Page 28 of The Stone Prince

  Jorlan held her through it all, and brushed away her tears. "It feels so good to hold you again."

  "But how?" She gave him a watery smile. "How are you standing here, Jorlan?"

  He chuckled. "'Twas not a stone spell you uttered, but a wishing spell. 'Tis something that works only with a supreme act of unselfishness. When you spoke the words, your willingness to join me gave you your fondest desire."

  "You," she breathed. "It gave me you."

  "It seems I owe my brother a debt of gratitude." He caressed a finger along her jawbone. "You were right, you know? I have forgiven Percen. How could I still hate him when he has given you back to me?"

  Suddenly overcome with the force of her joy, she threw her arms around his neck. "Oh my God," she said in between kisses. "You're real. You're real. You're real."

  He breathed in the scent of her hair. "I am real, and I will be with you, here, always."

  Frowning, she pulled back just a little. "You don't have to stay here, Jorlan. Mon Graig can take you to Imperia. And if you'll have me...I'd like to go with you."

  "I will have you, katya, but I will have you here. This is my home. Besides, I am well able to open a vortex on my own now. Mon Graig is not needed."

  "But you haven't been back, haven't seen your family or your--"

  "You are my life-mate, my family. The other half of my soul. I realized over the last days that Imperia is my past. You are my future."

  With those words ringing in her ears, Katie felt whole and complete again, fulfilled. Jorlan had come back to her and wanted to spend his life with her! What had she ever done to deserve this much happiness? A smile of contentment curved her lips, then slowly faded. "I'm sorry about your mother, Jorlan. So sorry."

  Sadness flickered in his eyes. "She has joined my father. I know she has found her rightful place, and I must be content with that."

  "I love you," Katie whispered.

  He kissed her softly. She clung to him. When he pulled back, they were both panting with need.

  "I can't believe this is happening," she said. "I mean, what are the odds of you and I ever meeting? Of all the planets in all the galaxies, your mother sent you to mine."

  "I did not come here by chance, little witch. We were always meant to find one another. I love you, and I will always love you. Will you let me stay with you, be your life-mate and your lover? I will help you with your houses and love you all the days of our lives. If you will let me."

  She blinked up at him innocently. "As long as you agree to one more rule."

  He arched a brow, and his lips twitched. "And what is that?"

  "Ravish me at least once a day."

  At that, he grinned. "That is one rule that needs no adjustment. Now take me inside, little witch, for I have need to obey this rule immediately."



  "I've never seen anyone look so hot in satin and lace."

  Katie chuckled. She just couldn't help herself. Gray had lost their bet--the bet they made the day Jorlan entered her life. Only one month ago, she'd sold the Victorian to her husband for five thousand and one dollars over purchase price and renovation costs.

  Because he'd lost, Gray was wearing a dress at their dad's luncheon.

  Now her entire family was gathered in her dad's backyard whistling and complimenting Gray on his attire. Even Brian had flown in from New Orleans for the event.

  "The pink really does flatter your coloring, Gray," she told him, settling more deeply atop Jorlan's lap.

  "Smart-ass," Gray grumbled. He stood over the steaming grill, flipping hamburgers and hotdogs. "Jorlan, come over here and help me with this."

  "Nay. You are doing well enough on your own, and I like where I am at the moment."

  All of Katie's brothers--except Gray, of course--chuckled.

  Jorlan massaged the base of her neck. Relaxed and in love, she sighed. Ah, married life was more satisfying than she'd ever imagined. Jorlan took care of her in every way possible. He made love to her daily, pampered her, played basketball with her and even helped around the house. He saw to her every need.

  He truly was her Prince Charming.

  She'd kissed his lips and set him free, but it was he who had truly saved her.

  His hand slid from her neck to her belly, and a greater sense of contentment filled her. Their first child was due in less than a month. Even her dad had softened with thoughts of welcoming this first grandchild.

  "Well, I for one am tired of waiting. I want to eat." That was from Frances, who stood next to Katie's dad.

  Katie and Frances had developed a bond over the last months. Most surprising of all, however, was how Frances actually liked and accepted Jorlan for what he was, even if she didn't understand it.

  Ryan turned his attention to Frances. "You're tired of waiting? You're tired of waiting? Then get your little butt over there and help. It's a woman's job, after all."

  Frances's eyes narrowed. The sparks between the two of them were almost visible. "I'll tell you what a woman's job is. It's building her self-discipline so she doesn't kill every man she sees."

  Ryan snorted.

  Katie chuckled. Oh, great things were in store for Frances and her father; she just knew it.

  "I love you, katya," Jorlan whispered in her ear.

  "And I love you."

  Life had never been better.


  If you're like me, you find the thought of a half-naked warrior immensely appealing. Even better is a half-naked warrior who must obey your every command. Meet Tristan ar Malik, the hero of my next romantic fantasy The Pleasure Slave. He is a slave to women's desires; his only purpose to attend to the pleasure of his mistress. Poor baby. Also, I have an exciting new series in the works, the first of which features Mia Snow, Alien Huntress. She is the leader of an elite task force that stalks the night, hunting and killing predatory aliens. For more information about my upcoming books, visit my Web site at

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-4716-1


  Copyright (c) 2004 by Gena Showalter

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  Gena Showalter, The Stone Prince

  (Series: Imperia # 1)




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