all so clearly. Jorlan would scoot closer beside her and trail his hand up her thigh, making her shiver and ache for more. His eyes would devour her as he whispered a provocation she could not ignore. I dare you to experience your ultimate pleasure, katya. And she would. Oh, she would. The hot tips of his fingers would push aside her panties and slip easily inside. He would stroke her then, first with leisurely slowness, like a deliberate brush of velvet across steel, then with eager swiftness.

  Perhaps he would take his fingers from her and place them in his mouth, as if he couldn't live another moment without knowing the taste of her.


  The voice was real, not part of her fantasy, and she jolted into awareness. "What!"

  "Do you purposefully drive like this?"

  "Oh, God!" Amid honks and flashing middle fingers, she jerked the truck off the median and into the proper lane. She took a moment to collect her wits, slow her breathing and control her shaking--shaking that had nothing to do with bad driving. Lord, she wanted to explore his body, wanted to allow him to explore hers. She wanted to feel the hard ripples of his muscles, the smooth silkiness of his skin.

  "What were you thinking about?" he asked.

  Swallowing hard, she forced her attention to remain on the road. "I just can't believe we're doing this. Were you this impulsive at home?"

  "Nay." He offered no more information. "What is this place like we are going?"

  "Pretty much the same as Dallas." She had to keep him talking, had to keep herself distracted. "You know, you've told me about your family, but nothing really s
ubstantial about your world. What are the differences between Imperia and Earth, besides the fact that all of your women are slaves?"

  He took exception to that. "Women are not slaves on Imperia. They are merely the responsibility of their men."

  She smiled at his set look. "There's a difference?"

  "Aye. A slave must obey his or her master at all times." He emphasized male slave to the point that the word his echoed in her ears long after he'd spoken. "They have no rights of their own. Ever. But a woman under a man's protection is allowed to voice her opinion."

  "As long as her opinion isn't different from her man's, right?"

  "Not in public, nay."

  "Then there is no difference between a slave and a protected woman."

  He sat up straighter in his seat, a clear indication he didn't like the direction of her thoughts. "Do you purposely misunderstand? A woman is respected. Revered, even. A slave is nothing more than a possession, to be discarded at will."

  "Discarded? Just what the hell does that mean?"

  "Just that the slave may be given or sold to another. I did not say I applauded the practice. Just that 'tis the way it is done. You will be happy to know I am beginning to see that not all women should be or need be taken care of."

  Before she could reply to such a wonderful statement, the truck swirled and a loud "pop" rang out. Heart racing, Katie quickly pulled over to the side of the road.

  "What is wrong?" Jorlan demanded.

  "Flat tire, I think."

  That's exactly what it was. A little less than forty minutes later, she had the tire changed. She could have done it in half the time if Jorlan had stayed inside the truck as she'd asked him to. But noooo. The barbarian had to stand over her shoulder, offering his opinion about everything!

  "Are you sure that goes there?" he had asked. "I would put it here."

  "I'm sure."

  "Are you positive the truck will not flip over? That metal object is holding it at an incline. I would raise the truck from the middle."

  "I'm sure you would."

  "Are you turning the--"

  "I'm sure! I'm sure! I'm sure!"

  He began chanting something under his breath.

  The flat tire exploded.

  A strong blast of air and rubber sent her reeling backward. Jorlan loomed over her. He didn't look concerned for her, though. No, he was frowning down at the slain tire as if it were deadly poison.

  "What did you do?" Katie demanded, jumping to her feet. Her pulse had yet to slow.